Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

That's so far from what actually happened it boggles the mnd.
Remember that some of those groups, like J-Street, are suing the IRS for damages.
"No one got damaged." Give me a fuckin break.

Somebody suing somebody usually doesn't mean diddly squat. How was anyone allegedly damaged?
No, someone suing someone else means that someone at least thought they had suffered damage In this case lack of tax exempt status inhibited their abilty to raise money. And that is damage.

So who is making that claim? It sounds like bull crap. Is there someone suing or not? Who has made that claim? I can find the information. Give me a name of the allegedly damaged party so I can search out the case.
Somebody suing somebody usually doesn't mean diddly squat. How was anyone allegedly damaged?
No, someone suing someone else means that someone at least thought they had suffered damage In this case lack of tax exempt status inhibited their abilty to raise money. And that is damage.

So who is making that claim? It sounds like bull crap. Is there someone suing or not? Who has made that claim? I can find the information. Give me a name of the allegedly damaged party so I can search out the case.

Nonprofit wins 1st round against IRS | The Citizen

OK let's see you move those goalposts again.
No, someone suing someone else means that someone at least thought they had suffered damage In this case lack of tax exempt status inhibited their abilty to raise money. And that is damage.

So who is making that claim? It sounds like bull crap. Is there someone suing or not? Who has made that claim? I can find the information. Give me a name of the allegedly damaged party so I can search out the case.

Nonprofit wins 1st round against IRS | The Citizen

OK let's see you move those goalposts again.

That isn't a Tea Party or related group. It's a Zionist group that was investigated by the IRS Terrorist Task Force that investigates groups who collect funds that go to certain countries that have suspected terrorist groups or persons that may benefit from the donations.
Which Tea Party connected or conservative groups are claiming damage?
So who is making that claim? It sounds like bull crap. Is there someone suing or not? Who has made that claim? I can find the information. Give me a name of the allegedly damaged party so I can search out the case.

Nonprofit wins 1st round against IRS | The Citizen

OK let's see you move those goalposts again.

That isn't a Tea Party or related group. It's a Zionist group that was investigated by the IRS Terrorist Task Force that investigates groups who collect funds that go to certain countries that have suspected terrorist groups or persons that may benefit from the donations.
Which Tea Party connected or conservative groups are claiming damage?
Amended Filed Complaint - True the Vote v. IRS
Does thinking the IRS scandal is being used as an attack conduit on Obama rather than a viable excuse and reason to fix part of the broken tax system make a person un American and indicate a lack of respect for the Constitution? 'Cause I don't see a lot of concern that political groups are getting away with using a tax break designed for social welfare and charity to promote personal political agenda's. Hence the priority seems to be to blame some politicians and bureaucrats for being overzealous while the crooks are getting away. Everybody looses but the thieves.

Do you think it's okay for the president of the United States to use the IRS for political purposes to help win re-election?

Nixon got caught and punished. If we catch another one doing that we should punish him. But what doe's that have to do with the IRS scandal of today?

Nixon ATTEMPTED to coerce the IRS into targeting his political enemies but didn't succeed! He was STILL brought up on charges for that as part of his pending impeachment. In the IRS scandal today, people in positions of power actually DID coerce the IRS into targeting Barack Obama's political enemies. Do you grasp that concept? This wasn't a failed attempt like with Nixon...this appears to be a successful attempt at using the IRS as a weapon against the opposition by a sitting President. There is evidence that Lois Lerner was talking to someone at the Justice Department who was then talking to someone in the White House. The missing e-mails would reveal what those conversations consisted of. If, as you contend, the Obama White House was not involved in this scandal then wouldn't it be common sense that they should be DEMANDING that those e-mails be found and made public? They are NOT. They are running a PR campaign to send the message that not a "smidgeon" of corruption occurred. So you've got Lois Lerner taking the 5th...and you've got the Obama White House, the Justice Department and the IRS all releasing as little of the relevant material as possible all the while declaring that there is no "there" there but there is not a smidgeon of corruption? That's an amusing concept, Camp but hard to believe.
And I'm amazed (but frankly not surprised) that you're not aware that lawsuits were filed by the groups harmed by the IRS's actions. What are you using for a source for news because you might want to think about trying somewhere else...
Frankly, whether it leads to the Whitehouse or not, really is immaterial at this point. Those that participated in this scheme need to be identified then fired and charges brought against them. This is massive abuse of power no matter where it came from. If it leads to the Whitehouse, then appropriate action needs to taken.

