Tribe Member: 'We Would Have Been Dead By Now' If We Acted Like Oregon Militants


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

The Paiute tribe says the protesters need to leave.

BURNS, Ore. -- The armed protesters who seized remote federal property in Oregon should leave, the Burns Paiute Tribal Council urged Wednesday. The occupiers claim the federal land rightfully belongs to the mostly white population of eastern Oregon, but Harney County was largelyPaiute territory prior to white settlement.

On a foggy Wednesday morning, some of the tribe's nearly 420 members gathered at the top of a snow-packed hill on the Paiute reservation to discuss their concerns about the outsiders. The doors of the meeting center were plastered with signs warning people not to bring firearms inside.

"As a Native, if we were to go out there and fight back like they are, we would have been dead by now," said Carla Teeman, a social services assistant at the tribe.

"They are desecrating one of our sacred traditional cultural properties," said Charlotte Rodrique, the tribal chair. "They are endangering our children and the safety of our community."

More: Tribe Member: 'We Would Have Been Dead By Now' If We Acted Like Oregon Militants

Amen! Sad, but very true. It's clearly a double standard.
I'd like to hear more details from the natives to make any judgment of their point. As far as the protesters go, I'd starve them out.
Is the land where this building located federal land or tribal land? If it's tribal land what the fuck is the government doing putting a building on it?
Government speak with forked tongue.......

Nevada tribal leader, 81, sues BLM for $30M | Reznet News

RENO, Nev. - The federal government seized Raymond Yowell's cattle - all 132 head - and hauled them across the state and sold them at auction.

Then the U.S. Bureau of Land Management sent Yowell a bill for $180,000 for back grazing fees and penalties, and later garnished part of his Social Security benefits.

Now, nearly a decade later, the 81-year-old former chief of the Western Shoshone National Council is fighting back. He's suing the BLM, the Treasury Department and others for $30 million. Yowell claims the government violated his constitutional rights, broke an 1863 treaty and saddled him with a debt that he doesn't owe.

"There's no other way," said Yowell, a member of the Te-Moak Band of Western Shoshone, who still works a small cattle ranch with his son in northeast Nevada's high desert.

"I kept writing letters to them saying I didn't have a debt with them, that I never signed a contract," he told The Associated Press. "But they just ignored it. There's no use talking to them."

Yowell said in the lawsuit filed last month he was exercising his "treaty guaranteed vested rights" to be a herdsman when he turned his cattle out in May 2002 to graze on the historic ranges of the South Fork Indian Reservation.
Oh gads, here goes tonto....

The tribe has the same enemy as the ranchers. And the tribes did stand up against the feds. I guess what they're saying now is that there's no point?

Anyway, the sell outs in the video have forgotten their own history, it seems. And haven't bothered to read their own tribe's website:

"The Bannock Indian War, as it was later called, consisted of few actual battles, but a resurgence of raiding by the Indians and killing of Indians by the Whites. By mid-July the army got the help of Umatilla Indian scouts to the north in a scheme to kill Chief Egan. The Paiutes believed the Umatillas to be friendly and were hoping to find allies at the meeting. Instead, they walked into an ambush. The scheme succeeded, and Chief Egan was killed. With the last of their leaders dead, the Bannocks and Paiutes surrendered. The northern Paiutes, who had numbered close to 2,000 ten years before, had lost two-thirds of their people."

The Bannock Indian War

"On June 8 a group of 26 volunteer military men from Silver City, Idaho, led by Captain J.B. Harber, encountered Chief Buffalo Horn and his warriors. At South Mountain, a small mining village, they exchanged fire, resulting in the deaths of two Silver City volunteers and several Bannock, among them the chief.[19] The Bannock selected a new leader, Chief Egan, and headed to Juniper Mountain in Idaho and Steens Mountain in southeastern Oregon to meet with the Paiute.[20] Other states began sending militia troops to the region, including California, Nevada, and Utah.[21]
"As the Bannock traveled westward, they continued to raid camps, resulting in some settler deaths. People in Idaho and neighboring states feared that the violence would soon spread their way.[22] Bernard arrived in Silver City on June 9 and quickly headed out to the Jordan Valley. The troops moved to meet the Bannock at Steens Mountain. Bernard’s cavalry followed Chief Egan’s Bannock west into Oregon, eventually meeting them in battle on June 23 by Silver Creek.[23] The fight resulted in the deaths of three U.S. soldiers, the wounding of three others, and an unknown number of Bannock casualties. Col. Bernard moved to nearby Camp Curry to meet with General Howard on June 25.[24]"

So the Paiute have resisted the feds in the past, and should cease their cowardly bartering with the very people who killed them and took their land in the first place. It wasn't the ranchers. It was the FEDS, who wanted their land.

Bannock War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Dann SIsters.............

Just the BLM destroying another family and the indians. long before Bundy showed up.

Oh gads, here goes tonto....

