Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

New IRS E-mails: Lois Lerner Funneled Elijah Cummings Info on Targeted Conservative Group | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

Is it any wonder Elijah Cummings huffs and puffs trying to derail testimony all the time at these Hearings?? He's knee-deep in shit himself.

Cummings questions and investigation on True to Vote in 2012 were all above board with legitimate questions regarding the groups intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens.

HE DID NOT HIDE anything at all, it was an OFFICIAL investigation....

so what's the problem?? Jebus these right wing nuts to the core representatives were all aware of Cummings investigation in 2012....why are they ACTING as if they didn't?

for goodness sakes, there was an article in the LA Times on it in secret about it???

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

The Times article described efforts by the Ohio Voter Integrity Project, a spinoff of True the Vote, to remove more than 2,100 names from voter rolls. Hundreds of them were college students the group tried to strike from the rolls for failure to specify their dorm room numbers. Local election boards declined to remove any of them.

The Ohio group also challenged the rights of eight members of an African American family to vote from an address it identified as a vacant lot outside Cincinnati. But the address was actually the house where the family had lived for nearly three decades. The family suspected race was the group’s motive. The white tea party activist who challenged the family said she had made a mistake and apologized.

the loser left refuses to admit they comitt vote fraud. efforts to unsure proper voting are not the same thing as 'intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens"
just curious, How old are you? 10? 14? 16? Do you realize how infantile you sound every time you post bedowin?

Why not just TRY to contribute to the debates on this board with something, anything, anything at all, that is informative or even vaguely interesting?

grow up! pretty please!!
Cummings questions and investigation on True to Vote in 2012 were all above board with legitimate questions regarding the groups intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens.

HE DID NOT HIDE anything at all, it was an OFFICIAL investigation....

so what's the problem?? Jebus these right wing nuts to the core representatives were all aware of Cummings investigation in 2012....why are they ACTING as if they didn't?

for goodness sakes, there was an article in the LA Times on it in secret about it???

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

the loser left refuses to admit they comitt vote fraud. efforts to unsure proper voting are not the same thing as 'intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens"
just curious, How old are you? 10? 14? 16? Do you realize how infantile you sound every time you post bedowin?

Why not just TRY to contribute to the debates on this board with something, anything, anything at all, that is informative or even vaguely interesting?

grow up! pretty please!!

"That's so immature!" is exactly the kind of argument a 12-year-old would use.
Bedowin's post sounds perfectly adult and accurate.
Cummings questions and investigation on True to Vote in 2012 were all above board with legitimate questions regarding the groups intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens.

HE DID NOT HIDE anything at all, it was an OFFICIAL investigation....

so what's the problem?? Jebus these right wing nuts to the core representatives were all aware of Cummings investigation in 2012....why are they ACTING as if they didn't?

for goodness sakes, there was an article in the LA Times on it in secret about it???

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

the loser left refuses to admit they comitt vote fraud. efforts to unsure proper voting are not the same thing as 'intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens"
just curious, How old are you? 10? 14? 16? Do you realize how infantile you sound every time you post bedowin?

Why not just TRY to contribute to the debates on this board with something, anything, anything at all, that is informative or even vaguely interesting?

grow up! pretty please!!

I'm still waiting to hear from you, Care. Do you think that Lois Lerner's computer crashing 10 days after Camp sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups and the subsequent failure of anyone at the IRS to retrieve the data that was on Lerner's computer within the 6 months it was there on the tape backup, passes the "smell test"?
Do you think an incoming IRS Commissioner...appointed to replace an IRS Commissioner forced to resign in disgrace over the Lois Lerner targeting scandal...wouldn't remember who it was that told him for the first time that Lois Lerner's e-mails were missing? Do you REALLY buy that?
Cummings questions and investigation on True to Vote in 2012 were all above board with legitimate questions regarding the groups intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens.

