TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

No it won't there is no help. The nation as it existed is over and has been replaced. The only appropriate response is to learn how to survive in obamamerica. Take care of yourself and those you care about and cut the deadwood loose.

The party of voter suppression crying about voter irregularity. Too funny.

Dear Jason: The counties that had voter ID enforced did not have these issues.
So it appears the GOP is RIGHT about pushing for voter ID to prevent or deter fraud.

If the Dems have issues with minorities and elderly not having help to make sure their IDs are accessible to vote with, maybe the party should TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for all the people they are canvassing to vote, instead of just handing out beer and obamaphones.

I have no problem with multiple language ballots and assistance, which would increase the responsibility on multiethnic community centers and outreach to provide educational and logistic support. This is good for democracy, and I totally support my fellow Democrats in using their party resources and network to provide those services on a REGULAR basis (not just election times) so that people CAN ALL BE UNDER a voter ID program without issue or fear of exclusion or discrimination. Why is this a bad thing? Why not meet the goal as good?

P.S. About voter suppression/fraud, it has ALWAYS been GOP assertion that Democrats have a bigger history of fraud. That was always their argument, including when answering Democrat opposition to voter ID, that they are the biggest hypocrites. As a Democrat I openly admit, agree and apologize that the focus of the Party has been on getting votes and NOT on taking responsibility for them. That is one reason why I joined, is to uphold the goals of serving diverse people and interests which the Dem Party claims, and actually trying to get this to happen by promoting localized solutions, instead of just going for the votes and losing the goals.

To be fair, I find the complaints against GOP abusing deregulation to let corporations run amok at taxpayers expense ALSO TRUE.
So I go after both parties, using the Constitution to hold both party members accountable for correcting the costs of their policies.
The Greens are the most honest about this, plus they promote solutions that accommodate the good things about both parties.
So I voted Green while I support both Democrats and Republicans in using their party networks and resources to fix their own problems and fund their own policies; to correct the worst weaknesses and problems in both platforms, and apply restitution owed to taxpayers to building the solutions and promoting the strongest ideals that both parties advocate for. All parties need to do this.

How many people have been caught or convicted of voter fraud? Not many, maybe one or two. Republicans are doing whatever they can to stem the tide of poor and minorities voting against them. They know from experience that the republicans owe allegiance to the very wealthy only, period. If we are going to change a long standing practice of voting, lets change the law and give people ample time to adjust somewhat like what was done with the needing a passport to travel to Mexico. GOP asserts that dems vote illegally but have no proof that I know of. Florida and other traditional red states with republican governors pretend there are illegal voters lurking everywhere although they've never been able to prove it. Republicans know they are becoming obsolete and rather than change with the times they would rather resort to dirty tricks. I too see problems with the Democrats but practically speaking we have only two parties so I will side with the one more likely to give consideration to all people, not the few and mostly very wealthy..

Couple links below showing it's GOP vs. minority groups that are not likely to vote republican. If you have any proof of dems pulling fast ones like this post it.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project

PolitiFact Florida | Bill Nelson compares Rick Scott's voter purge with a 2000 attempt

Florida’s Felonious Voting Trap - COLORLINES
Why not just issue an Executive Order that the Democrat wins every election with a Democrat running?

That's thawillathapeepul, isn't it?

We don't need to, silly - we have the overwhelming support of the American people.


I'll take that any day!
I'm sure you would, but you didn't get that. You got slightly over half of the registered voters that voted. :lmao:

Over 3,000,000 more votes. :eusa_shhh:
daveman's extreme hostility is not based on "free and fair elections", which were held, but that a bad man like West was defeated. We want the best man in the job, not simply the one from our Republican Party. Many in Congress do not represent the principles of the Republican Party: both West and his supporter daveman fit the bill.

And since daveman is an extremist, while I am mainstream Republican, daveman's opinion does not matter.

daveman is simply an isolated far wack extremist beyond the horizon on the right: weirdo.
You've dug yourself quite a hole there, boy. :lol:

Of course, it was inevitable. The charade that you're a "mainstream Republican" is simply too hard to maintain while you also espouse liberal beliefs.