The fact 7 hard drives of the suspects crashed is even more damning right after they found out inquiries were being made.
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So who is making that claim? It sounds like bull crap. Is there someone suing or not? Who has made that claim? I can find the information. Give me a name of the allegedly damaged party so I can search out the case.

Nonprofit wins 1st round against IRS | The Citizen

OK let's see you move those goalposts again.

That isn't a Tea Party or related group. It's a Zionist group that was investigated by the IRS Terrorist Task Force that investigates groups who collect funds that go to certain countries that have suspected terrorist groups or persons that may benefit from the donations.
Which Tea Party connected or conservative groups are claiming damage?

Just move those goalposts down field. You'll get there eventually.
Other posts answered your post already so no need for me to do it. You're toast. Give it up.
I'm checking out those links, the ones that don't come back error anyhow. So far I'm not seeing much other than, yes, some groups have filed laws suites. One is about a group that says it had to wait to long to get it's status approved. Still looking for any of them to describe damage claims. I thought there would be all kinds of reviews by lawyers and articles. Maybe we have to wait awhile longer until they start getting heard in a court.

Camp, you're seriously embarrassing yourself on this topic! The lawsuit filed by the American Center for Law and Justice on behalf of 25 Tea Party and conservative groups has been in the news for over a year now. True the Vote also filed a law suit last year.

Gee, wonder why it is that so many Americans don't know about those lawsuits, Camp? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that the main stream media declared it a "non story" and a "fake scandal". Move along folks...Nothing to see here!!! The fact is...the main stream media has done their very best Chief Wiggum imitation.
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I'm checking out those links, the ones that don't come back error anyhow. So far I'm not seeing much other than, yes, some groups have filed laws suites. One is about a group that says it had to wait to long to get it's status approved. Still looking for any of them to describe damage claims. I thought there would be all kinds of reviews by lawyers and articles. Maybe we have to wait awhile longer until they start getting heard in a court.

Camp, you're seriously embarrassing yourself on this topic! The lawsuit filed by the American Center for Law and Justice on behalf of 25 Tea Party and conservative groups has been in the news for over a year now. True the Vote also filed a law suit last year.

Gee, wonder why it is that so many Americans don't know about those lawsuits, Camp? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that the main stream media declared it a "non story" and a "fake scandal". Move along folks...Nothing to see here!!! The fact is...the main stream media has done their very best Chief Wiggum imitation.

You should be embarrassed, not me. I haven't been interested enough in the issue to get into the finite details. I asked questions and asked for links. Some of you are so defensive and hostile it blinds your ability to be rational. You and another poster supplied me with some links, but I had to find the best one on the net on my own. A direct link to the law firm handling the lawsuit for 41 groups with every detail of the case you could ask for.
You should thank me for posting the link. You obviously didn't have access to it or know of it's existence. Now you do.
I'm checking out those links, the ones that don't come back error anyhow. So far I'm not seeing much other than, yes, some groups have filed laws suites. One is about a group that says it had to wait to long to get it's status approved. Still looking for any of them to describe damage claims. I thought there would be all kinds of reviews by lawyers and articles. Maybe we have to wait awhile longer until they start getting heard in a court.

Camp, you're seriously embarrassing yourself on this topic! The lawsuit filed by the American Center for Law and Justice on behalf of 25 Tea Party and conservative groups has been in the news for over a year now. True the Vote also filed a law suit last year.

Gee, wonder why it is that so many Americans don't know about those lawsuits, Camp? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that the main stream media declared it a "non story" and a "fake scandal". Move along folks...Nothing to see here!!! The fact is...the main stream media has done their very best Chief Wiggum imitation.

You should be embarrassed, not me. I haven't been interested enough in the issue to get into the finite details. I asked questions and asked for links. Some of you are so defensive and hostile it blinds your ability to be rational. You and another poster supplied me with some links, but I had to find the best one on the net on my own. A direct link to the law firm handling the lawsuit for 41 groups with every detail of the case you could ask for.
You should thank me for posting the link. You obviously didn't have access to it or know of it's existence. Now you do.

Werent you claiming on the previous page that no one was harmed?
Werent you claiming that only Obama haters gave a crap?
Now suddenly we should thank you because you posted links to something we all knew anyway?
Go fuck yourself.
Camp, you're seriously embarrassing yourself on this topic! The lawsuit filed by the American Center for Law and Justice on behalf of 25 Tea Party and conservative groups has been in the news for over a year now. True the Vote also filed a law suit last year.

