Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Trey Gowdy has always been the one responsible for covering up the actions of the Government. Look at what he is most famous for. Benghazi. It was never about the death of an Ambassador. It was always about covering up the actions of the CIA.

How America Armed Terrorists in Syria

The truth was that Gowdy was the cover up, so no one would ask why the CIA had so many people in Benghazi, or why the Ambassador was at the Consulate, instead of the Embassy, where Ambassadors normally remain. When Ambassadors go on official trips, they tend to take Security with them, but in a nation in the middle of a Civil War, Stevens had essentially NO security. Are your alarm bells ringing yet?

Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Nobody was supposed to ask questions, and thankfully they had Trey Gowdy, a safe seat Republican who loved all that cloak and dagger crap. So he runs out and screams about an Ambassador dying. Whenever anyone wonders why Stevens was there in the first place, Gowdy rushed to the camera and screamed that Obama and Clinton let an Ambassador die.

It was the cover up that Gowdy was involved in, and for that reason today, nobody cares that we armed Terrorists in both Libya and Syria. Nobody cares because when anyone starts looking, the path leads to Benghazi, which has been soured thanks to Trey Gowdy.

So Gowdy saying that anything was appropriate is the same to me as admitting there was something wrong with it. Because his participation in the cover up of Benghazi insured that I will never accept anything he says as truthful without a hell of a lot of evidence.

Later, after Benghazi was discredited, the truth about the weapons shipments came out, because it was found that the CIA was arming ISIS, who were supposedly enemy number one, or two, depending on the day, in Syria.

C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say

It was all a lie. Our troops died. Hundreds of thousands of people died. All over a lie, that Gowdy did everything in his power to cover up.

Why am I not surprised by your garbage. It was entirely predictable. Because Gowdy won't say what you want to hear, he is now a part of the deep state. Crazy people like you need to be locked away in a rubber room.

My complaints about Gowdy have not changed in many years. January 2017. The Trump lies continue!

February of this year. Good Riddence Trey Gowdy, long time defender of the system.

Shall I continue? The truth about Benghazi with links from last year. One of a number of times I posted the information. Children are starving to death in Syria

Or am I lying and somehow managed to get John Kerry’s State Department to admit they shipped weapons to Libya in violation of sanctions while Hillary was SOS? are comes naturally

Blame John Kerry then. Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

2015. Before Trump. So it was Obama’s State Department.

Trey Gowdy has been a huge denier and conspiracy manufacturer for many years now, and one of FOX News frequent flyers.

He knew since May 2017 over a year ago that James Clapper testified to the senate intelligence committee that this linked article was correct, but chose to promote the conspiracies instead, as did. Devin Nunes and every other House Republican. The dog & pony shows that FOX News put on were astounding. Sean Hannity and all the other political soap box operas that inundate this network were co conspirators against truth from the onset.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For more on this go back to page 7 then scroll down to post 64.
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Trey Gowdy has always been the one responsible for covering up the actions of the Government. Look at what he is most famous for. Benghazi. It was never about the death of an Ambassador. It was always about covering up the actions of the CIA.

How America Armed Terrorists in Syria

The truth was that Gowdy was the cover up, so no one would ask why the CIA had so many people in Benghazi, or why the Ambassador was at the Consulate, instead of the Embassy, where Ambassadors normally remain. When Ambassadors go on official trips, they tend to take Security with them, but in a nation in the middle of a Civil War, Stevens had essentially NO security. Are your alarm bells ringing yet?

Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Nobody was supposed to ask questions, and thankfully they had Trey Gowdy, a safe seat Republican who loved all that cloak and dagger crap. So he runs out and screams about an Ambassador dying. Whenever anyone wonders why Stevens was there in the first place, Gowdy rushed to the camera and screamed that Obama and Clinton let an Ambassador die.

It was the cover up that Gowdy was involved in, and for that reason today, nobody cares that we armed Terrorists in both Libya and Syria. Nobody cares because when anyone starts looking, the path leads to Benghazi, which has been soured thanks to Trey Gowdy.

So Gowdy saying that anything was appropriate is the same to me as admitting there was something wrong with it. Because his participation in the cover up of Benghazi insured that I will never accept anything he says as truthful without a hell of a lot of evidence.

Later, after Benghazi was discredited, the truth about the weapons shipments came out, because it was found that the CIA was arming ISIS, who were supposedly enemy number one, or two, depending on the day, in Syria.

C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say

It was all a lie. Our troops died. Hundreds of thousands of people died. All over a lie, that Gowdy did everything in his power to cover up.

Why am I not surprised by your garbage. It was entirely predictable. Because Gowdy won't say what you want to hear, he is now a part of the deep state. Crazy people like you need to be locked away in a rubber room.