Meanwhile, I'd ask you to explain what's so extremist about wanting free and fair elections, but we both know you realize the hole you've dug yourself into, and will merely spout your desperate and laughable charges that I'm an extremist yet again.

The only people buying that are your fellow leftists. Normal people see it as bullshit.
that is exactly what some people want you to think. If you really do care about the integrity of the vote look at my posts from when I first swtarted here. I linked to many examples of voter fraud through the years and yet we have still had the same system in place, even with proof of major fraud in certain elections that have gone down. Even have posts to where Congress had to do an investigation because the SOE's didn't do anything about it. One in which over 700 Illegal votes were cast in a Congressional race in just one county in California. Once again, if you carth that your vote could be wiped out by vote fraud then you will go find those posts and quit stating it doesn't happen.
The party of voter suppression crying about voter irregularity. Too funny.

Dear Jason: The counties that had voter ID enforced did not have these issues.
So it appears the GOP is RIGHT about pushing for voter ID to prevent or deter fraud.

If the Dems have issues with minorities and elderly not having help to make sure their IDs are accessible to vote with, maybe the party should TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for all the people they are canvassing to vote, instead of just handing out beer and obamaphones.

I have no problem with multiple language ballots and assistance, which would increase the responsibility on multiethnic community centers and outreach to provide educational and logistic support. This is good for democracy, and I totally support my fellow Democrats in using their party resources and network to provide those services on a REGULAR basis (not just election times) so that people CAN ALL BE UNDER a voter ID program without issue or fear of exclusion or discrimination. Why is this a bad thing? Why not meet the goal as good?

P.S. About voter suppression/fraud, it has ALWAYS been GOP assertion that Democrats have a bigger history of fraud. That was always their argument, including when answering Democrat opposition to voter ID, that they are the biggest hypocrites. As a Democrat I openly admit, agree and apologize that the focus of the Party has been on getting votes and NOT on taking responsibility for them. That is one reason why I joined, is to uphold the goals of serving diverse people and interests which the Dem Party claims, and actually trying to get this to happen by promoting localized solutions, instead of just going for the votes and losing the goals.

To be fair, I find the complaints against GOP abusing deregulation to let corporations run amok at taxpayers expense ALSO TRUE.
So I go after both parties, using the Constitution to hold both party members accountable for correcting the costs of their policies.
The Greens are the most honest about this, plus they promote solutions that accommodate the good things about both parties.
So I voted Green while I support both Democrats and Republicans in using their party networks and resources to fix their own problems and fund their own policies; to correct the worst weaknesses and problems in both platforms, and apply restitution owed to taxpayers to building the solutions and promoting the strongest ideals that both parties advocate for. All parties need to do this.

How many people have been caught or convicted of voter fraud? Not many, maybe one or two. Republicans are doing whatever they can to stem the tide of poor and minorities voting against them. They know from experience that the republicans owe allegiance to the very wealthy only, period. If we are going to change a long standing practice of voting, lets change the law and give people ample time to adjust somewhat like what was done with the needing a passport to travel to Mexico. GOP asserts that dems vote illegally but have no proof that I know of. Florida and other traditional red states with republican governors pretend there are illegal voters lurking everywhere although they've never been able to prove it. Republicans know they are becoming obsolete and rather than change with the times they would rather resort to dirty tricks. I too see problems with the Democrats but practically speaking we have only two parties so I will side with the one more likely to give consideration to all people, not the few and mostly very wealthy..

Couple links below showing it's GOP vs. minority groups that are not likely to vote republican. If you have any proof of dems pulling fast ones like this post it.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project

PolitiFact Florida | Bill Nelson compares Rick Scott's voter purge with a 2000 attempt

Florida’s Felonious Voting Trap - COLORLINES
depotoo, voter fraud is not a systemic matter simply a criminal one. In the few cases where it occurs, punish the criminals harshly.
depotoo, voter fraud is not a systemic matter simply a criminal one. In the few cases where it occurs, punish the criminals harshly.

