Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

The evidence is obviously in the emails. Until we see them it's always going to BE conjecture. You end up coming back to the same thing here...the story about the emails that the IRS and the White House is putting out simply doesn't make any sense. So if they got rid of the emails there has to be a reason why. That "reason" points squarely at the Obama White House.
I know how "it looks" Oldstyle and if I were on your side of the aisle and/or this were someone like President Bush, I would be thinking some of the same things you are speculating on, rest assured, even if they ended up, not being true....I may not have believed they were not true late in his Presidency, because I honestly was just so fet, I am not trying to beat you up over the head on this...

I just see it from a different perspective than you, and am giving the administration, the benefit of the doubt. And this isn't to just give Obama a pass, this is because there was no real benefit for Obama to have Learner go out and squash the tea Party groups in 2012...

go out and give excess scrutiny towards maine stream conservative republican groups, maybe, but tea party groups? Groups who would have helped the Democrats by the division within the Republican party during primaries and seat elections?

I just don't see there being a benefit to Democrats and no one, no one at all in the White House was running against a''Presidential Tea Party Candidate'' I don't see how it was in the President's best interest or of value, to his reelection... I think he's smarter than that...I don't think he would waste his time or the illegality, over something like extra scrutiny for tea party groups that mean nothing to his reelection...think about it, open your mind, "open your mind and explore the unknown" in my best Quato Voice (Total Recall :) )

It's possible someone else or many others are behind this extra scrutiny for tea partiers than Learner, or Learner did this all on her own for her own partisan reasons, which I agree seems like a real reach....

But there still is the possibility that she felt pressure to make certain these groups, who went from only being worth 5 billion dollars in an election cycle being spent by them,( the 501c4's), in the election of 2008, to now, with so many groups... a total of $300 BILLION dollars of political worth from these groups was spent by them in the 2012 election cycle...THAT'S a huge increase, a HUGE HUGE HUGE increase for the IRS to handle, and they or Learner, FOOLISHLY made up those guidelines to stream line their increased duties with no increase in staff mistake, out of negligence but not necessarily premeditated harm?

This does not mean that they did no wrong, because they did do wrong by singling these groups out for excessive scrutiny through their modified guidelines, but was it intentional and with malice from all of those Irs workers, or were they just overzealous in trying to accomplish a fraction of what needed to be done, and saw this as a "short cut"?

And would Learner, who reported to a staunch Republican, appointed by President Bush, REALLY risk her Boss finding out about this, or was he too behind it? None of this makes sense...

Guess we will find out....some day....

Obama wanted to STOP the Republican party from eating itself alive, sure.:D
Why would he want to STOP the Tea Party and Republicans from eating themselves alive?

Maybe the Democrats in office as well as the majority of Republicans in office, had reasons to squash the Tea Party..... But I do not believe they were a major factor in the Presidential Race of Romney vs. Obama, which is what President Obama had his focus on, his OWN re-election?

Hey, I could be wrong?

I would love to see Learner be given immunity and spill the beans....

or I would love to see the IRS crashed and lost emails be found on a server somewhere....

What I don't like is all the speculation, without some kind of evidence to support it,

or some kind of evidence SHOWING MALFEASANCE of illegal records erasing, and by whom, and when, and where and how, and then the why?

and then the prosecution of any premeditated criminal actions by those involved...

I'm not much in to this pontificating, and showmanship, and dog and pony shows of the supposed investigators, who are running this investigation through the right wing media....

It looks bad, it smells, and it is NOT in any way, the right way to run an investigation interested in finding the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the LOOKS like a political faux scandal the way these congressmen are acting and conducting their interrogations before the beloved's IMMATURE....but the riht wing just eats it all up and licks their lips....

but that is not JUSTICE, and these republican congressmen show no interest in the TRUTH or Justice.....they are suppose to represent the Nation, including the people being interviewed....I've seen nothing remotely respectable in their dog and pony show, and childish actions.

