Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

the loser left refuses to admit they comitt vote fraud. efforts to unsure proper voting are not the same thing as 'intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens"
just curious, How old are you? 10? 14? 16? Do you realize how infantile you sound every time you post bedowin?

Why not just TRY to contribute to the debates on this board with something, anything, anything at all, that is informative or even vaguely interesting?

grow up! pretty please!!

"That's so immature!" is exactly the kind of argument a 12-year-old would use.
Bedowin's post sounds perfectly adult and accurate.

When you think about it, limiting the days you can vote, ending or limiting early voting, reducing the number of polling places, changing laws that have worked for decades are all things Republicans have done in dozens of states.

How do we know? For one, they have told us what they are doing and why.

So for Republicans to say they want an "honest" election or complain that voters rights are being "squashed" is both dishonest and laughable.
Special counsel's a comin' s0ns!!! Gotta make this HUGE!!! It'll wake the people the fuck up and the msm will have to pay attention. Even the masses of low information voters on the left will feel like dumbasses. Nothing will happen to Obama or Holder but their legacy will be put permanently in the pooper as frauds and ensure nothing like this pos ever gets anywhere near the White House ever again.
Does anyone other than the Obama haters give a crap about the alleged IRS scandal?
Does anyone other than the Obama haters give a crap about the alleged IRS scandal?

Now THAT is amusing! After claiming there isn't any "there" there and being shown to be completely wrong...your comeback is that nobody should "care" about an Administration using the IRS to target political opponents?

The fact of the matter, Camp is that EVERYONE...regardless of their political leanings should care about the IRS scandal. They should have cared about it when Nixon tried to use the IRS against HIS political opponents and they should care about it when Democrats tried to use it against THEIR political opponents! The IRS has far too much power to be used as a weapon by Administrations in power to silence their political foes. If this problem isn't resolved and the people responsible for what happened punished to the full extent of the law...then I would make the case that it's time to start talking about abolishing the IRS and going to some sort of tax that eliminates having to file income tax returns.
Does thinking the IRS scandal is being used as an attack conduit on Obama rather than a viable excuse and reason to fix part of the broken tax system make a person un American and indicate a lack of respect for the Constitution? 'Cause I don't see a lot of concern that political groups are getting away with using a tax break designed for social welfare and charity to promote personal political agenda's. Hence the priority seems to be to blame some politicians and bureaucrats for being overzealous while the crooks are getting away. Everybody looses but the thieves.
So let me see if I've got this're VERY concerned that Americans can use their own money to promote their own personal political agenda...but you're not concerned at ALL that a sitting Administration can use the immense power of the IRS to knee cap their political opponents? Really?
Does thinking the IRS scandal is being used as an attack conduit on Obama rather than a viable excuse and reason to fix part of the broken tax system make a person un American and indicate a lack of respect for the Constitution? 'Cause I don't see a lot of concern that political groups are getting away with using a tax break designed for social welfare and charity to promote personal political agenda's. Hence the priority seems to be to blame some politicians and bureaucrats for being overzealous while the crooks are getting away. Everybody looses but the thieves.

Do you think it's okay for the president of the United States to use the IRS for political purposes to help win re-election?
Does thinking the IRS scandal is being used as an attack conduit on Obama rather than a viable excuse and reason to fix part of the broken tax system make a person un American and indicate a lack of respect for the Constitution? 'Cause I don't see a lot of concern that political groups are getting away with using a tax break designed for social welfare and charity to promote personal political agenda's. Hence the priority seems to be to blame some politicians and bureaucrats for being overzealous while the crooks are getting away. Everybody looses but the thieves.

Do you think it's okay for the president of the United States to use the IRS for political purposes to help win re-election?

Nixon got caught and punished. If we catch another one doing that we should punish him. But what doe's that have to do with the IRS scandal of today?
And what happened at the IRS isn't a "broken tax system", Camp! It's a blatant misuse of power.

It's broken because the IRS made a regulation that ended up overruling an actual law passed by congress. The congress doesn't want to fix it, Democrats or Republicans, because they get huge amounts of money from these groups that operate under quasi legal conditions.
Does thinking the IRS scandal is being used as an attack conduit on Obama rather than a viable excuse and reason to fix part of the broken tax system make a person un American and indicate a lack of respect for the Constitution? 'Cause I don't see a lot of concern that political groups are getting away with using a tax break designed for social welfare and charity to promote personal political agenda's. Hence the priority seems to be to blame some politicians and bureaucrats for being overzealous while the crooks are getting away. Everybody looses but the thieves.

Do you think it's okay for the president of the United States to use the IRS for political purposes to help win re-election?

Nixon got caught and punished. If we catch another one doing that we should punish him. But what doe's that have to do with the IRS scandal of today?

Nixon attempted to use the IRS against his opponents but wasn't able to do so. What's so scary about the IRS scandal of today is that they WERE successful using the IRS against their opponents.
And what happened at the IRS isn't a "broken tax system", Camp! It's a blatant misuse of power.

It's broken because the IRS made a regulation that ended up overruling an actual law passed by congress. The congress doesn't want to fix it, Democrats or Republicans, because they get huge amounts of money from these groups that operate under quasi legal conditions.

So if Congress passes a law that you don't agree with you work to change the law. You don't use the power of the IRS to silence those people that you were unable to silence legislatively. I'm amazed that you don't grasp the dangerous precedent this sets going forward if it's allowed to stand.
Do you think it's okay for the president of the United States to use the IRS for political purposes to help win re-election?

