Trudeau Just Got Trump Smacked!

What many wonder is why Canada would send Peter Pan to an adult International Conference as it's "leader" wtf ???.......
Clearly, this is what US President, Donald Trump is thinking.
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To Prime Minister Trudeau, as a born and bred American, I cannot apologize to you enough. I am ashamed of what my country has become. A nation of idiots. I used to be proud to be an American. No longer.
Thank God we took America away from you loons. Adults are now in charge.
Trump is not an adult. That imbecile thinks and acts like a small child without the innocence and honesty of most small children.
Trudy's own press corp raked him over the coals....everybody knows he's terrified of Trump as he well should be. I wonder if he realizes we can close the Keystone XL to canuck oil headed to Houston while keeping it open for our drillers in N.Dakota. Let's see him get his tar sand crap to China overland to Vancouver......we could have him thrown out of office in a matter of weeks with what we can do to him....we don't need their timber either....or much of anything else. 50 years ago we didn't require anything from the outside world but bananas and coffee and we can be self-sufficient with full-employment again, thanks to President Trump.
Cut off Canadian oil & see US oil prices & spike & availability shrink.

You people are the God Damn dumbest people on the fucking planet.

YOu & your orange buddy are so fucking stupid that you think the U.S. can exist without imports or exports.

Ah, you're one of the really angry ones...let's begin by saying I once owned a piece of 7 wells and gas-heads in the Permian Basin, Texas. So right there, you got spayed talking about the oil business or economics with me. Of more importance to the readers is your display of cowardice when it comes to disrupting the shit deals your masters have gotten us into. You're paralyzed about doing anything about a lousy situation, thinking it could get worse. Your whole attitude is reactive and terrified of other words you show us you're the exact opposite of a "progressive". This explains why you're so're not smart enough to change your life and hate anybody who can. You're not qualified to even say Trump's name, much less insult him and I doubt you do other than here where nobody can grab and shake some sense into ya.
Trudy's own press corp raked him over the coals....everybody knows he's terrified of Trump as he well should be. I wonder if he realizes we can close the Keystone XL to canuck oil headed to Houston while keeping it open for our drillers in N.Dakota. Let's see him get his tar sand crap to China overland to Vancouver......we could have him thrown out of office in a matter of weeks with what we can do to him....we don't need their timber either....or much of anything else. 50 years ago we didn't require anything from the outside world but bananas and coffee and we can be self-sufficient with full-employment again, thanks to President Trump.
Cut off Canadian oil & see US oil prices & spike & availability shrink.

You people are the God Damn dumbest people on the fucking planet.

YOu & your orange buddy are so fucking stupid that you think the U.S. can exist without imports or exports.

Ah, you're one of the really angry ones...let's begin by saying I once owned a piece of 7 wells and gas-heads in the Permian Basin, Texas. So right there, you got spayed talking about the oil business or economics with me. Of more importance to the readers is your display of cowardice when it comes to disrupting the shit deals your masters have gotten us into. You're paralyzed about doing anything about a lousy situation, thinking it could get worse. Your whole attitude is reactive and terrified of other words you show us you're the exact opposite of a "progressive". This explains why you're so're not smart enough to change your life and hate anybody who can. You're not qualified to even say Trump's name, much less insult him and I doubt you do other than here where nobody can grab and shake some sense into ya.
Yes How dare anyone speak poorly of our great leader Trump A man with such great desire to MAGA with no benefits to him a man who brings folks together ,,,no divider he ,,,,Countries all over the world look upon him with great admiration 4 more years 4 more years lol Wish I owned a couple of oil wells
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.
He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
Don't listen to scientists. Hurricanes, floods and snowstorms are telling us everything we need to know. Tell them how they don't exist.
Fuck you and your fllth. Trying to turn my country into a pigsty. I don't need "free stuff." I got plenty, jackass.
Yes. You are obviously very well-balanced and doubtlessly successful.

Anyway, there are bus connections from all parts of the US to Canada and you don''t even need a passport to enter. Just a heads-up.
Fuck you. You have your filthy pig. You try and turn my country into a nothing. A place of shit. We Americans are worth so much more than this. Where is your dignity? Where is your pride?
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.
He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’



  • upload_2018-6-10_12-34-33.png
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We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.
He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.
He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
What would you call it? A smile?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.
He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
What would you call it? A smile?
Smiles go up at the corners dude. They also aren't usually accompanied by the closed body language or the high blood pressure/anger flush.

It's not that hard kid, all you have to do is look at the picture.
No. 3 million more voters didn't want him. He lucked out.

We all know you cheated..

Trump probably won by 5 million...

Just look at what your party did to crazy Bernie....

This is why you are against voter id's..

You are cheaters.

Here we go again, another Putin lovin' Trumpette who does not care that a foreign country, not a friendly one, interfered with our election to help elect Trump[ & then tries to justify it with false claims about Democrats.

The idea you want the photo voter ID shows how you want to cheat. You are a cheating little fuck who backs a fraud, business cheat & known liar. Great choice, asshole.

Here we go again.

Yet another Foolish liberal Zealot that has his panties

In a knot because Trump has made fools

of the entire liberal FREAK SHOW.

It was Hillary that colluded with the Russians by paying

For the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump.

And all your dumb ass excuse’s of what Russia supposedly

did to sway the election makes you all look like RETARDS…

We have seen you cheat and attack your political foes both

Physically and with the Full Force of the Federal Government.

Trump has exposed you Nazi’s for what you are.

I say we make Trump King.
I knew you were a dumbfuck but wow. Just wow.

Clinton hired a British company to do opposition research on your fat assed orange buddy.
One of their employees was an ex British spy type who traveled to Russia to check on Trump's dealings there.

Only a stupud, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck./

I knew you were a dumb fuck but wow. Just wow!

You say the Russians Hacked Crooked hillary’s email to help Trump

when in fact you wouldn’t let the fbi examine the server for fear

of what they might find…

Only a stupid, ignorant, uneducated fool would call that colluding with the Russians.

You are one dumb fuck and a half.

It’s amazing that your brain can generate enough mental power for you to type


You can't even keep your goofy right wing lies straight, can you? The right claims Hillary's emails were hacked when there is no evidence that they were. It has been proven that Russia did hack the DNC though.
Canada taxes American Dairy at 270% Time we did the same to them.

Try reading on very the Canadian Milk Marketing Board, which manages the supply and sale of dairy products in Canada. Then you will realize that the tariff is to enable Canadian farmers to compete with cheaper imports.

Even American Dairy farmers consider the tariff fair and don’t want it changed.
Fuck you and your fllth. Trying to turn my country into a pigsty. I don't need "free stuff." I got plenty, jackass.
Yes. You are obviously very well-balanced and doubtlessly successful.

Anyway, there are bus connections from all parts of the US to Canada and you don''t even need a passport to enter. Just a heads-up.
Fuck you. You have your filthy pig. You try and turn my country into a nothing. A place of shit. We Americans are worth so much more than this. Where is your dignity? Where is your pride?
Did I mention that snowflakes are welcome in Canada too. After all, it's Canada. Hey now, free stuff and snowflake friendly too!
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.
He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
That cross armed crap means he doesn't give a shit with whatever is said A real moron
He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
What would you call it? A smile?
Smiles go up at the corners dude. They also aren't usually accompanied by the closed body language or the high blood pressure/anger flush.

It's not that hard kid, all you have to do is look at the picture.

Trump spanked a few leaders while working for Americans. :)

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