Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

he owned him? how?

Minute 4:34 is the beginning of the end. Goudy has got him committing perjury. I would say that's owning him....

This isn't "owning".

This is badgering and attacking. And they aren't interested in an "investigation" at this point. They are interested in gotchas.

Over a million documents and over a year spent on this..and nothing.
Trey's a pitbull, a very successful one in his former trade. He's exactly the right guy for the job of wading through the bullshit of the lefty scum and have them wearing it in the end.
This thing will break wide open and you're going to see some very powerful Democrats fall.. this is why the obstruction has been sooo concealed, so heated.. Numerous Democrats are involved in this.
Don't forget that other scumbag Comb-over Carl Levin of Michigan. He's in it up to the glasses on the end of his nose.
Don't forget that other scumbag Comb-over Carl Levin of Michigan. He's in it up to the glasses on the end of his nose.

Yep.. We have direct influence from Elijah Cummings, Al Franken, Schmucky Schumer, and Carl Levin.. How much you want to bet we find even more?
Most transparent administration ever!

They are transparently criminals. Yes, all the Dems likely are up to their eyeballs in this. If we had the press now we had 40 years ago they would have resigned in shame. And then gone to prison.
he owned him? how?

Minute 4:34 is the beginning of the end. Goudy has got him committing perjury. I would say that's owning him....

This isn't "owning".

This is badgering and attacking. And they aren't interested in an "investigation" at this point. They are interested in gotchas.

Over a million documents and over a year spent on this..and nothing.

Yeah, all the documents accept the ones that were asked for. The IRS is stonewalling and obstructing. Learner and the Dims are in this up to their eyeballs. If all the evidence comes out, a lot of Dem Senators and Congressmen are going to prison.
Don't forget that other scumbag Comb-over Carl Levin of Michigan. He's in it up to the glasses on the end of his nose.

Yep.. We have direct influence from Elijah Cummings, Al Franken, Schmucky Schumer, and Carl Levin.. How much you want to bet we find even more?

What I want to know is why they haven't subpoenaed that email records of these criminal Democrat politicians?
When it comes to Koskinen I think Hillary's words, originally directed at Gen. Petraeus, fit perfectly. It takes a willing suspension of disbelief to buy anything coming out of that hack's mouth.
he owned him? how?

Are blind and deaf? When the lefties are out of office I dont want to hear a word of complaint when they receive the same treatment that conservative groups received.
Not one fucken word....

Indeed.. Let's use the power of the Federal Branch to target Green Peace, The Sierra Club, The ACLU, NEA, Planned Parenthood and shut them down.. I'll bet it wouldn't take 2 minutes for the Disgraceful Media Slime to report it and make it a story for the next decade.. Liberals would howl at the moon in fury..
The IRS will do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, to whomever it wants. Unless of course a Republican does what Lerner did. Then the Dem pitchforks and torches will be out.

It was entertaining TV but it was really just prime time drama. The IRS alone is so big and convoluted nobody can find out anything. I really do believe the emails were lost on purpose to cover up a crime. But since Holder refuses to do anything about it, nobody will be prosecuted.

This is just a very tip of the government bureaucratic nightmare. The Federal employees will do whatever they want, no matter who is elected.

Until BOTH sides of the aisle realize they must reign in government, we're doomed to watch partisan speeches emit from Congress, and nothing more.
New IRS E-mails: Lois Lerner Funneled Elijah Cummings Info on Targeted Conservative Group | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

Is it any wonder Elijah Cummings huffs and puffs trying to derail testimony all the time at these Hearings?? He's knee-deep in shit himself.

Cummings questions and investigation on True to Vote in 2012 were all above board with legitimate questions regarding the groups intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens.

HE DID NOT HIDE anything at all, it was an OFFICIAL investigation....

so what's the problem?? Jebus these right wing nuts to the core representatives were all aware of Cummings investigation in 2012....why are they ACTING as if they didn't?

for goodness sakes, there was an article in the LA Times on it in secret about it???

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group

October 05, 2012|By Michael Finnegan
A Maryland congressman has opened an investigation of a group that has tried to remove thousands of voters from registration rolls across the nation in advance of the presidential election.
The inquiry by Rep. Elijah E. Cummings , a Democrat, is being started a week after Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) urged the Justice Department to enforce voting rights laws, citing a Los Angeles Times article detailing attempts by an Ohio offshoot of the group, True the Vote, to strike hundreds of students and others from voting rolls.

“At some point, an effort to challenge voter registrations by the thousands without any legitimate basis may be evidence of illegal voter suppression,” Cummings told True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht in a letter on Thursday. “If these efforts are intentional, politically motivated and widespread across multiple states, they could amount to a criminal conspiracy to deny legitimate voters their constitutional rights.”
Cummings is the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
The Times article described efforts by the Ohio Voter Integrity Project, a spinoff of True the Vote, to remove more than 2,100 names from voter rolls. Hundreds of them were college students the group tried to strike from the rolls for failure to specify their dorm room numbers. Local election boards declined to remove any of them.

