Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

Did you watch the vid ~~
No one brought the White House into this. The WH injected itself into this all on their own. It's about WHO gave LLerner a reason to plead the 5th. She planted a question about the targeting of conservatives.
So it was Lois plead the 5th Lerner that started this whole thing after complaints & a letter from Coats.
Republicans weren't looking at the IRS until it starting targeting people that the IRS admitted to.

Logic is what you are lacking...
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GIOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know hoe Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

Lerner isn't a political appointee, moron. She's a lifetime employee. SHe's also a well known left wing hack. Just about everything you say turns about to be a lie, doesn't it?

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.

You're making claims that have no visible means of support. How do you know which emails she destroyed? Destroying any emails is a crime. If Gowdy, Issa, Boehner and McConnell received emails from Lerner, I think they would know it, don't you?
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.
who appointed lerner is irrelevant leftard; she didnt comitt crimes and take the fifth about them on bush's watch

Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GIOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know hoe Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

Lerner isn't a political appointee, moron. She's a lifetime employee. SHe's also a well known left wing hack. Just about everything you say turns about to be a lie, doesn't it?

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.

You're making claims that have no visible means of support. How do you know which emails she destroyed? Destroying any emails is a crime. If Gowdy, Issa, Boehner and McConnell received emails from Lerner, I think they would know it, don't you?
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

Gowdy is a tough hombre, huh.
Did you watch the vid ~~
No one brought the White House into this. The WH injected itself into this all on their own. It's about WHO gave LLerner a reason to plead the 5th. She planted a question about the targeting of conservatives.
So it was Lois plead the 5th Lerner that started this whole thing after complaints & a letter from Coats.
Republicans weren't looking at the IRS until it starting targeting people that the IRS admitted to.

Logic is what you are lacking...
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know how Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.
Bush and Rush are the Best you've got??

Seems Lois has ties to Obama ~
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official who apologized for targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny is married to an attorney whose firm hosted a voter registration organizing event for the Obama presidential campaign, praised President Obama’s policy work, and had one of its partners appointed by Obama to a key ambassadorship.
Lois Lerner's husband's law firm hosted campaign organizing | The Daily Caller
First of all, the Daily Liar is hardly a credible source, they have been caught paying people to lie about Democrats.

But let's look at their claim, Her husband works out of the DC office of the firm, but that is NOT the office that had the voter registration drive, that was the Atlanta office, which did not involve her husband at all.

The fact remains that Lerner is a GOP hack operative who is following a GOP script to make Obama look bad and as long as she sticks to her GOP script the GOP will not prosecute her for anything no matted what she did in the past or does in the future. Mark my brilliant words on that!!!
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know how Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.
Bush and Rush are the Best you've got??

Seems Lois has ties to Obama ~
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official who apologized for targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny is married to an attorney whose firm hosted a voter registration organizing event for the Obama presidential campaign, praised President Obama’s policy work, and had one of its partners appointed by Obama to a key ambassadorship.
Lois Lerner's husband's law firm hosted campaign organizing | The Daily Caller
First of all, the Daily Liar is hardly a credible source, they have been caught paying people to lie about Democrats.

But let's look at their claim, Her husband works out of the DC office of the firm, but that is NOT the office that had the voter registration drive, that was the Atlanta office, which did not involve her husband at all.

The fact remains that Lerner is a GOP hack operative who is following a GOP script to make Obama look bad and as long as she sticks to her GOP script the GOP will not prosecute her for anything no matted what she did in the past or does in the future. Mark my brilliant words on that!!!

You have your head buried so far up our own ass you can't possibly have anything brilliant to say :D:D:D
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GIOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know hoe Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

Lerner isn't a political appointee, moron. She's a lifetime employee. SHe's also a well known left wing hack. Just about everything you say turns about to be a lie, doesn't it?

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.

