Trudeau Just Got Trump Smacked!

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.
He's not grinning.
What would you call it? A smile?
Smiles go up at the corners dude. They also aren't usually accompanied by the closed body language or the high blood pressure/anger flush.

It's not that hard kid, all you have to do is look at the picture.

Trump spanked a few leaders while working for Americans. :)

Trump can't bully your allies. He spanked no one. Once again your great negotiator renegged on a deal he made. Why would anyone negotiate with this asshole? He'll just change his mind two hours later.
Trump spanked them before leaving to spank Kim. lol
Justify speaks
Because sometimes we just have to laugh:

Yes, we're all proud of our president's behavior. Next, he is expected to amaze us all by eating paste, and crying when he's told that he can't go outside during recess because it's raining.
That paste eating rain crier drove an 18-wheeler over his opponents.

No. 3 million more voters didn't want him. He lucked out.
It wasn’t luck. It was manipulation of the election

Correct. He campaigned and he manipulated his dollars to the right places.

And shit-for-brains voters like you.....lost.

Suck on it.

Let us know when you finish high school. Ok little trumpkin

I realize you are probably looking for recommendations should you ever qualify to attend yourself.

For you I recommend the state school for the hopelessly retarded.

You'll probably flunk out of that, but it'll be your best chance.

And then you can go try to get a real law degree.
What a fucked up liar you are. President Obama took office with the market going straight down. That January, 750,000 jobs were lost. By March, unemployment was over 10%, and the market was at 6500. By January 2017, the market was nearly at 20,000. and unemployment was at 5%. We will see what the market is at by 2019.
Starting a trade war with our closest allies, and all the Western democracies, while embracing the likes of Puting, Xi, Duerte, and North Korea shows where this traitors heart is at.
When did Trump promise 4%?
One month before the election, Oct. 10, trump promised he would have the GDP growing at a sustained 4%. So far it is only growing at about less than 2.7%, it changes regularly so that number could be off by a tenth or two of a point. Not much different from what it has been for the last several years.

90 consecutive months of job growth - 75 under Obama and 15 under Trump, and they think Trump turned things around. Trump inherited a solid economy.

You are either ignorant or a liar…

Probably both….

You don’t recall obongo and all his cronies

talking about the new normal as far as all the

Lost jobs went…

I recall obongo saying how is Trump going

to bring these jobs back? What’s he got, a Magic

Wand or something.

Trump has stuck that Magic Wand up obongo’s ass….

Are we having fun or what?
There is only about a 1.2 % difference in the unemployment rate from what trump inherited from Obama and what it is today.

Your posts indicate you are mostly a bullshit and insult poster that is never able to backup your nonsense. You post your nonsense and add an insult to make people not want to respond to your foulness. Age old internet tactic of trolls and punks. Me thinks you are probably both.

Glad to see you admit we have an improving Economy under Trump.

Your post indicate you are an ignorant ass liberal without a clue…

Who says “Me thinks”

Later libtard..
People who know Shakespeare and read classic English literature.
One month before the election, Oct. 10, trump promised he would have the GDP growing at a sustained 4%. So far it is only growing at about less than 2.7%, it changes regularly so that number could be off by a tenth or two of a point. Not much different from what it has been for the last several years.

90 consecutive months of job growth - 75 under Obama and 15 under Trump, and they think Trump turned things around. Trump inherited a solid economy.

You are either ignorant or a liar…

Probably both….

You don’t recall obongo and all his cronies

talking about the new normal as far as all the

Lost jobs went…

I recall obongo saying how is Trump going

to bring these jobs back? What’s he got, a Magic

Wand or something.

Trump has stuck that Magic Wand up obongo’s ass….

Are we having fun or what?
There is only about a 1.2 % difference in the unemployment rate from what trump inherited from Obama and what it is today.

Your posts indicate you are mostly a bullshit and insult poster that is never able to backup your nonsense. You post your nonsense and add an insult to make people not want to respond to your foulness. Age old internet tactic of trolls and punks. Me thinks you are probably both.

Glad to see you admit we have an improving Economy under Trump.

Your post indicate you are an ignorant ass liberal without a clue…

Who says “Me thinks”

Later libtard..
People who know Shakespeare and read classic English literature.
You mean rubes know not?
Whatever it is, it’s better than what obongo did….

Obongo was a community organizer….

Obongo didn’t know SHIT about business.

Obongo was an expert at stirring up SHIT with race issues

In the vain of al sharpton and jessie Jackson…..
You sound like a third grader who is obsessed with picking his nose and scratching his ass.

Wasn't Deno a cartoon character?

View attachment 197641

That was Dino Dumb Asses....
Not my fault you can't spell.

Just like a liberal to blame his faults on someone else…

You and your ilk are pathetic..
Little bitch boy Trudeau will pay for his duplicity.

Trump's comments will guarantee Trudeau's re-election
It's time
“We continue to see Russian targeting of American society in ways that could affect our midterm elections.”

Russia has also attacked demacracy in France, Germany, Norway, Spain and Ukraine.

The Republican response:

Obstruct any investigations into Russian meddling

Cry witch hunt whenever Russia is mentioned.

beg to let them back into the G7

do NOT finish implementing the sanctions Obama put in place.

Trump & the Republicans have sided with Russia against America & her allies and the rest of the world
can see it as clearly as we can.

November is coming, we must strike a massive pro-democracy blow against Russia and her republican allies.

It’s time to Take Out The Trump Trash

How can you be that ignorant?
You sound like a third grader who is obsessed with picking his nose and scratching his ass.

Wasn't Deno a cartoon character?

View attachment 197641

That was Dino Dumb Asses....
Not my fault you can't spell.

