Trey Gowdy Has Hillary in the Crosshairs.

Actually, I was listening to Rush today and he played a clip of the clinton biographer....the guys said his connections in the current administration say it is obama targeting hilary....they put out the word on the emails, and are currently looking at various ways to investigate her.....that is from a clinton fan........
Actually, I was listening to Rush today and he played a clip of the clinton biographer....the guys said his connections in the current administration say it is obama targeting hilary....they put out the word on the emails, and are currently looking at various ways to investigate her.....that is from a clinton fan........

Let's run that back with a cut to the chase...

Actually, I was listening to Rush today and he played a clip ...that is from a clinton fan.......

Oopsie. As they say in Maine, "you can't get there from here".

her IT team is so advanced

to insure that her data was kept private


they did not understand that

she could have used more then one email

from a single device


im sure the sheeple out there

agree that the two devices thing

is an "acceptable" answer

CNN sure carried her water with that line for awhile

its not a question of whats a acceptable answer ... the real question that should be asked here and all you righties fail to accept this ... is what she is doing illegal ... and all I've heard with just about every lawyer, they say its not illegal and she doesn't have to show you or anyone, any of these emails in question ... the fact that CNN is reporting that is acceptable to do is what you righties can't accept ... following the law...

Er..yes, it is illegal.

indeed it is
Actually, I was listening to Rush today and he played a clip of the clinton biographer....the guys said his connections in the current administration say it is obama targeting hilary....they put out the word on the emails, and are currently looking at various ways to investigate her.....that is from a clinton fan........
You really trust Rush's 'source.'

You do understand what shock jocks do, right....
Not in the slightest. It was always bullshit, always.
So you support hill's bullshit over fixing it.
Unlike you, I support who can actually win...

Nope....per the NY Times her approval rating among Independents is 43% and dropping fast. She's a loser....Dems better drop her while they can. :(
Early enough that the publics 30 second interest will have likely moved on within the next month - WELL before any real electioneering goes on.

not to mention that PMH shows exactly how the left takes this type of thing. It does not matter that she set up her own server. It does not matter that the server has none of the backup or public access that is required for official correspondence. It STILL does not matter that she has stonewalled access to the emails - deleting many by her own admission. It does not even matter that she has been caught in a outright lie as to what was contained in some of those emails. None of it matters because blatant corruption is accepted as long as it is not on the other side. THAT corruption matters.
before you can call it blatant, you first have to have a leg to stand on... so far they don't have any legal leg to stand on ... there isn't any law that she has to give up any of the emails in question ... so before you can call her or any one a blatant corrupted politician ... you can't just go on your politician preference ... you have to base it on what she is doing, or anyone is doing, is illegal ??? so far all we have heard is its not illegal ...
Irrelevant. The emails were official government communications and BY LAW those must be captured for governmental records. The government has full rights to take the server and ensure that data (OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT) is retried but they failed to do so. Your ruling elite truly is above the law and you simply accept it as par for the course because there is a "D" next to her name.
So....this is how it will go down with Hillary. Please read representative Gowdy's full statement. This is very illuminating.

Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy releases statement on Secretary Clinton s press conference Gretawire

“Having finally heard from Secretary Clinton about her exclusive use of personal email with which to conduct official business while serving as Secretary of State, regrettably we are left with more questions than answers. For instance, there remain serious questions about the security of the system she employed from a national security standpoint, who authorized this exclusive use of personal email despite guidance to the contrary from both her State Department and the White House, who had access to the server from the time Secretary Clinton left office until the time—almost two years later—the State Department asked for these public records back, and who culled through the records to determine which were personal and which were public.

“Without access to Secretary Clinton’s personal server, there is no way for the State Department to know it has acquired all documents that should be made public, and given State’s delay in disclosing the fact Secretary Clinton exclusively used personal email to conduct State business, there is no way to accept State’s or Secretary Clinton’s certification she has turned over all documents that rightfully belong to the American people. That is why I see no choice but for Secretary Clinton to turn her server over to a neutral, detached third-party arbiter who can determine which documents should be public and which should remain private. Secretary Clinton alone created this predicament, but she alone does not get to determine its outcome. These public records at issue are broader than Libya and broader than Benghazi. The Secretary of State has enormous responsibility and jurisdiction and the public, the media and Congress have a legal right to access these public records without impediment.