My complaints about Gowdy have not changed in many years. January 2017. The Trump lies continue!

February of this year. Good Riddence Trey Gowdy, long time defender of the system.

Shall I continue? The truth about Benghazi with links from last year. One of a number of times I posted the information. Children are starving to death in Syria

Or am I lying and somehow managed to get John Kerry’s State Department to admit they shipped weapons to Libya in violation of sanctions while Hillary was SOS? are comes naturally

Blame John Kerry then. Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

2015. Before Trump. So it was Obama’s State Department.

Trey Gowdy has been a huge denier and conspiracy manufacturer for many years now, and one of FOX News frequent flyers.

He knew since May 2017 over a year ago that James Clapper testified to the senate intelligence committee that this linked article was correct, but chose to promote the conspiracies instead, as did. Devin Nunes and every other House Republican. The dog & pony shows that FOX News put on were astounding. Sean Hannity and all the other political soap box operas that inundate this network were co conspirators against truth from the onset.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For more on this go back to page 7 then scroll down to post 64.

From you link....

In a report last month the New York Times, citing three US intelligence officials, said warning signs had been building throughout last summer but were far from clear. As WikiLeaks published emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee, US agencies began picking up conversations in which Russians were discussing contacts with Trump associates, the paper said.

European allies were supplying information about people close to Trump meeting with Russians in Britain, the Netherlands and in other

Can you believe all this was going on and trump knew NOTHING? Now the traitor is so called president. Thus article proves that the Dossier DID NOT start the Russian investigation and that Carter Page is a spy and other countries have been watching him.
Names, please. Or were you just talking out your ass as usual?
Too many to name....but you know who they are as well as I do but its just that you can't or won't be honest with yourself.....shows a huge lack of maturity on your part.....
Love your Avie.....Rudy looks like that most of the time...
Rudy is making Mueller look like a fool and a tool of the establishment.......

Rudy is also obstructing justice....Mueller doles not play politics. Rudy needs to find him another younger woman before he dies....trump will when he leaves the White House.

Melania knows what a sleaze the orange king is.
Names, please. Or were you just talking out your ass as usual?
Too many to name....but you know who they are as well as I do but its just that you can't or won't be honest with yourself.....shows a huge lack of maturity on your part.....
Too many to name, but you can’t name even one. Fuck off, loser. I’m actually tired of winning arguments with you.
Spies inform and informants spy....
not really...
spies, spy

and informants, inform!
what do spies do then? what is spying? they just keep all they learn to themselves? or,.... do they inform someone of what they found? seems auseless effort if a spy merely retains what they learn don't you think? kind of ends up being a useless practice. Dude, I don't know how much more stupid you can get, that is fking obvious as fking hell.
trump claimed there was a SPY put IN TO the Trump campaign, FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE.

1. there was no spy undercover or 'put in to', that was operating as a mole, in the Trump campaign

There was an outside human source, a professor, asking questions of the 3 trump campaign workers who were in constant contact with Russian government agents.

2. There was no spying for POLITICAL PURPOSE.
what was the purpose? I mean clapper stated there was an informant. Gowdy has stated there was an informant. what do informants do? they spy. it's what makes them informants. hahaahahaha the fact that you don't know that is really sad.

BTW, what did they think the russians were doing? giving lessons on how to fix voting machines?
Give a better speech? save gas? what?
Asl Trey Gowdy your questions

He says the informant OUT SIDE of the Trump campaign asking the Trump Campaign Employees that were communicating with the Russian Gvt Agents, was legitimate to do, due to the information he saw, heard, and reviewed in the top secret hearing.....

so whatever the reason, it was a darn good reason, according to him, and that if any of us saw what the fbi had, that we would expect the fbi to do, exactly what they did, get a human resource to ask questions so to help figure out, whatever it is they were concerned with....

No one released any information on the fbi investigation while Trump was running for president..nothing was done to hurt him politically, while they were loose as a goose with informing on Hillary and hurt her.....not trump.....she was the one hurt by the fbi's actions....
Clapper said today no collusion, he never saw it, so sorry that justify spying. Sorry trey I disagree
Too many to name, but you can’t name even one. Fuck off, loser. I’m actually tired of winning arguments with you.
I don't know why you are so tired you haven't won an argument with anyone on this board as long as I've been visiting here....You are a liberal loser...a throwback that is about 12 years out of touch with the very nation you live in....
I never said the name was Podestas you fucking Twit.
theDoctorisIn: John Podesta actually divested himself from the Podesta Group a lot earlier than that, way back in 1993.

mudwhistle: Yeah.....that's why they're still called the Podesta Group.​

Explain what you meant by that, then. that's a word trump needs to understand. He is profiting off the presidency....which is unconstitutional.
Trey Gowdy is a smart man and unquestionably a Republican in my opinion.