Nixon got caught and punished. If we catch another one doing that we should punish him. But what doe's that have to do with the IRS scandal of today?

Nixon attempted to use the IRS against his opponents but wasn't able to do so. What's so scary about the IRS scandal of today is that they WERE successful using the IRS against their opponents.

No one got damaged. The groups continued to operate. The only threat or inconvenience was that the IRS wanted to check them out to see if they were being truthful. And they weren't being truthful. This whole affair is just a way to keep the money rolling in to the politicians. As usual, the power elite have the minions from the mass's doing their bidding and heavy work.
And what happened at the IRS isn't a "broken tax system", Camp! It's a blatant misuse of power.

It's broken because the IRS made a regulation that ended up overruling an actual law passed by congress. The congress doesn't want to fix it, Democrats or Republicans, because they get huge amounts of money from these groups that operate under quasi legal conditions.

So if Congress passes a law that you don't agree with you work to change the law. You don't use the power of the IRS to silence those people that you were unable to silence legislatively. I'm amazed that you don't grasp the dangerous precedent this sets going forward if it's allowed to stand.

I try not to let my imagination get out of control.
Does thinking the IRS scandal is being used as an attack conduit on Obama rather than a viable excuse and reason to fix part of the broken tax system make a person un American and indicate a lack of respect for the Constitution? 'Cause I don't see a lot of concern that political groups are getting away with using a tax break designed for social welfare and charity to promote personal political agenda's. Hence the priority seems to be to blame some politicians and bureaucrats for being overzealous while the crooks are getting away. Everybody looses but the thieves.

Do you think it's okay for the president of the United States to use the IRS for political purposes to help win re-election?

Nixon got caught and punished. If we catch another one doing that we should punish him. But what doe's that have to do with the IRS scandal of today?

How is another to be caught if everyone looks the other way when there is obvious evidence of misconduct? The media was all over the watergate scandal leaving no stone uncovered with their investigative reporting. Today Obama has the Justice department in his back pocket and the media is too much in lust with him to investigate anything that stinks. The media will spent 10 times as much resources investigating the closing of a bridge as they do in the IRS targeting groups for political purposes.
Do you think it's okay for the president of the United States to use the IRS for political purposes to help win re-election?

Nixon got caught and punished. If we catch another one doing that we should punish him. But what doe's that have to do with the IRS scandal of today?

How is another to be caught if everyone looks the other way when there is obvious evidence of misconduct? The media was all over the watergate scandal leaving no stone uncovered with their investigative reporting. Today Obama has the Justice department in his back pocket and the media is too much in lust with him to investigate anything that stinks. The media will spent 10 times as much resources investigating the closing of a bridge as they do in the IRS targeting groups for political purposes.

I don't buy that media nonsense. The media will turn on Obama or anyone else if it means increased revenue. They are not jumping on the IRS story the way some people want them to because there is no story there. Or at least not the kind of juicy story the public and the press like. Don't blame the media or the public, put the blame where it belongs.
Issa burned this story out. The dysfunctional Republican's let that jackass destroy the story and any hope there was for genuine public interest. They are doing the same thing with the new goof ball. The public is seeing grandstanding, bullying for show, and basically just another poorly scripted show act instead of a professional investigation. It's all designed for fund raising. Suckers will keep send these hucksters money for reelection. The hucksters know their running a scam. Otherwise they would have been offering immunity to some of the players long ago. Duh.
Nixon got caught and punished. If we catch another one doing that we should punish him. But what doe's that have to do with the IRS scandal of today?

Nixon attempted to use the IRS against his opponents but wasn't able to do so. What's so scary about the IRS scandal of today is that they WERE successful using the IRS against their opponents.

No one got damaged. The groups continued to operate. The only threat or inconvenience was that the IRS wanted to check them out to see if they were being truthful. And they weren't being truthful. This whole affair is just a way to keep the money rolling in to the politicians. As usual, the power elite have the minions from the mass's doing their bidding and heavy work.

That's so far from what actually happened it boggles the mnd.
Remember that some of those groups, like J-Street, are suing the IRS for damages.
"No one got damaged." Give me a fuckin break.
Nixon attempted to use the IRS against his opponents but wasn't able to do so. What's so scary about the IRS scandal of today is that they WERE successful using the IRS against their opponents.

No one got damaged. The groups continued to operate. The only threat or inconvenience was that the IRS wanted to check them out to see if they were being truthful. And they weren't being truthful. This whole affair is just a way to keep the money rolling in to the politicians. As usual, the power elite have the minions from the mass's doing their bidding and heavy work.

That's so far from what actually happened it boggles the mnd.
Remember that some of those groups, like J-Street, are suing the IRS for damages.
"No one got damaged." Give me a fuckin break.

Somebody suing somebody usually doesn't mean diddly squat. How was anyone allegedly damaged?
No one got damaged. The groups continued to operate. The only threat or inconvenience was that the IRS wanted to check them out to see if they were being truthful. And they weren't being truthful. This whole affair is just a way to keep the money rolling in to the politicians. As usual, the power elite have the minions from the mass's doing their bidding and heavy work.

That's so far from what actually happened it boggles the mnd.
Remember that some of those groups, like J-Street, are suing the IRS for damages.
"No one got damaged." Give me a fuckin break.

Somebody suing somebody usually doesn't mean diddly squat. How was anyone allegedly damaged?
No, someone suing someone else means that someone at least thought they had suffered damage In this case lack of tax exempt status inhibited their abilty to raise money. And that is damage.

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