TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

daveman and JoeB both are going to be on the outside looking in two years from now.

And, yes, we the mainstream Republicans, will be laughing at the wacky left and the wacky right.

Actually, guy, the Republican party is probably finished and good riddance.

If you think the establishment is going to get the Teabaggers in line by 2014, you are as delusional as when you claimed that Romney was going to get them under control.

You "mainstream" types who insisted on forcing romney down the rank and file's throat (getting people like me to leave and others to probably stay home) aren't going to be very well esteemed when the bloodletting happens.

They are already throwing Romney under the bus. He's going to have a lot of company soon.

Make sure you bring a change of Magic Underwear.
daveman is an extremist who hates American values. No doubt about it.
You're a filthy liar.

In case you haven't noticed, it's been me in this thread supporting fair and accurate elections.

You've been saying this election is valid because the Democrat won.

Now, who hates American values?

Run along, boy.
daveman is simply an isolated far wack extremist beyond the horizon on the right: weirdo.
The recount will have to be done by Sunday noon. The overseas votes have been counted, and resulted in no change. That's as expected, since the military vote is evenly split. There's also a box of 306 uncounted votes. Not lost, uncounted. That means those are the votes that the machines spit out because they weren't filled out correctly. Whoever wants to claim to have more stupid people on their side can claim they'll get more votes from that.

Now, the Democrats will accept the outcome, no matter what it is. It's that honesty and consistency thing we do.

Dave will declare any outcome that doesn't declare Allen West the winner must be invalid. That's because Dave thinks an election is only valid if the Republican wins; he's spent 34 pages here screaming that. By his own standards, Dave hates a fair election count and American values, and will justify almost any level of cheating to get his guy to win.

But no need to take my word for that. Dave will demonstrate it for us all tomorrow after the final count.
The recount will have to be done by Sunday noon. The overseas votes have been counted, and resulted in no change. That's as expected, since the military vote is evenly split. There's also a box of 306 uncounted votes. Not lost, uncounted. That means those are the votes that the machines spit out because they weren't filled out correctly. Whoever wants to claim to have more stupid people on their side can claim they'll get more votes from that.

Now, the Democrats will accept the outcome, no matter what it is. It's that honesty and consistency thing we do.

Dave will declare any outcome that doesn't declare Allen West the winner must be invalid. That's because Dave thinks an election is only valid if the Republican wins; he's spent 34 pages here screaming that. By his own standards, Dave hates a fair election count and American values, and will justify almost any level of cheating to get his guy to win.

But no need to take my word for that. Dave will demonstrate it for us all tomorrow after the final count.
they are saying it could be finished by 11 e tonight.
Then why is Murphy threatening to sue to prevent a full recount of the early voting?

If he won fair and square, he would be happy to see a full recount.

Right? :lol:
If West won all of those votes from early counting, what would the final total be?
Dunno. Not really worried about it, either. My concern is that the process is fairly and correctly done and the voters' wishes are accurate determined.

Unlike you, who doesn't give a damn as long as the Democrat wins.

We won!!!!
That explains why the House went Dem, so there would be no opposition to the liberal agenda.

Oh, wait...
The redistricting and gerrymandering prevents some districts from ever becoming blue, just like it prevents some districts from ever becoming red.

We've got to fix that, and I'm confident that our President Of The United States will do so, maybe with some help from the Justice Department and some Federal judges. :)
Why not just issue an Executive Order that the Democrat wins every election with a Democrat running?

That's thawillathapeepul, isn't it?

We don't need to, silly - we have the overwhelming support of the American people.


I'll take that any day!
Please help Allen West: GOPer is still on the loose, direly in need of a psych evaluation

As we’re all aware, Rep. Allen West (Tea-FL) is not losing gracefully, after being defeated by Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy. So, he’s tried everything possible to remain relevant, including counting and perhaps recounting ballots ad infinitum while the entirety of his (former) constituency passes out from exhaustion.


A hearing has been scheduled for Friday to hear Allen West’s request for a full recount of roughly 37,379 St. Lucie County ballots. A partial recount was done last weekend which made the race a bit closer, but not enough to trigger a full recount.

Enter crazy man: West for Congress today sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State, Ken Detzner, claiming there are vote count discrepancies uncovered (uncovered I tell ya’!) after reviewing public records released today from the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections office.
This is an interesting avenue West is taking, mainly because early voters are typically Democrats, which is why the State’s Governor and his colleagues wanted to eradicate early voting — unless he’s questioning the validity of the votes garnered which are not in his favor — but that doesn’t appear to be his justification.

While the campaign has not yet been provided access to the poll book information for votes cast on Election Day, an examination of the early and absentee ballot information raises significant questions relating to nearly 1,000 votes.

According to Tim Edson, West for Congress campaign manager, “If there is this much discrepancy for early and absentee ballots, just imagine how inaccurate the counts might be for all precincts on Election Day. As we have said from the beginning, we are simply seeking an accurate and fair count of all votes so that we may preserve the integrity of the voting process for the citizens of District 18.”


