Trudeau Just Got Trump Smacked!

Promised 4%
When did Trump promise 4%?

Trump is officially making an economic promise that will be nearly impossible to keep

"To get the economy back on track, President Trump has outlined a bold plan to create 25 million new American jobs in the next decade and return to 4 percent annual economic growth," reads the White House site.

The 4% GDP promise is one that Trump has made before, but now it is the official promise of the White House and the president.

A hundred other media outlets reported it that day. The promise has been removed from the White House website.

Hey, JM. Come back to your old group. We miss you.

Hey, JJ. How you? Come out and look around. They're mostly the same as our dumbasses, but there are some bright people posting, too.

I'm doing well. I tend to jump around to different threads now when I find topics of interest.

Good. I'm happy to hear it. This aging thing is serious business.
And just so I post something on thread, the Trumpers may think Trump, Kudlow and Navarro bitchslapped Trudeau, but I think Trudeau will have the last laugh when all is said and done.

Trudeau is a political lightweight who's only in that office because of the family name! You think he'll have the last "laugh"? You might want to consider what a "redo" of NAFTA would mean to the Canadian economy...estimates are already being downgraded from the 3.7% rate it was growing to a 1.6 to 1.9% rate for this year.
And just so I post something on thread, the Trumpers may think Trump, Kudlow and Navarro bitchslapped Trudeau, but I think Trudeau will have the last laugh when all is said and done.

Trudeau is a political lightweight who's only in that office because of the family name! You think he'll have the last "laugh"? You might want to consider what a "redo" of NAFTA would mean to the Canadian economy...estimates are already being downgraded from the 3.7% rate it was growing to a 1.6 to 1.9% rate for this year.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. But my feeling on this is, Trump is barking up the wrong tree with the Canada tariffs. He should drive the hardest bargain he can with the NAFTA negotiations and stay with that. The trade imbalance with China is much larger, and the Chinese are cheats and thieves. Trump ought to be hitting the Chinese much harder.
And just so I post something on thread, the Trumpers may think Trump, Kudlow and Navarro bitchslapped Trudeau, but I think Trudeau will have the last laugh when all is said and done.

Trudeau is a political lightweight who's only in that office because of the family name! You think he'll have the last "laugh"? You might want to consider what a "redo" of NAFTA would mean to the Canadian economy...estimates are already being downgraded from the 3.7% rate it was growing to a 1.6 to 1.9% rate for this year.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. But my feeling on this is, Trump is barking up the wrong tree with the Canada tariffs. He should drive the hardest bargain he can with the NAFTA negotiations and stay with that. The trade imbalance with China is much larger, and the Chinese are cheats and thieves. Trump ought to be hitting the Chinese much harder.

Trump's bark is always worse than his's the classic bargaining position of threatening Armageddon and then compromising. He's looking for concessions and if he doesn't get them he WILL impose tariffs to put pressure on other countries. He's in the process of hitting the Chinese and will continue to do so.
The main thing is we are kicking liberal ass...

You're just a temporary aggrivation.

I don’t know about that…

Trump has pulled back the curtain on you nut jobs…

Trump may end up becoming a King.

By the way, you spelled aggravation wrong.

Yes, I occasionally misspell a word or hit the key next to the one I intended. Does that really make a lot of difference?
Spelling mods out again?

At least I can be proud of giving Deno the only chance he has had to feel superior in a long time. I hope that helps him to get past his reputation as an idiot

You really don’t have anything to be proud of that I have seen,

and it’s clear you are the idiot….
You're just a temporary aggrivation.

I don’t know about that…

Trump has pulled back the curtain on you nut jobs…

Trump may end up becoming a King.

By the way, you spelled aggravation wrong.

Yes, I occasionally misspell a word or hit the key next to the one I intended. Does that really make a lot of difference?
Spelling mods out again?

At least I can be proud of giving Deno the only chance he has had to feel superior in a long time. I hope that helps him to get past his reputation as an idiot

You really don’t have anything to be proud of that I have seen,

and it’s clear you are the idiot….

Funny that you think your opinion has some sort of value.
I don’t know about that…

Trump has pulled back the curtain on you nut jobs…

Trump may end up becoming a King.

