Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

ACLJ Now Represents 41 Conservative Groups in Federal Lawsuit Against IRS | Free Speech, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Straight to the horse's mouth. Best site for lawsuit information. Not like the stuff I was given here, thanks, but this is on a whole different level.
Just keep clicking on the blue highlights, this site will take you everywhere on this topic.

Compare this to the stuff you provided. It doesn't compare. It's like you are in elementary school and suddenly you have college books.
You are behaving like a petulant child, when caught in a lie, now.
What scandal..Tea Party groups are political groups..

and, by law, ineligible to any tax exempt status..

Of course they should be investigated...They were trying to break the law
What scandal..Tea Party groups are political groups..

and, by law, ineligible to any tax exempt status..

Of course they should be investigated...They were trying to break the law

Keep your head buried in the sand. But if you finally decide you need some air, you will be in for a stench that will stay with you for a long time.
What scandal..Tea Party groups are political groups..

and, by law, ineligible to any tax exempt status..

Of course they should be investigated...They were trying to break the law

You're such an ill informed moron it's hard to know where to begin.
But I suspect you're merely a sock for someone else.
ACLJ Now Represents 41 Conservative Groups in Federal Lawsuit Against IRS | Free Speech, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Straight to the horse's mouth. Best site for lawsuit information. Not like the stuff I was given here, thanks, but this is on a whole different level.
Just keep clicking on the blue highlights, this site will take you everywhere on this topic.

Compare this to the stuff you provided. It doesn't compare. It's like you are in elementary school and suddenly you have college books.
You are behaving like a petulant child, when caught in a lie, now.

The links you guys provided simply confirm wrong doing or mistakes made by bureaucrats. The links to generic news articles do the same. You gave links to filings. One was 49 pages and another was 58. They are interesting, but again, limited to blaming problems and offenses instigated or performed by bureaucrats. Just a lot of stuff that adds up to what everyone knows, has known for a long time. Just an old worn out used to be scandal that has become nothing more than a scam to collect political contributions from suckers.
Compare this to the stuff you provided. It doesn't compare. It's like you are in elementary school and suddenly you have college books.
You are behaving like a petulant child, when caught in a lie, now.

The links you guys provided simply confirm wrong doing or mistakes made by bureaucrats. The links to generic news articles do the same. You gave links to filings. One was 49 pages and another was 58. They are interesting, but again, limited to blaming problems and offenses instigated or performed by bureaucrats. Just a lot of stuff that adds up to what everyone knows, has known for a long time. Just an old worn out used to be scandal that has become nothing more than a scam to collect political contributions from suckers.

That's what I thought. You lied when you stated you wanted to discuss. All you want to do is try to brush this legitimate malfeasance under the rug. It's not goibg tobwork.
You are behaving like a petulant child, when caught in a lie, now.

The links you guys provided simply confirm wrong doing or mistakes made by bureaucrats. The links to generic news articles do the same. You gave links to filings. One was 49 pages and another was 58. They are interesting, but again, limited to blaming problems and offenses instigated or performed by bureaucrats. Just a lot of stuff that adds up to what everyone knows, has known for a long time. Just an old worn out used to be scandal that has become nothing more than a scam to collect political contributions from suckers.

That's what I thought. You lied when you stated you wanted to discuss. All you want to do is try to brush this legitimate malfeasance under the rug. It's not goibg tobwork.

I give him credit. Usually when libs get pwned in discussion they either:
-Call people names
-Throw out some off the wall comment like "You didnt say anything when Cheney shot his friend!"
At least here he thinks no one will notice that he was making fun of the scandal and minimizing it or dismissing it outright.
I'm checking out those links, the ones that don't come back error anyhow. So far I'm not seeing much other than, yes, some groups have filed laws suites. One is about a group that says it had to wait to long to get it's status approved. Still looking for any of them to describe damage claims. I thought there would be all kinds of reviews by lawyers and articles. Maybe we have to wait awhile longer until they start getting heard in a court.

Camp, you're seriously embarrassing yourself on this topic! The lawsuit filed by the American Center for Law and Justice on behalf of 25 Tea Party and conservative groups has been in the news for over a year now. True the Vote also filed a law suit last year.

Gee, wonder why it is that so many Americans don't know about those lawsuits, Camp? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that the main stream media declared it a "non story" and a "fake scandal". Move along folks...Nothing to see here!!! The fact is...the main stream media has done their very best Chief Wiggum imitation.

