Trudeau Hilariously Blames U.S. For His Illegal Immigration Problem

Not surprised in the least. Liberal cocksuckers are incapable of accepting any responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault. And Trudeau happens to be the stupidest, most intellectually retarded world leader in the history of mankind. He makes cretins like Obama and Bush look like Mensa members. Like all liberals, he's a boot-licking, beta-male, pussified Islamic human condom.

But hey let's face it, Trump is responsible for everything.

Trump sabotaged Apollo 13. Trump crashed Emilia Earhart’s plane. Trump crashed the stock market in 1929 and invaded Poland 10 years later. Trump killed John Lennon. Trump beat Rodney King. Trump is Obama’s mother. Trump flew the 1st plane on 9-11. All true.
Trudeau is so jaw-droppingly, stunning STUPID, when he goes to gay pride nonsense, he wears rainbow-colored socks with Islam's crescent on it - this blithering, clinically retarded cretin actually thinks there's some imaginary alliance between gays and the most gay-public-executing, gay-torturing, homosexual bloodbath on this planet, Islam! Hell, in some Islam countries people accused of homosexuality have their penises and assholes sealed shut with superglue and then force-feed them high-pressure water hoses until their insides fatally rupture. Or as a variation, sometimes they'll force-feed their homos a bunch of gasoline and a lit match, to roast them from the inside out. And that is the type of sadistic, human rights horrors and liberal filth love to defend.
It's Canada's own fault.

They got their Prime Minister after he graduated from Madam Marie's
Day Care in Ottawa. What did they expect?

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