HE DID NOT HIDE anything at all, it was an OFFICIAL investigation....

so what's the problem?? Jebus these right wing nuts to the core representatives were all aware of Cummings investigation in 2012....why are they ACTING as if they didn't?

for goodness sakes, there was an article in the LA Times on it in secret about it???

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group - Los Angeles Times

the loser left refuses to admit they comitt vote fraud. efforts to unsure proper voting are not the same thing as 'intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens"
just curious, How old are you? 10? 14? 16? Do you realize how infantile you sound every time you post bedowin?

Why not just TRY to contribute to the debates on this board with something, anything, anything at all, that is informative or even vaguely interesting?

grow up! pretty please!!

why dont you go cry somewhere?

do you really believe "poor" people cant afford an ID and will be "disenfranchised" if they are required to show ID?
OR IS THERE ANOTHER REASON THE LEFT OPPOSES ALL REASONABLE REQUESTS to ensure the right people and only the right people are voting?
Wonder how many subversives will stand up for these lying MoFo's from the IRS?

Trey Gowdy OWNS Irs Commissioner John Koskinen. Trey Gowdy vs Irs Commissioner - YouTube

Is that the guy who was appointed by Bush when the so called scandal actually happened? Or is he being ignored because he was appointed by Bush?

Right! 2 digit IQ'd freaks make me laugh! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

REMINDER: IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is Major Democratic Donor

The IRS commissioner has been contributing to Dems for four decades

REMINDER: IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is Major Democratic Donor | Washington Free Beacon
the loser left refuses to admit they comitt vote fraud. efforts to unsure proper voting are not the same thing as 'intentions to squash the votes of LEGAL citizens"
just curious, How old are you? 10? 14? 16? Do you realize how infantile you sound every time you post bedowin?

Why not just TRY to contribute to the debates on this board with something, anything, anything at all, that is informative or even vaguely interesting?

grow up! pretty please!!

I'm still waiting to hear from you, Care. Do you think that Lois Lerner's computer crashing 10 days after Camp sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups and the subsequent failure of anyone at the IRS to retrieve the data that was on Lerner's computer within the 6 months it was there on the tape backup, passes the "smell test"?
Oldstyle, it was just a letter from Camp asking why she was focusing on Tea party groups, just a letter...a letter similar to that of cummings, or Levin asking why she has NOT focused on the PACS that have a partisan agenda instead of a charity all congressmen were hitting her from all angles, including Camp. It was not a subpena, it was not even an investigation at the time...

And ALL RECORDS SHOW, she did everything she could and had the tech gurus do everything they could to recover her hard drive, including sending it off to an IRS forensic type team to see if they could recover it. That does not sound like or look like someone who is trying to cover up something.

And then there is, how did she manage to intentionally blow up her own hard drive? Is that something easy to do?

AND since just the beginning of this year, the IRS has had over 2000 hard drive crashes...because the gvt is not spending the money it should to run the that alone, tells me, that it is perfectly possible and more than likely, that her email crashed like the thousands of other computers at IRS.

Then on top of this, the whitehouse/administration has no communications with we KNOW the whitehouse was and is not involved, so who the hell would she be destroying her records for....? She already admitted that the tea party and progressive groups they focused on with increased scrutiny, was wrong?

There is no evidence supporting the contention that she blew up her own hard drive.

There is nothing in the 800,000 documents that this Rep investigation that has been given to the Repubs that shows criminal any least not yet....

So I will sit back and watch the pontification and dog and pony show of the disgusting, and yes disgusting and embarrassing Republican Reps as they grand stand and look like fools, until they actually come up with something that sticks....I won't hold my breath at this point....but if they do come up with a smoking gun, I will reevaluate where I stand at that time.

the repubs in congress have "called wolf" one too many times for anyone sane to believe them, on anything, at this point and imo....and this is what they get for all of their phony scandals that they have conjured up and regurgitated and cried wolf on, since Obama took office.
just curious, How old are you? 10? 14? 16? Do you realize how infantile you sound every time you post bedowin?

