Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

Oh, and she was transferred out of the FEC after she lost a case she had brought against the Christian Coalition and spent years on. And she was known for harassing then.
Hey. isn't Hagel a Republican under Bush, that's now a democratic much so he's Sec. of Defense?..... Can you explain this?
Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Targeting republicans and conservatives is nothing new to Lois Lerner ~
1996 was President Clinton (D)

Before Lois Lerner was embroiled in the IRS scandal, she was involved in a questionable pattern of law enforcement at the Federal Election Commission that mirrors the discrimination recently exposed at the nation’s tax-collection agency.

Lois Lerner at the FEC | National Review Online

Now let's see your link to where she is a GOP Hack Operative :lol::lol::lol:

Come on, National Review, the Daily Kos of the Right. She came to the FEC under St Ronnie and was promoted under Reagan. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.
She wasn't appointed, moron. She was hired by the IRS in 2001, and she was promoted in 2006:

She's a well known Democrat political operative. She's married to a Democrat political operative and she donates money to Democrat political campaigns. I can't imagine anything more stupid than trying to paint her as a Republican.

You're reaching unparalleled heights of stupidity.

You're point?
Everything Lerner has done and will do has been at the direction of the GOP, most likely under direct orders from Issa. A special prosecutor needs to investigate the GOP involvement in the GOP IRS scandal.

Please post any links to her or her husbands donations. The firm he works for donates more to the GOP than the Dems, but not a lot more, so I doubt that the Right is being honest about his and her involvement with the Dems.

You prove you are a complete and utter moron. She took the 5th, remember? She is officially in contempt of Issa's committee.
Take the tin foil off. The rays dont hurt.

And what punishment has she received for that contempt. Nothing, the contempt charge is to make sure she keeps her mouth shut about her involvement with the GOP. She will never be punished for anything by the GOP as long as she holds her tongue.
Mark my brilliant words on that.
Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Targeting republicans and conservatives is nothing new to Lois Lerner ~
1996 was President Clinton (D)

Before Lois Lerner was embroiled in the IRS scandal, she was involved in a questionable pattern of law enforcement at the Federal Election Commission that mirrors the discrimination recently exposed at the nation’s tax-collection agency.

Lois Lerner at the FEC | National Review Online

Now let's see your link to where she is a GOP Hack Operative :lol::lol::lol:

Come on, National Review, the Daily Kos of the Right. She came to the FEC under St Ronnie and was promoted under Reagan. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Do you understand why citizens plead the 5th? She had meetings with Obama, not the GOP.
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Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Targeting republicans and conservatives is nothing new to Lois Lerner ~
1996 was President Clinton (D)

Before Lois Lerner was embroiled in the IRS scandal, she was involved in a questionable pattern of law enforcement at the Federal Election Commission that mirrors the discrimination recently exposed at the nation’s tax-collection agency.

Lois Lerner at the FEC | National Review Online

Now let's see your link to where she is a GOP Hack Operative :lol::lol::lol:

Come on, National Review, the Daily Kos of the Right. She came to the FEC under St Ronnie and was promoted under Reagan. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

No Link :laugh2: You Fail
Hey. isn't Hagel a Republican under Bush, that's now a democratic much so he's Sec. of Defense?..... Can you explain this?
Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Well then, since that's so, you should be leading the parade for her indictment being she's a lifelong GOP hack operative....aren't you cheering for her ultimate indictment?...After all you are a partisan subversive, and they like nothing better than to see a GOP'er get thrown to the lions!!!!:eusa_clap:

Come on Eddy, you with us to get that Republican scumbag that took the 5th????
You are such a hack. We had this conversation before and you were proven wrong. So quit lying and once again -
She had been working for the fed govt. since graduating, first for the dept. Of justice, then transferred to the FEC in 1981. She was career gov't. employee and transferred out of the FEC in 2001, taken on by Steven Miller, who has since been forced to resign. Bush had nothing to do with her hiring. Coincidentally, one of the 6 whose email is missing just happened to be Steven Miller's Chief of Staff.

