Troubling double standard: Outcry over Gaza deaths but near silence over Iraq, Syria


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
There certainly does appear to be a double standard here. The news appears to be filled so much about Israel and not what is happening in the rest of the Middle East and even elsewhere. For instance, I didn't see a big too today in the news about China killing 3,000 of the Chinese Muslims who they claimed to be terrorists.

Troubling double standard: Outcry over Gaza deaths but near silence over Iraq, Syria

By Richard Grenell, Jeremy Stern

Published August 08, 2014

After a few weeks of Israel-bashing, we are back to the regular indifference. It seems that with Israel’s war in Gaza on the wane, so too are the world’s humanitarian concerns. The streets of Europe are getting quieter.

Protests outside Israeli and American embassies and on the steps of houses of worship are thinning.

International committees are drafting fewer resolutions and college students are demonstrating on fewer campuses. With the violence in Gaza subsiding, the world seems ready to move from bleating outrage over Israel’s actions to indicting it, in the words of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, for a “criminal act.”

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Troubling double standard: Outcry over Gaza deaths but near silence over Iraq, Syria | Fox News
I agree with the OP. It is very troubling to see those double standards and it highlights the complete shameful bias and hypocrisy present not only in the media and the UN, but also among ordinary people who aren't able to think for themselves.

Regrettably the only logical conclusion can only be that age old antisemitism, which is always lurking in the background, as seen in the current conflict with Gaza, to rear its ugly head.

It is deplorable that the world hasn't seen through the deceit and propaganda of fanatic Islamic terrorists ..... but it is even more deplorable the tragedy that the world doesn't seem to be interested in Christians being consistently massacred all over the Middle East.

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