Why not just TRY to contribute to the debates on this board with something, anything, anything at all, that is informative or even vaguely interesting?

grow up! pretty please!!

I'm still waiting to hear from you, Care. Do you think that Lois Lerner's computer crashing 10 days after Camp sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups and the subsequent failure of anyone at the IRS to retrieve the data that was on Lerner's computer within the 6 months it was there on the tape backup, passes the "smell test"?
Oldstyle, it was just a letter from Camp asking why she was focusing on Tea party groups, just a letter...a letter similar to that of cummings, or Levin asking why she has NOT focused on the PACS that have a partisan agenda instead of a charity all congressmen were hitting her from all angles, including Camp. It was not a subpena, it was not even an investigation at the time...

And ALL RECORDS SHOW, she did everything she could and had the tech gurus do everything they could to recover her hard drive, including sending it off to an IRS forensic type team to see if they could recover it. That does not sound like or look like someone who is trying to cover up something.

And then there is, how did she manage to intentionally blow up her own hard drive? Is that something easy to do?

AND since just the beginning of this year, the IRS has had over 2000 hard drive crashes...because the gvt is not spending the money it should to run the that alone, tells me, that it is perfectly possible and more than likely, that her email crashed like the thousands of other computers at IRS.

Then on top of this, the whitehouse/administration has no communications with we KNOW the whitehouse was and is not involved, so who the hell would she be destroying her records for....? She already admitted that the tea party and progressive groups they focused on with increased scrutiny, was wrong?

There is no evidence supporting the contention that she blew up her own hard drive.

There is nothing in the 800,000 documents that this Rep investigation that has been given to the Repubs that shows criminal any least not yet....

So I will sit back and watch the pontification and dog and pony show of the disgusting, and yes disgusting and embarrassing Republican Reps as they grand stand and look like fools, until they actually come up with something that sticks....I won't hold my breath at this point....but if they do come up with a smoking gun, I will reevaluate where I stand at that time.

the repubs in congress have "called wolf" one too many times for anyone sane to believe them, on anything, at this point and imo....and this is what they get for all of their phony scandals that they have conjured up and regurgitated and cried wolf on, since Obama took office.

why do you left-wing losers need so many words to say nothing at all?

your phony outrage is laughable; or COURSE "There is nothing in the 800,000 documents that this Rep investigation that has been given to the Repubs that shows criminal doing....'

that's just what makes the missing e-mails that much more important.. what kind of loser deludes himself into thinking losing the e-mails was an accident? there is no evidence showing losing the e-mails should have been a permanent thing; or could have reasonably be expected to not have a solution. it after all the LAW that records be kept permanently;
AND the head of the IRS TOLD CONGRESS THE IRS HAD ALL THE E-MAILS AND WOULD PROVIDE THEM; then AFTER THE FACT came back and said they had lost a whole bunch of them

ur a joke
what have Republicans "called wolf" about you idiot?
republicans predicted obama's refusal to enforce existing immigration law would lead to tens of thousands more trying to come in...........what do we have?

A HUGE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS on our southern border

Republicans predicted many of the clauses in ObamaCare would be unworkable

what do we have?

and numerous delays of it; again from obama himself
republicans predicted Iraq would crumble back into chaos if the withdrawal wasnt handled right

what happened leftard?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
just curious, How old are you? 10? 14? 16? Do you realize how infantile you sound every time you post bedowin?

Why not just TRY to contribute to the debates on this board with something, anything, anything at all, that is informative or even vaguely interesting?

grow up! pretty please!!

I'm still waiting to hear from you, Care. Do you think that Lois Lerner's computer crashing 10 days after Camp sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups and the subsequent failure of anyone at the IRS to retrieve the data that was on Lerner's computer within the 6 months it was there on the tape backup, passes the "smell test"?
Oldstyle, it was just a letter from Camp asking why she was focusing on Tea party groups, just a letter...a letter similar to that of cummings, or Levin asking why she has NOT focused on the PACS that have a partisan agenda instead of a charity all congressmen were hitting her from all angles, including Camp. It was not a subpena, it was not even an investigation at the time...


