Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

Trey Gowdy is cut from the same cloth as Darrell Issa. It's called "self-promoting asshole cloth"...

Of course someone who lives in an Obama Fog Cloud thinks that.

In reality, Trey is an accomplished prosecutor who knows the law. That scares you.
Every time a liberal talks I expect nothing but lies.. Not one of them have integrity of any kind.. It's sad to watch them all sell out in order to protect this Administration and some powerful Democrat Senators. Don't ever want to hear the BULLSHIT lie about caring about the American people..
Oh, they DO care about the American people.

They care about the American people being kept under control and harnessed to the Tax Yoke upon which they feed.
I'm impressed by Trey Gowdy. This is the first time I've seen him in action. Haven't seen anybody get that well pinned to the wall since Monica announced she'd kept the blue dress.
Next step will be to get various IT technicians and supervisors in there, to explain when they were tasked with backing up the emails in question... and by whom.

And get the people in who decided to drop the email-backup contract with Sonasoft, and ask them what they then did to make sure emails would still be backed up as required by Federal law. And ask them why no backups were kept long-term except for those on the employees' desktop systems. And ask them who ordered them to do what they did. And keep after them until they give answers.

And then put the people they've named, in the chair for the next step of the investigation.

They can't all be as mechanically repetitious, talking-points driven and droning as Koskinen. Sooner or later one of them will tell the truth instead.
they "admitted making a mistake"

but when it comes to criminality; the part that might have proved that conveniantly came up missing

how John Gotti-like

also you never addressed the question posed by another here why didnt Lerner simply look for the tape back-up.
any body that has spent a day working for the government knows the importance of backing up the system

your idiotic defense of this criminal Administration crumbles under scrutiny

stonewalling isnt proof of innocence

the number, 800,000 or whatever it is; of useless e-mails has nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of obama here; but if anything it makes the missing ones appear that much more suspicious

what I don't get....

The back up tapes are written over every six months.

So that means there were no Lerner emails from the day she started until mid 2011....

So when they were gathering the 64,0000 emails....didn't anyone notice there were no emails before 2011? I mean.....wouldn't they notice that on the very first day of looking for them?
gowdy acknowledged that there was no wrong doing involved with the emails missing....AND THAT there were NO EMAIL TO AND FROM THE WHITEHOUSE to Learner and the the contention of those on the right that the president directed Learner to do this extra scrutiny on tea party groups and progressive groups, is flat out wrong..... YEP, WRONG according to this testimony.....

SOOOOOOO, I would not be rejoicing over anything right now if I were you...this video interrogation supports the contentions of many on the left .... 1- Obama was NOT involved AND 2-the IRS have done no wrong doing regarding the subpoena emails and them being lost.....
Well, their MessiahRushie told them how to get around that unassailable fact, he said they don't need any emails or any other kind of communication, Obama hired Lerner because they both think alike and she does not need to be told anything.

There is a major flaw in that "logic" but I doubt if any DittoTard will catch it!!!
gowdy acknowledged that there was no wrong doing involved with the emails missing....
Nonsense. Gowdy acknowledged that Koskinen had told him there was no wrongdoing... and then pointed out that Koskinen had provided false information in the past.

AND THAT there were NO EMAIL TO AND FROM THE WHITEHOUSE to Learner and the irs....
Strike two. Gowdy said that Koskinen had told him there were no such emails. BIG difference.

Nice try.
gowdy acknowledged that there was no wrong doing involved with the emails missing....AND THAT there were NO EMAIL TO AND FROM THE WHITEHOUSE to Learner and the the contention of those on the right that the president directed Learner to do this extra scrutiny on tea party groups and progressive groups, is flat out wrong..... YEP, WRONG according to this testimony.....

SOOOOOOO, I would not be rejoicing over anything right now if I were you...this video interrogation supports the contentions of many on the left .... 1- Obama was NOT involved AND 2-the IRS have done no wrong doing regarding the subpoena emails and them being lost.....
Well, their MessiahRushie told them how to get around that unassailable fact, he said they don't need any emails or any other kind of communication, Obama hired Lerner because they both think alike and she does not need to be told anything.

