TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal



I showed you what horseshit that is. They had Obama right next to Romney.

Liberals have been saying that Obama is Center-Left on some things and Center-Right on others, but definitely not a Liberal.

Conservatives have been saying that Mittens is a Moderate and a RINO.

So why wouldn't they be close on the chart?

Because Obama is a leftist, nowhere near the center. :lol:
All early votes cast in St. Lucie County will be recounted Sunday morning​

Recount could affect the West, Murphy race​

November 10, 2012
By: WPTV Web Team

FORT PIERCE, Fla. - Sunday morning all early votes casted in St. Lucie County will be recounted, Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker confirmed to WPTV NewsChannel 5 on Saturday.

The decision was welcomed news for two politicians whose careers hang in the balance.

“West for Congress is pleased with the Supervisor’s decision, as the counting of early votes on Election Night was of great concern to our campaign, given the large shift that occurred at midnight of nearly 4,000 votes,” according to a statement released Saturday afternoon by the office of Republican U.S. Rep. Allen West. “While we still look forward to reviewing the poll books used to check in voters during early voting and Election day, this recount goes a long way to ensuring an accurate outcome.”

West, a freshman congressman, was seeking reelection in the newly formed District 18 against Democrat Patrick Murphy. He contested election results in both St. Lucie County and Palm Beach County. District 18 spans portions of Martin, St. Lucie and Palm Beach counties.

Linda Hudson, mayoral candidate for the city of Ft. Pierce, also was happy to hear the recount would take place on Sunday.

“The supervisor (of elections) told me that there may have been 1136 votes not counted,” Hudson said.


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All early votes cast in St. Lucie County will be recounted Sunday morning
Yeah, it was wingnutty the first time you posted it. :lol:

Yes, NBC affiliates are nothing more than GOP mouthpieces.

All early votes cast in St. Lucie County will be recounted Sunday morning​

Recount could affect the West, Murphy race​

November 10, 2012
By: WPTV Web Team

FORT PIERCE, Fla. - Sunday morning all early votes casted in St. Lucie County will be recounted, Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker confirmed to WPTV NewsChannel 5 on Saturday.

The decision was welcomed news for two politicians whose careers hang in the balance.

“West for Congress is pleased with the Supervisor’s decision, as the counting of early votes on Election Night was of great concern to our campaign, given the large shift that occurred at midnight of nearly 4,000 votes,” according to a statement released Saturday afternoon by the office of Republican U.S. Rep. Allen West. “While we still look forward to reviewing the poll books used to check in voters during early voting and Election day, this recount goes a long way to ensuring an accurate outcome.”

West, a freshman congressman, was seeking reelection in the newly formed District 18 against Democrat Patrick Murphy. He contested election results in both St. Lucie County and Palm Beach County. District 18 spans portions of Martin, St. Lucie and Palm Beach counties.

Linda Hudson, mayoral candidate for the city of Ft. Pierce, also was happy to hear the recount would take place on Sunday.

“The supervisor (of elections) told me that there may have been 1136 votes not counted,” Hudson said.


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All early votes cast in St. Lucie County will be recounted Sunday morning
Yeah, it was wingnutty the first time you posted it. :lol:

Yes, NBC affiliates are nothing more than GOP mouthpieces.

Actually, I thought he just reposted the same story from earlier in the thread.

It's that fucked up font and size.
Florida election officials maintain that there is no evidence to suggest that the doors were locked at the polls Mr. West was alleging had closed until after the polls closed at 7 pm, at which point all those in line got to vote.

It's also a totally baseless claim that "Democrat votes were counted twice".

What we have here is another case of what Megan Kelly accused Karl Rove of: "Is this the math you do as a Republican in order to make yourself feel better?".

Allen West lost. He lost beyond the recount margin. Even if those 2,000 votes were counted twice, he'd still be 500 votes short, but that didn't happen, and you can't stick with it as an option just because you lost and are inventing fraud allegations.

What's more is that all parties had representatives there during the vote counting, which is another baseless accusation from West, that somehow people were expelled or what have you while the votes were being counted.

You can't just make shit up and then act like it's true just because you and your buddies tell yourself stuff. This source is bullshit as well, just a right-wing blog making shit up.

West loss. Get over it.
CaféAuLait;6321959 said:
All early votes cast in St. Lucie County will be recounted Sunday morning​

Recount could affect the West, Murphy race​

November 10, 2012
By: WPTV Web Team

FORT PIERCE, Fla. - Sunday morning all early votes casted in St. Lucie County will be recounted, Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker confirmed to WPTV NewsChannel 5 on Saturday.

The decision was welcomed news for two politicians whose careers hang in the balance.

“West for Congress is pleased with the Supervisor’s decision, as the counting of early votes on Election Night was of great concern to our campaign, given the large shift that occurred at midnight of nearly 4,000 votes,” according to a statement released Saturday afternoon by the office of Republican U.S. Rep. Allen West. “While we still look forward to reviewing the poll books used to check in voters during early voting and Election day, this recount goes a long way to ensuring an accurate outcome.”