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Tuesday that the FBI’s use of an informant for the Trump campaign in 2016 was appropriate, joining top Democrats in disputing President Donald Trump’s characterization of the informant as a spy.


Meaning, Trump was under criminal investigation?

So you say Trey Gowdy is a liar? Gowdy says trump was NOT the target. And HE...unlike you....was at the meeting.

First of, "informant" is a term used in criminal investigation. The "spy" is a term used in counterintelligence operations. If Trump was not the target of the investigation, than the "informant" is improper term, and "spy" is the term that should be used. You can call it "human resource individual" or "spaghetti", but in reality it's still a "spy".

Second, if Trump is not the target, what exactly is being investigated? Let's see... all people around Trump that are investigated, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Page, Gates, Flynn... pretty much every single person in contact with Trump. Why are they inteviewing all those people around him, if he's not the target? Why Trump businesses had to turn in thousand, if not hundreds of thousands of pages of information to investigators, if he's not the target?

Of course, Trump is the target of the investigation, they just haven't found anything on him.

Now, Gowdy was briefed, and he has seen some of the documents, not all. He also mentioned proven liars Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Lynch, Schiff... and should have mentioned many more, including Rosenstein who is obstructing the intelligence committee investigation and refusing to provide documents they requested, that should've been in jail already for what they have done while in the office.
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here's what i don't get. journalists that were critical of him he ripped up and spied on. sharyl attkisson is the main one as she broke fast n furious and was a target for his spying ever since.

Sharyl Attkisson: You Know The Obama White House Spied On Me Too

we know the FBI was busted for it in 2014. the atlantic has a great story on that on the senate.

A Brief History of the CIA's Unpunished Spying on the Senate

so we know obama will spy on people. we have proven history. so what i don't get is if we know someone like to do something like fling mud at busses that pass by, why would anyone be surprised to find he flung mud at a city bus one day?

obama has a history of spying.this history started with bush and the patriot act which made bush do questionable stuff the left cried about at the time. looking back, rightfully so. now obama comes in and does what i say everyone does when you justify bad behavior for your cause - ups the game.

you defend the actions you defend them for all, not just your side. we're seeing it escalate and we keep defending a side. needs to stop.
Trey Gowdy is a smart man and unquestionably a Republican in my opinion.

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Tuesday that the FBI’s use of an informant for the Trump campaign in 2016 was appropriate, joining top Democrats in disputing President Donald Trump’s characterization of the informant as a spy.


Meaning, Trump was under criminal investigation?

So you say Trey Gowdy is a liar? Gowdy says trump was NOT the target. And HE...unlike you....was at the meeting.

First of, "informant" is a term used in criminal investigation. The "spy" is a term used in counterintelligence operations. If Trump was not the target of the investigation, than the "informant" is improper term, and "spy" is the term that should be used. You can call it "human resource individual" or "spaghetti", but in reality it's still a "spy".

Second, if Trump is not the target, what exactly is being investigated? Let's see... all people around Trump that are investigated, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Page, Gates, Flynn... pretty much every single person in contact with Trump. Why are they inteviewing all those people around him, if he's not the target? Why Trump businesses had to turn in thousand, if not hundreds of thousands of pages of information to investigators, if he's not the target?

Of course, Trump is the target of the investigation, they just haven't found anything on him.

Now, Gowdy was briefed, and he has seen some of the documents, not all. He also mentioned proven liars Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Lynch, Schiff... and should have mentioned many more, including Rosenstein who is obstructing the intelligence committee investigation and refusing to provide documents they requested, that should've been in jail already for what they have done while in the office. some put forth....the president cannot be indicted....he will NEVER be the target of the investigation.

Mueller may know he was the point man. He may have corroborated evidence to prove he was the instigator of "criminal collusion", but he won't make him the target.

Instead Mueller will write his report and send it to Congress. If the president has committed a crime....Congress will either address it or...if the gutless GOP is in the majority...they will ignore it and allow a criminal to sit in the White House. Mueller will never say trump is the target.
Mein Trumpf - Chapter 10

"All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the Big Lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the Big Lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate Colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.
Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly Impudent lie always leaves Traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars."​

Mein Kampf, chapter X
Mein Trumpf - Chapter 10

"All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the Big Lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the Big Lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate Colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.
Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly Impudent lie always leaves Traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars."​

Mein Kampf, chapter X

Wow! That is trumpettes and trump's MO....AMAZING!

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