There is a major flaw in that "logic" but I doubt if any DittoTard will catch it!!!

The flaw in thinking is yours. You expect us to believe the emails were accidentally lost. That's corruption and you're defending it. Shame on you.
gowdy acknowledged that there was no wrong doing involved with the emails missing....AND THAT there were NO EMAIL TO AND FROM THE WHITEHOUSE to Learner and the the contention of those on the right that the president directed Learner to do this extra scrutiny on tea party groups and progressive groups, is flat out wrong..... YEP, WRONG according to this testimony.....

SOOOOOOO, I would not be rejoicing over anything right now if I were you...this video interrogation supports the contentions of many on the left .... 1- Obama was NOT involved AND 2-the IRS have done no wrong doing regarding the subpoena emails and them being lost.....
Well, their MessiahRushie told them how to get around that unassailable fact, he said they don't need any emails or any other kind of communication, Obama hired Lerner because they both think alike and she does not need to be told anything.

There is a major flaw in that "logic" but I doubt if any DittoTard will catch it!!!

Did you watch the vid ~~
No one brought the White House into this. The WH injected itself into this all on their own. It's about WHO gave LLerner a reason to plead the 5th. She planted a question about the targeting of conservatives.
So it was Lois plead the 5th Lerner that started this whole thing after complaints & a letter from Coats.
Republicans weren't looking at the IRS until it starting targeting people that the IRS admitted to.

Logic is what you are lacking...
New IRS E-mails: Lois Lerner Funneled Elijah Cummings Info on Targeted Conservative Group | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

Is it any wonder Elijah Cummings huffs and puffs trying to derail testimony all the time at these Hearings?? He's knee-deep in shit himself.

Cummings questions and investigation on True to Vote in 2012 were all above board with legitimate questions regarding the groups intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens.

HE DID NOT HIDE anything at all, it was an OFFICIAL investigation....

so what's the problem?? Jebus these right wing nuts to the core representatives were all aware of Cummings investigation in 2012....why are they ACTING as if they didn't?

for goodness sakes, there was an article in the LA Times on it in secret about it???

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group

October 05, 2012|By Michael Finnegan
A Maryland congressman has opened an investigation of a group that has tried to remove thousands of voters from registration rolls across the nation in advance of the presidential election.
The inquiry by Rep. Elijah E. Cummings , a Democrat, is being started a week after Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) urged the Justice Department to enforce voting rights laws, citing a Los Angeles Times article detailing attempts by an Ohio offshoot of the group, True the Vote, to strike hundreds of students and others from voting rolls.

“At some point, an effort to challenge voter registrations by the thousands without any legitimate basis may be evidence of illegal voter suppression,” Cummings told True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht in a letter on Thursday. “If these efforts are intentional, politically motivated and widespread across multiple states, they could amount to a criminal conspiracy to deny legitimate voters their constitutional rights.”
Cummings is the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
The Times article described efforts by the Ohio Voter Integrity Project, a spinoff of True the Vote, to remove more than 2,100 names from voter rolls. Hundreds of them were college students the group tried to strike from the rolls for failure to specify their dorm room numbers. Local election boards declined to remove any of them.

The Ohio group also challenged the rights of eight members of an African American family to vote from an address it identified as a vacant lot outside Cincinnati. But the address was actually the house where the family had lived for nearly three decades. The family suspected race was the group’s motive. The white tea party activist who challenged the family said she had made a mistake and apologized.

Do you see you haven't a foot to stand on here? He had every right to ask for an investigation through the justice department, if he had some legitimate suspicions, however, he has no right to go to the IRS himself and ask them to. That is for the justice dept. to do.
The IRS commissioner woke up sore today.

gowdy acknowledged that there was no wrong doing involved with the emails missing....AND THAT there were NO EMAIL TO AND FROM THE WHITEHOUSE to Learner and the the contention of those on the right that the president directed Learner to do this extra scrutiny on tea party groups and progressive groups, is flat out wrong..... YEP, WRONG according to this testimony.....