The Ohio group also challenged the rights of eight members of an African American family to vote from an address it identified as a vacant lot outside Cincinnati. But the address was actually the house where the family had lived for nearly three decades. The family suspected race was the group’s motive. The white tea party activist who challenged the family said she had made a mistake and apologized.
New IRS E-mails: Lois Lerner Funneled Elijah Cummings Info on Targeted Conservative Group | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

Is it any wonder Elijah Cummings huffs and puffs trying to derail testimony all the time at these Hearings?? He's knee-deep in shit himself.

Cummings questions and investigation on True to Vote in 2012 were all above board with legitimate questions regarding the groups intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens.

HE DID NOT HIDE anything at all, it was an OFFICIAL investigation....

so what's the problem?? Jebus these right wing nuts to the core representatives were all aware of Cummings investigation in 2012....why are they ACTING as if they didn't?

for goodness sakes, there was an article in the LA Times on it in secret about it???

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group

October 05, 2012|By Michael Finnegan
A Maryland congressman has opened an investigation of a group that has tried to remove thousands of voters from registration rolls across the nation in advance of the presidential election.
The inquiry by Rep. Elijah E. Cummings , a Democrat, is being started a week after Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) urged the Justice Department to enforce voting rights laws, citing a Los Angeles Times article detailing attempts by an Ohio offshoot of the group, True the Vote, to strike hundreds of students and others from voting rolls.

“At some point, an effort to challenge voter registrations by the thousands without any legitimate basis may be evidence of illegal voter suppression,” Cummings told True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht in a letter on Thursday. “If these efforts are intentional, politically motivated and widespread across multiple states, they could amount to a criminal conspiracy to deny legitimate voters their constitutional rights.”
Cummings is the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
The Times article described efforts by the Ohio Voter Integrity Project, a spinoff of True the Vote, to remove more than 2,100 names from voter rolls. Hundreds of them were college students the group tried to strike from the rolls for failure to specify their dorm room numbers. Local election boards declined to remove any of them.

The Ohio group also challenged the rights of eight members of an African American family to vote from an address it identified as a vacant lot outside Cincinnati. But the address was actually the house where the family had lived for nearly three decades. The family suspected race was the group’s motive. The white tea party activist who challenged the family said she had made a mistake and apologized.

the loser left refuses to admit they comitt vote fraud. efforts to unsure proper voting are not the same thing as 'intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens"
New IRS E-mails: Lois Lerner Funneled Elijah Cummings Info on Targeted Conservative Group | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

Is it any wonder Elijah Cummings huffs and puffs trying to derail testimony all the time at these Hearings?? He's knee-deep in shit himself.

Cummings questions and investigation on True to Vote in 2012 were all above board with legitimate questions regarding the groups intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens.

HE DID NOT HIDE anything at all, it was an OFFICIAL investigation....

so what's the problem?? Jebus these right wing nuts to the core representatives were all aware of Cummings investigation in 2012....why are they ACTING as if they didn't?

for goodness sakes, there was an article in the LA Times on it in secret about it???

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group

October 05, 2012|By Michael Finnegan
A Maryland congressman has opened an investigation of a group that has tried to remove thousands of voters from registration rolls across the nation in advance of the presidential election.
The inquiry by Rep. Elijah E. Cummings , a Democrat, is being started a week after Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) urged the Justice Department to enforce voting rights laws, citing a Los Angeles Times article detailing attempts by an Ohio offshoot of the group, True the Vote, to strike hundreds of students and others from voting rolls.

“At some point, an effort to challenge voter registrations by the thousands without any legitimate basis may be evidence of illegal voter suppression,” Cummings told True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht in a letter on Thursday. “If these efforts are intentional, politically motivated and widespread across multiple states, they could amount to a criminal conspiracy to deny legitimate voters their constitutional rights.”
Cummings is the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
The Times article described efforts by the Ohio Voter Integrity Project, a spinoff of True the Vote, to remove more than 2,100 names from voter rolls. Hundreds of them were college students the group tried to strike from the rolls for failure to specify their dorm room numbers. Local election boards declined to remove any of them.

The Ohio group also challenged the rights of eight members of an African American family to vote from an address it identified as a vacant lot outside Cincinnati. But the address was actually the house where the family had lived for nearly three decades. The family suspected race was the group’s motive. The white tea party activist who challenged the family said she had made a mistake and apologized.

It's really hard to have a debate with someone so woefully ill informed as you. It is in fact a gross ethical breach for a congressman or public official to pressure the IRS to investigate someone. It is criminal to coordinate that investigation between staffs, as happened with Cummings.
They are all culpable. Dimocrats are scum.
The left commits voter fraud? Yikes! I'm tellin' what's-her-name matters.

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