You should be embarrassed, not me. I haven't been interested enough in the issue to get into the finite details. I asked questions and asked for links. Some of you are so defensive and hostile it blinds your ability to be rational. You and another poster supplied me with some links, but I had to find the best one on the net on my own. A direct link to the law firm handling the lawsuit for 41 groups with every detail of the case you could ask for.
You should thank me for posting the link. You obviously didn't have access to it or know of it's existence. Now you do.

Finite details? Camp, I hate to point out the obvious here but you didn't know the basic details!

How is it that you're not "interested" in alleged corruption in the IRS? Is it because it paints the party you support in a VERY unflattering manner? Would you be interested if this was the Bush Administration getting the IRS to audit you? Would THAT get your attention?
Compare this to the stuff you provided. It doesn't compare. It's like you are in elementary school and suddenly you have college books.
You are behaving like a petulant child, when caught in a lie, now.

The links you guys provided simply confirm wrong doing or mistakes made by bureaucrats. The links to generic news articles do the same. You gave links to filings. One was 49 pages and another was 58. They are interesting, but again, limited to blaming problems and offenses instigated or performed by bureaucrats. Just a lot of stuff that adds up to what everyone knows, has known for a long time. Just an old worn out used to be scandal that has become nothing more than a scam to collect political contributions from suckers.

This has been an ongoing tactic by both this Administration and it's supporters for years now! The Obama White House stonewalls investigations and then when they think enough time has gone by, they and people like yourself declare whichever scandal it is to be "old news" and not worth discussing. "That was like TWO YEARS AGO, dude!"
You are behaving like a petulant child, when caught in a lie, now.

The links you guys provided simply confirm wrong doing or mistakes made by bureaucrats. The links to generic news articles do the same. You gave links to filings. One was 49 pages and another was 58. They are interesting, but again, limited to blaming problems and offenses instigated or performed by bureaucrats. Just a lot of stuff that adds up to what everyone knows, has known for a long time. Just an old worn out used to be scandal that has become nothing more than a scam to collect political contributions from suckers.

This has been an ongoing tactic by both this Administration and it's supporters for years now! The Obama White House stonewalls investigations and then when they think enough time has gone by, they and people like yourself declare whichever scandal it is to be "old news" and not worth discussing. "That was like TWO YEARS AGO, dude!"

Do you think the tactics work? Look at this thread. You guys are unable to get the scandal past the possible alleged misbehaving bureaucrat level. Lois Lerner seems to be the big fish. A career appointee bureaucrat who received her first appointment under Reagan and her last one under Bush.
The links you guys provided simply confirm wrong doing or mistakes made by bureaucrats. The links to generic news articles do the same. You gave links to filings. One was 49 pages and another was 58. They are interesting, but again, limited to blaming problems and offenses instigated or performed by bureaucrats. Just a lot of stuff that adds up to what everyone knows, has known for a long time. Just an old worn out used to be scandal that has become nothing more than a scam to collect political contributions from suckers.

This has been an ongoing tactic by both this Administration and it's supporters for years now! The Obama White House stonewalls investigations and then when they think enough time has gone by, they and people like yourself declare whichever scandal it is to be "old news" and not worth discussing. "That was like TWO YEARS AGO, dude!"

Do you think the tactics work? Look at this thread. You guys are unable to get the scandal past the possible alleged misbehaving bureaucrat level. Lois Lerner seems to be the big fish. A career appointee bureaucrat who received her first appointment under Reagan and her last one under Bush.

Again you are so ill informed it would be funny if it didnt suck.
Currently it appears the IRS was working at the behest of operatives in the Democratic Party, including Schumer, Levin, and Cummings, to undermine the Tea Party and other conservative groups. Does it go to the WH? Who knows? Maybe Obama first read about it in the newspaper.
The links you guys provided simply confirm wrong doing or mistakes made by bureaucrats. The links to generic news articles do the same. You gave links to filings. One was 49 pages and another was 58. They are interesting, but again, limited to blaming problems and offenses instigated or performed by bureaucrats. Just a lot of stuff that adds up to what everyone knows, has known for a long time. Just an old worn out used to be scandal that has become nothing more than a scam to collect political contributions from suckers.

This has been an ongoing tactic by both this Administration and it's supporters for years now! The Obama White House stonewalls investigations and then when they think enough time has gone by, they and people like yourself declare whichever scandal it is to be "old news" and not worth discussing. "That was like TWO YEARS AGO, dude!"

Do you think the tactics work? Look at this thread. You guys are unable to get the scandal past the possible alleged misbehaving bureaucrat level. Lois Lerner seems to be the big fish. A career appointee bureaucrat who received her first appointment under Reagan and her last one under Bush.

Wonder if she would help her husband out???

