Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

They didn't tell Trump about the spy...that makes it inappropriate.

Another eternal cult member, moron chimes in.......Here, answer this:

Did the FBI warn BOTH campaigns that Russians were trying to infiltrate ???.....................yes or No?

Did not at least FOUR of Trump's stooges kept their communications open with Russians??...............yes or No?

Did not Donny baby, Manafort and Kushner agree to meet with Russians AFTER they were warned to report any such attempts? Yes or No?

Should Comey have told voters that the Trump campaign was under investigation BEFORE the election???.........yes or No?
Did they tell trump they put a spy into his campaign? Yes or No?
Why not?

They didn't put a spy in Trump's campaign so there was nothing to tell.
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Remember when Trey Gowdy was universally loathed by the left ? Now he will take over Mccain's spot as their favorite Republican.

No, Gowdy was an extremely poor Congressman, but even he recognizes (due to his impending retirement) that the informant was legal. Nobody on the left is haling this guy as some sort of hero, just pointing out the hypocrisy of those Republicans who have to face a primary election.

The question is not whether it was illegal or not, the question is if we want this kind of thing in our elections?

So the precedent has now been set. If Trump plants spies into his opponents campaign in 2020, we can all agree that it's okay. In fact, let's do this every election.

And while we're at it, let's allow our candidates to use opposition research they paid for to obtain surveillance warrants on political opponents as well. Much like the Russia thing, just make it up as we go along.

Yes, this is what our political system needs.

First you have to find a legitimate reason to start a investigation into the campaign. That clearly existed in the Trump case. Second no spies were planted.

Same thing. Find real facts. Clearly the FBI had those facts.
They didn't tell Trump about the spy...that makes it inappropriate.

Another eternal cult member, moron chimes in.......Here, answer this:

Did the FBI warn BOTH campaigns that Russians were trying to infiltrate ???.....................yes or No?

Did not at least FOUR of Trump's stooges kept their communications open with Russians??...............yes or No?

Did not Donny baby, Manafort and Kushner agree to meet with Russians AFTER they were warned to report any such attempts? Yes or No?

Should Comey have told voters that the Trump campaign was under investigation BEFORE the election???.........yes or No?
The Obama administration knew about the Russians so you can bet the Clinton campaign did.
Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

So, who the hell is saying otherwise.......
YES, Obama should have gotten on a news conference and stated the following:

My fellow Americans, while we are all in the midst of a presidential election and are concentrating on the Clinton campaign's loss of emails, I've been informed by the FBI that Russians have tried to infiltrate BOTH campaigns and that at least FOUR of Mr. Trump's aides have been collaborating or attempts have been made to recruit them by Russian operatives.....

NOW, Trump ass kissers, HOW would you have reacted if Obama had stated the above???

Be fair....if at ALL possible.
Did they tell trump they put a spy into his campaign? Yes or No?
Why not?

Because telling the idiot Trump that an informant was gathering information on his crooked and corrupt staff,is TANTAMOUNT to warning the Russians that we were onto them.
Care to give us the guys name that changed his vote to Trump

Here, go ask these "good folks" for their IDs....

Remember when Trey Gowdy was universally loathed by the left ? Now he will take over Mccain's spot as their favorite Republican.

No, Gowdy was an extremely poor Congressman, but even he recognizes (due to his impending retirement) that the informant was legal. Nobody on the left is haling this guy as some sort of hero, just pointing out the hypocrisy of those Republicans who have to face a primary election.

The question is not whether it was illegal or not, the question is if we want this kind of thing in our elections?

So the precedent has now been set. If Trump plants spies into his opponents campaign in 2020, we can all agree that it's okay. In fact, let's do this every election..

Do we want the FBI trying to prevent Russian influence into our election? I think so.

That precedent has been sent.

That we don't ignore possible Russian attempts to infiltrate our election.

Of course there is absolutely no evidence that President Obama ordered this investigation but I find it telling that the Trumpsters think that this means that Trump can use the FBI as his own Stazi to attack his political opponents.
Agreed. Trump needs to infiltrate every democrat - because Russia
Remember when Trey Gowdy was universally loathed by the left ? Now he will take over Mccain's spot as their favorite Republican.
Gowdy and Rubio will be quoted by the Left because then the Trumpsters can’t use the automatic response which is to discredit the source by calling them a libtard or snowflake or whatever other childish term y’all like to use. When one of your own speaks out it carries more weight in the arena of political debate. Do you really not understand this?
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They didn't tell Trump about the spy...that makes it inappropriate.

Another eternal cult member, moron chimes in.......Here, answer this:

Did the FBI warn BOTH campaigns that Russians were trying to infiltrate ???.....................yes or No?

Did not at least FOUR of Trump's stooges kept their communications open with Russians??...............yes or No?

Did not Donny baby, Manafort and Kushner agree to meet with Russians AFTER they were warned to report any such attempts? Yes or No?