I am not sure whether you are grossly misinformed or outright lying. Maybe both.
Camp's letter indicated a formal investigation.
Washington, DC - Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released a public letter he sent to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) demanding information about its recent investigation into certain donations to non-profit organizations and the agency’s apparent drive to impose gift taxes on these monies. Camp questioned the process leading up to this action and level of involvement by the Obama Administration.

Releasing the letter Camp stated, “Every aspect of this tax investigation, from the timing to the sudden reversal of nearly thirty years of IRS practice, strongly suggests that the IRS is targeting constitutionally-protected political speech. The IRS must explain its actions or risk creating a chilling effect that threatens not only political advocacy groups, but all tax-exempt organizations that depend on contributions from individual donors.”
Camp Demands IRS Answer Questions About Gift Tax Investigation | House Committee on Ways & Means

Additionally every email sent went through a server and was received by someone. Additionally federal law requires backups to all communications. Additionally the IRS didnt bother to tell Congress this little tidbit until last week, although they had told Justice and the WH back in Feb so they obviously knew.
Gowdy bludgeoned him over the criminal statutes issue. Made Mr. K look like a friggin' moron.

Oh, and let's not forget our ace Trey Gowdy will also be on the mound dazzling them in the upcoming Benghazi game too.
Last edited:
just curious, How old are you? 10? 14? 16? Do you realize how infantile you sound every time you post bedowin?

Why not just TRY to contribute to the debates on this board with something, anything, anything at all, that is informative or even vaguely interesting?

grow up! pretty please!!

I'm still waiting to hear from you, Care. Do you think that Lois Lerner's computer crashing 10 days after Camp sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups and the subsequent failure of anyone at the IRS to retrieve the data that was on Lerner's computer within the 6 months it was there on the tape backup, passes the "smell test"?
Oldstyle, it was just a letter from Camp asking why she was focusing on Tea party groups, just a letter...a letter similar to that of cummings, or Levin asking why she has NOT focused on the PACS that have a partisan agenda instead of a charity all congressmen were hitting her from all angles, including Camp. It was not a subpena, it was not even an investigation at the time...

And ALL RECORDS SHOW, she did everything she could and had the tech gurus do everything they could to recover her hard drive, including sending it off to an IRS forensic type team to see if they could recover it. That does not sound like or look like someone who is trying to cover up something.

And then there is, how did she manage to intentionally blow up her own hard drive? Is that something easy to do?

AND since just the beginning of this year, the IRS has had over 2000 hard drive crashes...because the gvt is not spending the money it should to run the that alone, tells me, that it is perfectly possible and more than likely, that her email crashed like the thousands of other computers at IRS.

Then on top of this, the whitehouse/administration has no communications with we KNOW the whitehouse was and is not involved, so who the hell would she be destroying her records for....? She already admitted that the tea party and progressive groups they focused on with increased scrutiny, was wrong?

There is no evidence supporting the contention that she blew up her own hard drive.

There is nothing in the 800,000 documents that this Rep investigation that has been given to the Repubs that shows criminal any least not yet....

So I will sit back and watch the pontification and dog and pony show of the disgusting, and yes disgusting and embarrassing Republican Reps as they grand stand and look like fools, until they actually come up with something that sticks....I won't hold my breath at this point....but if they do come up with a smoking gun, I will reevaluate where I stand at that time.

the repubs in congress have "called wolf" one too many times for anyone sane to believe them, on anything, at this point and imo....and this is what they get for all of their phony scandals that they have conjured up and regurgitated and cried wolf on, since Obama took office.

Did you even listen to the hearings? What Camp asked for was information about the alleged targeting of conservative groups, Care! In other words...the jig was up. Someone was about to start investigating what had been going on under Lerner. As you can tell from her decision to take the 5th...she knew that was big trouble. So ten days after that letter is sent to the IRS...Lerner's computer "crashes" and her e-mails are lost for the time period in question. Remarkable coincidence!