Please help Allen West: GOPer is still on the loose, direly in need of a psych evaluation

As we’re all aware, Rep. Allen West (Tea-FL) is not losing gracefully, after being defeated by Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy. So, he’s tried everything possible to remain relevant, including counting and perhaps recounting ballots ad infinitum while the entirety of his (former) constituency passes out from exhaustion.


A hearing has been scheduled for Friday to hear Allen West’s request for a full recount of roughly 37,379 St. Lucie County ballots. A partial recount was done last weekend which made the race a bit closer, but not enough to trigger a full recount.

Enter crazy man: West for Congress today sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State, Ken Detzner, claiming there are vote count discrepancies uncovered (uncovered I tell ya’!) after reviewing public records released today from the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections office.
This is an interesting avenue West is taking, mainly because early voters are typically Democrats, which is why the State’s Governor and his colleagues wanted to eradicate early voting — unless he’s questioning the validity of the votes garnered which are not in his favor — but that doesn’t appear to be his justification.

While the campaign has not yet been provided access to the poll book information for votes cast on Election Day, an examination of the early and absentee ballot information raises significant questions relating to nearly 1,000 votes.

According to Tim Edson, West for Congress campaign manager, “If there is this much discrepancy for early and absentee ballots, just imagine how inaccurate the counts might be for all precincts on Election Day. As we have said from the beginning, we are simply seeking an accurate and fair count of all votes so that we may preserve the integrity of the voting process for the citizens of District 18.”


well, we shall just have to wait a few more hours and we will have a better idea as to how this will end.
West for Congress on Early Voting

“We have found that a total of 237 voters who have been disclosed as signing in to vote at an early voting location, but whose votes appear to have been not been counted at all. These voters have no precinct assigned to them in the data upload posted on your website and provided to you by the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections.”

Which, if they are politically savvy at all, they will realize that if votes are not counted for some early voters, it will swing more in Murphy’s favor.
In addition, as reported by the Orlando Sentinel, the incoming Republican House Speaker has already “conceded” that Florida’s difficult election process and its “embarrass[ing]” irregularities may have been caused by early voting and registration changes pushed through by Republicans in the state legislature. In conjunction with budget cuts that targeted county election offices, recent GOP attempts to restrict opportunities for voting resulted in the predictable and widely reported chaos that West now complains about.

This is typical of Republicans — blame the ‘other side’ for what they’ve fucked up — or, they could always go with the GOP mantra, “It’s Obama’s fault.”
Nah, that wacky tabaky is getting to your head, JoeB.

Dude, if you think that they aren't going to take it out of your hide in 2016, you are deluded.

I do believe the GOP will run the whackiest TEA bagger they can find in 2016. They'll talk moderation for a few weeks, but pretty soon the Rush's and the Faux News and the people who make their money off keeping these folks angry will totally denounce that shit.
daveman is simply an isolated far wack extremist beyond the horizon on the right: weirdo.
You've dug yourself quite a hole there, boy. :lol:

Of course, it was inevitable. The charade that you're a "mainstream Republican" is simply too hard to maintain while you also espouse liberal beliefs.

Meanwhile, I'd ask you to explain what's so extremist about wanting free and fair elections, but we both know you realize the hole you've dug yourself into, and will merely spout your desperate and laughable charges that I'm an extremist yet again.

The only people buying that are your fellow leftists. Normal people see it as bullshit.
The recount will have to be done by Sunday noon. The overseas votes have been counted, and resulted in no change. That's as expected, since the military vote is evenly split. There's also a box of 306 uncounted votes. Not lost, uncounted. That means those are the votes that the machines spit out because they weren't filled out correctly. Whoever wants to claim to have more stupid people on their side can claim they'll get more votes from that.
I see you haven't been keeping up. The machines spit out any ballot that had write-ins.
Now, the Democrats will accept the outcome, no matter what it is. It's that honesty and consistency thing we do.
Oh, that explains why Murphy attempted to file an injunction against the recount.

Dave will declare any outcome that doesn't declare Allen West the winner must be invalid. That's because Dave thinks an election is only valid if the Republican wins; he's spent 34 pages here screaming that. By his own standards, Dave hates a fair election count and American values, and will justify almost any level of cheating to get his guy to win.

But no need to take my word for that. Dave will demonstrate it for us all tomorrow after the final count.
You're quite the bold liar, aren't you?

I've been arguing for accurate elections. The left wants none of it. If the Dem wins, that's an "accurate election".

Negged for lying. Props for the boldness.
The redistricting and gerrymandering prevents some districts from ever becoming blue, just like it prevents some districts from ever becoming red.

We've got to fix that, and I'm confident that our President Of The United States will do so, maybe with some help from the Justice Department and some Federal judges. :)
Why not just issue an Executive Order that the Democrat wins every election with a Democrat running?

That's thawillathapeepul, isn't it?

We don't need to, silly - we have the overwhelming support of the American people.


I'll take that any day!
I'm sure you would, but you didn't get that. You got slightly over half of the registered voters that voted. :lmao:

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