You're making claims that have no visible means of support. How do you know which emails she destroyed? Destroying any emails is a crime. If Gowdy, Issa, Boehner and McConnell received emails from Lerner, I think they would know it, don't you?
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

She wasn't appointed, moron. She was hired by the IRS in 2001, and she was promoted in 2006:

Lerner began her IRS service in 2001 as Director Rulings and Agreements in the Exempt Organizations function of TEGE. [2] In January 2006, she was selected as Director Exempt Organizations. In this capacity, Lerner led an organization of 900 employees responsible for a broad range of compliance activities, including examining the operational and financial activities of exempt organizations, processing applications for tax exemption, providing direction through private letter rulings and technical guidance and providing customer education and outreach to the exempt community.[3]

She's a well known Democrat political operative. She's married to a Democrat political operative and she donates money to Democrat political campaigns. I can't imagine anything more stupid than trying to paint her as a Republican.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

You're reaching unparalleled heights of stupidity.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

You're point?
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GIOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know hoe Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

Lerner isn't a political appointee, moron. She's a lifetime employee. SHe's also a well known left wing hack. Just about everything you say turns about to be a lie, doesn't it?

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.

You're making claims that have no visible means of support. How do you know which emails she destroyed? Destroying any emails is a crime. If Gowdy, Issa, Boehner and McConnell received emails from Lerner, I think they would know it, don't you?
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

Hey. isn't Hagel a Republican under Bush, that's now a democratic much so he's Sec. of Defense?..... Can you explain this?
Lerner isn't a political appointee, moron. She's a lifetime employee. SHe's also a well known left wing hack. Just about everything you say turns about to be a lie, doesn't it?

You're making claims that have no visible means of support. How do you know which emails she destroyed? Destroying any emails is a crime. If Gowdy, Issa, Boehner and McConnell received emails from Lerner, I think they would know it, don't you?
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

She wasn't appointed, moron. She was hired by the IRS in 2001, and she was promoted in 2006:

She's a well known Democrat political operative. She's married to a Democrat political operative and she donates money to Democrat political campaigns. I can't imagine anything more stupid than trying to paint her as a Republican.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

You're reaching unparalleled heights of stupidity.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

You're point?
Everything Lerner has done and will do has been at the direction of the GOP, most likely under direct orders from Issa. A special prosecutor needs to investigate the GOP involvement in the GOP IRS scandal.

Please post any links to her or her husbands donations. The firm he works for donates more to the GOP than the Dems, but not a lot more, so I doubt that the Right is being honest about his and her involvement with the Dems.
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

She wasn't appointed, moron. She was hired by the IRS in 2001, and she was promoted in 2006:

She's a well known Democrat political operative. She's married to a Democrat political operative and she donates money to Democrat political campaigns. I can't imagine anything more stupid than trying to paint her as a Republican.

You're reaching unparalleled heights of stupidity.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

You're point?
Everything Lerner has done and will do has been at the direction of the GOP, most likely under direct orders from Issa. A special prosecutor needs to investigate the GOP involvement in the GOP IRS scandal.

Please post any links to her or her husbands donations. The firm he works for donates more to the GOP than the Dems, but not a lot more, so I doubt that the Right is being honest about his and her involvement with the Dems.

You prove you are a complete and utter moron. She took the 5th, remember? She is officially in contempt of Issa's committee.
Take the tin foil off. The rays dont hurt.
Lerner isn't a political appointee, moron. She's a lifetime employee. SHe's also a well known left wing hack. Just about everything you say turns about to be a lie, doesn't it?

You're making claims that have no visible means of support. How do you know which emails she destroyed? Destroying any emails is a crime. If Gowdy, Issa, Boehner and McConnell received emails from Lerner, I think they would know it, don't you?
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

Hey. isn't Hagel a Republican under Bush, that's now a democratic much so he's Sec. of Defense?..... Can you explain this?
Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

Hey. isn't Hagel a Republican under Bush, that's now a democratic much so he's Sec. of Defense?..... Can you explain this?
Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Right. And Trey Gowdy is a democrat mole.
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

Hey. isn't Hagel a Republican under Bush, that's now a democratic much so he's Sec. of Defense?..... Can you explain this?
Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Targeting republicans and conservatives is nothing new to Lois Lerner ~
1996 was President Clinton (D)

Before Lois Lerner was embroiled in the IRS scandal, she was involved in a questionable pattern of law enforcement at the Federal Election Commission that mirrors the discrimination recently exposed at the nation’s tax-collection agency.