SOOOOOOO, I would not be rejoicing over anything right now if I were you...this video interrogation supports the contentions of many on the left .... 1- Obama was NOT involved AND 2-the IRS have done no wrong doing regarding the subpoena emails and them being lost.....
Well, their MessiahRushie told them how to get around that unassailable fact, he said they don't need any emails or any other kind of communication, Obama hired Lerner because they both think alike and she does not need to be told anything.

There is a major flaw in that "logic" but I doubt if any DittoTard will catch it!!!

Did you watch the vid ~~
No one brought the White House into this. The WH injected itself into this all on their own. It's about WHO gave LLerner a reason to plead the 5th. She planted a question about the targeting of conservatives.
So it was Lois plead the 5th Lerner that started this whole thing after complaints & a letter from Coats.
Republicans weren't looking at the IRS until it starting targeting people that the IRS admitted to.

Logic is what you are lacking...
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know how Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.
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Well, their MessiahRushie told them how to get around that unassailable fact, he said they don't need any emails or any other kind of communication, Obama hired Lerner because they both think alike and she does not need to be told anything.

There is a major flaw in that "logic" but I doubt if any DittoTard will catch it!!!

Did you watch the vid ~~
No one brought the White House into this. The WH injected itself into this all on their own. It's about WHO gave LLerner a reason to plead the 5th. She planted a question about the targeting of conservatives.
So it was Lois plead the 5th Lerner that started this whole thing after complaints & a letter from Coats.
Republicans weren't looking at the IRS until it starting targeting people that the IRS admitted to.

Logic is what you are lacking...
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GIOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know hoe Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

Lerner isn't a political appointee, moron. She's a lifetime employee. SHe's also a well known left wing hack. Just about everything you say turns about to be a lie, doesn't it?

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.

You're making claims that have no visible means of support. How do you know which emails she destroyed? Destroying any emails is a crime. If Gowdy, Issa, Boehner and McConnell received emails from Lerner, I think they would know it, don't you?
Well, their MessiahRushie told them how to get around that unassailable fact, he said they don't need any emails or any other kind of communication, Obama hired Lerner because they both think alike and she does not need to be told anything.

There is a major flaw in that "logic" but I doubt if any DittoTard will catch it!!!

Did you watch the vid ~~
No one brought the White House into this. The WH injected itself into this all on their own. It's about WHO gave LLerner a reason to plead the 5th. She planted a question about the targeting of conservatives.
So it was Lois plead the 5th Lerner that started this whole thing after complaints & a letter from Coats.
Republicans weren't looking at the IRS until it starting targeting people that the IRS admitted to.

Logic is what you are lacking...
Actually and your MessiahRushie are the ones lacking "logic." Lerner was a GOP appointee and a GOP hack operative. I would love to know how Obama got the GOP to appoint Lerner to carry out Obama's wishes without being told before he was even nominated let alone elected!!! :cuckoo:

She didn't destroy emails from her to the White House, she destroyed the emails from her to the GOP. Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell etc., all know this and were on the receiving end of the emails, they are trying to cover their America-hating asses.
Bush and Rush are the Best you've got??

Seems Lois has ties to Obama ~
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official who apologized for targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny is married to an attorney whose firm hosted a voter registration organizing event for the Obama presidential campaign, praised President Obama’s policy work, and had one of its partners appointed by Obama to a key ambassadorship.
Lois Lerner's husband's law firm hosted campaign organizing | The Daily Caller

Oh and look...
Lois Lerner, the senior IRS official at the center of the decision to target tea party groups for burdensome tax scrutiny, signed paperwork granting tax-exempt status to the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a shady charity headed by the president’s half-brother that operated illegally for years.

Lois Lerner approved exemption for Obama brother's 'charity' | The Daily Caller

No one ever said the WH was/is involved. LLerner admitted herself that she was targeting Conservatives. That has never been in dispute. Who advised her to target

Barack Obama: 'The only people that don't want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide."
Why did she need to plead the 5th if she doesn't have something to hide??

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