Trudeau Just Got Trump Smacked!

Way more than 3 million. Hillary alone had 3 million more votes than Trump. Another 7 million people voted for other candidates. All total, trump got about 63 million votes out of about 136 million total cast; or about 46%. Some 73 million voted for someone else.

Eh, we'll never know how many illegal votes Hillary received, the Democratic Party refused to investigate and we know why, they cheated of course...

View attachment 197769 .... gee, I spent twice as much as Trump and I got my butt kicked..

Suuure, uh-huh. You be sure to let the forum know when you’ve found even 10 illegals who voted, no less 3 million.


Last laugh/factoids .. .. your 3 (-) million Hillary votes mean diddly squat and so do illegal votes to the Democrat Party.. :smoke:


View attachment 197775



I take that gibberish to mean you can’t find even ten illegals who voted.

Thanks for confirming what I already knew.


Eh, your Democratic Party refused to investigate and Trump is President... enjoy..:itsok:..nice distractions lol

I don't think Trump ordered the Democratic party to investigate that, did he?
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
You are such an ass ho, they need our market for everything????? Yes, otherwise why would the bully pick a fight with someone that doesn't??? HE DON'T FUCK WITH THE REAL ABUSERS OF THE US, CHINA.....CAUSE THEY'D TELL THIS BITCH WHERE HE CAN GO....instead, Trump would rather do Putin's bidding and pick a fight with the softest and most loyal of all our allies, Canada. Its like picking a fight with a kid with one arm in a sling. And idiots like you find this all appealing and for what?

Its US markets that go to Canada for their labor and pricing instead of staying here and you want to fuck Canada for that??????
Dealing with Trump is like dealing with a thin-skinned prepubescent child who throws his toys all over the room if he doesn't get his way.

Of course, Orange Jesus's worshippers will defend him no matter what he does. But most of them don't know what side of the border Canada is on.

From an editorial in today's Globe and Mail

Globe editorial: Donald Trump insults Canada, and tests its patience

Published 18 hours ago Updated June 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s decision to take his signature off the Charlevoix G7 summit communique is one of the most flagrant manufactured crises ever perpetrated by an American administration against an ally. In its blatant duplicity, it is right up there with the Bush administration’s invented weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Canadians watching Mr. Trump and his officials, post-summit, insultingly call Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “dishonest and weak” and accuse him of stabbing the President in the back can rest assured that none of that is true.

What did happen is that Mr. Trump set an antagonistic tone for the summit by announcing, just prior to it, steep tariffs on Canadian and European steel and aluminum. He again raised the stakes on the first day of the summit when he said Russia should be readmitted into the informal group (it was expelled in 2014 after its illegal annexation of Crimea).

In that chilly climate, the leaders of the G7 countries were nonetheless able to produce a communique filled with the usual boilerplate about a wide range of earnest aspirations.

But then Mr. Trudeau, in a post-summit news conference, reaffirmed Canada would impose retaliatory tariffs on the U.S. on July 1. He also called the American tariffs on our steel and aluminum “insulting,” an accurate comment given the U.S. is imposing them on the grounds of national security.

What the vain and delicate Mr. Trump apparently expected Mr. Trudeau to say was that the summit was a success due entirely to the President’s generous participation, and that a grateful, moist-eyed Canada would no longer retaliate against his unjustified tariffs.

Instead, the Prime Minister stood up for Canadian interests, and against Mr. Trump’s wanton unreliability as a trading partner and ally. Hence the outrage and amateurish name-calling, and the disavowal of the communique.

Relations between two of the world’s closest allies are now at a perilous low. The fault rests entirely with Mr. Trump and his advisers. Our government has been patient with the President and his protectionist agenda. So too have Canadians, but this is getting tiresome. We are a polite people, but the President will learn that, when roused, we don’t roll over at the request of an insulting bully, no matter how big.​

Globe editorial: Donald Trump insults Canada, and tests its patience
Dealing with Trump is like dealing with a thin-skinned prepubescent child who throws his toys all over the room if he doesn't get his way.

Of course, Orange Jesus's worshippers will defend him no matter what he does. But most of them don't know what side of the border Canada is on.

