Treating Cancer with radio waves


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Feb 22, 2004
[ame=]Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation Spread the Wave - YouTube[/ame]

The science of it starts about half way in. It's pretty cool. especially if the preliminary finding bear our and this works as it looks like it does.

A real cure for cancer? One can hope.
Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation Spread the Wave - YouTube

The science of it starts about half way in. It's pretty cool. especially if the preliminary finding bear our and this works as it looks like it does.

A real cure for cancer? One can hope.

Avatar4321, there have been several promising cures for cancer in past decades. Most cancer cures thus far have all been unconventional and shunted by the majority convenetional gang (of which the pharmaceutical industry and FDA are a part). The conventional gang is known to harrass and intimidate people and doctors who come up with any cancer cure that takes away money from them:

There is currently a doctor Simoncini who lost his medical license for alleging cancer could be cured with a simple househood product. We also have a doctor Burzynski in Houston who was (and still is) shunted and harassed by the FDA for alleging cancer can be cured with extract from human urine.

I concur with J. I. Rodale that "we have come to the concept that man must increasingly get cancer in order to uphold the economy of this glorious America." Check-out:

Cancer Doctor Burzynski - Cancer Doctor Stanislaw Burzynski Sees Himself as a Crusading Researcher, Not a Quack - Page 1 - News - Houston - Houston Press

Cancer is a Fungus - Candida and cancer therapy - the missing link
I remember hearing about this about 5 years ago. Very interesting stuff. The science is very sound and I think this might well be the cure that we have been looking for. The best part is: it was not discovered by a doctor. Now that is ironic.
Another breakthrough in cancer research...
Scientists have breakthrough on cancer cells
Tue, Dec 20, 2011 - Washington : US researchers said yesterday they have discovered how to keep tumor cells alive in a lab, generating buzz in the scientific community about a potential breakthrough that could transform cancer treatment.
Until now, scientists have been unable to make cancer cells thrive for very long, or in a condition that resembles the way they act in the body. Doctors diagnose and recommend treatment largely based on biopsied tissue that is frozen or set in wax. The advance has sparked new hope that someday doctors may be able to test a host of cancer--killing drugs on a person’s own tumor cells in the lab, before returning to the patient with a therapy that is a proven to be a good match. “This would really be the ultimate in personalized medicine,” said lead author Richard Schlegel, chairman of the department of pathology at Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. “The therapies would be exactly from their tissues. We would get normal tissue and tumor tissue from a particular patient and specifically match up their therapies,” he said. “We are really excited about the possibilities of testing we can do with this.”

The method, described in the online edition of the American Journal of Pathology, borrows from a simple method used in stem cell research, experts said. Lung, breast, prostate and colon cancers were kept alive for up to two years using the technique, which combines fibroblast feeder cells to keep cells alive and a Rho kinase inhibitor that allows them to reproduce. When treated with the duo, both cancer and normal cells reverted to a “stem-like state,” Schlegel said, allowing researchers to compare the living cells directly for the first time.

If other scientists can replicate the technique — and three labs in the US are already working on it — the advance could herald a long-awaited transformation in the way cancer cells are studied. “A tumor from one patient is different from a cancer from another patient, and really that is one important reason why so many clinical trials fail,” said Marc Symons, investigator at the Center for Oncology and Cell Biology at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in Manhasset, New York. “I think it is fair to say this revolutionizes the way we think of cancer treatment,” added Symons, who was not involved in the study. Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world, killing 7.6 million people in 2008, according to the latest data from the WHO.

Scientists have breakthrough on cancer cells - Taipei Times
Hate is the root of cancer
Love is the only answer

[ame=]Yes - Then - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not advocating for the truth or efficacy of his treaments but your post immediately brought to mind the work of Royal Raymond Rife. You might find the short read of interest.

The Cancer Cure That Worked (The Story of Royal Raymond Rife) by Barry Lynes & John Crane (1997)

There is a massive difference here though. The new work requires gold attached to the offending cell in order to absorb the radio waves, heating it up enough to cause it to destroy the cell. In Rife's experiments, the frequencies were just supposed to magically work.
a cure for cancer profits very few.......imagine the shift if they really could cure cancer....

what would the charlatans do then?
Cure for Lukemia using modified HIV virus to transmit DNA that 'trains' T-cells to recognise cancer as an enemy cell threatening the host.

HIV virus used to turn white blood cells into cancer serial killers |

HIV replication process
HIV Replication 3D Medical Animation - YouTube

Shows why HIV is so effective at transmitting new DNA to T-cells.

The doctors that developed this cure for lukemia say that they can see no reason why this approach cannot be used to cure all forms of cancer..

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