This argument seems to be a misunderstanding about the difference in competitive civil service jobs and appointed jobs that do not confer competitive status. Both are career employment jobs but they have unequal job protection rights and coverage. An appointee is considered an appointee of the President at the time of the appointment, even if the appointment is made by the head of an agency who has been directly appointed by the President. Basically it means a new administration can clean house from top to bottom if they want to by cancelling and replacing appointments wherever and whenever they want. It gives the administration the option to keep those it deems non-political and professional, but also the option of replacing management where it wants or deems appropriate or desirable for political reasons.
Lerner, while a career government employee, has held appointee jobs under every President since President Reagan.
Some more of her history, sad thing is, it is almost impossible to get rid of career govt employees, and no, she was not an appointee of the President, as much as you want to people to think that-
George F. Will: There's more, much more, to the Lois Lerner story -
WASHINGTON -- As soon as the Constitution permitted him to run for Congress, Al Salvi did. In 1986, just 26 and fresh from the University of Illinois law school, he sank $1,000 of his own money, which was most of his money, into a campaign to unseat an incumbent Democratic congressman. Salvi studied for the bar exam during meals at campaign dinners.He lost. Today, however, he should be invited to Congress to testify about what happened 10 years later when as a prosperous lawyer he won the Republican Senate nomination to run against a Democratic congressman named Dick Durbin.In the fall of 1996, at the campaign's climax, Democrats filed with the Federal Elections Commission charges alleging campaign finance violations by Salvi's campaign. These charges dominated the campaign's closing days. Salvi spoke by phone with the head of the FEC's Enforcement Division, who he remembers saying: "Promise me you will never run for office again, and we'll drop this case." He was speaking to Lois Lerner.After losing to Durbin, Salvi spent four years and $100,000 fighting the FEC, on whose behalf FBI agents visited his elderly mother demanding to know, concerning her $2,000 contribution to her son's campaign, where she got "that kind of money." When the second of two federal courts held that the charges against Salvi were spurious, the lawyer arguing for the FEC was Lois Lerner.

You are such a hack. We had this conversation before and you were proven wrong. So quit lying and once again -
She had been working for the fed govt. since graduating, first for the dept. Of justice, then transferred to the FEC in 1981. She was career gov't. employee and transferred out of the FEC in 2001, taken on by Steven Miller, who has since been forced to resign. Bush had nothing to do with her hiring. Coincidentally, one of the 6 whose email is missing just happened to be Steven Miller's Chief of Staff.

This argument seems to be a misunderstanding about the difference in competitive civil service jobs and appointed jobs that do not confer competitive status. Both are career employment jobs but they have unequal job protection rights and coverage. An appointee is considered an appointee of the President at the time of the appointment, even if the appointment is made by the head of an agency who has been directly appointed by the President. Basically it means a new administration can clean house from top to bottom if they want to by cancelling and replacing appointments wherever and whenever they want. It gives the administration the option to keep those it deems non-political and professional, but also the option of replacing management where it wants or deems appropriate or desirable for political reasons.
Lerner, while a career government employee, has held appointee jobs under every President since President Reagan.
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Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Well then, since that's so, you should be leading the parade for her indictment being she's a lifelong GOP hack operative....aren't you cheering for her ultimate indictment?...After all you are a partisan subversive, and they like nothing better than to see a GOP'er get thrown to the lions!!!!:eusa_clap:

Come on Eddy, you with us to get that Republican scumbag that took the 5th????

Eddy....where the fuck did you go? You were all UP IN THE AIR over YOUR FACT that Lerner was a REPUBLICAN.... we on the right want her hung, and YOU being a big fucking lefty should be joining us.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Oldstyle, it was just a letter from Camp asking why she was focusing on Tea party groups, just a letter...a letter similar to that of cummings, or Levin asking why she has NOT focused on the PACS that have a partisan agenda instead of a charity all congressmen were hitting her from all angles, including Camp. It was not a subpena, it was not even an investigation at the time...


I am not sure whether you are grossly misinformed or outright lying. Maybe both.
Camp's letter indicated a formal investigation.
Washington, DC - Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released a public letter he sent to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) demanding information about its recent investigation into certain donations to non-profit organizations and the agency’s apparent drive to impose gift taxes on these monies. Camp questioned the process leading up to this action and level of involvement by the Obama Administration.

Releasing the letter Camp stated, “Every aspect of this tax investigation, from the timing to the sudden reversal of nearly thirty years of IRS practice, strongly suggests that the IRS is targeting constitutionally-protected political speech. The IRS must explain its actions or risk creating a chilling effect that threatens not only political advocacy groups, but all tax-exempt organizations that depend on contributions from individual donors.”
Camp Demands IRS Answer Questions About Gift Tax Investigation | House Committee on Ways & Means

Additionally every email sent went through a server and was received by someone. Additionally federal law requires backups to all communications. Additionally the IRS didnt bother to tell Congress this little tidbit until last week, although they had told Justice and the WH back in Feb so they obviously knew.
okay, it was an investigation, without subpoena and no request for emails...

Cummings was officially investigating as well....

Regardless, out of the 800,000 documents given to the ways and means committee, what have they found out? What was criminal?

The new citizen's united case had just made a major impact on the IRS and they were trying to sort it out....they made a mistake, and have admitted to such.....

You and the Repubs have not shown anything CRIMINAL.

And why would Camp even suggest in his letter back in 2011 that the President was involved? Was he on a witch hunt to associate the PRESIDENT to this? Only now to show that there was no involvement with the President or the administration....

He showed his hand too was ALL about trying to "get" the president in this mess....

That's CLEAR AS DAY....from all of you on the right....your objectivity is NIL.

Are you familiar with the term "document dump", Care? It's something that is typically done when you want to hide something damaging and the authorities are demanding your records. You hand over hundreds of thousands of pages of documents...none of which include the damaging documents...and then proclaim to the world that you are cooperating "fully" with the investigation and the PROOF of that you've turned over hundreds of thousands of pages of documents!

