TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

No..that would be the person who started this silly thread.
Right. Because I made it all up.

Leftists have a blind spot. It's called "reality".

You're not smart enough to make it're stupid enough to swallow it whole.

davetard loves to argue with so called liberals, he has never posted any evidence nor empirically argued his positions, fight the liberals with insults is his mantra, like all far rightards.
daveman is a fraud himself with his strawmen about liberal lefty websites, since I've never cited one, that doesn't change the fact that West lost his re-election and there is no evidence on voter fraud, minus the BS from right leaning hacktard sites.

You sure do whine a lot. :lol:

Kindred spirit of yours?
Not at all. The only way I can be accused of whining is if you completely re-define the word -- a common leftist habit. :lol:
No..that would be the person who started this silly thread.
Right. Because I made it all up.

Leftists have a blind spot. It's called "reality".

No, you're just parroting it like a good little wingnut.

Why have you ignored all the evidence and all the explanations given in this thread?

You have not countered one bit of it with anything other than childish taunts and insults.

Why is that?
Evidence? Explanations?

Right. Because I made it all up.

Leftists have a blind spot. It's called "reality".

You're not smart enough to make it're stupid enough to swallow it whole.

davetard loves to argue with so called liberals, he has never posted any evidence nor empirically argued his positions, fight the liberals with insults is his mantra, like all far rightards.
You haven't read many of my posts, have you? :lmao:
Florida declares West has lost reelection bid, despite early voting irregularities | Fox News
The partial vote recount in Florida Rep. Allen West's re-election bid indicates ballots were double counted, but election officials still say the Republican lawmaker has lost the race.

The Tea Party-backed West demanded a recount after a wild swing of votes on election night in which he was leading Democratic challenger Tim Murphy by roughly 2,000 votes, then trailed by 2,400 votes about 35 minutes later.

Officials said Saturday a final tally in the state’s 18th Congressional District shows Murphy had won by enough votes to avoid a full recount. But they agreed a partial recount of early votes in St. Lucie County after acknowledging some votes had been counted twice.

West and his campaign objected to just a recount of votes cast Nov.1-3, arguing the irregularity calls for a full audit.

“If people are that adamant about getting rid of me that’s fine,” West told Fox News on Monday. “But don’t do it at the expense of the integrity of our electoral process. That’s what disturbs me the most.”

The West team is singling out County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker and requesting a comparison of voter signatures from all polling places with the total ballots counted because the numbers do not appear to match.

Officials have “already stated they had a 141 percent voter turnout, which I think should cause everyone alarm,” West told Fox.

He also said Murphy officials were allowed to observe the Sunday recount, but West’s were not.​

Gee...I wonder why West's folks weren't allowed to observe the recount?

Oh, well, doesn't matter. The Democrat won; that's all that's important. The appearance of impropriety only matters when the Republican wins.

Right, USMB lefties?
The issue with the turnout has already been addressed. The fact that West keeps bringing it up tells me all that I need to know.
katz, sour grapes won't help now.

No it won't there is no help. The nation as it existed is over and has been replaced. The only appropriate response is to learn how to survive in obamamerica. Take care of yourself and those you care about and cut the deadwood loose.

The party of voter suppression crying about voter irregularity. Too funny.

Dear Jason: The counties that had voter ID enforced did not have these issues.
So it appears the GOP is RIGHT about pushing for voter ID to prevent or deter fraud.

If the Dems have issues with minorities and elderly not having help to make sure their IDs are accessible to vote with, maybe the party should TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for all the people they are canvassing to vote, instead of just handing out beer and obamaphones.

I have no problem with multiple language ballots and assistance, which would increase the responsibility on multiethnic community centers and outreach to provide educational and logistic support. This is good for democracy, and I totally support my fellow Democrats in using their party resources and network to provide those services on a REGULAR basis (not just election times) so that people CAN ALL BE UNDER a voter ID program without issue or fear of exclusion or discrimination. Why is this a bad thing? Why not meet the goal as good?

P.S. About voter suppression/fraud, it has ALWAYS been GOP assertion that Democrats have a bigger history of fraud. That was always their argument, including when answering Democrat opposition to voter ID, that they are the biggest hypocrites. As a Democrat I openly admit, agree and apologize that the focus of the Party has been on getting votes and NOT on taking responsibility for them. That is one reason why I joined, is to uphold the goals of serving diverse people and interests which the Dem Party claims, and actually trying to get this to happen by promoting localized solutions, instead of just going for the votes and losing the goals.

