Trudeau Just Got Trump Smacked!

Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.
He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
That cross armed crap means he doesn't give a shit with whatever is said A real moron

Take a deep breath, calm down, and try again.

Don't let this stuff trigger you so hard.
Trudy's own press corp raked him over the coals....everybody knows he's terrified of Trump as he well should be. I wonder if he realizes we can close the Keystone XL to canuck oil headed to Houston while keeping it open for our drillers in N.Dakota. Let's see him get his tar sand crap to China overland to Vancouver......we could have him thrown out of office in a matter of weeks with what we can do to him....we don't need their timber either....or much of anything else. 50 years ago we didn't require anything from the outside world but bananas and coffee and we can be self-sufficient with full-employment again, thanks to President Trump.

Seems the entire world is afraid of what stunt that orange fool might pull next. I know I am. He's not helping America. He's embarrassing us.

I can't imagine which America you're talking about....we have the strongest economy in our history and he did that in 18 months. ISIS has been slaughtered and left to rot in ditches.....Little Rocket Man is crawling to the table to beg Trump not to kill him, and you commiecrats are providing us with more entertainment than we should be entitled to. You lost, we won, fuck off.

Indeed, the economy has made major progress since the Great Recession ended in 2009, and that improvement has continued — and even strengthened by some metrics — during Trump’s 16 months in office. Jobless rates among minorities are at or near record lows, openings are at an all-time high and there are more positions available than there are unemployed.

Yet wage growth is moderate, productivity remains tepid and expansion has averaged 2.4% on a year-over-year basis since Trump took office, well below the 4.4% of the 1950s and 1960s.

“If you want to go back to the golden years, I suggest you go back to a year like 1955,” said Robert Gordon, a Northwestern University economist and author of the book The Rise and Fall of American Growth. Dwight D. Eisenhower was president that year. The post-World War II period, up until 1972, “brought sustained increases in the standard of living that are completely different from what we have today.”

Greatest Growth
For starters, labeling a single economic era as the greatest in history is subjective because there’s no agreed-upon metric.

Judging solely by gross domestic product, perhaps the simplest way to gauge a nation’s progress, the decades that followed World War II were the hottest in American history. Pent-up consumer demand, a housing boom and a vibrant manufacturing sector all melded into the economy’s Golden Age. By the GDP yardstick, the current pace of the expansion pales in comparison.

That said, Trump seems to be focusing on the labor market, which continues to flex its muscle. There are more job openings than unemployed workers for the first time ever, though that figure comes from data that only stretches back to 2000. A longer-run estimate suggests that the ratio of jobless to opportunities is at its lowest in almost five decades.

Trump Says 'This Is the Greatest Economy in the HISTORY of America.' No, Eisenhower's Probably Was
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
What would you call it? A smile?
Smiles go up at the corners dude. They also aren't usually accompanied by the closed body language or the high blood pressure/anger flush.

It's not that hard kid, all you have to do is look at the picture.

Trump spanked a few leaders while working for Americans. :)
You are absolutely hopeless. Visual evidence right before your eyes in color even and you refuse to see it.

You are beyond help.
I can't imagine which America you're talking about....we have the strongest economy in our history and he did that in 18 months. ISIS has been slaughtered and left to rot in ditches.....Little Rocket Man is crawling to the table to beg Trump not to kill him, and you commiecrats are providing us with more entertainment than we should be entitled to. You lost, we won, fuck off.
The economy is far from the strongest in our history. The promised huge GDP has not been accomplished. The economy is actually very shallow, based on a bubble and can be jilted at any time for various reasons.

I bet you also claim you were abducted by aliens.

You liberals are such dumb asses……
I thought trump promised a high GDP. What has his GDP averaged?

Whatever it is, it’s better than what obongo did….

Obongo was a community organizer….

Obongo didn’t know SHIT about business.

Obongo was an expert at stirring up SHIT with race issues

In the vain of al sharpton and jessie Jackson…..
You sound like a third grader who is obsessed with picking his nose and scratching his ass.

Wasn't Deno a cartoon character?
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
What would you call it? A smile?
Smiles go up at the corners dude. They also aren't usually accompanied by the closed body language or the high blood pressure/anger flush.

It's not that hard kid, all you have to do is look at the picture.

Trump spanked a few leaders while working for Americans. :)
You are absolutely hopeless. Visual evidence right before your eyes in color even and you refuse to see it.

You are beyond help.
The economy is far from the strongest in our history. The promised huge GDP has not been accomplished. The economy is actually very shallow, based on a bubble and can be jilted at any time for various reasons.

I bet you also claim you were abducted by aliens.