From an editorial in today's Globe and Mail

Globe editorial: Donald Trump insults Canada, and tests its patience

Published 18 hours ago Updated June 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s decision to take his signature off the Charlevoix G7 summit communique is one of the most flagrant manufactured crises ever perpetrated by an American administration against an ally. In its blatant duplicity, it is right up there with the Bush administration’s invented weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Canadians watching Mr. Trump and his officials, post-summit, insultingly call Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “dishonest and weak” and accuse him of stabbing the President in the back can rest assured that none of that is true.

What did happen is that Mr. Trump set an antagonistic tone for the summit by announcing, just prior to it, steep tariffs on Canadian and European steel and aluminum. He again raised the stakes on the first day of the summit when he said Russia should be readmitted into the informal group (it was expelled in 2014 after its illegal annexation of Crimea).

In that chilly climate, the leaders of the G7 countries were nonetheless able to produce a communique filled with the usual boilerplate about a wide range of earnest aspirations.

But then Mr. Trudeau, in a post-summit news conference, reaffirmed Canada would impose retaliatory tariffs on the U.S. on July 1. He also called the American tariffs on our steel and aluminum “insulting,” an accurate comment given the U.S. is imposing them on the grounds of national security.

What the vain and delicate Mr. Trump apparently expected Mr. Trudeau to say was that the summit was a success due entirely to the President’s generous participation, and that a grateful, moist-eyed Canada would no longer retaliate against his unjustified tariffs.

Instead, the Prime Minister stood up for Canadian interests, and against Mr. Trump’s wanton unreliability as a trading partner and ally. Hence the outrage and amateurish name-calling, and the disavowal of the communique.

Relations between two of the world’s closest allies are now at a perilous low. The fault rests entirely with Mr. Trump and his advisers. Our government has been patient with the President and his protectionist agenda. So too have Canadians, but this is getting tiresome. We are a polite people, but the President will learn that, when roused, we don’t roll over at the request of an insulting bully, no matter how big.​

Globe editorial: Donald Trump insults Canada, and tests its patience
I was really struck by the "special place in hell" comments by Peter Navarro. That's the kind of completely over-the-top rhetoric that Trump has advanced, and now it's spreading. Ugly.
Trudy's own press corp raked him over the coals....everybody knows he's terrified of Trump as he well should be. I wonder if he realizes we can close the Keystone XL to canuck oil headed to Houston while keeping it open for our drillers in N.Dakota. Let's see him get his tar sand crap to China overland to Vancouver......we could have him thrown out of office in a matter of weeks with what we can do to him....we don't need their timber either....or much of anything else. 50 years ago we didn't require anything from the outside world but bananas and coffee and we can be self-sufficient with full-employment again, thanks to President Trump.
You give Ford the tax incentive to bail on Canada and watch that little boy scream.

Canadians buy 300,000 Fords every year. You going to tell them to buy Toyotas instead? That's $10+ billion.
As I understand it Mr PC didn't say shit during the meeting, instead he pussed out and woofed shit at a press conference after the meeting
Really? Got the transcript? As far as I can see Trudeau continued the line Canada has always taken.

Right. Trudeau said the same thing before the meeting as he did after. I guess Trump chose not to take it up with him while face-to-face.
That paste eating rain crier drove an 18-wheeler over his opponents.

No. 3 million more voters didn't want him. He lucked out.
It wasn’t luck. It was manipulation of the election

Correct. He campaigned and he manipulated his dollars to the right places.

And shit-for-brains voters like you.....lost.

Suck on it.

Let us know when you finish high school. Ok little trumpkin

I realize you are probably looking for recommendations should you ever qualify to attend yourself.

For you I recommend the state school for the hopelessly retarded.

You'll probably flunk out of that, but it'll be your best chance.

And then you can go try to get a real law degree.

Like everything else in this world, you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.
Republicans are celebrating ruining ties with long standing allies with memes and childish cartoons like everything is a joke.

The republican party has turned into a joke, vote all of them out.

Why are you so upset, not business as usual, every one wants America to bend over and take it..

