Trudeau Just Got Trump Smacked!

Let’s get back on topic.

President Trump did give Trudeau a well deserved gentle smack upside the head. :)
Tycho sound a little like Trump?

Sociopaths are people who have little to no conscience. They will lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others for their own benefit. They know exactly what they are doing, they just don't care because they don't think that way. If you are naive enough, they will brainwash you into doing exactly what they say and what they want which is the only time a sociopath is truly happy.
Sociopaths can hide this well if you haven't known them for long. They're really nice and charming at first, almost too nice, but it's extremely fake. The niceness will last until a problem occurs in which they are at fault however, you will be manipulated to believe that you are in the wrong. There is no reasoning with this person. Things have to be their way or it's the highway. They will blame you for hurting them (even if they're the ones who hurt you) or blame the world for all their problems (knowing full well they do shitty things in general). They are compulsive liars and even if they do apologize, it's never genuine. Most are anti social and have few to no friends because most people around them don't want to associate with them. However the sociopath will again tell you that "people hate me for no reason/the world is against me". The only person who will put up with a sociopath is someone who is off their rocker or someone who has absolutely no self respect, or both of those two combined.

Piece of advice: Once you realize that you are dealing with a sociopath, RUN.
Did you honestly think I’d waste my time reading all that? lol

There’s a reason why people think you’re an idiot. Just saying. :)
Let’s get back on topic.

President Trump did give Trudeau a well deserved gentle smack upside the head. :)
Tycho sound a little like Trump?

Sociopaths are people who have little to no conscience. They will lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others for their own benefit. They know exactly what they are doing, they just don't care because they don't think that way. If you are naive enough, they will brainwash you into doing exactly what they say and what they want which is the only time a sociopath is truly happy.
Sociopaths can hide this well if you haven't known them for long. They're really nice and charming at first, almost too nice, but it's extremely fake. The niceness will last until a problem occurs in which they are at fault however, you will be manipulated to believe that you are in the wrong. There is no reasoning with this person. Things have to be their way or it's the highway. They will blame you for hurting them (even if they're the ones who hurt you) or blame the world for all their problems (knowing full well they do shitty things in general). They are compulsive liars and even if they do apologize, it's never genuine. Most are anti social and have few to no friends because most people around them don't want to associate with them. However the sociopath will again tell you that "people hate me for no reason/the world is against me". The only person who will put up with a sociopath is someone who is off their rocker or someone who has absolutely no self respect, or both of those two combined.

Piece of advice: Once you realize that you are dealing with a sociopath, RUN.
Did you honestly think I’d waste my time reading all that? lol

There’s a reason why people think you’re an idiot. Just saying. :)
Beg pardon tycho YOU are the idiot for supporting the person who has all those traits
Let’s get back on topic.

President Trump did give Trudeau a well deserved gentle smack upside the head. :)
Tycho sound a little like Trump?

Sociopaths are people who have little to no conscience. They will lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others for their own benefit. They know exactly what they are doing, they just don't care because they don't think that way. If you are naive enough, they will brainwash you into doing exactly what they say and what they want which is the only time a sociopath is truly happy.
Sociopaths can hide this well if you haven't known them for long. They're really nice and charming at first, almost too nice, but it's extremely fake. The niceness will last until a problem occurs in which they are at fault however, you will be manipulated to believe that you are in the wrong. There is no reasoning with this person. Things have to be their way or it's the highway. They will blame you for hurting them (even if they're the ones who hurt you) or blame the world for all their problems (knowing full well they do shitty things in general). They are compulsive liars and even if they do apologize, it's never genuine. Most are anti social and have few to no friends because most people around them don't want to associate with them. However the sociopath will again tell you that "people hate me for no reason/the world is against me". The only person who will put up with a sociopath is someone who is off their rocker or someone who has absolutely no self respect, or both of those two combined.

Piece of advice: Once you realize that you are dealing with a sociopath, RUN.
Did you honestly think I’d waste my time reading all that? lol

There’s a reason why people think you’re an idiot. Just saying. :)
Beg pardon tycho YOU are the idiot for supporting the person who has all those traits
You can beg all you want. That isn’t going to change anything. :)
Last edited:
Here we go again.

Yet another Foolish liberal Zealot that has his panties

In a knot because Trump has made fools

of the entire liberal FREAK SHOW.

It was Hillary that colluded with the Russians by paying

For the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump.

And all your dumb ass excuse’s of what Russia supposedly

did to sway the election makes you all look like RETARDS…

We have seen you cheat and attack your political foes both

Physically and with the Full Force of the Federal Government.