Gee, wonder why it is that so many Americans don't know about those lawsuits, Camp? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that the main stream media declared it a "non story" and a "fake scandal". Move along folks...Nothing to see here!!! The fact is...the main stream media has done their very best Chief Wiggum imitation.

You should be embarrassed, not me. I haven't been interested enough in the issue to get into the finite details. I asked questions and asked for links. Some of you are so defensive and hostile it blinds your ability to be rational. You and another poster supplied me with some links, but I had to find the best one on the net on my own. A direct link to the law firm handling the lawsuit for 41 groups with every detail of the case you could ask for.
You should thank me for posting the link. You obviously didn't have access to it or know of it's existence. Now you do.

Werent you claiming on the previous page that no one was harmed?
Werent you claiming that only Obama haters gave a crap?
Now suddenly we should thank you because you posted links to something we all knew anyway?
Go fuck yourself.

I haven't changed my position on points I made. I asked questions to bring discussion beyond the partisan level it was at. I offered a challenge with the hopes someone would accept the challenge and educate me or a least show me the thoughts and concepts regarding the issue. Something beyond Obama bad, our favorite congressmen good stuff. I found the information elsewhere. Like I said, you did not have access to the information you now have access to, so "we all knew" is an untrue statement. You couldn't answer the questions I asked or point me to where I could get the answers. Now you can. And anyone else on this thread can. Your welcome.
ACLJ Now Represents 41 Conservative Groups in Federal Lawsuit Against IRS | Free Speech, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Straight to the horse's mouth. Best site for lawsuit information. Not like the stuff I was given here, thanks, but this is on a whole different level.
Just keep clicking on the blue highlights, this site will take you everywhere on this topic.

Compare this to the stuff you provided. It doesn't compare. It's like you are in elementary school and suddenly you have college books.
I'm checking out those links, the ones that don't come back error anyhow. So far I'm not seeing much other than, yes, some groups have filed laws suites. One is about a group that says it had to wait to long to get it's status approved. Still looking for any of them to describe damage claims. I thought there would be all kinds of reviews by lawyers and articles. Maybe we have to wait awhile longer until they start getting heard in a court.

Camp, you're seriously embarrassing yourself on this topic! The lawsuit filed by the American Center for Law and Justice on behalf of 25 Tea Party and conservative groups has been in the news for over a year now. True the Vote also filed a law suit last year.

Gee, wonder why it is that so many Americans don't know about those lawsuits, Camp? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that the main stream media declared it a "non story" and a "fake scandal". Move along folks...Nothing to see here!!! The fact is...the main stream media has done their very best Chief Wiggum imitation.

I linked him to both of those as well as another link was directly to another suits filing. Notice not one mention of tax payer information being released against law, either. He is doing as most here on the left do, trying to make light of it all. He doesn't look past the facts that this could happen to their own, if not stopped now.
Seriously? Get off it, Camp. You made a general statement, links were provided to counter your statement. Next time, rather than make a blanket statement regarding something you obviously had no clue on, if discussion is truly what you are looking for, then ask.

Now do you want discussion regarding the fact private tax payer information was released and how that is illegal?
You should be embarrassed, not me. I haven't been interested enough in the issue to get into the finite details. I asked questions and asked for links. Some of you are so defensive and hostile it blinds your ability to be rational. You and another poster supplied me with some links, but I had to find the best one on the net on my own. A direct link to the law firm handling the lawsuit for 41 groups with every detail of the case you could ask for.
You should thank me for posting the link. You obviously didn't have access to it or know of it's existence. Now you do.

Werent you claiming on the previous page that no one was harmed?
Werent you claiming that only Obama haters gave a crap?
Now suddenly we should thank you because you posted links to something we all knew anyway?
Go fuck yourself.

I haven't changed my position on points I made. I asked questions to bring discussion beyond the partisan level it was at. I offered a challenge with the hopes someone would accept the challenge and educate me or a least show me the thoughts and concepts regarding the issue. Something beyond Obama bad, our favorite congressmen good stuff. I found the information elsewhere. Like I said, you did not have access to the information you now have access to, so "we all knew" is an untrue statement. You couldn't answer the questions I asked or point me to where I could get the answers. Now you can. And anyone else on this thread can. Your welcome.

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