TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

UPDATE 1:47 P.M.: West going to court — Will contest certification – From “a source close to Allen West” ...
St Lucie missed the deadline for certification, so automatically the previous results are what go to the Secretary of State for final certification.

Our attorneys are seeing if it’s possible (today) to get an emergency extension of the deadline.

We have until Nov 30 (10 days) to contest the election in Talahassee, and then there would be a hearing scheduled in December.

Of course, the Secretary of State may decide to NOT certify the results because of the discrepancies -and we have yet to see the results of the auditor’s report which may recommend a retabulation.

Just as background, one precinct has 7 voters registered and yet recorded about 900 votes. That’s a 13,000 percent turnout.

Clearly, something is amiss.
The recount of the early votes is done, and Murphy gained votes.

St. Lucie recount results shows Murphy still ahead of West

For the honest people, it's over. It's not within the recount margin, and there is zero evidence of anything illegal going on. There is no legal basis for West to keep challenging the results. He can try, but his lawsuits will be tossed, and it will be clear he's just attempting bullying and rabble-rousing -- that is, cheating -- to try and overturn the election results.

Anyways, if Dave has been honest in his claims, he'll declare Murphy the winner now, and apologize for his days of debunked-by-the-facts lies about how the Democrats were engaging in fraud.
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The recount of the early votes is done, and Murphy gained votes.

St. Lucie recount results shows Murphy still ahead of West

For the honest people, it's over. It's not within the recount margin, and there is zero evidence of anything illegal going on. There is no legal basis for West to keep challenging the results. He can try, but his lawsuits will be tossed, and it will be clear he's just attempting bullying and rabble-rousing -- that is, cheating -- to try and overturn the election results.

Anyways, if Dave has been honest in his claims, he'll declare Murphy the winner now, and apologize for his days of debunked-by-the-facts lies about how the Democrats were engaging in fraud.

actually that was from the original early recount they had to go with, along with some other votes they had to hand count, from what I am hearing, due to their not being able to complete the total early voting recount due to a card that was corrupt right at the end. Thus why my post above.
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daveman has not show how West's election was unfair. Hmmmm? Until he does, he is such a poseur boy.

My goodness, but you're retarded. That's what this whole thread has been about, you leftist boot-licker.

Insults and arguing is all you have? I forgot, the goal of far rightards isn't to prove anything with facts, its solely to fight, argue and attempt to frustrate the opponent.


You flunk.

There are a lot of conservatives here who come here with facts and good arguments.

Let's not tar them all with the Dave Brush.
My goodness, but you're retarded. That's what this whole thread has been about, you leftist boot-licker.

Insults and arguing is all you have? I forgot, the goal of far rightards isn't to prove anything with facts, its solely to fight, argue and attempt to frustrate the opponent.


You flunk.

There are a lot of conservatives here who come here with facts and good arguments.

Let's not tar them all with the Dave Brush.

There are? A lot?
LoneLaugher, enjoy this year's victories. You will have a few next year, and then the end of 14 is going to be an unhappy time for you. I will save this and remind you at that time.
LoneLaugher, enjoy this year's victories. You will have a few next year, and then the end of 14 is going to be an unhappy time for you. I will save this and remind you at that time.

Seems like you changed the subject.

I find it interesting that you are making electoral predictions already....not really the way I had you figured.

I am interested in knowing which of the conservative members your opinion....are in the habit of making thoughtful, fact-based contributions to the discussion.

I am not going to quarrel with a liberal homer about conservative qualities.

You will overreach, as all parties do, and I will remind you when the time comes.
I am not going to quarrel with a liberal homer about conservative qualities.

You will overreach, as all parties do, and I will remind you when the time comes.

Strange. You said that there are quite a few. them so I can see for myself. Why are you being so evasive all of a sudden?
Check you out.....trying to make people do stuff. How cute.

You responded to my comment, jackass. That's my dog. You seem to be having trouble coming up with a few names. Would you like to amend your comment? Maybe the term is "a couple"?
I am not going to quarrel with a liberal homer about conservative qualities.

You will overreach, as all parties do, and I will remind you when the time comes.

Strange. You said that there are quite a few. them so I can see for myself. Why are you being so evasive all of a sudden?

Jake couldn't give a straightfoward answer to save his life.

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