“Because Secretary Clinton has created more questions than answers, the Select Committee is left with no choice but to call her to appear at least twice. The first appearance will be to clear up her role and resolve issues surrounding her exclusive use of personal email to conduct official business. This is necessary to establish our Committee has a complete record with respect to Secretary Clinton’s time in office. Our committee will then call her to appear before the Committee in a public hearing to answer questions specifically regarding Libya and the Benghazi terrorist attacks that took the lives of our four brave fellow citizens.”
The GOP will have no more luck with the email thing than that impotent hair lipped little church boy Trey Gowdy had with Benghazi.

Here is what they're doing is in...

People like Chris Mathews and other lefty journalists, like the NYT's that broke the story, have put it out now, so it's old news by the time the 2016 election gets here. It's basic electioneering, and the GOP would have loved to have kept it low till closer to the election, but...

Also, this is probably the only negative thing Hillary has in her closet, and if not we'll hear about it soon being broken by lefty media.

Swing voters, and the people who turned out to reelect Obama, neither care about this, nor will remember it by November 2016. If the GOP brings it up then, it'll be old news drowned out by the white noise of election season

Interesting opinion. Too bad it's wrong. According to the NY Times Hillary's approval ratings have dropped like a stone. Among Independents her approval rating is down to 43%.

Sorry....she cannot win an election when independents do not like or trust her. :(
You didn't read toxic's post then. They do not trust her TODAY.

In 6 months, none of the 'middle' will care. We have seen this over and over and over again. Why has the concept not sunk in.
So you support hill's bullshit over fixing it.
Unlike you, I support who can actually win...

Nope....per the NY Times her approval rating among Independents is 43% and dropping fast. She's a loser....Dems better drop her while they can. :(
Early enough that the publics 30 second interest will have likely moved on within the next month - WELL before any real electioneering goes on.

not to mention that PMH shows exactly how the left takes this type of thing. It does not matter that she set up her own server. It does not matter that the server has none of the backup or public access that is required for official correspondence. It STILL does not matter that she has stonewalled access to the emails - deleting many by her own admission. It does not even matter that she has been caught in a outright lie as to what was contained in some of those emails. None of it matters because blatant corruption is accepted as long as it is not on the other side. THAT corruption matters.
before you can call it blatant, you first have to have a leg to stand on... so far they don't have any legal leg to stand on ... there isn't any law that she has to give up any of the emails in question ... so before you can call her or any one a blatant corrupted politician ... you can't just go on your politician preference ... you have to base it on what she is doing, or anyone is doing, is illegal ??? so far all we have heard is its not illegal ...
Irrelevant. The emails were official government communications and BY LAW those must be captured for governmental records. The government has full rights to take the server and ensure that data (OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT) is retried but they failed to do so. Your ruling elite truly is above the law and you simply accept it as par for the course because there is a "D" next to her name.

I am having a field day scouring through law and regulation right now. Pure legal bliss. The question now is if Hillary signed her OF-109 form as described below:

“A security debriefing will be conducted and a separation statement will be completed whenever an employee is terminating employment or is otherwise to be separated for a continuous period of 60 days or more. The debriefing is mandatory to ensure that separating personnel are aware of the requirement to return all classified material and of a continuing responsibility to safeguard their knowledge of any classified information. The separating employee must be advised of the applicable laws on the protection and disclosure of classified information."

- Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual 12 FAM 564.4


12 FAM 560 General Administration
So....this is how it will go down with Hillary. Please read representative Gowdy's full statement. This is very illuminating.

Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy releases statement on Secretary Clinton s press conference Gretawire

“Having finally heard from Secretary Clinton about her exclusive use of personal email with which to conduct official business while serving as Secretary of State, regrettably we are left with more questions than answers. For instance, there remain serious questions about the security of the system she employed from a national security standpoint, who authorized this exclusive use of personal email despite guidance to the contrary from both her State Department and the White House, who had access to the server from the time Secretary Clinton left office until the time—almost two years later—the State Department asked for these public records back, and who culled through the records to determine which were personal and which were public.