Jake, you haven't taken the time to actually research and study it. It happens every day. One of the biggest problems with prosecuting is you have to catch them. Do you know what an onerous process it is to catch even one? Think about it. Every single signature would also have to be checked, every single address. And even then you can't tell if your vote was actually recorded correctly. There is nothing to confirm how you voted after the fact. None.
Did you happen to go look at my links? Besides the CA fraud I mentioned in my other post did you know that in 1982 a grand jury later determined that Adlai Stevenson had unwittingly benefited from some 100,000 illegal ballots that had been cast in Chicago in the gubernatorial election?
Don't ever tell me it is not a problem. There needs to be safe guards put in place to eliminate the most likely routes of fraud. Personally I think each machine or precinct needs to be assigned random numbers which when you vote you are given one by that machine which is then tied to that vote, whithout ever assigning the name to the number but the number is then tied to that vote. If you have questions as to how your vote was recorded, or they suspect fraud you can then verify your vote through that number.
daveman's extreme hostility is not based on "free and fair elections", which were held, but that a bad man like West was defeated. We want the best man in the job, not simply the one from our Republican Party. Many in Congress do not represent the principles of the Republican Party: both West and his supporter daveman fit the bill.

And since daveman is an extremist, while I am mainstream Republican, daveman's opinion does not matter.
You are a liar. That's all you are.
daveman is the personfication of 'bias': from ~ a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice

daveman is an extremist of mean-spiritedness who has created a certain justification without merit that biases him against the mainstream. He is simply an ill-mannered reactionary.
daveman is the personfication of 'bias': from ~ a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice

daveman is an extremist of mean-spiritedness who has created a certain justification without merit that biases him against the mainstream. He is simply an ill-mannered reactionary.
Still waiting for you to explain how insisting on fair and accurate elections is "extremism".

daveman has not show how West's election was unfair. Hmmmm? Until he does, he is such a poseur boy.

daveman is the personfication of 'bias': from ~ a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice

daveman is an extremist of mean-spiritedness who has created a certain justification without merit that biases him against the mainstream. He is simply an ill-mannered reactionary.
Still waiting for you to explain how insisting on fair and accurate elections is "extremism".

daveman has not show how West's election was unfair. Hmmmm? Until he does, he is such a poseur boy.

daveman is the personfication of 'bias': from ~ a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice

daveman is an extremist of mean-spiritedness who has created a certain justification without merit that biases him against the mainstream. He is simply an ill-mannered reactionary.
Still waiting for you to explain how insisting on fair and accurate elections is "extremism".


guess what? One precinct had 7 registered voters yet 900 voted.
This thing is getting really sticky. Also last card could not be read. Attorneys for West have headed to the courthouse.
daveman has not show how West's election was unfair. Hmmmm? Until he does, he is such a poseur boy.

My goodness, but you're retarded. That's what this whole thread has been about, you leftist boot-licker.

Insults and arguing is all you have? I forgot, the goal of far rightards isn't to prove anything with facts, its solely to fight, argue and attempt to frustrate the opponent.


You flunk.
You are accusing me of what you believe?

You are the cheater, daveman, trying to cheat West's opponent of an election.

I have no problem with the county board calling the re-count, because it has the legal right to do so.

All you can do is lie and whine as all extreme rightists do.

daveman poseur is merely davying.

No unfair election. End of story.
Yes, Fakey, you're already on record as believing the process doesn't matter as long as the Democrat wins.
You didn't read the article, either.

Is reading just to haaaaard for leftists?

I have loved to read since I was a kid. But it has to be something interesting.
If you value democracy, you'll be glad to read that Murphy's injunction against the full recount failed. :)

Oh, bull!!! The final tally was in Murphy’s favor and the margin of victory was above the threshold for a recount.

In other words, there is no reason to keep recounting!!! Nothing to justify it.

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