Trophy Hunter Gored By Dying Buffalo He’d Just Shot

Heres a story to brighten our days.. Sad man with a gun gets some payback for his wickedness.

"The bull managed to leave a "Coke can-sized" hole in the hunter’s leg — but died shortly after."

Sad for the Buffalo but at least he was able to inflict some damage. why do people want to shoot animals for sport ? Its a perversion.

It figures a soy boy like you lacks the hunter's instinct.
What made the guy think that a bow and arrow would be sufficient enough when going after an animal that big?

God bless you always!!!

It worked for the Sioux.

Those were Bison. I don't think the Sioux hunted water buffalo in Australia.

Aren’t Bison and Water Buffalo around the same size?

Am I missing something here?

The Bison is actually bigger. But they are usually not nearly as aggressive.
Would that children in the womb could fight back at some of the hypocrites here too.

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