Trudeau unleashes Canadian Cossacks

Vaccine approvals usually come after 3-5 years of success with test subjects
We are the ongoing test subjects and so far not successful
If it keeps people from dying, then bring on those stats big time is my thoughts, otherwise if it is so successful in that category then good, but is that even able to be analyzed now ? Because the virus has mutated into a less dangerous strain, where as yes the very vulnerable and compromised citizen might succumb to it still, but most if not all healthy citizens survive it either VAXED or unvaxed.

Freedom of choice is paramount in the face of this thing, otherwise if scared then get vaxed, wear a mask, and do the distance thing, but attempting to make other's conform to one's fear is absolutely unexceptable. I'm old, and I wear a mask if I get into a tight situation with people I don't know, and I social distance also. I don't give a flying crap about what anybody thinks when I put a mask on, hell they know that I'm old and need protection. LOL.

I wouldn't be caught dead telling someone that they need to compromise their living standard's for me, and if I'm sick then I stay home instead of getting around people that aren't sick. It's simple really, but the leftist got their authoritarian feelings hurt, and we see what they turn into when that happens.

I said it before, and I'll keep saying it, that Biden is a threat to our nation's security in far more ways than the citizen's realize. Everyday he becomes more emboldened as the citizen's right's and freedom's crumble under his regime.
More proof that the Left hates freedom and loves tyranny.
The American Yellow Press is saying the word "freedom" is a white supremist word.

How many times, recently, have we seen terms like “Fascist” and “Nazi” used as slurs against those who are explicitly fighting against excesses and abuses on the part of government?

I know I've seen it pretty often, in connection with Canaduh's Tiananmen 2.0 event, but I am quite sure that's not the first I've seen of it.
No comparison to Burn Loot and Murder here. NONE.

Read between the lines here, because what occupied is alluding to is the past racism that existed in the country over the year's, so when he speaks of the one's he hates getting what they have coming, he's alluding to reverse discrimination and such action's being justified now as a result. He's looking at all this with a bucket of popcorn in his hands.
At this point, Canada is a totalitarian state.

Very disturbing situation.

Using a virus to take control is a new one, but the tactics are the same.

Have you seen the movie V For Vendetta? That was a major component of its plot, the use by a corrupt government of an artificially-created “pandemic” as a vehicle to seize power. I understand that was not an element in the literature on which the movie was based, and the movie was made long before COVID-1984, but having watched it some time just as the #CoronaHoax2020 was beginning to take root, it came across to me as prophetic.
Thats good advice

you should offer it to Tradeau, biden, fauci and all the baby hitlers on the deep blue states
It's like the right never knew the broad powers the government has to fight communicable disease. Do you really think this is some new power grab?
Have you seen the movie V For Vendetta? That was a major component of its plot, the use by a corrupt government of an artificially-created “pandemic” as a vehicle to seize power. I understand that was not an element in the literature on which the movie was based, and the movie was made long before COVID-1984, but having watched it some time just as the #CoronaHoax2020 was beginning to take root, it came across to me as prophetic.
It's wild how history even in fictional films somehow becomes a reality over time. It's like people throughout time are spiritually trying to warn us, otherwise by way of divine intervention holding the pens that occupy their hands, and Viola it comes to pass that we've seen this somewhere before.
I am perfectly fine with vaccine mandates, so was nearly everyone else until the right decided that this would be the thing to hang an insurgency on. So knock yourself out and accept the consequences of defying public health orders.

I'm on the fence about mandates for legitimate vaccines, that have been through the appropriate process for proving them to be safe and effective.

This mRNA shit is something else entirely. It has absolutely not been adequately proven to be either safe or effective, and the empirical data that are coming out seem to indicate that it is neither safe nor effective. Nobody should be coerced or compelled to allow themselves to be injected with this dangerous shit, nor discriminated against for declining to do so.
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It's like the right never knew the broad powers the government has to fight communicable disease. Do you really think this is some new power grab?
Do you think that it can't be used for one ? In the infamous words out of Rhaum Emanuels mouth "never let a crisis go to waste".
People used to complain that tje [sic] government took too long to approve new vaccines

and government used to demand extensive testing before a vaccine or any new drug was released

now it just willy nilly toss it out there and see what happens and many people are leary [sic] of that

The rules have not recently been changed.

What has changed, recently, is that illegal and dangerous shortcuts have been taken to rush this mRNA shit to market prematurely, before it can be properly tested and vetted; and now, the growing empirical evidence against its safety and efficacy is being disregarded..
I'm on the fence about mandates for legitimate vaccines, that have been through the appropriate process for proving them to be safe and effective.

This mRNA shit is something else entirely. It has absolutely not been adequately proven to be either safe or effective, and the empirical data that are coming out seem to indicate that it is otherwise. Nobody should be coerced or compelled to allow themselves to be injected with this dangerous shit, nor discriminated against for declining to do so.
It's exactly why they ask for volunteers to participate in the studies, and even after that it's not forced on anyone because if the studies are good in there results, then people have absolutely no problem volunteering or getting them.
It's fine. Enough people are getting vaccinated that your decision to needlessly risk death is finally becoming the personal choice many on the right always thought it was.
Hate to break it to you, but on the other hand no I won't.. You just keep guessing because this is fun.

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