West, a freshman congressman, was seeking reelection in the newly formed District 18 against Democrat Patrick Murphy. He contested election results in both St. Lucie County and Palm Beach County. District 18 spans portions of Martin, St. Lucie and Palm Beach counties.

Linda Hudson, mayoral candidate for the city of Ft. Pierce, also was happy to hear the recount would take place on Sunday.

“The supervisor (of elections) told me that there may have been 1136 votes not counted,” Hudson said.


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All early votes cast in St. Lucie County will be recounted Sunday morning

I wonder what made them decide to do the new recount?

The Supervisor of Elections decided to do it without anyone forcing her to, probably because she wants to publicly shame Allen West for being a stupid fucking retard.

Also, she told the mayoral candidate that there may have been 1,136 early votes that went uncounted, so she obviously wants to make sure that the tally is correct and that all the votes get counted, which is super duper awesome since more early votes not counted means an even bigger margin for Murphy, since Democrats ended up leading the way with the early vote crowd.

It can't be good for West that this is being done without a court injuction. It's actually the SOE taking responsibility and later this morning I hope Allen West eats crow, though I imagine he'll stick with his "Republican math" and continue on with the Romney philosophy that he won't be deterred by fact-checking.
Of course not.

The fraud that occurred means there was fraud.
“We are not getting to observe the vote count,” he said. Mr. Shapiro has been overseeing the process at the Riveria Beach vote tabulation center. Temporary workers are helping the local staff oversee the count of absentee ballots, those damaged by voting machines, and ballots in which the three pages have become separated. They are making new ballots to replace the damaged ones, and are required to mark them with the same votes. Florida law allows observers to be present but they are being blocked from making sure the ballots are marked accurately.
A physical barrier had been erected making it impossible for the observers to see what was going on. After repeated objections, the observers were allowed to stand behind the people reproducing the ballots. But then the ballot workers blocked their view. “Half of the people reproducing the ballots are crowding together,” Mr. Shapiro said, “to make it impossible for anyone to see what they are doing.” He added that “there is a sense that since they spend so much time obstructing our view they are not reproducing [the ballots] correctly.”
An elderly man who stood up to try to get a better look at the ballots was ordered to sit down. When he asked why, Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher called a sheriff’s deputy to have him escorted out of the building. Team West volunteer Ellen Snyder has also faced the wrath of the supervisory staff. “They screamed at me twice” for asking questions she said, and threatened to have her removed.
Critical questions are also being raised about the estimated 8,000 military absentee ballots, These ballots could decide the election but were only picked up on Wednesday. They are being counted in an area that is off-limits to observers, but no explanation has been given why. Unlike the damaged ballots, the military ballots are not being reproduced but only counted. Yet from a distance Ms. Snyder saw a worker marking them. When she tried to bring this to the attention Mrs. Bucher’s assistant she was ignored. Another observer saw four military ballots in a row being peremptorily invalidated with no explanation. When Ms. Snyder tried to ask Mrs. Bucher a question about what was happening “she looked like she wanted to spit she was so mad. She is very hostile.”​

Anyone who values the integrity of the electoral process would demand these accusations be investigated.

Democrats shug and say, "Our guy won. That's all that matters."

Drop the charade. Just join the Moonies, and totally drink the Kool Aid, Why do you love war criminals?
"Our guy won. That's all that matters."

The issue is that you and West are certifiable tin foil crackpots, and that Moonie article left out too many facts to be considered a reasonable source.
On the bright side, Allen West will now be another professional Republican victim and his radio show will have a hard core audience of nutters.
On the bright side, Allen West will now be another professional Republican victim and his radio show will have a hard core audience of nutters.

Damn, and I was hoping he would give up that GOVT, taxpayer funded military retirement check and Tricare and be a true real "conservative" and not rely of govt, damn.
Sure they don't....141% turnout happens all the time! :rolleyes:

I've seen 119% before, typically it means you have an overabundance of new voters, issues with absentee ballots, or issues with voter tallying.

It can be fraud( though as someone else pointed out, I haven't seen a legitimate source talking about that number) or a glitch, or reasonable.

I prefer to let people finish the job before i start crying foul.
More voters than registrants doesn't happen unless there's fraud...There's no other way for that to happen.

There's several other ways it could happen. What happened in 2000 when Kathrine Harris inaccurately scrubbed the rolls? How often does the county update their rolls? Do they have same day registration in Florida?

It's possible there is fraud, but no reputable source, even the local FOX affiliates, are reporting it that way. Also, if there is fraud, you don't know if it was committed by West supporters. I'd trust tea baggers as far as I could throw them.
It's like democrats completely forgot about Al Franken and the boxes of votes that sudden appeared and were all for him.
katz, sour grapes won't help now.

No it won't there is no help. The nation as it existed is over and has been replaced. The only appropriate response is to learn how to survive in obamamerica. Take care of yourself and those you care about and cut the deadwood loose.
That has always been the way an adult acts in America, katz.

Welcome to reality.

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