Should Comey have told voters that the Trump campaign was under investigation BEFORE the election???.........yes or No?
Did they tell trump they put a spy into his campaign? Yes or No?
Why not?
No because they didn’t. Look up the definition of what a CIA spy really is and tell me you think that was what happened here... not to mention the little turd nugget that Trump likes to throw in there by saying it was politically motivated by Obama. So dishonest and so transparent and so lame.
Remember when Trey Gowdy was universally loathed by the left ? Now he will take over Mccain's spot as their favorite Republican.

No, Gowdy was an extremely poor Congressman, but even he recognizes (due to his impending retirement) that the informant was legal. Nobody on the left is haling this guy as some sort of hero, just pointing out the hypocrisy of those Republicans who have to face a primary election.

The question is not whether it was illegal or not, the question is if we want this kind of thing in our elections?

So the precedent has now been set. If Trump plants spies into his opponents campaign in 2020, we can all agree that it's okay. In fact, let's do this every election.

And while we're at it, let's allow our candidates to use opposition research they paid for to obtain surveillance warrants on political opponents as well. Much like the Russia thing, just make it up as we go along.

Yes, this is what our political system needs.
Obama didn’t plant a spy into Trumps election for political reasons like you are implying. You aren’t being intellectually honest. If there is evidence of criminal activity happening around a political campaign are the authorities allowed to investigate? What do you say Ray?
Trey Gowdy is a smart man and unquestionably a Republican in my opinion.

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Tuesday that the FBI’s use of an informant for the Trump campaign in 2016 was appropriate, joining top Democrats in disputing President Donald Trump’s characterization of the informant as a spy.

The target of the FBI investigation was originally George Papalopodous & Carter Page. Here's a couple of links on this board that tie it together, and Jeff Sessions actually gets wrapped up into it.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Trey Gowdy. I remember when the Little Trumpster's wanted Gowdy to be Trump's Attorney General. Funny how things change. Gowdy, saw the intel, none of our geniuses living in Trumpville has seen that classified intelligence, but the evidence ignorant Little Trumpsters have turned their guns on him.
Trump was so right, when he made fun of his supporters, when he made that crack about shooting someone and his supporters would still support him. First of all, Trump's slam of his supporters went right over their head and second, these people keep proving Trump right.
Man, I am so happy, that I'm not one of them.:2up:
Trey Gowdy is a smart man and unquestionably a Republican in my opinion.

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Tuesday that the FBI’s use of an informant for the Trump campaign in 2016 was appropriate, joining top Democrats in disputing President Donald Trump’s characterization of the informant as a spy.
Did he mention they had a spy in the clinton camp as well? Just to balance things out.

The Clinton campaign didn't have any Russian agents working within the campaign.

Carter Page was under FBI investigation clear back in 2013 for working with the Russians and George Papalopodous was working with them while they were on the Trump team. Little Jeffy Sessions gets tied up with this one.

Since reading hasn't killed anyone yet you might want to try it with these two usmb links.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

At this link you can read one article, watch 2 FOXNEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. Go to this link on this board, then scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Trey Gowdy who has been full of conspiracies over the last 16 months just woke up after a meeting. Quite a change from 2 weeks ago. But it may be that since he has already announced his early retirement and won't be seeking reelection in 2018, he just can't stand his own bullshit conspiracies that he has been master of doing over the last several years. 35 other House Republicans have also announced their early retirements and will not seek reelection in 2018.
Rep. Trey Gowdy announces he won't seek re-election in 2018


Republicans have turned on Trey Gowdy before--:abgg2q.jpg: So I suspect they'll do it again over this.

With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

For more on all the early house Republicans retirements, go to this link on this board.

Blue wave coming this November 2018


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Remember when Trey Gowdy was universally loathed by the left ? Now he will take over Mccain's spot as their favorite Republican.

No, Gowdy was an extremely poor Congressman, but even he recognizes (due to his impending retirement) that the informant was legal. Nobody on the left is haling this guy as some sort of hero, just pointing out the hypocrisy of those Republicans who have to face a primary election.

The question is not whether it was illegal or not, the question is if we want this kind of thing in our elections?

So the precedent has now been set. If Trump plants spies into his opponents campaign in 2020, we can all agree that it's okay. In fact, let's do this every election.

And while we're at it, let's allow our candidates to use opposition research they paid for to obtain surveillance warrants on political opponents as well. Much like the Russia thing, just make it up as we go along.

Yes, this is what our political system needs.

If Trump is planting spies; something is wrong. Because the President doesn't make that decision...the FBI director does based on various criteria.

Gowdy's quote:

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump,” Gowdy said during an interview on Fox News.

If the next group of candidates are having clandestine meetings with foreign governments offering dirt on their political opponents...I would hope the FBI would be all over that regardless of their political stripe.

The lengths you trump enablers will go to play the victim card is truly extra ordinary.

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