Trump has exposed you Nazi’s for what you are.

I say we make Trump King.
I knew you were a dumbfuck but wow. Just wow.

Clinton hired a British company to do opposition research on your fat assed orange buddy.
One of their employees was an ex British spy type who traveled to Russia to check on Trump's dealings there.

Only a stupud, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck./

I knew you were a dumb fuck but wow. Just wow!

You say the Russians Hacked Crooked hillary’s email to help Trump

when in fact you wouldn’t let the fbi examine the server for fear

of what they might find…

Only a stupid, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck and a half.

It’s amazing that your brain can generate enough mental power for you to type

Here Deno
There is So Much Evidence of Trump's Collusion with Russia - NYMag
May 1, 2018 - There is extensive publicly available evidence that DonaldTrump's campaign colluded with Russia, even putting aside whatever Robert ...
Mueller leaked questions for Trump: many relate to Russia collusion ...
May 1, 2018 - President Donald Trump claimed Tuesday morning that special counsel Robert Mueller did not send any questions about collusion with Russia ...

Everyone knows that is liberal BULLSHIT...

It was Hillary that sold uranium to the Russians.

It was obongo that sent the secret message to Putin.

The collusion is all yours...
Deno lets get one thing straight The winner in this G7 meeting was PUTIN who loves the way countries are at odds with each other and Trumps acceptance of him has got to ring alarm bells in your republican head This after we KNOW russia helped trump in elections?

Edward, all of your dire Predictions have been Bull Shit…

Get a friggin clue…

Your Russian Bull Shit is laughable.
Promised 4%
When did Trump promise 4%?
One month before the election, Oct. 10, trump promised he would have the GDP growing at a sustained 4%. So far it is only growing at about less than 2.7%, it changes regularly so that number could be off by a tenth or two of a point. Not much different from what it has been for the last several years.

90 consecutive months of job growth - 75 under Obama and 15 under Trump, and they think Trump turned things around. Trump inherited a solid economy.

You are either ignorant or a liar…

Probably both….

You don’t recall obongo and all his cronies

talking about the new normal as far as all the

Lost jobs went…

I recall obongo saying how is Trump going

to bring these jobs back? What’s he got, a Magic

Wand or something.

Trump has stuck that Magic Wand up obongo’s ass….

Are we having fun or what?
There is only about a 1.2 % difference in the unemployment rate from what trump inherited from Obama and what it is today.

Your posts indicate you are mostly a bullshit and insult poster that is never able to backup your nonsense. You post your nonsense and add an insult to make people not want to respond to your foulness. Age old internet tactic of trolls and punks. Me thinks you are probably both.

Glad to see you admit we have an improving Economy under Trump.

Your post indicate you are an ignorant ass liberal without a clue…

Who says “Me thinks”

Later libtard..
Promised 4%
When did Trump promise 4%?
One month before the election, Oct. 10, trump promised he would have the GDP growing at a sustained 4%. So far it is only growing at about less than 2.7%, it changes regularly so that number could be off by a tenth or two of a point. Not much different from what it has been for the last several years.

90 consecutive months of job growth - 75 under Obama and 15 under Trump, and they think Trump turned things around. Trump inherited a solid economy.

You are either ignorant or a liar…

Probably both….

You don’t recall obongo and all his cronies

talking about the new normal as far as all the

Lost jobs went…

I recall obongo saying how is Trump going

to bring these jobs back? What’s he got, a Magic

Wand or something.

Trump has stuck that Magic Wand up obongo’s ass….

Are we having fun or what?

You're a retarded propaganda slurper.

Hello pot...…….
Canada taxes American Dairy at 270% Time we did the same to them.

Try reading on very the Canadian Milk Marketing Board, which manages the supply and sale of dairy products in Canada. Then you will realize that the tariff is to enable Canadian farmers to compete with cheaper imports.

Even American Dairy farmers consider the tariff fair and don’t want it changed.
Your an idiot.
I knew you were a dumbfuck but wow. Just wow.

Clinton hired a British company to do opposition research on your fat assed orange buddy.
One of their employees was an ex British spy type who traveled to Russia to check on Trump's dealings there.

Only a stupud, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck./

I knew you were a dumb fuck but wow. Just wow!

You say the Russians Hacked Crooked hillary’s email to help Trump

when in fact you wouldn’t let the fbi examine the server for fear

of what they might find…

Only a stupid, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck and a half.

