Trey gowdy has a few questions…


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013

…for the media about Benghazi (video below). Working as a prosecutor, he learned how to ask questions. In his capacity as the chairman of the House Select Committee, he may get some answers.

RealClearPolitics has posted the video along with this transcript:

We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act in Benghazi, and make no mistake, justice will be done.” That was the president of the United States over a year ago.

We’re investigating exactly what happened, but my biggest priority now is bringing those folks to justice.” That was the president of the United States over a year ago. No one has been arrested. No one has been prosecuted. No one has been brought to justice. We don’t even have access to the witnesses.

You in the media were good enough for my 16 years as a prosecutor not to tell me how to do my job, and so far in Congress, y’all have been good enough not to tell me how to do my job. I’m not telling you how to do your job. But I’m going to ask you some questions, and if you can’t answer these questions, then I’ll leave you to draw whatever conclusion you want to draw about whether or not the media has provided sufficient oversight.

Can you tell me why Chris Stevens was in Benghazi the night that he was killed? Do you know? Does it bother you whether or not you know why Chris Stevens was in Benghazi? Do you know why we were the last flag flying in Benghazi after the British had left and the Red Cross had been bombed? Do you know why requests for additional security were denied? Do you know why an ambassador asking for more security days and weeks before he was murdered and those requests went unheeded? Do you know the answer to why those requests went unheeded?

Do you know why no assets were deployed during the siege? And I’ve heard the explanation — which defies logic, frankly — that we couldn’t have gotten there in time, but you know, they didn’t know when it was going to end. So how can you possibly cite that as an excuse? Do you know whether the president called any of our allies and said, “Can you help? We have men under attack.” Can you answer that?

Do any of you know why Susan Rice was picked? The secretary of state did not go. She says she doesn’t like Sunday talk shows. That’s the only media venue she does not like, if that’s true. Why was Susan Rice on the five Sunday talk shows? Do you know the origin of this mythology that it was spawned as a spontaneous reaction to a video? Do you know where that started? Do you know how we got from no evidence of that to that being the official position of the administration?

In conclusion, Congress is supposed to provide oversight, the voters are supposed to provide oversight, and you are supposed to provide oversight. That’s why you have special liberties, and that’s why you have special protections. I am not surprised that the president of the United States called this a phony scandal. I’m not surprised Secretary Clinton asked, “What difference does it make?” I’m not even surprised that Jay Carney said Benghazi happened a long time ago. I’m just surprised at how many people bought it.

Democratic operative Lanny Davis will be working outside the Select Committee hearings in the guise of a Truth Squad — the concept must come out of 1984 — to protect Hillary’s interest in the hearings. Larry O’Connor and Brian Wilson try to squeeze a few answers out of Davis in the video posted here.

Trey Gowdy has a few questions? | Power Line

I’m just surprised at how many people bought it.
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Obviously an opening to another political witch hunt.

Keep up the good work. Next up, a vote to repeal Obamacare!
Did you open your mass rube email late this week? This is at least the third topic which opens with a copy and paste of that video.

Serious question. Which mass email system are you guys subscribing to?
Obviously an opening to another political witch hunt.

Keep up the good work. Next up, a vote to repeal Obamacare!

Well ... Hillary is somewhat witchy so perhaps "witch hunt" is the appropriate title for our quest for the truth. Someone should be held accountable if a wrong was committed. I assume you're all about seeking and finding the truth -- aren't you?
Gowdy is one of the best Federal Prosecutors of his era.

He already knows the answers to those question. Smart Attorneys, and he IS a smart Attorney (though prone to grand-standing), don't ask questions they don't already know the answers to.

People are going to go to prison over this. Of that much, I am 100% certain.

obama and the scum known as dimocraps fucked up on this. Big time. In a big way.

This is going to be the gift that keeps on giving. It's going to hand us the 2014 Mid-Terms in a landslide..... I'm talking an ass-kicking much worse than 1994 or 2010, and it will continue until, and cross over into, the 2016 Presidential election cycle.

If dimocrap scum are stupid enough to run the Life Support System For A **** called 'Hillary' for POTUS, she gets creamed by this. Bad. I mean really bad.

In fact, I'd bet on a MAJOR October surprise in 2016 if that worthless human being is on the ticket.

You dimocraps think you're so smart? You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

You're about to be reminded of that.

Stay tuned
maybe Trev kept the notes from the investigation in Jan that debunks his questions ..
Come on guys, a video on youtube noone knew existed caused massive riots in the mideast. It was definately not our oolicy of toppling govts and obama reminding the terrorists we killed osama ever 5 minutes.
Obviously an opening to another political witch hunt.

Keep up the good work. Next up, a vote to repeal Obamacare!

Well ... Hillary is somewhat witchy so perhaps "witch hunt" is the appropriate title for our quest for the truth. Someone should be held accountable if a wrong was committed. I assume you're all about seeking and finding the truth -- aren't you?

So it's all about trashing a politician, not really a hunt for the truth. Got it. Good call.:D:D
Obviously an opening to another political witch hunt.

Keep up the good work. Next up, a vote to repeal Obamacare!

Well ... Hillary is somewhat witchy so perhaps "witch hunt" is the appropriate title for our quest for the truth. Someone should be held accountable if a wrong was committed. I assume you're all about seeking and finding the truth -- aren't you?

So it's all about trashing a politician, not really a hunt for the truth. Got it. Good call.:D:D

Hopefully, it's the best of both worlds but I'll settle for the latter.
Come on guys, a video on youtube noone knew existed caused massive riots in the mideast. It was definately not our oolicy of toppling govts and obama reminding the terrorists we killed osama ever 5 minutes.

Remember saying the same thing about those cartoons no one had ever seen before?????

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