Then you've got Lerner and the IRS saying they did all they could to recover the lost data...but did they go to the back up tape that is there EXPRESSLY in case of a crash such as what Lerner "says" happened? No, they didn't do THAT! They say that they did everything they could except they didn't do the one thing that any logical person would have IMMEDIATELY done!

You declarations that this is a phony scandal are about as laughable as Lerner's story.
Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

Trey Gowdy is cut from the same cloth as Darrell Issa. It's called "self-promoting asshole cloth"...


lol it's hilarious the way left-wing nutjobs need to try to demonize anybody with the temerity to point out the criminal wrongdoings of obama and his ilk
I'm still waiting to hear from you, Care. Do you think that Lois Lerner's computer crashing 10 days after Camp sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups and the subsequent failure of anyone at the IRS to retrieve the data that was on Lerner's computer within the 6 months it was there on the tape backup, passes the "smell test"?
Oldstyle, it was just a letter from Camp asking why she was focusing on Tea party groups, just a letter...a letter similar to that of cummings, or Levin asking why she has NOT focused on the PACS that have a partisan agenda instead of a charity all congressmen were hitting her from all angles, including Camp. It was not a subpena, it was not even an investigation at the time...


I am not sure whether you are grossly misinformed or outright lying. Maybe both.
Camp's letter indicated a formal investigation.
Washington, DC - Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released a public letter he sent to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) demanding information about its recent investigation into certain donations to non-profit organizations and the agency’s apparent drive to impose gift taxes on these monies. Camp questioned the process leading up to this action and level of involvement by the Obama Administration.

Releasing the letter Camp stated, “Every aspect of this tax investigation, from the timing to the sudden reversal of nearly thirty years of IRS practice, strongly suggests that the IRS is targeting constitutionally-protected political speech. The IRS must explain its actions or risk creating a chilling effect that threatens not only political advocacy groups, but all tax-exempt organizations that depend on contributions from individual donors.”
Camp Demands IRS Answer Questions About Gift Tax Investigation | House Committee on Ways & Means

Additionally every email sent went through a server and was received by someone. Additionally federal law requires backups to all communications. Additionally the IRS didnt bother to tell Congress this little tidbit until last week, although they had told Justice and the WH back in Feb so they obviously knew.
okay, it was an investigation, without subpoena and no request for emails...

Cummings was officially investigating as well....

Regardless, out of the 800,000 documents given to the ways and means committee, what have they found out? What was criminal?

The new citizen's united case had just made a major impact on the IRS and they were trying to sort it out....they made a mistake, and have admitted to such.....

You and the Repubs have not shown anything CRIMINAL.

And why would Camp even suggest in his letter back in 2011 that the President was involved? Was he on a witch hunt to associate the PRESIDENT to this? Only now to show that there was no involvement with the President or the administration....

He showed his hand too was ALL about trying to "get" the president in this mess....

That's CLEAR AS DAY....from all of you on the right....your objectivity is NIL.
I <3 Trey.

He rocks.
Oldstyle, it was just a letter from Camp asking why she was focusing on Tea party groups, just a letter...a letter similar to that of cummings, or Levin asking why she has NOT focused on the PACS that have a partisan agenda instead of a charity all congressmen were hitting her from all angles, including Camp. It was not a subpena, it was not even an investigation at the time...


I am not sure whether you are grossly misinformed or outright lying. Maybe both.
Camp's letter indicated a formal investigation.
Washington, DC - Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released a public letter he sent to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) demanding information about its recent investigation into certain donations to non-profit organizations and the agency’s apparent drive to impose gift taxes on these monies. Camp questioned the process leading up to this action and level of involvement by the Obama Administration.