Embattled IRS official Lois Lerner’s husband’s law firm has strong Obama connections

Read more: Lois Lerner's husband's law firm hosted campaign organizing | The Daily Caller
This has been an ongoing tactic by both this Administration and it's supporters for years now! The Obama White House stonewalls investigations and then when they think enough time has gone by, they and people like yourself declare whichever scandal it is to be "old news" and not worth discussing. "That was like TWO YEARS AGO, dude!"

Do you think the tactics work? Look at this thread. You guys are unable to get the scandal past the possible alleged misbehaving bureaucrat level. Lois Lerner seems to be the big fish. A career appointee bureaucrat who received her first appointment under Reagan and her last one under Bush.

Wonder if she would help her husband out???

Embattled IRS official Lois Lerner’s husband’s law firm has strong Obama connections

Read more: Lois Lerner's husband's law firm hosted campaign organizing | The Daily Caller

Lois Lerner's Husband's law firm donates more to Republicans than Democrats.

Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan: House Republicans | OpenSecrets

Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan: Senate Republicans | OpenSecrets
Do you think the tactics work? Look at this thread. You guys are unable to get the scandal past the possible alleged misbehaving bureaucrat level. Lois Lerner seems to be the big fish. A career appointee bureaucrat who received her first appointment under Reagan and her last one under Bush.

Wonder if she would help her husband out???

Embattled IRS official Lois Lerner’s husband’s law firm has strong Obama connections

Read more: Lois Lerner's husband's law firm hosted campaign organizing | The Daily Caller

Lois Lerner's Husband's law firm donates more to Republicans than Democrats.

Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan: House Republicans | OpenSecrets

Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan: Senate Republicans | OpenSecrets


Longtime Sutherland partner David Adelman, the former Democratic minority whip of the Georgia state senate, serves as ambassador to the Republic of Singapore in the Obama administration.

“Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP announces that its partner and Georgia State Sen. David I. Adelman, has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore. President Obama nominated Sen. Adelman on November 20, 2009,” according to a Sutherland press release dated March 19, 2010.
The links you guys provided simply confirm wrong doing or mistakes made by bureaucrats. The links to generic news articles do the same. You gave links to filings. One was 49 pages and another was 58. They are interesting, but again, limited to blaming problems and offenses instigated or performed by bureaucrats. Just a lot of stuff that adds up to what everyone knows, has known for a long time. Just an old worn out used to be scandal that has become nothing more than a scam to collect political contributions from suckers.

This has been an ongoing tactic by both this Administration and it's supporters for years now! The Obama White House stonewalls investigations and then when they think enough time has gone by, they and people like yourself declare whichever scandal it is to be "old news" and not worth discussing. "That was like TWO YEARS AGO, dude!"

Do you think the tactics work? Look at this thread. You guys are unable to get the scandal past the possible alleged misbehaving bureaucrat level. Lois Lerner seems to be the big fish. A career appointee bureaucrat who received her first appointment under Reagan and her last one under Bush.

Do I think the stonewalling of investigations into scandals "works"? Well quite obviously it has! My question for you is WHERE IS OUR ATTORNEY GENERAL? WHERE IS THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT? WHERE IS THE FBI? It's about time to put Eric Holder's picture on a milk carton, Camp! He's been missing for that long.

This IRS scandal is reaching a state of fusion. The percentage of Americans that now believe that the IRS deliberately got rid of those e-mails is overwhelming. It's not the 90% of Republicans that feels that way YOU should be concerned's the almost 65% of Democrats that feel the same way! Quite frankly, the story that's been concocted isn't standing up to even a cursory examination.
Wonder if she would help her husband out???

Embattled IRS official Lois Lerner’s husband’s law firm has strong Obama connections

Read more: Lois Lerner's husband's law firm hosted campaign organizing | The Daily Caller

Lois Lerner's Husband's law firm donates more to Republicans than Democrats.

Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan: House Republicans | OpenSecrets

Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan: Senate Republicans | OpenSecrets


Longtime Sutherland partner David Adelman, the former Democratic minority whip of the Georgia state senate, serves as ambassador to the Republic of Singapore in the Obama administration.

“Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP announces that its partner and Georgia State Sen. David I. Adelman, has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore. President Obama nominated Sen. Adelman on November 20, 2009,” according to a Sutherland press release dated March 19, 2010.