By the way, you spelled aggravation wrong.

Yes, I occasionally misspell a word or hit the key next to the one I intended. Does that really make a lot of difference?
Spelling mods out again?

At least I can be proud of giving Deno the only chance he has had to feel superior in a long time. I hope that helps him to get past his reputation as an idiot

You really don’t have anything to be proud of that I have seen,

and it’s clear you are the idiot….

Funny that you think your opinion has some sort of value.

Like a libtard like yourself has any sense of value...

You couldn't find your ass with both hands.
Yes, I occasionally misspell a word or hit the key next to the one I intended. Does that really make a lot of difference?
Spelling mods out again?

At least I can be proud of giving Deno the only chance he has had to feel superior in a long time. I hope that helps him to get past his reputation as an idiot

You really don’t have anything to be proud of that I have seen,

and it’s clear you are the idiot….

Funny that you think your opinion has some sort of value.

Like a libtard like yourself has any sense of value...

You couldn't find your ass with both hands.

Never really thought about it, but I've heard lots of guys have found your ass with no trouble.
Spelling mods out again?

At least I can be proud of giving Deno the only chance he has had to feel superior in a long time. I hope that helps him to get past his reputation as an idiot

You really don’t have anything to be proud of that I have seen,

and it’s clear you are the idiot….

Funny that you think your opinion has some sort of value.

Like a libtard like yourself has any sense of value...

You couldn't find your ass with both hands.

Never really thought about it, but I've heard lots of guys have found your ass with no trouble.

You ignorant liberals never fail to show

your hypocritical ass with your gay jokes when cornered.

You can’t find your ass because your head is in it……
At least I can be proud of giving Deno the only chance he has had to feel superior in a long time. I hope that helps him to get past his reputation as an idiot

You really don’t have anything to be proud of that I have seen,

and it’s clear you are the idiot….

Funny that you think your opinion has some sort of value.

Like a libtard like yourself has any sense of value...

You couldn't find your ass with both hands.

Never really thought about it, but I've heard lots of guys have found your ass with no trouble.

You ignorant liberals never fail to show

your hypocritical ass with your gay jokes when cornered.

You can’t find your ass because your head is in it……

As opposed to what is usually stuck up your ass?
I'm just responding in kind to your stupid posts. Please continue. I'm not in a rush to be anywhere else.
You really don’t have anything to be proud of that I have seen,

and it’s clear you are the idiot….

Funny that you think your opinion has some sort of value.

Like a libtard like yourself has any sense of value...

You couldn't find your ass with both hands.

Never really thought about it, but I've heard lots of guys have found your ass with no trouble.

You ignorant liberals never fail to show

your hypocritical ass with your gay jokes when cornered.

You can’t find your ass because your head is in it……

As opposed to what is usually stuck up your ass?
I'm just responding in kind to your stupid posts. Please continue. I'm not in a rush to be anywhere else.

You liberals are so very confused...

It's sad and funny all at the same time.
We need these people for nothing.
Good thing you don't have any exports.

Yes, we're all proud of our president's behavior. Next, he is expected to amaze us all by eating paste, and crying when he's told that he can't go outside during recess because it's raining.
That paste eating rain crier drove an 18-wheeler over his opponents.

No. 3 million more voters didn't want him. He lucked out.
It wasn’t luck. It was manipulation of the election
Are you still going with that delusion? Come back to reality the rest of sweetie...I'm sure you dont even really believe that crap
Good thing you don't have any exports.

Yes, we're all proud of our president's behavior. Next, he is expected to amaze us all by eating paste, and crying when he's told that he can't go outside during recess because it's raining.
That paste eating rain crier drove an 18-wheeler over his opponents.

No. 3 million more voters didn't want him. He lucked out.
It wasn’t luck. It was manipulation of the election
Are you still going with that delusion? Come back to reality the rest of sweetie...I'm sure you dont even really believe that crap
Sad little man.
Trudeau is the softest, most beta male, castrated, pussified, vacant, mincing little Tinkerbell the fairy, delicate little abomination to my gender I've ever seen in my fucking life. I'm glad Trump literally bitch-slapped the eyebrows off that sissified little girl. Turdeau indeed.

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