Releasing the letter Camp stated, “Every aspect of this tax investigation, from the timing to the sudden reversal of nearly thirty years of IRS practice, strongly suggests that the IRS is targeting constitutionally-protected political speech. The IRS must explain its actions or risk creating a chilling effect that threatens not only political advocacy groups, but all tax-exempt organizations that depend on contributions from individual donors.”
Camp Demands IRS Answer Questions About Gift Tax Investigation | House Committee on Ways & Means

Additionally every email sent went through a server and was received by someone. Additionally federal law requires backups to all communications. Additionally the IRS didnt bother to tell Congress this little tidbit until last week, although they had told Justice and the WH back in Feb so they obviously knew.
okay, it was an investigation, without subpoena and no request for emails...

Cummings was officially investigating as well....

Regardless, out of the 800,000 documents given to the ways and means committee, what have they found out? What was criminal?

The new citizen's united case had just made a major impact on the IRS and they were trying to sort it out....they made a mistake, and have admitted to such.....

You and the Repubs have not shown anything CRIMINAL.

And why would Camp even suggest in his letter back in 2011 that the President was involved? Was he on a witch hunt to associate the PRESIDENT to this? Only now to show that there was no involvement with the President or the administration....

He showed his hand too was ALL about trying to "get" the president in this mess....

That's CLEAR AS DAY....from all of you on the right....your objectivity is NIL.

I cannot believe how stuoid you are. You get shown up literally every time you post.
There was no requet from Camp?
In his letter, Camp called on the agency to submit information to the Committee regarding how the IRS decided to begin the enforcement of gift tax rules on 501(c)(4) donations. Chairman Camp demanded the agency take immediate steps to provide a detailed explanation of its investigation to reassure taxpayers that the country’s tax laws are being enforced in a fair and consistent manner. Specifically, the letter requires IRS to provide information related to:
Sure looks like one to me. There was no need to subpoena until the IRS showed they wouldnt comply with the request Which they did.
Cummings? HE was not officially investigating. He had no power officially to investigate anything. He was sending requests We also know his staff was coordinating with IRS and guiding them on their witch hunt.
There has been tons of illegal activity. The IRS sent confidential info to the FBI. That is illegal. Emails were lost. That is illegal. There has been a pattern of obstruction of justice. That is illegal.
What exactly would make you stand up and say "The Democrats have been engaging in illegal behavior and they need to be prosecuted"?
I'm still waiting to hear from you, Care. Do you think that Lois Lerner's computer crashing 10 days after Camp sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups and the subsequent failure of anyone at the IRS to retrieve the data that was on Lerner's computer within the 6 months it was there on the tape backup, passes the "smell test"?
Oldstyle, it was just a letter from Camp asking why she was focusing on Tea party groups, just a letter...a letter similar to that of cummings, or Levin asking why she has NOT focused on the PACS that have a partisan agenda instead of a charity all congressmen were hitting her from all angles, including Camp. It was not a subpena, it was not even an investigation at the time...

And ALL RECORDS SHOW, she did everything she could and had the tech gurus do everything they could to recover her hard drive, including sending it off to an IRS forensic type team to see if they could recover it. That does not sound like or look like someone who is trying to cover up something.

And then there is, how did she manage to intentionally blow up her own hard drive? Is that something easy to do?

AND since just the beginning of this year, the IRS has had over 2000 hard drive crashes...because the gvt is not spending the money it should to run the that alone, tells me, that it is perfectly possible and more than likely, that her email crashed like the thousands of other computers at IRS.

Then on top of this, the whitehouse/administration has no communications with we KNOW the whitehouse was and is not involved, so who the hell would she be destroying her records for....? She already admitted that the tea party and progressive groups they focused on with increased scrutiny, was wrong?

There is no evidence supporting the contention that she blew up her own hard drive.

There is nothing in the 800,000 documents that this Rep investigation that has been given to the Repubs that shows criminal any least not yet....