That's EXACTLY what the IRS has done in the Lerner case. Yes, they've provided Congressional investigators hundreds of thousands of pages of documents! What they HAVEN'T done is provide investigators with the e-mails that the investigators wanted to see! The e-mails that show who Lois Lerner was talking to. Those have conveniently disappeared.

Here's the thing...if the IRS "wasn't" engaged in the targeting of conservative groups. If Lois Lerner "wasn't" communicating with someone at the Justice Department and that person "wasn't" communicating with the White House...then Lerner would have GLADLY turned over her e-mails that proved that and GLADLY testified in front of Congress as to what she and the IRS did! The only logical reason for Lerner to take the 5th and for the IRS to be reluctant anyone sees those e-mails is that they DO show a coordinated effort to target conservatives for criminal investigations...a coordinated effort that involved people in the IRS...people in Justice...and people in the White House.
Targeting republicans and conservatives is nothing new to Lois Lerner ~
1996 was President Clinton (D)

Before Lois Lerner was embroiled in the IRS scandal, she was involved in a questionable pattern of law enforcement at the Federal Election Commission that mirrors the discrimination recently exposed at the nation’s tax-collection agency.

Lois Lerner at the FEC | National Review Online

Now let's see your link to where she is a GOP Hack Operative :lol::lol::lol:

Come on, National Review, the Daily Kos of the Right. She came to the FEC under St Ronnie and was promoted under Reagan. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Do you understand why citizens plead the 5th? She had meetings with Obama, not the GOP.

Every position Lerner has gotten with the government has been during a GOP presidency. She is a lifelong GOP hack operative.

Well then, since that's so, you should be leading the parade for her indictment being she's a lifelong GOP hack operative....aren't you cheering for her ultimate indictment?...After all you are a partisan subversive, and they like nothing better than to see a GOP'er get thrown to the lions!!!!:eusa_clap:

Come on Eddy, you with us to get that Republican scumbag that took the 5th????

She should be in jail right NOW! She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and then some, but she won't be as long as she plays along with her GOP masters.
Mark my brilliant words on this, nothing will happen to her as long as the GOP are running the show and she keeps her mouth shut!!!
Well then, since that's so, you should be leading the parade for her indictment being she's a lifelong GOP hack operative....aren't you cheering for her ultimate indictment?...After all you are a partisan subversive, and they like nothing better than to see a GOP'er get thrown to the lions!!!!:eusa_clap:

Come on Eddy, you with us to get that Republican scumbag that took the 5th????

She should be in jail right NOW! She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and then some, but she won't be as long as she plays along with her GOP masters.
Mark my brilliant words on this, nothing will happen to her as long as the GOP are running the show and she keeps her mouth shut!!!

How about the IRS commissioner that lied for her today...we want him to, don't we...I mean, didn't notify Congress for over 2 months that Lerners 2 1/3 years of e-mail were MYSTERIOUSLY gone! Then there were 6 others with exactly the same mysterious condition...all to jail! Right Ed?
Come on Eddy, you with us to get that Republican scumbag that took the 5th????

She should be in jail right NOW! She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and then some, but she won't be as long as she plays along with her GOP masters.
Mark my brilliant words on this, nothing will happen to her as long as the GOP are running the show and she keeps her mouth shut!!!

How about the IRS commissioner that lied for her today...we want him to, don't we...I mean, didn't notify Congress for over 2 months that Lerners 2 1/3 years of e-mail were MYSTERIOUSLY gone! Then there were 6 others with exactly the same mysterious condition...all to jail! Right Ed?

He didn't lie, the emails to the Dems are not gone. All 24,000 have been recovered and turned over to the inquisition. The ONLY emails that are still missing are the ones to Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell, and Rove. When are the GOP going to turn over those emails????? Shouldn't the GOP be prosecuted for withholding their emails??? They belong in jail right Vig???
She should be in jail right NOW! She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and then some, but she won't be as long as she plays along with her GOP masters.
Mark my brilliant words on this, nothing will happen to her as long as the GOP are running the show and she keeps her mouth shut!!!

How about the IRS commissioner that lied for her today...we want him to, don't we...I mean, didn't notify Congress for over 2 months that Lerners 2 1/3 years of e-mail were MYSTERIOUSLY gone! Then there were 6 others with exactly the same mysterious condition...all to jail! Right Ed?

He didn't lie, the emails to the Dems are not gone. All 24,000 have been recovered and turned over to the inquisition. The ONLY emails that are still missing are the ones to Gowdy, Issa, Boehner, McConnell, and Rove. When are the GOP going to turn over those emails????? Shouldn't the GOP be prosecuted for withholding their emails??? They belong in jail right Vig???

Ed, that's only the current e-mails since asked for by Congress, not the 2 1/3 years before the Congress notification when the incidents occurred. They never e-mailed the GOP until AFTER the Congressional investigation were announced and have nothing to do with the coverup of Lois Lerner!

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