TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

Indeed. No mandate.
HUGE mandate.

Nope. No mandate.

Now whine some more about it. :lol:
"I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it. It is my style."- Bush: 286 Kerry: 251
daveman will not have the American virtue of graciously admitting defeat.

This is why his kind must be driven from the party.
come on daveman. Well, its not surprising really. It appears West didn't even call Murphy (D) to concede either:

Allen West, Republican Congressman From Florida, Concedes 2 Weeks After The Election
Murphy campaign manager Anthony Kusich said he was not aware of any concession call to his candidate, simply an e-mail that was publicly distributed. In his own statement, Murphy said he was "humbled by Congressman West's gracious concession" and eager to get to work on behalf of all voters.
A true American calls the winner and concedes gracefully.

The day West took of his uniform is the day he stopped serving his country in every good and gracious way.

Now he is simply toxic.
come on daveman. Well, its not surprising really. It appears West didn't even call Murphy (D) to concede either:

Allen West, Republican Congressman From Florida, Concedes 2 Weeks After The Election
Murphy campaign manager Anthony Kusich said he was not aware of any concession call to his candidate, simply an e-mail that was publicly distributed. In his own statement, Murphy said he was "humbled by Congressman West's gracious concession" and eager to get to work on behalf of all voters.

Amazing how classy Murphy is compared to how Classless Col Batguano is.
Or as clumsy as you, JoeB, to my class destruction of your points all through the campaign.

Hey, no need to thank me. I am just that kind of guy.
Or as clumsy as you, JoeB, to my class destruction of your points all through the campaign.

Hey, no need to thank me. I am just that kind of guy.

I'm sorry, are you posting from that alternate reality where you didn't run away like a little sissy when I said your whole idealogical structure was based on Romney lying about what a douchebag he was?

Because frankly, that's how I remember it.

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