Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

I'm hard pressed to come up with someone pushing a more delusional narrative than Ed's...that Lois Lerner is a GOP "operative".

Any of you other liberals want to jump on THAT bandwagon?
I'm hard pressed to come up with someone pushing a more delusional narrative than Ed's...that Lois Lerner is a GOP "operative".

Any of you other liberals want to jump on THAT bandwagon?

Yeah, it's pretty laughable. A career federal employee from the moment she got out of school, some 30 to 40 odd years ago.
You know that you're a bridge too far when even the Deanie's and Sallows don't want anything to do with backing you up...
From 2010-

In a presentation earlier this month at Data Center World, Tony McMahon of the IRS said*there are widespread*misperceptions about the agency’s IT operations.“One of the things you often hear is that IRS is running on 1960s technology,” said McMahon, the director the Enterprise Computing Centers for the agency. “We are not. We actually have state of the art technology in our environment.” That includes IBM z10, z800 and z900 mainframes, as well as Unisys 6800 systems.Major Data Center ConsolidationThe IRS has recently retired seven data centers and a ton of legacy equipment through a*data center consolidation. The agency, which once had 10 data centers, now*operates major data centers in Memphis and Detroit to support the agency’s primary site in Martinsburg, West Virginia.The Detroit site*supports administrative computing, while*most data is processed in Martinsburg*and backed up to Memphis. These facilities process 7 million transactions per day, and run more than 4,500 batch jobs*daily as they exchange*data with other*agencies.

Oh gee, another administration lie about this matter. First it was some low level employees in Cini were responsible. Then it was, thanks to Cummings, a Republican lawyer. Then the emails were lost because Lois' hard drive crashed. Then it was their technology was outdated so they couldnt recover it.
Is there anything this administration is capable of not lying about?
For arrogant people like Koskinen...being humiliated in Trey Gowdy did to him in that even worse than water boarding.

When Koskinen smugly declared that no laws had been broken and Gowdy skewered him over not knowing what statutes would apply...that was about the same as having his little heinie paddled in the woodshed.

Wonder if the DOG ate her Blackberry also?????

Lois Lerner's Blackberry may hold smoking gun

American Thinker ^

No hard drive crash could prevent the release of the email revealing Lois Lerner’s attempt to persecute Senator Chuck Grassley for receiving an invitation because it was sent from her Blackberry (hat tip: Ed Driscoll). This immediately raises the question of what other emails may have been routed through her Blackberry.You may recall that just a couple of days ago, IRS commissioner John Koskinen declared that he didn’t know whether or not she had a Blackberry. That convenient obfuscation is no longer operative. Twitchy chronicles the Twitterverse’s reaction. Let’s see what kind of accident Lois will come up with to...
Have you been seeing any of the coverage of the EPA hearings? Seems they can't come up with relevant emails either! Gotta love these folks...they fuck with the average American on a daily basis, making us jump through their petty red tape "hoops" but don't feel any need to abide by the rules themselves.
I'm hard pressed to come up with someone pushing a more delusional narrative than Ed's...that Lois Lerner is a GOP "operative".

Any of you other liberals want to jump on THAT bandwagon?

I gave Ed a Total FAIL on this same thread about a 100 post ago. I challenged him then & I challenge him again to Show me Your Link that she has anything to do with being a GOP operative.

I'm not going to provide the 5 previous links I provided to prove that both she and her husband are Obama supporters as others have provided the same damn links that Ed refuses to acknowledge.

Ed, How about you Put Up or STFU ~~~~
From 2010-

In a presentation earlier this month at Data Center World, Tony McMahon of the IRS said*there are widespread*misperceptions about the agency’s IT operations.“One of the things you often hear is that IRS is running on 1960s technology,” said McMahon, the director the Enterprise Computing Centers for the agency. “We are not. We actually have state of the art technology in our environment.” That includes IBM z10, z800 and z900 mainframes, as well as Unisys 6800 systems.Major Data Center ConsolidationThe IRS has recently retired seven data centers and a ton of legacy equipment through a*data center consolidation. The agency, which once had 10 data centers, now*operates major data centers in Memphis and Detroit to support the agency’s primary site in Martinsburg, West Virginia.The Detroit site*supports administrative computing, while*most data is processed in Martinsburg*and backed up to Memphis. These facilities process 7 million transactions per day, and run more than 4,500 batch jobs*daily as they exchange*data with other*agencies.

