Trudeau Just Got Trump Smacked!

We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Funny chit coming from a dumbass Trumpette.

Trump is a moron whop has no logic or no knowledge & no skills to negotiate jack shit.

He calls people names,. he lies, & uses America's strengths to try to bully his fat ass to get what he wants.

The really funny part is Trump knows nothing about US & Canadian trade.

Are you really this STUPID or is this an act?

It's not an act.
Trudeau is Canada's answer to Obama.

Trudeau’s position is more like a mayor than a world leader. Mayor of peoplekind.

I knew you were a dumbfuck but wow. Just wow.

Clinton hired a British company to do opposition research on your fat assed orange buddy.
One of their employees was an ex British spy type who traveled to Russia to check on Trump's dealings there.

Only a stupud, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck./


"The company was co-founded in 2011 by Glenn R. Simpson, a former investigative reporter and journalist for Roll Call and The Wall Street Journal; Peter Fritsch, former Wall Street Journal senior editor; and former Wall Street Journal journalist Thomas Catan."
Trump has to meet with leader of North Korea to make an attempt at world peace. What the fuck does Trudeau have to do that is so important?

Well, if you must know...

He wore different socks.


He also created new accounts to get one month free trials.

Canada taxes American Dairy at 270% Time we did the same to them.

Try reading on very the Canadian Milk Marketing Board, which manages the supply and sale of dairy products in Canada. Then you will realize that the tariff is to enable Canadian farmers to compete with cheaper imports.

Even American Dairy farmers consider the tariff fair and don’t want it changed.

There must be a link somewhere that supports your statement.
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.

No he said fuck you...he is not playing their game

You did see the picture right?
Republicans are celebrating ruining ties with long standing allies with memes and childish cartoons like everything is a joke.

The republican party has turned into a joke, vote all of them out.
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.

No he said fuck you...he is not playing their game

You did see the picture right?

Yeah I saw the picture even read the numerous articles..

He is not playing their games anymore .
Republicans are celebrating ruining ties with long standing allies with memes and childish cartoons like everything is a joke.

The republican party has turned into a joke, vote all of them out.

Why are you so upset, not business as usual, every one wants America to bend over and take it..

It appears as long as Trump is president no more.
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.

No he said fuck you...he is not playing their game

You did see the picture right?

He's definitely crying here...

Trudy's own press corp raked him over the coals....everybody knows he's terrified of Trump as he well should be. I wonder if he realizes we can close the Keystone XL to canuck oil headed to Houston while keeping it open for our drillers in N.Dakota. Let's see him get his tar sand crap to China overland to Vancouver......we could have him thrown out of office in a matter of weeks with what we can do to him....we don't need their timber either....or much of anything else. 50 years ago we didn't require anything from the outside world but bananas and coffee and we can be self-sufficient with full-employment again, thanks to President Trump.
You give Ford the tax incentive to bail on Canada and watch that little boy scream.
Republicans are celebrating ruining ties with long standing allies with memes and childish cartoons like everything is a joke.

The republican party has turned into a joke, vote all of them out.

Why are you so upset, not business as usual, every one wants America to bend over and take it..

It appears as long as Trump is president no more.
Making fun of world leaders on twitter and threatening to go it alone without them is juvenile and reckless. You don't have to act like a child and asshole to press for better trade deals.

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