It’s amazing that your brain can generate enough mental power for you to type

Here Deno
There is So Much Evidence of Trump's Collusion with Russia - NYMag
May 1, 2018 - There is extensive publicly available evidence that DonaldTrump's campaign colluded with Russia, even putting aside whatever Robert ...
Mueller leaked questions for Trump: many relate to Russia collusion ...
May 1, 2018 - President Donald Trump claimed Tuesday morning that special counsel Robert Mueller did not send any questions about collusion with Russia ...

Everyone knows that is liberal BULLSHIT...

It was Hillary that sold uranium to the Russians.

It was obongo that sent the secret message to Putin.

The collusion is all yours...
Deno lets get one thing straight The winner in this G7 meeting was PUTIN who loves the way countries are at odds with each other and Trumps acceptance of him has got to ring alarm bells in your republican head This after we KNOW russia helped trump in elections?

Edward, all of your dire Predictions have been Bull Shit…

Get a friggin clue…

Your Russian Bull Shit is laughable.
These idiots have little hope of living a happy and productive life.
Little bitch boy Trudeau will pay for his duplicity.
I knew you were a dumb fuck but wow. Just wow!

You say the Russians Hacked Crooked hillary’s email to help Trump

when in fact you wouldn’t let the fbi examine the server for fear

of what they might find…

Only a stupid, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck and a half.

It’s amazing that your brain can generate enough mental power for you to type

Here Deno
There is So Much Evidence of Trump's Collusion with Russia - NYMag
May 1, 2018 - There is extensive publicly available evidence that DonaldTrump's campaign colluded with Russia, even putting aside whatever Robert ...
Mueller leaked questions for Trump: many relate to Russia collusion ...
May 1, 2018 - President Donald Trump claimed Tuesday morning that special counsel Robert Mueller did not send any questions about collusion with Russia ...

Everyone knows that is liberal BULLSHIT...

It was Hillary that sold uranium to the Russians.

It was obongo that sent the secret message to Putin.

The collusion is all yours...
Deno lets get one thing straight The winner in this G7 meeting was PUTIN who loves the way countries are at odds with each other and Trumps acceptance of him has got to ring alarm bells in your republican head This after we KNOW russia helped trump in elections?

Edward, all of your dire Predictions have been Bull Shit…

Get a friggin clue…

Your Russian Bull Shit is laughable.
These idiots have little hope of living a happy and productive life.
You're a little bit like trump,,,Blaming everyone except Putin
We all know you cheated..

Trump probably won by 5 million...

Just look at what your party did to crazy Bernie....

This is why you are against voter id's..

You are cheaters.

Here we go again, another Putin lovin' Trumpette who does not care that a foreign country, not a friendly one, interfered with our election to help elect Trump[ & then tries to justify it with false claims about Democrats.

The idea you want the photo voter ID shows how you want to cheat. You are a cheating little fuck who backs a fraud, business cheat & known liar. Great choice, asshole.

Here we go again.

Yet another Foolish liberal Zealot that has his panties

In a knot because Trump has made fools

of the entire liberal FREAK SHOW.

It was Hillary that colluded with the Russians by paying

For the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump.

And all your dumb ass excuse’s of what Russia supposedly

did to sway the election makes you all look like RETARDS…

We have seen you cheat and attack your political foes both

Physically and with the Full Force of the Federal Government.

Trump has exposed you Nazi’s for what you are.

I say we make Trump King.
I knew you were a dumbfuck but wow. Just wow.

Clinton hired a British company to do opposition research on your fat assed orange buddy.
One of their employees was an ex British spy type who traveled to Russia to check on Trump's dealings there.

Only a stupud, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck./

I knew you were a dumb fuck but wow. Just wow!

You say the Russians Hacked Crooked hillary’s email to help Trump

when in fact you wouldn’t let the fbi examine the server for fear

of what they might find…

Only a stupid, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck and a half.

It’s amazing that your brain can generate enough mental power for you to type


You can't even keep your goofy right wing lies straight, can you? The right claims Hillary's emails were hacked when there is no evidence that they were. It has been proven that Russia did hack the DNC though.

What do you think happened with the emails dumb ass?

You dumb ass liberals should know better than using

password for your password…..

Damn yall are stupid…
Here we go again, another Putin lovin' Trumpette who does not care that a foreign country, not a friendly one, interfered with our election to help elect Trump[ & then tries to justify it with false claims about Democrats.

The idea you want the photo voter ID shows how you want to cheat. You are a cheating little fuck who backs a fraud, business cheat & known liar. Great choice, asshole.