You liberals are such dumb asses……
I thought trump promised a high GDP. What has his GDP averaged?

Whatever it is, it’s better than what obongo did….

Obongo was a community organizer….

Obongo didn’t know SHIT about business.

Obongo was an expert at stirring up SHIT with race issues

In the vain of al sharpton and jessie Jackson…..
You sound like a third grader who is obsessed with picking his nose and scratching his ass.

Wasn't Deno a cartoon character?

The economy is far from the strongest in our history. The promised huge GDP has not been accomplished. The economy is actually very shallow, based on a bubble and can be jilted at any time for various reasons.

I bet you also claim you were abducted by aliens.

You liberals are such dumb asses……
I thought trump promised a high GDP. What has his GDP averaged?

Whatever it is, it’s better than what obongo did….

Obongo was a community organizer….

Obongo didn’t know SHIT about business.

Obongo was an expert at stirring up SHIT with race issues

In the vain of al sharpton and jessie Jackson…..
You sound like a third grader who is obsessed with picking his nose and scratching his ass.

Wasn't Deno a cartoon character?
You’re thinking of Dino.
Dino was a smart pet on the Flintstones. A pet smart/sane enough to be attracted to the opposite sex.

Last edited:
Let’s get back on topic.

President Trump did give Trudeau a well deserved gentle smack upside the head. :)
To Prime Minister Trudeau, as a born and bred American, I cannot apologize to you enough. I am ashamed of what my country has become. A nation of idiots. I used to be proud to be an American. No longer.

That's how I felt when idiots in America elected Obama...... twice

Don't worry though, things might get better for you in a little over 6 years

You are lying to yourself. No one likes america now...except Russia and Israel...same during Bush reign...I'm no Democrat but it seems after every mess a Republican makes a Democrat has to come in and clean it.
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.
He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
What would you call it? A smile?
Remember the last Pinky President

+ Cry


And not forgetting WOW the One man Show

He bailed on the rest of the summit because they were going to hold a global warming cry festival. He said what he had to say.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
What would you call it? A smile?
Remember the last Pinky President View attachment 197660 :badgrin:

Smile View attachment 197664 + Cry

View attachment 197663

And not forgetting WOW the One man Show

View attachment 197661
Nice try at distracting.

Not gonna work though.
You just keep on believing that.

View attachment 197546

Look at him, like a stubborn little boy called to the principal's office. The tRump *presidency* is a bad joke.
View attachment 197633

I love the grin Trump has in that pic. lol

Trump: ‘You people can whine and cry all you want. I’m looking out for the best interest of Americans.’

You need to look at that pic a little more closely.

He's not grinning.
What would you call it? A smile?
Remember the last Pinky President View attachment 197660 :badgrin:

Smile View attachment 197664 + Cry

View attachment 197663

And not forgetting WOW the One man Show

View attachment 197661
Nice try at distracting.

Not gonna work though.
LOL, work for me it is great to see Trump playing with those losers because that what they are.
The fact that you are a liberal lets any

Sane person know you are an idiot…..
You are one of the who is to stupid to know when you're beat.

Doubling down on the insults just proves my point.

Now quit before you embarrass yourself any more.

By the way Dip Shit, you are TOO stupid not TO stupid...
Grammar nazi-ing. The go-to for frustrated morons.

You are an embarrassment.


You are Stupid Beyond Belief....

Typical liberal...
^He says as he doubles down on the ignorance^

Let’s get back on topic.

President Trump did give Trudeau a well deserved gentle smack upside the head. :)
Tycho sound a little like Trump?

Sociopaths are people who have little to no conscience. They will lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others for their own benefit. They know exactly what they are doing, they just don't care because they don't think that way. If you are naive enough, they will brainwash you into doing exactly what they say and what they want which is the only time a sociopath is truly happy.
Sociopaths can hide this well if you haven't known them for long. They're really nice and charming at first, almost too nice, but it's extremely fake. The niceness will last until a problem occurs in which they are at fault however, you will be manipulated to believe that you are in the wrong. There is no reasoning with this person. Things have to be their way or it's the highway. They will blame you for hurting them (even if they're the ones who hurt you) or blame the world for all their problems (knowing full well they do shitty things in general). They are compulsive liars and even if they do apologize, it's never genuine. Most are anti social and have few to no friends because most people around them don't want to associate with them. However the sociopath will again tell you that "people hate me for no reason/the world is against me". The only person who will put up with a sociopath is someone who is off their rocker or someone who has absolutely no self respect, or both of those two combined.

Piece of advice: Once you realize that you are dealing with a sociopath, RUN.

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