That's a problem these republican congress critters could have avoided altogether, if they had taken an honest, and decent, and non partisan approach to finding out what happened....
I know how "it looks" Oldstyle and if I were on your side of the aisle and/or this were someone like President Bush, I would be thinking some of the same things you are speculating on, rest assured, even if they ended up, not being true....I may not have believed they were not true late in his Presidency, because I honestly was just so fet, I am not trying to beat you up over the head on this...

I just see it from a different perspective than you, and am giving the administration, the benefit of the doubt. And this isn't to just give Obama a pass, this is because there was no real benefit for Obama to have Learner go out and squash the tea Party groups in 2012...

go out and give excess scrutiny towards maine stream conservative republican groups, maybe, but tea party groups? Groups who would have helped the Democrats by the division within the Republican party during primaries and seat elections?

I just don't see there being a benefit to Democrats and no one, no one at all in the White House was running against a''Presidential Tea Party Candidate'' I don't see how it was in the President's best interest or of value, to his reelection... I think he's smarter than that...I don't think he would waste his time or the illegality, over something like extra scrutiny for tea party groups that mean nothing to his reelection...think about it, open your mind, "open your mind and explore the unknown" in my best Quato Voice (Total Recall :) )

It's possible someone else or many others are behind this extra scrutiny for tea partiers than Learner, or Learner did this all on her own for her own partisan reasons, which I agree seems like a real reach....

But there still is the possibility that she felt pressure to make certain these groups, who went from only being worth 5 billion dollars in an election cycle being spent by them,( the 501c4's), in the election of 2008, to now, with so many groups... a total of $300 BILLION dollars of political worth from these groups was spent by them in the 2012 election cycle...THAT'S a huge increase, a HUGE HUGE HUGE increase for the IRS to handle, and they or Learner, FOOLISHLY made up those guidelines to stream line their increased duties with no increase in staff mistake, out of negligence but not necessarily premeditated harm?

This does not mean that they did no wrong, because they did do wrong by singling these groups out for excessive scrutiny through their modified guidelines, but was it intentional and with malice from all of those Irs workers, or were they just overzealous in trying to accomplish a fraction of what needed to be done, and saw this as a "short cut"?

And would Learner, who reported to a staunch Republican, appointed by President Bush, REALLY risk her Boss finding out about this, or was he too behind it? None of this makes sense...

Guess we will find out....some day....

Obama wanted to STOP the Republican party from eating itself alive, sure.:D
Why would he want to STOP the Tea Party and Republicans from eating themselves alive?

Maybe the Democrats in office as well as the majority of Republicans in office, had reasons to squash the Tea Party..... But I do not believe they were a major factor in the Presidential Race of Romney vs. Obama, which is what President Obama had his focus on, his OWN re-election?

Hey, I could be wrong?

I would love to see Learner be given immunity and spill the beans....

or I would love to see the IRS crashed and lost emails be found on a server somewhere....

What I don't like is all the speculation, without some kind of evidence to support it,

or some kind of evidence SHOWING MALFEASANCE of illegal records erasing, and by whom, and when, and where and how, and then the why?

and then the prosecution of any premeditated criminal actions by those involved...

I'm not much in to this pontificating, and showmanship, and dog and pony shows of the supposed investigators, who are running this investigation through the right wing media....

It looks bad, it smells, and it is NOT in any way, the right way to run an investigation interested in finding the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the LOOKS like a political faux scandal the way these congressmen are acting and conducting their interrogations before the beloved's IMMATURE....but the riht wing just eats it all up and licks their lips....

but that is not JUSTICE, and these republican congressmen show no interest in the TRUTH or Justice.....they are suppose to represent the Nation, including the people being interviewed....I've seen nothing remotely respectable in their dog and pony show, and childish actions.

That's a problem these republican congress critters could have avoided altogether, if they had taken an honest, and decent, and non partisan approach to finding out what happened....

Should stonewalling be respected? Really?
Obama wanted to STOP the Republican party from eating itself alive, sure.:D
Why would he want to STOP the Tea Party and Republicans from eating themselves alive?