Here we go again.

Yet another Foolish liberal Zealot that has his panties

In a knot because Trump has made fools

of the entire liberal FREAK SHOW.

It was Hillary that colluded with the Russians by paying

For the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump.

And all your dumb ass excuse’s of what Russia supposedly

did to sway the election makes you all look like RETARDS…

We have seen you cheat and attack your political foes both

Physically and with the Full Force of the Federal Government.

Trump has exposed you Nazi’s for what you are.

I say we make Trump King.
I knew you were a dumbfuck but wow. Just wow.

Clinton hired a British company to do opposition research on your fat assed orange buddy.
One of their employees was an ex British spy type who traveled to Russia to check on Trump's dealings there.

Only a stupud, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck./

I knew you were a dumb fuck but wow. Just wow!

You say the Russians Hacked Crooked hillary’s email to help Trump

when in fact you wouldn’t let the fbi examine the server for fear

of what they might find…

Only a stupid, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck and a half.

It’s amazing that your brain can generate enough mental power for you to type


You can't even keep your goofy right wing lies straight, can you? The right claims Hillary's emails were hacked when there is no evidence that they were. It has been proven that Russia did hack the DNC though.

What do you think happened with the emails dumb ass?

You dumb ass liberals should know better than using

password for your password…..

Damn yall are stupid…
We're smarter than Generals smarter than lawyers ,,we know big words
I bet you also claim you were abducted by aliens.

You liberals are such dumb asses……
I thought trump promised a high GDP. What has his GDP averaged?

Whatever it is, it’s better than what obongo did….

Obongo was a community organizer….

Obongo didn’t know SHIT about business.

Obongo was an expert at stirring up SHIT with race issues

In the vain of al sharpton and jessie Jackson…..
You sound like a third grader who is obsessed with picking his nose and scratching his ass.

Wasn't Deno a cartoon character?

View attachment 197641

That was Dino Dumb Asses....
Here we go again.

Yet another Foolish liberal Zealot that has his panties

In a knot because Trump has made fools

of the entire liberal FREAK SHOW.

It was Hillary that colluded with the Russians by paying

For the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump.

And all your dumb ass excuse’s of what Russia supposedly

did to sway the election makes you all look like RETARDS…

We have seen you cheat and attack your political foes both

Physically and with the Full Force of the Federal Government.

Trump has exposed you Nazi’s for what you are.

I say we make Trump King.
I knew you were a dumbfuck but wow. Just wow.

Clinton hired a British company to do opposition research on your fat assed orange buddy.
One of their employees was an ex British spy type who traveled to Russia to check on Trump's dealings there.

Only a stupud, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck./

I knew you were a dumb fuck but wow. Just wow!

You say the Russians Hacked Crooked hillary’s email to help Trump

when in fact you wouldn’t let the fbi examine the server for fear

of what they might find…

Only a stupid, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck and a half.

It’s amazing that your brain can generate enough mental power for you to type


You can't even keep your goofy right wing lies straight, can you? The right claims Hillary's emails were hacked when there is no evidence that they were. It has been proven that Russia did hack the DNC though.

What do you think happened with the emails dumb ass?

You dumb ass liberals should know better than using

password for your password…..

Damn yall are stupid…
We're smarter than Generals smarter than lawyers ,,we know big words

The main thing is we are kicking liberal ass...
Here Deno
There is So Much Evidence of Trump's Collusion with Russia - NYMag
May 1, 2018 - There is extensive publicly available evidence that DonaldTrump's campaign colluded with Russia, even putting aside whatever Robert ...
Mueller leaked questions for Trump: many relate to Russia collusion ...
May 1, 2018 - President Donald Trump claimed Tuesday morning that special counsel Robert Mueller did not send any questions about collusion with Russia ...

Everyone knows that is liberal BULLSHIT...

It was Hillary that sold uranium to the Russians.

It was obongo that sent the secret message to Putin.

The collusion is all yours...
Deno lets get one thing straight The winner in this G7 meeting was PUTIN who loves the way countries are at odds with each other and Trumps acceptance of him has got to ring alarm bells in your republican head This after we KNOW russia helped trump in elections?

Edward, all of your dire Predictions have been Bull Shit…

Get a friggin clue…

Your Russian Bull Shit is laughable.
These idiots have little hope of living a happy and productive life.
You're a little bit like trump,,,Blaming everyone except Putin
I’m a little like Trump because I’m usually right.

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