Oh gee, another administration lie about this matter. First it was some low level employees in Cini were responsible. Then it was, thanks to Cummings, a Republican lawyer. Then the emails were lost because Lois' hard drive crashed. Then it was their technology was outdated so they couldnt recover it.
Is there anything this administration is capable of not lying about?
NO ~ They lie about lies. Everything is a lie :eek::eek:
Ed's going with the "big lie" strategy. He knows he's losing the debate he simply tells the biggest lie he can think of and just keeps repeating it. He knows it's total crap...every other liberal on here knows it's total crap...but Ed will continue to spam the lie.
Have you been seeing any of the coverage of the EPA hearings? Seems they can't come up with relevant emails either! Gotta love these folks...they fuck with the average American on a daily basis, making us jump through their petty red tape "hoops" but don't feel any need to abide by the rules themselves.

Yesterday's hearing?
Yes, the EPA administrator had to admit under oath that they've "lost" the emails relevant to the case under investigation. It appears that's the "fall back" response now for the Obama Administration. Basically it's "the dog ate my homework" at the IRS, Justice, the EPA and the White House!

I'm amused by all these staunch advocates of big government solutions who can't manage their email accounts. Here's a bit of advice to all the progressives currently breaking laws pushing their agenda behind the scenes in our government! Don't use e-mails you buffoons! People can read them so when a scandal breaks you're forced to get rid of them and make up totally unbelievable stories about hard drive crashes and unreliable tape backups! DUH!!!
I'm hard pressed to come up with someone pushing a more delusional narrative than Ed's...that Lois Lerner is a GOP "operative".

Any of you other liberals want to jump on THAT bandwagon?
I just got back to this thread and am trying to catch up skimming it backwards from the most recent post so i have not read what ed has posted regarding her being a gop operative, or i skipped over it earlier?

BUT I'll play, try this one on for size, :D mere speculation of course!!!

-Learner was hired by a staunch GOP-ER

-Learner gave specific instructions to give more scrutiny towards Tea Party groups than both conservative and liberal groups BECAUSE it would help the GOP/Republican established politicians keep their positions, by winning their primaries and eventual seat again.

-she audited a token 8 conservative groups and 7 token democratic groups, etc., just to cover her ass and say it was not just the tea party groups

-The Tea Party candidates and positions, HURT the established Republicans the MOST, it divides the Republicans in to 2 factions

-Divide and conquer IS WHAT Democrats would benefit from, so limiting tea party 501c4's does NOT help democrats but hurts democrats and their cause!

-HOWEVER, it does help the GOP/Established Republican Politicians to squash tea partiers in the bud.

EDIT and

-Learner was never given immunity to testify because it would expose the GOP PLOT and stop the dog and pony show in its tracks

:eusa_clap: pretty good, no?
Last edited:
I'm hard pressed to come up with someone pushing a more delusional narrative than Ed's...that Lois Lerner is a GOP "operative".

Any of you other liberals want to jump on THAT bandwagon?
I just got back to this thread and am trying to catch up skimming it backwards from the most recent post so i have not read what ed has posted regarding her being a gop operative, or i skipped over it earlier?

BUT I'll play, try this one on for size, :D mere speculation of course!!!

-Learner was hired by a staunch GOP-ER

-Learner gave specific instructions to give more scrutiny towards Tea Party groups than both conservative and liberal groups BECAUSE it would help the GOP/Republican established politicians keep their positions, by winning their primaries and eventual seat again.

-she audited a token 8 conservative groups and 7 token democratic groups, etc., just to cover her ass and say it was not just the tea party groups

-The Tea Party candidates and positions, HURT the established Republicans the MOST, it divides the Republicans in to 2 factions

-Divide and conquer IS WHAT Democrats would benefit from, so limiting tea party 501c4's does NOT help democrats but hurts democrats and their cause!

-HOWEVER, it does help the GOP/Established Republican Politicians to squash tea partiers in the bud.

:eusa_clap: pretty good, no?

Mind giving a link as to where you gathered your erroneous information? A hint for you, don't fall for everything you read, from biased sources because it willl come back to bite you most every time. And this time, it did big time.
I'm hard pressed to come up with someone pushing a more delusional narrative than Ed's...that Lois Lerner is a GOP "operative".