“Without access to Secretary Clinton’s personal server, there is no way for the State Department to know it has acquired all documents that should be made public, and given State’s delay in disclosing the fact Secretary Clinton exclusively used personal email to conduct State business, there is no way to accept State’s or Secretary Clinton’s certification she has turned over all documents that rightfully belong to the American people. That is why I see no choice but for Secretary Clinton to turn her server over to a neutral, detached third-party arbiter who can determine which documents should be public and which should remain private. Secretary Clinton alone created this predicament, but she alone does not get to determine its outcome. These public records at issue are broader than Libya and broader than Benghazi. The Secretary of State has enormous responsibility and jurisdiction and the public, the media and Congress have a legal right to access these public records without impediment.

“Because Secretary Clinton has created more questions than answers, the Select Committee is left with no choice but to call her to appear at least twice. The first appearance will be to clear up her role and resolve issues surrounding her exclusive use of personal email to conduct official business. This is necessary to establish our Committee has a complete record with respect to Secretary Clinton’s time in office. Our committee will then call her to appear before the Committee in a public hearing to answer questions specifically regarding Libya and the Benghazi terrorist attacks that took the lives of our four brave fellow citizens.”
The GOP will have no more luck with the email thing than that impotent hair lipped little church boy Trey Gowdy had with Benghazi.

Here is what they're doing is in...

People like Chris Mathews and other lefty journalists, like the NYT's that broke the story, have put it out now, so it's old news by the time the 2016 election gets here. It's basic electioneering, and the GOP would have loved to have kept it low till closer to the election, but...

Also, this is probably the only negative thing Hillary has in her closet, and if not we'll hear about it soon being broken by lefty media.

Swing voters, and the people who turned out to reelect Obama, neither care about this, nor will remember it by November 2016. If the GOP brings it up then, it'll be old news drowned out by the white noise of election season

Interesting opinion. Too bad it's wrong. According to the NY Times Hillary's approval ratings have dropped like a stone. Among Independents her approval rating is down to 43%.

Sorry....she cannot win an election when independents do not like or trust her. :(
You didn't read toxic's post then. They do not trust her TODAY.

In 6 months, none of the 'middle' will care. We have seen this over and over and over again. Why has the concept not sunk in.

So why do you assume they'll trust Hillary more in a few months? Sorry....when trust is lost it is extremely hard to win it back. It requires honesty and integrity. Neither are Hillary strong points. :(
13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents have been released on Benghazi. Clinton has been in the crosshairs of almost every RW idiot on the planet.

Issa/Gowdy /Boehner and the RW cartel is aiming at their foot.
13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents have been released on Benghazi. Clinton has been in the crosshairs of almost every RW idiot on the planet.

Issa/Gowdy /Boehner and the RW cartel is aiming at their foot.

Funny how the facts don't come to light when you withhold 55,000 pages of documents. :lol:

Nitwits said months ago there was nothing about Benghazi. Now we find out the Secretary of State was bypassing Federal Law and reporting requirements and had her own private server to hide what she was doing. Many more shoes to drop. But if it makes you feel better....keep telling yourself it's all good. :D
The only thing Trey Gowdy has in his crosshairs is his re-election ballot. The man has a large capacity theater for the rubes.

The only thing Trey Gowdy has in his crosshairs is his re-election ballot. The man has a large capacity theater for the rubes.

He's already managed to deeply hurt Hillary and it's only just begun. Hillary's approval ratings have gone in the toilet since all of this began.
Hillary IS Democrats Great White Hope!

Unfortunately they don't much like whites.
Unfortunately they don't much like women.

But she could play the "Great White" thing to make them think of sharks.....maybe confuse them enough that they'll vote against their principles and nominate her to swim on their team.
The only thing Trey Gowdy has in his crosshairs is his re-election ballot. The man has a large capacity theater for the rubes.

He's already managed to deeply hurt Hillary and it's only just begun. Hillary's approval ratings have gone in the toilet since all of this began.

Ass backwards.

Trey Gowdy is riding on the coattails of this event. He is not the one pulling.

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