Maybe the Democrats in office as well as the majority of Republicans in office, had reasons to squash the Tea Party..... But I do not believe they were a major factor in the Presidential Race of Romney vs. Obama, which is what President Obama had his focus on, his OWN re-election?

Hey, I could be wrong?

I would love to see Learner be given immunity and spill the beans....

or I would love to see the IRS crashed and lost emails be found on a server somewhere....

What I don't like is all the speculation, without some kind of evidence to support it,

or some kind of evidence SHOWING MALFEASANCE of illegal records erasing, and by whom, and when, and where and how, and then the why?

and then the prosecution of any premeditated criminal actions by those involved...

I'm not much in to this pontificating, and showmanship, and dog and pony shows of the supposed investigators, who are running this investigation through the right wing media....

It looks bad, it smells, and it is NOT in any way, the right way to run an investigation interested in finding the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the LOOKS like a political faux scandal the way these congressmen are acting and conducting their interrogations before the beloved's IMMATURE....but the riht wing just eats it all up and licks their lips....

but that is not JUSTICE, and these republican congressmen show no interest in the TRUTH or Justice.....they are suppose to represent the Nation, including the people being interviewed....I've seen nothing remotely respectable in their dog and pony show, and childish actions.

That's a problem these republican congress critters could have avoided altogether, if they had taken an honest, and decent, and non partisan approach to finding out what happened....

Should stonewalling be respected? Really?
No, stonewalling should not be taken lightly, however these Investigators and their ridiculous, immature and partisan pontification and showmanship, has absolutely gotten them NOWHERE in this investigation, other than riling their own voters, of which I, who am not one of their voters, is having to pay for, with MY taxes....this is why these investigations should be handled professionally, without the partisan pontification on my and other American's dime....they should be done, to get to the truth, without partisan rhetoric and accusations with no evidence yet to support it.

Just get to the truth, act like adults, without partisan bullying and grand standing, would be greatly appreciated...

and that would be them doing their jobs in these hearings in searching out the truth, (and without these pre- planned DRAMA QUEEN'S 15 minutes of media fame crapola), that I and other Americans, are having to pay for....with the result of NOTHING.
Why would he want to STOP the Tea Party and Republicans from eating themselves alive?

Maybe the Democrats in office as well as the majority of Republicans in office, had reasons to squash the Tea Party..... But I do not believe they were a major factor in the Presidential Race of Romney vs. Obama, which is what President Obama had his focus on, his OWN re-election?

Hey, I could be wrong?

I would love to see Learner be given immunity and spill the beans....

or I would love to see the IRS crashed and lost emails be found on a server somewhere....

What I don't like is all the speculation, without some kind of evidence to support it,

or some kind of evidence SHOWING MALFEASANCE of illegal records erasing, and by whom, and when, and where and how, and then the why?

and then the prosecution of any premeditated criminal actions by those involved...

I'm not much in to this pontificating, and showmanship, and dog and pony shows of the supposed investigators, who are running this investigation through the right wing media....

It looks bad, it smells, and it is NOT in any way, the right way to run an investigation interested in finding the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the LOOKS like a political faux scandal the way these congressmen are acting and conducting their interrogations before the beloved's IMMATURE....but the riht wing just eats it all up and licks their lips....

but that is not JUSTICE, and these republican congressmen show no interest in the TRUTH or Justice.....they are suppose to represent the Nation, including the people being interviewed....I've seen nothing remotely respectable in their dog and pony show, and childish actions.

That's a problem these republican congress critters could have avoided altogether, if they had taken an honest, and decent, and non partisan approach to finding out what happened....

Should stonewalling be respected? Really?
No, stonewalling should not be taken lightly, however these Investigators and their ridiculous, immature and partisan pontification and showmanship, has absolutely gotten them NOWHERE in this investigation, other than riling their own voters, of which I, who am not one of their voters, is having to pay for, with MY taxes....this is why these investigations should be handled professionally, without the partisan pontification on my and other American's dime....they should be done, to get to the truth, without partisan rhetoric and accusations with no evidence yet to support it.

