Trudeau unleashes Canadian Cossacks

People used to complain that tje government took too long to approve new vaccines

and government used to demand extensive testing before a vaccine or any new drug was released

now it just willy nilly toss it out there and see what happens and many people are leary of that
Vaccine approvals usually come after 3-5 years of success with test subjects
We are the ongoing test subjects and so far not successful
Why didn't you slack ace's say that about the migrants when you leftist tried to accuse the border patrol of whipping and intimidating the migrants from horseback ??? They were law breakers right ? No it didn't work for your leftist agenda in Canada, so now you are all for it... What a frickin hypocrite.

NO, just like the Insurrectionists who broke the law on January 6th, this stupid fuck broke the law. She got what she deserved. They were ordered to disperse and she did not. Fuck her.

Its just dog whistle stuff.

The mainstream has conditioned him to react to the words "right wing" just as they have weaponized the term "racist".

They do this knowing full well that their target audience is uneducated, and so see only labels without having the slightest understanding of what the label means. It might as well be "poopoohead" with these children, because rhat represents the limitations of their ability to understand the world.
l meant it literally....The left are the fascists pigs they accuse everyone else of being.
NO, just like the Insurrectionists who broke the law on January 6th, this stupid fuck broke the law. She got what she deserved. They were ordered to disperse and she did not. Fuck her.

Being fine with the government telling you to put a medicine into your body without your consent, opens up the door that has been closed for year's, and that door is the government making lab rats out of the gullible citizen's once again. You are a gullible citizen occupied. Funny you call yourself occupied as if that suggest that you are being politically occupied against your will by government, yet here you are all ready to just give in to their bull crap. Either you are a paid shill or you are just a simpleton occupying a space on a social media platform that just spews bull crap out of your mouth daily.
It's definitely the latter.
NO, just like the Insurrectionists who broke the law on January 6th, this stupid fuck broke the law. She got what she deserved. They were ordered to disperse and she did not. Fuck her.


This is you who ignored hard evidence of no insurrection and the Canadian illegal use of their laws against the protesters.


Leftism is name for mental illness
People used to complain that tje government took too long to approve new vaccines

and government used to demand extensive testing before a vaccine or any new drug was released

now it just willy nilly toss it out there and see what happens and many people are leary of that
The anti-vaxxers are seeing their time in the political sun coming to pass before too much longer. We're seeing the last gasp of a political trend that would be funny if it hadn't cost so many gullible lives. It was perhaps understandable to be hesitant at the start but it's been a year. Get a shot and move on to the next thing.
The list of vaccinations I've had is as long as my arm. They hold no terror for me. If you feel there are chains on you it is only because you put them there
Don't take but one mistake occupied, so keep on rolling that dice brother. Just hope that you don't find out one day that you did something that you finally didn't need to do outside of government telling you that you had to do (regret over Vietnam comes to mind).

Sounds like you need to break the chains occupied, because to some degree you've been programed to think in the ways that you do, so it's definitely understandable.
Schadenfreude for breakfast. Right-wingers made it OK for the police to attack protestors but now they are shocked that the law seems to apply to them.
The OLD LADY stomped by the horse is dead...........

Are you happy................

These protests have been Peaceful..........The Response NOT SO MUCH.........

Will you now piss on the old lady's grave.......hmmm
I am perfectly fine with vaccine mandates, so was nearly everyone else until the right decided that this would be the thing to hang an insurgency on. So knock yourself out and accept the consequences of defying public health orders.
That’s crazy. You’re not a stupid person. How can you believe that shit?
I am perfectly fine with vaccine mandates, so was nearly everyone else until the right decided that this would be the thing to hang an insurgency on. So knock yourself out and accept the consequences of defying public health orders.
I take a piss on the public health orders........Do something about it bitch.

The anti-vaxxers are seeing their time in the political sun coming to pass before too much longer. We're seeing the last gasp of a political trend that would be funny if it hadn't cost so many gullible lives. It was perhaps understandable to be hesitant at the start but it's been a year. Get a shot and move on to the next thing.
You must work for big pharma. Because no one can be this stupid on purpose.

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