It appears as long as Trump is president no more.
Making fun of world leaders on twitter and threatening to go it alone without them is juvenile and reckless. You don't have to act like a child and asshole to press for better trade deals.

What is juvenile and reckless is being dishonest in trade and expecting the US to be your sugar daddy.

Trump is putting an end to this entitlement attitude these other countries have that the US should always be the ones to give in. That is a good thing for Americans.

These other leaders need to be ridiculed thinking that the US is their sugar daddy.

Trump is not that pussy Obama that continuously gave away the store.
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.

No he said fuck you...he is not playing their game

You did see the picture right?

Yeah I saw the picture even read the numerous articles..

He is not playing their games anymore .
Nope, he's not playing at all. He took his ball and went home like a spoiled kid when they would do what he said.
We need these people for nothing. They need need our markets for everything.Who has the leverage here?
Lol, you kids are so confused.

tRump stomped off in a huff to have a good cry because the other world leaders aren't being nice to him.

Trump left because he’s got a meeting to get too, I don’t remember any of the other countries working on fixing NK

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lol, he showed up 2 days early.
Canadians are cheering and supporting their leader for his behavior with trump while Americans are publicly mocking trump and calling him names. Robert Di Nero even instructed Americans "Fuck Trump" twice during an awards ceremony. As one Republican commented "Trump has beclowned himself".
Trump is a mastermind when it comes to negotiation -- Canada is very unfair to us -- Russia is far more fair to us with their trade policies -- even tho we have trade surplus with Canada and a trade deficit with Russia -- that is besides the point.

The fact of the matter is, Russia is our ally
The only votes that count are Electoral College votes. I'm sorry but that's reality. It's the way the race was run. Both candidates knew that in advance. Both candidates formulated their strategies accordingly. Hillary Clinton got her ass handed to her in the Electoral College. End of story.

Calling it the end of the story when the story isn’t over is quite humorous. That doesn’t erase the fact that Trump had more votes against him than any other candidate in U.S. history. I suspect you’ll feel the effect of that soon when voters again get to voice their opinion at the polls.

Let me see if I understand your viewpoint, Faun...

You think that the voters are going to go to the polls in the upcoming midterms and elect a tidal wave of liberal Democrats because Trump had more votes against him than any other candidate in US history? Those would be liberal Democrats running on what platform exactly? The economy? Unemployment? Reestablishing the Affordable Care Act? Immigration? An alleged war on women? Or is "Russian Collusion" what you think is going to be the hot button issue that has voters with jobs and money in their pockets voting Democratic this Fall?

To be quite blunt...I don't know what you Democrats are running on for an issue. him or hate him...has been rather methodically checking off the things he promised he'd get done if he was elected. In the meantime the Democratic Party has been laser focused on "getting" Trump rather than developing a platform that will entice the voters to turn out for them. I think you folks are in grave danger of a historic defeat this midterm election. I say that because I don't know what your alternative is to what Trump is doing.
How do you think the election is going to go when the majority of voters who voted, voted against Trump?

Have all the special elections held since Trump became president not provided you a clue to the answer? Over 40 seats have flipped from Republican to Democrat. I’m not aware of any flipping from Democrat to Republican.
link to the 40 seats that have flipped.
Democrats flip 40th legislative race of Trump era, this time in New York

A State legislators race in a district that went for Hillary Clinton in the last election is a "harbinger" of things to come? Really, Faun? That shows me how desperate the Washington Post is to put a good face on what is shaping up to be a disaster for Democrats this Fall!
Republicans are celebrating ruining ties with long standing allies with memes and childish cartoons like everything is a joke.

The republican party has turned into a joke, vote all of them out.

Why are you so upset, not business as usual, every one wants America to bend over and take it..

It appears as long as Trump is president no more.
Making fun of world leaders on twitter and threatening to go it alone without them is juvenile and reckless. You don't have to act like a child and asshole to press for better trade deals.

You do understand our military and how big the USA is right??

We don't need no one , we could isolate ourselves from the world, lock every gate and say fuck you..
Rightards are such useless idiots.