To be fair, I find the complaints against GOP abusing deregulation to let corporations run amok at taxpayers expense ALSO TRUE.
So I go after both parties, using the Constitution to hold both party members accountable for correcting the costs of their policies.
The Greens are the most honest about this, plus they promote solutions that accommodate the good things about both parties.
So I voted Green while I support both Democrats and Republicans in using their party networks and resources to fix their own problems and fund their own policies; to correct the worst weaknesses and problems in both platforms, and apply restitution owed to taxpayers to building the solutions and promoting the strongest ideals that both parties advocate for. All parties need to do this.
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Oh, well, doesn't matter. The Democrat won; that's all that's important. The appearance of impropriety only matters when the Republican wins.

Right, USMB lefties?

You just said it all: what the Democrats will also say,
"The Democrat won, that's all that's important"

both parties do that. exactly!

Just like two sides fighting in court, they are only there to defend their best interests.
not what is fair and best for both sides. the other side is expected to fight for themselves.

This is like a really nasty custody fight, where both parents are so busy slamming each other and hiding what they did wrong from the judge (or the media/public perception), while proving the fault of the other party.
The interests of the family or public who are affected by the resulting policies come either second or last.

And guess what is the purpose of the office they are both fighting for,
it is supposed to be serving the best interests of the public under the Constitution, not each for themselves.
That is supposed to come first, not last.

I've been through the cycles of recovery from divorce and related issues with causes/effects.
The mistakes I saw made, I learned if we don't correct them and stop feeding this mentality, then the whole family suffers and the cycle repeats.
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The issue with the turnout has already been addressed. The fact that West keeps bringing it up tells me all that I need to know.

This all appears to be leftover bad karma from Bush vs. Gore. When the shoe is on the other foot. All the things one party said about the other are flipped now.

What neither party is talking about (except in terms of threatening to secede) is how do you serve the interests of both parties when half are for and half are against a candidate.

Just catering to the partisan interpretation of the policies of the winning candidate is only serving one party. That is not serving Constitutional duty to ALL constituents equally in that district or state, much less the nation.

Technically speaking, regardless of what the party affiliation is of the winning candidate, the policies coming from that office should be constitutionally inclusive of the best interests of the entire public, and not just either party's agenda or opposition to the other party.

It should not matter if a candidate is Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Atheist, if that office holder has sworn to uphold the Constitutional laws for all people under said jurisdiction.

Likewise, it should not matter if a candidate is prochoice or prolife, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican. If your oath of office is under the Constitution (and Code of Ethics for Govt Service which puts duty to Constitutional laws and regulations above party or dept)
that should be the guiding principles by which all policies are judged anyway. So if half the constituents or population in your district, state or nation disagree, then including those interests and beliefs in making decisions should come out the same as if the other party's candidate were in office and had to consider and accommodate the opposing party's views.

Just my view as a Constitutionalist. I am a prochoice progressive Democrat, and I believe under the Constitution both the prochoice and prolife views are protected equally, as well as views for or against gay marriage, the death penalty, etc. I ask all members and leaders of both parties to start enforcing these same standards and keep personal beliefs and politics in check, and reserving the offices and policies of Govt for Constitutionally based decisions.
If people don't agree politically or religiously, then conflicts must be resolved and agreements on policies must be made first, BEFORE pushing legislation or reforms, so that all people's views and interests are protected equally under the law. The laws, policies and programs should reflect the consent of the governed, across all parties and beliefs, in order to carry the authority of the Constitution and the will of the people. Partisan politics doesn't cut it as any kind of proof of mandate or will of the people, especially where half dissent.
Voter turnout was 141% of eligible voters. That's one reason for a recount.

Do try to keep up, this has already been addressed.

St Lucie County Supervisor of Elections

note* - turnout percentages will show over 100% due to a two page ballot. the tabulation system (GEMS) provides voter turnout as equal to the total cards cast in the election divided by the number of registered voters. also note that some voters chose not to return by mail the second card containing the amendments.
Voter turnout was 141% of eligible voters. That's one reason for a recount.

For all the people who made fun of Romney's math.
Can you explain the math here?

1. One joke that could be made from all this, is maybe this is
karma on the Pro-life Republicans who don't believe in abortion or birth control.

So all those minority populations producing more voters are outnumbering them.

2. Another joke: maybe we should print T-shirts that say that say
"We are the 141 %" ha ha
but who is that making fun of?
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