So I will sit back and watch the pontification and dog and pony show of the disgusting, and yes disgusting and embarrassing Republican Reps as they grand stand and look like fools, until they actually come up with something that sticks....I won't hold my breath at this point....but if they do come up with a smoking gun, I will reevaluate where I stand at that time.

the repubs in congress have "called wolf" one too many times for anyone sane to believe them, on anything, at this point and imo....and this is what they get for all of their phony scandals that they have conjured up and regurgitated and cried wolf on, since Obama took office.

Did you even listen to the hearings? What Camp asked for was information about the alleged targeting of conservative groups, Care! In other words...the jig was up. Someone was about to start investigating what had been going on under Lerner. As you can tell from her decision to take the 5th...she knew that was big trouble. So ten days after that letter is sent to the IRS...Lerner's computer "crashes" and her e-mails are lost for the time period in question. Remarkable coincidence!

Then you've got Lerner and the IRS saying they did all they could to recover the lost data...but did they go to the back up tape that is there EXPRESSLY in case of a crash such as what Lerner "says" happened? No, they didn't do THAT! They say that they did everything they could except they didn't do the one thing that any logical person would have IMMEDIATELY done!

You declarations that this is a phony scandal are about as laughable as Lerner's story.

Lerner made herself a fantastic email trail of the Great lengths she went to to get her files back but never went to the back up files.
And 6 others had the same thing happen within weeks of one another is really out of this world hard to believe.

How about those bonus's ~ Pretty sweet getting a bonus for really screwing the tax-payers....And WE the People paid $90 million for them...WTF???
Oldstyle, it was just a letter from Camp asking why she was focusing on Tea party groups, just a letter...a letter similar to that of cummings, or Levin asking why she has NOT focused on the PACS that have a partisan agenda instead of a charity all congressmen were hitting her from all angles, including Camp. It was not a subpena, it was not even an investigation at the time...


I am not sure whether you are grossly misinformed or outright lying. Maybe both.
Camp's letter indicated a formal investigation.
Washington, DC - Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released a public letter he sent to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) demanding information about its recent investigation into certain donations to non-profit organizations and the agency’s apparent drive to impose gift taxes on these monies. Camp questioned the process leading up to this action and level of involvement by the Obama Administration.

Releasing the letter Camp stated, “Every aspect of this tax investigation, from the timing to the sudden reversal of nearly thirty years of IRS practice, strongly suggests that the IRS is targeting constitutionally-protected political speech. The IRS must explain its actions or risk creating a chilling effect that threatens not only political advocacy groups, but all tax-exempt organizations that depend on contributions from individual donors.”
Camp Demands IRS Answer Questions About Gift Tax Investigation | House Committee on Ways & Means

Additionally every email sent went through a server and was received by someone. Additionally federal law requires backups to all communications. Additionally the IRS didnt bother to tell Congress this little tidbit until last week, although they had told Justice and the WH back in Feb so they obviously knew.
okay, it was an investigation, without subpoena and no request for emails...

Cummings was officially investigating as well....

Regardless, out of the 800,000 documents given to the ways and means committee, what have they found out? What was criminal?

The new citizen's united case had just made a major impact on the IRS and they were trying to sort it out....they made a mistake, and have admitted to such.....

You and the Repubs have not shown anything CRIMINAL.

And why would Camp even suggest in his letter back in 2011 that the President was involved? Was he on a witch hunt to associate the PRESIDENT to this? Only now to show that there was no involvement with the President or the administration....

He showed his hand too was ALL about trying to "get" the president in this mess....

That's CLEAR AS DAY....from all of you on the right....your objectivity is NIL.

A Mistake?
Why did Lerner plead the fifth then?
they "admitted making a mistake"

but when it comes to criminality; the part that might have proved that conveniantly came up missing

how John Gotti-like

also you never addressed the question posed by another here why didnt Lerner simply look for the tape back-up.
any body that has spent a day working for the government knows the importance of backing up the system

your idiotic defense of this criminal Administration crumbles under scrutiny

stonewalling isnt proof of innocence

the number, 800,000 or whatever it is; of useless e-mails has nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of obama here; but if anything it makes the missing ones appear that much more suspicious

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