Truth hurts no libtard?
You don’t know the truth. Your post was psychotic.

Calling it the end of the story when the story isn’t over is quite humorous. That doesn’t erase the fact that Trump had more votes against him than any other candidate in U.S. history. I suspect you’ll feel the effect of that soon when voters again get to voice their opinion at the polls.

Let me see if I understand your viewpoint, Faun...

You think that the voters are going to go to the polls in the upcoming midterms and elect a tidal wave of liberal Democrats because Trump had more votes against him than any other candidate in US history? Those would be liberal Democrats running on what platform exactly? The economy? Unemployment? Reestablishing the Affordable Care Act? Immigration? An alleged war on women? Or is "Russian Collusion" what you think is going to be the hot button issue that has voters with jobs and money in their pockets voting Democratic this Fall?

To be quite blunt...I don't know what you Democrats are running on for an issue. him or hate him...has been rather methodically checking off the things he promised he'd get done if he was elected. In the meantime the Democratic Party has been laser focused on "getting" Trump rather than developing a platform that will entice the voters to turn out for them. I think you folks are in grave danger of a historic defeat this midterm election. I say that because I don't know what your alternative is to what Trump is doing.
How do you think the election is going to go when the majority of voters who voted, voted against Trump?

Have all the special elections held since Trump became president not provided you a clue to the answer? Over 40 seats have flipped from Republican to Democrat. I’m not aware of any flipping from Democrat to Republican.
link to the 40 seats that have flipped.
Democrats flip 40th legislative race of Trump era, this time in New York

960 to go...:)

Lots of luck in the redstates...
We already took a coveted U.S. Senate seat from a red state. And we haven’t even hit the midterm yet.

Canadians are cheering and supporting their leader for his behavior with trump while Americans are publicly mocking trump and calling him names. Robert Di Nero even instructed Americans "Fuck Trump" twice during an awards ceremony. As one Republican commented "Trump has beclowned himself".
No one cares what democrsts think. They are the enemy. Of course they won't have anything nice to say. Enemies never do.

Calling it the end of the story when the story isn’t over is quite humorous. That doesn’t erase the fact that Trump had more votes against him than any other candidate in U.S. history. I suspect you’ll feel the effect of that soon when voters again get to voice their opinion at the polls.

Let me see if I understand your viewpoint, Faun...

You think that the voters are going to go to the polls in the upcoming midterms and elect a tidal wave of liberal Democrats because Trump had more votes against him than any other candidate in US history? Those would be liberal Democrats running on what platform exactly? The economy? Unemployment? Reestablishing the Affordable Care Act? Immigration? An alleged war on women? Or is "Russian Collusion" what you think is going to be the hot button issue that has voters with jobs and money in their pockets voting Democratic this Fall?

To be quite blunt...I don't know what you Democrats are running on for an issue. him or hate him...has been rather methodically checking off the things he promised he'd get done if he was elected. In the meantime the Democratic Party has been laser focused on "getting" Trump rather than developing a platform that will entice the voters to turn out for them. I think you folks are in grave danger of a historic defeat this midterm election. I say that because I don't know what your alternative is to what Trump is doing.
How do you think the election is going to go when the majority of voters who voted, voted against Trump?

Have all the special elections held since Trump became president not provided you a clue to the answer? Over 40 seats have flipped from Republican to Democrat. I’m not aware of any flipping from Democrat to Republican.
link to the 40 seats that have flipped.
Democrats flip 40th legislative race of Trump era, this time in New York

A State legislators race in a district that went for Hillary Clinton in the last election is a "harbinger" of things to come? Really, Faun? That shows me how desperate the Washington Post is to put a good face on what is shaping up to be a disaster for Democrats this Fall!
No, dumbfuck... flipping over 40 seats while Republicans have flipped none that I’m aware of is the “harbinger,” including a U.S. Senate seat from one of the reddest states in the nation.
No one cares what democrsts think. They are the enemy. Of course they won't have anything nice to say. Enemies never do.
Kill them!!!!

That is the only way you can ultimately get rid of your enemies

Trump needs to sign an executive order to make it legal to murder people who don't agree with conservatives

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