Just get to the truth, act like adults, without partisan bullying and grand standing, would be greatly appreciated...

and that would be them doing their jobs in these hearings in searching out the truth, (and without these pre- planned DRAMA QUEEN'S 15 minutes of media fame crapola), that I and other Americans, are having to pay for....with the result of NOTHING.

Then would you be in favor of a special prosecutor take over the investigation from congress? Holder can't be trusted. As he said himself, he is Obama's "Wing Man".
Why would he want to STOP the Tea Party and Republicans from eating themselves alive?

Maybe the Democrats in office as well as the majority of Republicans in office, had reasons to squash the Tea Party..... But I do not believe they were a major factor in the Presidential Race of Romney vs. Obama, which is what President Obama had his focus on, his OWN re-election?

Hey, I could be wrong?

I would love to see Learner be given immunity and spill the beans....

or I would love to see the IRS crashed and lost emails be found on a server somewhere....

What I don't like is all the speculation, without some kind of evidence to support it,

or some kind of evidence SHOWING MALFEASANCE of illegal records erasing, and by whom, and when, and where and how, and then the why?

and then the prosecution of any premeditated criminal actions by those involved...

I'm not much in to this pontificating, and showmanship, and dog and pony shows of the supposed investigators, who are running this investigation through the right wing media....

It looks bad, it smells, and it is NOT in any way, the right way to run an investigation interested in finding the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the LOOKS like a political faux scandal the way these congressmen are acting and conducting their interrogations before the beloved's IMMATURE....but the riht wing just eats it all up and licks their lips....

but that is not JUSTICE, and these republican congressmen show no interest in the TRUTH or Justice.....they are suppose to represent the Nation, including the people being interviewed....I've seen nothing remotely respectable in their dog and pony show, and childish actions.

That's a problem these republican congress critters could have avoided altogether, if they had taken an honest, and decent, and non partisan approach to finding out what happened....

Should stonewalling be respected? Really?
No, stonewalling should not be taken lightly, however these Investigators and their ridiculous, immature and partisan pontification and showmanship, has absolutely gotten them NOWHERE in this investigation, other than riling their own voters, of which I, who am not one of their voters, is having to pay for, with MY taxes....this is why these investigations should be handled professionally, without the partisan pontification on my and other American's dime....they should be done, to get to the truth, without partisan rhetoric and accusations with no evidence yet to support it.

Just get to the truth, act like adults, without partisan bullying and grand standing, would be greatly appreciated...

and that would be them doing their jobs in these hearings in searching out the truth, (and without these pre- planned DRAMA QUEEN'S 15 minutes of media fame crapola), that I and other Americans, are having to pay for....with the result of NOTHING.

With all due respect, Care? A "professional" investigation would indicate something done by the FBI or the Attorney General. Do you see ANY indication that Eric Holder is about to investigate any wrongdoings by his good friend Barack Obama? This Administration could justifiably by renamed "Scandals R Us" they've been embroiled in so many and Holder hasn't deigned to investigate a single one. So when you start talking about people "doing their jobs?...don't you think it's time the Attorney General of the United States started doing his?
To be quite candid...I don't want to see Lois Lerner skate on this by turning in someone else. I'd like to see her in jail for what she did. I'd like to see her lose her pension. Why? Because I find her smug attitude after what she's done to be deserving of something more than a plea deal where she walks away from this unscathed. It's time to send a message to civil servants that if they break the law that they will go to jail for it just like the rest of us would.
So the guy who got his job with the IRS because he gave enough money to the DNC would not protect his investment?

John A. Koskinen is the former Non-Executive Chairman of Freddie Mac from September, 2008 to December, 2011, retiring from the Board in February 2012. On December 20, 2013, Koskinen was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to head the Internal Revenue Service as Commissioner of Internal Revenue. On December 23, 2013, Koskinen was sworn in as the 48th IRS Commissioner after being nominated by President Obama.

John Koskinen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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