Any of you other liberals want to jump on THAT bandwagon?
I just got back to this thread and am trying to catch up skimming it backwards from the most recent post so i have not read what ed has posted regarding her being a gop operative, or i skipped over it earlier?

BUT I'll play, try this one on for size, :D mere speculation of course!!!

-Learner was hired by a staunch GOP-ER

-Learner gave specific instructions to give more scrutiny towards Tea Party groups than both conservative and liberal groups BECAUSE it would help the GOP/Republican established politicians keep their positions, by winning their primaries and eventual seat again.

-she audited a token 8 conservative groups and 7 token democratic groups, etc., just to cover her ass and say it was not just the tea party groups

-The Tea Party candidates and positions, HURT the established Republicans the MOST, it divides the Republicans in to 2 factions

-Divide and conquer IS WHAT Democrats would benefit from, so limiting tea party 501c4's does NOT help democrats but hurts democrats and their cause!

-HOWEVER, it does help the GOP/Established Republican Politicians to squash tea partiers in the bud.

EDIT and

-Learner was never given immunity to testify because it would expose the GOP PLOT and stop the dog and pony show in its tracks

:eusa_clap: pretty good, no?

Right now polls are showing 70% of the American people believe the e-mails were deliberately destroyed, Care. The wolves are starting to circle. Nobody is buying the story that the IRS and the Administration are selling. Pressure is mounting on the White House to appoint a Special Prosecutor. I think what you'll see next is Democrats up for reelection start to run from this scandal and this President. This whole thing is starting to hit critical mass...
I'm hard pressed to come up with someone pushing a more delusional narrative than Ed's...that Lois Lerner is a GOP "operative".

Any of you other liberals want to jump on THAT bandwagon?
I just got back to this thread and am trying to catch up skimming it backwards from the most recent post so i have not read what ed has posted regarding her being a gop operative, or i skipped over it earlier?

BUT I'll play, try this one on for size, :D mere speculation of course!!!

-Learner was hired by a staunch GOP-ER

-Learner gave specific instructions to give more scrutiny towards Tea Party groups than both conservative and liberal groups BECAUSE it would help the GOP/Republican established politicians keep their positions, by winning their primaries and eventual seat again.

-she audited a token 8 conservative groups and 7 token democratic groups, etc., just to cover her ass and say it was not just the tea party groups

-The Tea Party candidates and positions, HURT the established Republicans the MOST, it divides the Republicans in to 2 factions

-Divide and conquer IS WHAT Democrats would benefit from, so limiting tea party 501c4's does NOT help democrats but hurts democrats and their cause!

-HOWEVER, it does help the GOP/Established Republican Politicians to squash tea partiers in the bud.

:eusa_clap: pretty good, no?

Mind giving a link as to where you gathered your erroneous information? A hint for you, don't fall for everything you read, from biased sources because it willl come back to bite you most every time. And this time, it did big time.

I think Care will admit that post was more wishful thinking than anything else. If Lerner's working for the GOP then I'm Santa Claus.
I just got back to this thread and am trying to catch up skimming it backwards from the most recent post so i have not read what ed has posted regarding her being a gop operative, or i skipped over it earlier?

BUT I'll play, try this one on for size, :D mere speculation of course!!!

-Learner was hired by a staunch GOP-ER

-Learner gave specific instructions to give more scrutiny towards Tea Party groups than both conservative and liberal groups BECAUSE it would help the GOP/Republican established politicians keep their positions, by winning their primaries and eventual seat again.

-she audited a token 8 conservative groups and 7 token democratic groups, etc., just to cover her ass and say it was not just the tea party groups

-The Tea Party candidates and positions, HURT the established Republicans the MOST, it divides the Republicans in to 2 factions

-Divide and conquer IS WHAT Democrats would benefit from, so limiting tea party 501c4's does NOT help democrats but hurts democrats and their cause!

-HOWEVER, it does help the GOP/Established Republican Politicians to squash tea partiers in the bud.

:eusa_clap: pretty good, no?

Mind giving a link as to where you gathered your erroneous information? A hint for you, don't fall for everything you read, from biased sources because it willl come back to bite you most every time. And this time, it did big time.

I think Care will admit that post was more wishful thinking than anything else. If Lerner's working for the GOP then I'm Santa Claus.
precisely! take it tongue and cheek! seriously though, this is not wishful thinking on my part, I was just playing around!!! I'd rather everyone, including Learner, just be honest to the bone....

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