Money talks. Lerner is still a GOP operative up to no good and belongs in jail. Why won't the GOP put this obvious criminal who is already in contempt of Congress in jail?????
Why are the GOP protecting this criminal?????
MITS*is led by the Chief Technology Officer (CIO). The CTO reports to the Commissioner of the*Internal Revenue Service*(IRS).*MITShas nine subordinate offices:
The IRS needs to improve management practices over end-user computer server storage to ensure effective and efficient utilization of storage and budget resources.**In Fiscal Years 2003 through 2006, the Modernization and Information Technology Services (MITS) organization spent $19.9 million to purchase server storage capacity and support.**However, only 27 percent of the available storage was being used on the 2,253 servers we reviewed.**In addition, the IRS had not established policies and procedures for monitoring end-user computer server storage usage, including both end-user infrastructure and application server storage.**As a result, it may not have most efficiently used its resources.

SynopsisThe IRS requires a large and complex computer environment, which includes computer servers managed by several functions within the MITS organization to process and store taxpayer, financial, and administrative data.**On May 14, 2006, the MITS organization began centralizing under the Enterprise Operations organization the management of all servers in both the Enterprise Operations and the End User Equipment and Services organizations.**Other MITS organizations continue to manage their own servers.**In Fiscal Years 2003 through 2006, the MITS organization spent $19.9 million to purchase server storage capacity and support.**It planned to spend an additional $9.3 million in Fiscal Years 2006 and 2007; however, the $9.3 million was redirected and put to better use on higher priority information technology infrastructure needs (see Appendix IV).

Although the MITS organization began centralizing server management and reallocated budgeted storage funds, policies and procedures did not ensure effective and efficient storage utilization.**In Fiscal Years 2003 through 2006, the MITS organization spent $19.9 million to purchase server storage and storage support.**However, only 27 percent of storage capacity was being used...

Only*27 percent of the available storage was being used on the 2,253 servers we reviewed.*Based on the unused storage rate of 73 percent, $14.6 million[2]*of the $19.9 million spent on the purchase of storage capacity and support*during Fiscal Years 2003 through 2006represents an inefficient use of resources (see Appendix IV).MITS organization management did not have an accurate inventory of all available server storage space.**The number of servers shown in the different systems varied, with 2,256 servers in the*Tivoli®*inventory system, 3,478 servers in the Enterprise Systems Management Organization Master Server Database, and 4,783 servers in the*Information Technology Asset Management System.**In a prior audit report,[3]*we recommended mismatches between records on the*Tivoli®*inventory system and the*Information Technology Asset Management System*be resolved.**The IRS closed the corrective action on March 3, 2006; however, only 47 percent[4]*of the servers inventoried in the*Information Technology Asset Management System*were identified in the*Tivoli®*inventory system records during this review.


Longtime Sutherland partner David Adelman, the former Democratic minority whip of the Georgia state senate, serves as ambassador to the Republic of Singapore in the Obama administration.

“Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP announces that its partner and Georgia State Sen. David I. Adelman, has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore. President Obama nominated Sen. Adelman on November 20, 2009,” according to a Sutherland press release dated March 19, 2010.

Money talks. Lerner is still a GOP operative up to no good and belongs in jail. Why won't the GOP put this obvious criminal who is already in contempt of Congress in jail?????
Why are the GOP protecting this criminal?????

But Ed, Holder won't prosecute Lerner for contempt, after all he was held in contempt, and an Obuma E.O is the only way he skipped out of it!

OBAMAGATE: President Issues Executive Order releasing Eric Holder from Congressional Contempt Charges

OBAMAGATE: President Issues Executive Order releasing Eric Holder from Congressional Contempt Charges | Voting American

AND....Trey Gowdy to Eric Holder: Prosecute Lerner, Prove You're a Real AG

Trey Gowdy to Eric Holder: Prove You're a Real Attorney General and Prosecute Lerner
So, in 2007, they had only used 27% of their server storage capacity. That included for administrative. Yet they claim they had to recycle everyv6 months in 2009? I wonder how much more they've spent for servers since 2007?
From 2010-

In a presentation earlier this month at Data Center World, Tony McMahon of the IRS said*there are widespread*misperceptions about the agency’s IT operations.“One of the things you often hear is that IRS is running on 1960s technology,” said McMahon, the director the Enterprise Computing Centers for the agency. “We are not. We actually have state of the art technology in our environment.” That includes IBM z10, z800 and z900 mainframes, as well as Unisys 6800 systems.Major Data Center ConsolidationThe IRS has recently retired seven data centers and a ton of legacy equipment through a*data center consolidation. The agency, which once had 10 data centers, now*operates major data centers in Memphis and Detroit to support the agency’s primary site in Martinsburg, West Virginia.The Detroit site*supports administrative computing, while*most data is processed in Martinsburg*and backed up to Memphis. These facilities process 7 million transactions per day, and run more than 4,500 batch jobs*daily as they exchange*data with other*agencies.

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