Lois Lerner at the FEC | National Review Online

Now let's see your link to where she is a GOP Hack Operative :lol::lol::lol:
Last edited:
Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

Hey. isn't Hagel a Republican under Bush, that's now a democratic much so he's Sec. of Defense?..... Can you explain this?
Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Well then, since that's so, you should be leading the parade for her indictment being she's a lifelong GOP hack operative....aren't you cheering for her ultimate indictment?...After all you are a partisan subversive, and they like nothing better than to see a GOP'er get thrown to the lions!!!!:eusa_clap:
Well, their MessiahRushie told them how to get around that unassailable fact, he said they don't need any emails or any other kind of communication, Obama hired Lerner because they both think alike and she does not need to be told anything.

There is a major flaw in that "logic" but I doubt if any DittoTard will catch it!!!

Did you watch the vid ~~
No one brought the White House into this. The WH injected itself into this all on their own. It's about WHO gave LLerner a reason to plead the 5th. She planted a question about the targeting of conservatives.
So it was Lois plead the 5th Lerner that started this whole thing after complaints & a letter from Coats.
Republicans weren't looking at the IRS until it starting targeting people that the IRS admitted to.

Logic is what you are lacking...
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know how Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.

No she wasn't. That lie has already been tried once. Bush had nothing to do with her hiring. She was a career gov't. employee. Had been there for over 30 years.
You are such a hack. We had this conversation before and you were proven wrong. So quit lying and once again -
She had been working for the fed govt. since graduating, first for the dept. Of justice, then transferred to the FEC in 1981. She was career gov't. employee and transferred out of the FEC in 2001, taken on by Steven Miller, who has since been forced to resign. Bush had nothing to do with her hiring. Coincidentally, one of the 6 whose email is missing just happened to be Steven Miller's Chief of Staff.

Lerner was appointed by Bush in 2006, she is a lifetime GOP political hack.

And I know the exact same way the GOP know she destroyed emails to the WH. That sword cuts both ways! The fact remains she was NOT appointed by Bush in 2006, before Obama even announced he was running for president, because Bush knew she would do Obama's dirty work without even being told by Obama, as your MessiahRushie claimed today.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: Lois Lerner did not need any instructions. Lois Lerner did not need any approval. That's why these people are where they are! That's who these people are. That's the exact reason why they have been put in these positions.

Hey. isn't Hagel a Republican under Bush, that's now a democratic much so he's Sec. of Defense?..... Can you explain this?
Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.
Did you watch the vid ~~
No one brought the White House into this. The WH injected itself into this all on their own. It's about WHO gave LLerner a reason to plead the 5th. She planted a question about the targeting of conservatives.
So it was Lois plead the 5th Lerner that started this whole thing after complaints & a letter from Coats.
Republicans weren't looking at the IRS until it starting targeting people that the IRS admitted to.

Logic is what you are lacking...
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know how Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.
Bush and Rush are the Best you've got??

Seems Lois has ties to Obama ~
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official who apologized for targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny is married to an attorney whose firm hosted a voter registration organizing event for the Obama presidential campaign, praised President Obama’s policy work, and had one of its partners appointed by Obama to a key ambassadorship.
Lois Lerner's husband's law firm hosted campaign organizing | The Daily Caller

Oh and look...
Lois Lerner, the senior IRS official at the center of the decision to target tea party groups for burdensome tax scrutiny, signed paperwork granting tax-exempt status to the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a shady charity headed by the president’s half-brother that operated illegally for years.

Lois Lerner approved exemption for Obama brother's 'charity' | The Daily Caller

No one ever said the WH was/is involved. LLerner admitted herself that she was targeting Conservatives. That has never been in dispute. Who advised her to target

Barack Obama: 'The only people that don't want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide."
Why did she need to plead the 5th if she doesn't have something to hide??
And she did it within days of the application, literally.

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