Just like a liberal to blame his faults on someone else…

You and your ilk are pathetic..
Lol, what fault is that? You're the one who can't spell.
I knew you were a dumb fuck but wow. Just wow!

You say the Russians Hacked Crooked hillary’s email to help Trump

when in fact you wouldn’t let the fbi examine the server for fear

of what they might find…

Only a stupid, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck and a half.

It’s amazing that your brain can generate enough mental power for you to type


You can't even keep your goofy right wing lies straight, can you? The right claims Hillary's emails were hacked when there is no evidence that they were. It has been proven that Russia did hack the DNC though.

What do you think happened with the emails dumb ass?

You dumb ass liberals should know better than using

password for your password…..

Damn yall are stupid…
We're smarter than Generals smarter than lawyers ,,we know big words

The main thing is we are kicking liberal ass...

You're just a temporary aggrivation.

I don’t know about that…

Trump has pulled back the curtain on you nut jobs…

Trump may end up becoming a King.

By the way, you spelled aggravation wrong.

That was Dino Dumb Asses....
Not my fault you can't spell.

Just like a liberal to blame his faults on someone else…

You and your ilk are pathetic..
Lol, what fault is that? You're the one who can't spell.

Dip Shit...

You are the Dumb Ass that got Deno mixed up with Dino.
One month before the election, Oct. 10, trump promised he would have the GDP growing at a sustained 4%. So far it is only growing at about less than 2.7%, it changes regularly so that number could be off by a tenth or two of a point. Not much different from what it has been for the last several years.

90 consecutive months of job growth - 75 under Obama and 15 under Trump, and they think Trump turned things around. Trump inherited a solid economy.

You are either ignorant or a liar…

Probably both….

You don’t recall obongo and all his cronies

talking about the new normal as far as all the

Lost jobs went…

I recall obongo saying how is Trump going

to bring these jobs back? What’s he got, a Magic

Wand or something.

Trump has stuck that Magic Wand up obongo’s ass….

Are we having fun or what?
There is only about a 1.2 % difference in the unemployment rate from what trump inherited from Obama and what it is today.

Your posts indicate you are mostly a bullshit and insult poster that is never able to backup your nonsense. You post your nonsense and add an insult to make people not want to respond to your foulness. Age old internet tactic of trolls and punks. Me thinks you are probably both.

Glad to see you admit we have an improving Economy under Trump.

Your post indicate you are an ignorant ass liberal without a clue…

Who says “Me thinks”

Later libtard..
People who know Shakespeare and read classic English literature.

I’m sure you go to a lot of plays and you have a reading room…

You liberals are all so full of Shit.

The fact that you are a liberal tells the whole world

you’re a Dumb Ass…

You probably wouldn’t know Shakespeare if

he bit you in the ass.
You can't even keep your goofy right wing lies straight, can you? The right claims Hillary's emails were hacked when there is no evidence that they were. It has been proven that Russia did hack the DNC though.

What do you think happened with the emails dumb ass?

You dumb ass liberals should know better than using

password for your password…..

Damn yall are stupid…
We're smarter than Generals smarter than lawyers ,,we know big words

The main thing is we are kicking liberal ass...

You're just a temporary aggrivation.

I don’t know about that…

Trump has pulled back the curtain on you nut jobs…

Trump may end up becoming a King.

By the way, you spelled aggravation wrong.
If that is something you desire, you are living in the wrong nation.
You can't even keep your goofy right wing lies straight, can you? The right claims Hillary's emails were hacked when there is no evidence that they were. It has been proven that Russia did hack the DNC though.

What do you think happened with the emails dumb ass?

You dumb ass liberals should know better than using

password for your password…..

Damn yall are stupid…
We're smarter than Generals smarter than lawyers ,,we know big words

The main thing is we are kicking liberal ass...

You're just a temporary aggrivation.

I don’t know about that…

Trump has pulled back the curtain on you nut jobs…

Trump may end up becoming a King.

By the way, you spelled aggravation wrong.

Yes, I occasionally misspell a word or hit the key next to the one I intended. Does that really make a lot of difference?
What do you think happened with the emails dumb ass?

You dumb ass liberals should know better than using

password for your password…..

Damn yall are stupid…
We're smarter than Generals smarter than lawyers ,,we know big words

The main thing is we are kicking liberal ass...

You're just a temporary aggrivation.

I don’t know about that…

Trump has pulled back the curtain on you nut jobs…

Trump may end up becoming a King.

By the way, you spelled aggravation wrong.

Yes, I occasionally misspell a word or hit the key next to the one I intended. Does that really make a lot of difference?
Spelling mods out again?
We're smarter than Generals smarter than lawyers ,,we know big words

The main thing is we are kicking liberal ass...

You're just a temporary aggrivation.

I don’t know about that…

Trump has pulled back the curtain on you nut jobs…

Trump may end up becoming a King.

By the way, you spelled aggravation wrong.

Yes, I occasionally misspell a word or hit the key next to the one I intended. Does that really make a lot of difference?
Spelling mods out again?

At least I can be proud of giving Deno the only chance he has had to feel superior in a long time. I hope that helps him to get past his reputation as an idiot
We need these people for nothing.
Good thing you don't have any exports.

Yes, we're all proud of our president's behavior. Next, he is expected to amaze us all by eating paste, and crying when he's told that he can't go outside during recess because it's raining.

Trump has made you insane...

You are void of Reality.

If obongo had done 1/10 of what

Trump is accomplishing you would

have been peeing yourself with glee.

You liberals are such a joke…

Lefties are trying to stay positive and have fun while their butthurt and depression is still lurking in the shadows.


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