Trudeau unleashes Canadian Cossacks

The permitted policy at this time is only blacks can block streets and burn buildings down or loot them. This is because they are engaged in the emotion of venting.
Truckers are engaged in what’s known as a protest which is currently hoaxed into being an insurrection. They are presenting facts which are taboo.
The hypocrisy is off the chain.... Just like bravocatal saying that hey if you break the law, then you get what you get concerning the mounted police trampling protestor's in Canada. I told him that hey those illegal migrants on the southern border were law breakers, but they were singing a different tune back then.... Wait, the Canadian protestor's are mostly white aren't they ? Starting to see a pattern here with the left.

Trample alledged law breaking whitey's, but don't you do anything to those brown skin law breaker's on the southern border like that, ohhhhhhhhh hell nooooo..

What is it with these leftist and their selective skin color rage in which gives one a pass to one color, but another color should get the gas chamber ??? I know, it's just that white folks must pay a price, and they'll decide when that price is paid, regardless of the wash out over the generation's that has taken place.
The hypocrisy is off the chain.... Just like bravocatal saying that hey if you break the law, then you get what you get concerning the mounted police trampling protestor's in Canada. I told him that hey those illegal migrants on the southern border were law breakers, but they were singing a different tune back then.... Wait, the Canadian protestor's are mostly white aren't they ? Starting to see a pattern here with the left.

Trample alledged law breaking whitey's, but don't you do anything to those brown skin law breaker's on the southern border like that, ohhhhhhhhh hell nooooo..

What is it with these leftist and their selective skin color rage in which gives one a pass to one color, but another color should get the gas chamber ??? I know, it's just that white folks must pay a price, and they'll decide when that price is paid, regardless of the wash out over the generation's that has taken place.
Communist will break any law, use violence, use gov't as a weapon to gain power. When they use it they will LIE and say it was justified for law and order or for your own good.

They are IMMORAL PEOPLE..........No ETHICS............NO HONOR.......aka human garbage to me.
The anti-vaxxers are seeing their time in the political sun coming to pass before too much longer. We're seeing the last gasp of a political trend that would be funny if it hadn't cost so many gullible lives. It was perhaps understandable to be hesitant at the start but it's been a year. Get a shot and move on to the next thing.
You sound like your boi Biden with your threat's. Undoubtedly the vaccines aren't working or this thing would have been over with already, but when the vaxed started getting sick afterwards, they needed someone or something to blame... Varients just like the flu change the formula's yearly, and a guess at a new deadly flu virus is then used to create a shot that hopefully will alert the body to build an immunity up if were to contact the virus. Most citizen's either don't get the virus because they have a healthy immune system or a natural immunity, and then doctor's suggest or give the shot's to the vulnerable. No one is forced, and no one has ever been forced in civilian population to take a shot as a preventive to something on a hypothetical notion, and it's going to remain that way.

What you leftist are doing or attempting to do is criminal. Period.
Stupid on purpose is still acting like this vaccine is an evil plot. Grow up.
It's not a fucking vaccine.........I don't give a shit how you take it. People like you have blood on your hands for supporting gov't who denied use of early treatments used all over the earth to line the pockets of vaccine makers.

The anti-vaxxers are seeing their time in the political sun coming to pass before too much longer. We're seeing the last gasp of a political trend that would be funny if it hadn't cost so many gullible lives. It was perhaps understandable to be hesitant at the start but it's been a year. Get a shot and move on to the next thing.
I’m not sure the Mandates with Fangs crowd is going to give up so easy
It's not a fucking vaccine.........I don't give a shit how you take it. People like you have blood on your hands for supporting gov't who denied use of early treatments used all over the earth to line the pockets of vaccine makers.

Don't care.
Communist will break any law, use violence, use gov't as a weapon to gain power. When they use it they will LIE and say it was justified for law and order or for your own good.

They are IMMORAL PEOPLE..........No ETHICS............NO HONOR.......aka human garbage to me.
The patterns are real, all any citizen has to do is open their eyes again. Wake up not woke up. The parent's at these school boards are finally awakened, and that hopefully is the beginning and not the end. We are at war within, and anyone who doesn't understand this is asleep at the wheel. Way to much has been revealed in all of this stuff, and if Trump did anything he outed the Agenda because he just didn't give a dam about what anybody thought. Yeah they are giving him hell, but he's got the majority on his side, and he's even bringing on new comers that didn't like him at first, but they've found that they hate what's going on now even worse.
The patterns are real, all any citizen has to do is open their eyes again. Wake up not woke up. The parent's at these school boards are finally awakened, and that hopefully is the beginning and not the end. We are at war within, and anyone who doesn't understand this is asleep at the wheel. Way to much has been revealed in all of this stuff, and if Trump did anything he outed the Agenda because he just didn't give a damned about what anybody thought. Yeah they are giving him hell, but he's got the majority on his side, and he's even bringing on new comers that didn't like him at first, but they've found that they hate what's going on now even worse.
Hopefully more see them for what they are...........where I'm at..........they have no power........most wouldn't piss on Biden or these idiots if they were on fire........but this is the Deep South were we have always been this way.
And that's how fast a country can become a tyranny.

It was always there, in Canaduh, if not at the surface to easily be seen.

Do not forget that as the United States was founded, in violent rebellion against a tyrant, Canaduh was founded in cowering and groveling before that very same tyrant.

Canaduh's populace has long been peaceful and compliant, much too willing to surrender freedoms to their government.

Canadians being pushed far enough to start pushing back is a very recent development, and it has exposed the tyranny that was always there.

Perhaps, if the Canadian people are strong enough, they will finally advance their society to where ours was almost two and a half centuries ago, with regard to recognizing and upholding essential human rights.
They suspended parliament

Having a very hard time finding any credible news on this, but it sounds very ominous.

I have to admit to not knowing much of how Canaduh's government is supposed to work, but surely it is in the Parliament that any representation of the people is to take place, and where the Prime Minister's power's are supposed to be held in check. This seems to me like a step to a dictatorship.
I admirer the forbearance of the protestors. Hard not to start tearing cops apart limb from limb and beating on horses.

At this point, the line has been crossed when they would be fully justified in doing so. In particular, the cop who trampled the old lady to death with his horse ought to wind up hanging from a tree.
At this point, the line has been crossed when they would be fully justified in doing so. In particular, the cop who trampled the old lady to death with his horse ought to wind up hanging from a tree.
Did she actually die? I hadn't been able to confirm that.

But yeah.

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