The tribe has the same enemy as the ranchers. And the tribes did stand up against the feds. I guess what they're saying now is that there's no point?

Anyway, the sell outs in the video have forgotten their own history, it seems. And haven't bothered to read their own tribe's website:

"The Bannock Indian War, as it was later called, consisted of few actual battles, but a resurgence of raiding by the Indians and killing of Indians by the Whites. By mid-July the army got the help of Umatilla Indian scouts to the north in a scheme to kill Chief Egan. The Paiutes believed the Umatillas to be friendly and were hoping to find allies at the meeting. Instead, they walked into an ambush. The scheme succeeded, and Chief Egan was killed. With the last of their leaders dead, the Bannocks and Paiutes surrendered. The northern Paiutes, who had numbered close to 2,000 ten years before, had lost two-thirds of their people."

The Bannock Indian War

"On June 8 a group of 26 volunteer military men from Silver City, Idaho, led by Captain J.B. Harber, encountered Chief Buffalo Horn and his warriors. At South Mountain, a small mining village, they exchanged fire, resulting in the deaths of two Silver City volunteers and several Bannock, among them the chief.[19] The Bannock selected a new leader, Chief Egan, and headed to Juniper Mountain in Idaho and Steens Mountain in southeastern Oregon to meet with the Paiute.[20] Other states began sending militia troops to the region, including California, Nevada, and Utah.[21]
"As the Bannock traveled westward, they continued to raid camps, resulting in some settler deaths. People in Idaho and neighboring states feared that the violence would soon spread their way.[22] Bernard arrived in Silver City on June 9 and quickly headed out to the Jordan Valley. The troops moved to meet the Bannock at Steens Mountain. Bernard’s cavalry followed Chief Egan’s Bannock west into Oregon, eventually meeting them in battle on June 23 by Silver Creek.[23] The fight resulted in the deaths of three U.S. soldiers, the wounding of three others, and an unknown number of Bannock casualties. Col. Bernard moved to nearby Camp Curry to meet with General Howard on June 25.[24]"

So the Paiute have resisted the feds in the past, and should cease their cowardly bartering with the very people who killed them and took their land in the first place. It wasn't the ranchers. It was the FEDS, who wanted their land.

Bannock War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There went Lakooka's premise right down the shitter AHAHAHAHA
AIM did over $700,000 in damage during the takeover. Someone send that woman in the OP an email and get her up to speed so she doesn't embarrass herself again.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs building takeover occurred from November 3 to November 9, 1972. On November 3, a group of around 500 American Indians with the American Indian Movement (AIM) took over the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) building in Washington, D.C., the culmination of their participation in the Trail of Broken Treaties, intended to bring attention to American Indian issues such as living standards and treaty rights.

They had arrived at the BIA to negotiate for better housing and other issues; the siege began when a government mistake was interpreted as a doublecross. The incensed protesters then began to vandalize the building in protest.

They were not evicted on the first night. The takover quickly gained national media attention. The demonstrators upturned large tables and desks against the windows of the building.

Documents were destroyed by setting fires, literally, in the middle offices and lobbies of the building. The demonstrators started to run out of provisions after several days. They would not allow police or any government representative to approach the building, so two children of BIA employees were recruited to bring in provisions. After a week, the protesters left, having caused $700,000 in damages.

Among the damage caused was loss, destruction, and theft of many records, including treaties, deeds, and water rights records, which some Indian officials said could set them back 50 to 100 years.

Bureau of Indian Affairs building takeover - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Paiute tribe says the protesters need to leave.

BURNS, Ore. -- The armed protesters who seized remote federal property in Oregon should leave, the Burns Paiute Tribal Council urged Wednesday. The occupiers claim the federal land rightfully belongs to the mostly white population of eastern Oregon, but Harney County was largelyPaiute territory prior to white settlement.

On a foggy Wednesday morning, some of the tribe's nearly 420 members gathered at the top of a snow-packed hill on the Paiute reservation to discuss their concerns about the outsiders. The doors of the meeting center were plastered with signs warning people not to bring firearms inside.

"As a Native, if we were to go out there and fight back like they are, we would have been dead by now," said Carla Teeman, a social services assistant at the tribe.

"They are desecrating one of our sacred traditional cultural properties," said Charlotte Rodrique, the tribal chair. "They are endangering our children and the safety of our community."

More: Tribe Member: 'We Would Have Been Dead By Now' If We Acted Like Oregon Militants

Amen! Sad, but very true. It's clearly a double standard.

Bullshit Lakhota. Send her a message and remind her of the BIA occupation by AIM.
The Dann SIsters.............

Just the BLM destroying another family and the indians. long before Bundy showed up.

I've felt badly for so many lives ruined by the BLM. I consider them a criminal organization. But there was something truly touching about the plight of the Dann sisters. It's a Range war for true.

It's so hypocritical for the libs who supposedly care ever so much about human rights not to give a shit about the people being stripped of their land and their property by the asshole mafia gang known as the BLM.

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