Trudeau unleashes Canadian Cossacks

Government is doing a piss-poor job with those powers
The right was already primed to obstruct and sabotage democrats about the time the vaccine came along. Democrats said get the vaccine. You people said fuck you and invented an entire rationalization not to get it. It's contrarianism and nothing more. But it's okay. We're getting on the downside of it in spite of the anti-vaxers. The pandemic as a political issue is just about over. What are you going to be insanely angry about next? Have they sent out a memo yet?

You stand with the oligarchs and the bankers.

That's just how it is when you are fighting the power. It's clear these people never learned the first thing about how to stage a mass protest or the consequences of costing the powers that be too much money. It's supposed to turn off before the authorities escalate. Because it didn't the protest will be counter-productive. None of their demands will be considered just because of the way they asked.

I just noticed a picture of Trudeau on my TV and he is growing a beard, He is starting to look more and more like his dad Fidel Castro and is acting more and more like him too.

The right was already primed to obstruct and sabotage democrats about the time the vaccine came along.
Maybe they were tired of the draconian mandates that didnt go away after the vaccine was available
Maybe they were tired of the draconian mandates that didnt go away after the vaccine was available
Herd immunity. Remember that? Reach herd immunity and the pandemic is effectively over. Seems like a goal everyone could get behind. Not in Trump world. We may not reach herd immunity as a nation for quite some time. People are still clogging the emergency rooms. All of it is because the right thinks simply doing the opposite of what democrats want is good enough for a platform.
The right was already primed to obstruct and sabotage democrats about the time the vaccine came along. Democrats said get the vaccine. You people said fuck you and invented an entire rationalization not to get it. It's contrarianism and nothing more. But it's okay. We're getting on the downside of it in spite of the anti-vaxers. The pandemic as a political issue is just about over. What are you going to be insanely angry about next? Have they sent out a memo yet?
Nice flip, but no one's buying your snake oil today.
Herd immunity. Remember that? Reach herd immunity and the pandemic is effectively over. Seems like a goal everyone could get behind. Not in Trump world. We may not reach herd immunity as a nation for quite some time. People are still clogging the emergency rooms. All of it is because the right thinks simply doing the opposite of what democrats want is good enough for a platform.
You thinking that only right wingers aren't getting the vaccine is freaking hilarious, and it shows just how much of a hack you are.. lol.

What are they doing, posting democrat's at the hospital doors asking the sick what politics they believe in ???? ROTFLMBO.
Maybe they were tired of the draconian mandates that didnt go away after the vaccine was available
Yep, that's when the Democrat's saw use in the mandates politically. If they can just hold on to election time, then maybe they'll pull it off again..
I am perfectly fine with vaccine mandates,

Of course, you're a fascist.

so was nearly everyone else until the right decided that this would be the thing to hang an insurgency on. So knock yourself out and accept the consequences of defying public health orders.

Nope, just you Nazis.
Nice flip, but no one's buying your snake oil today.
Not selling anything. The anti-vaxers are finally becoming a manageable threat to public safety and frankly no one cares if they all drop dead at this point. Everyone wants the pandemic over with already. All the anti-vaxers accomplished was to prolong the pandemic.
What we are now seeing out of Canaduh is a very vivid demonstration of why the Second Amendment is so important to us Americans.

Do you think those cowardly RCMP would have trampled an old lady to death along with other members of that crowd, if they knew that the crowd was well-armed, and prepared to respond appropriately?
It's like the right never knew the broad powers the government has to fight communicable disease. Do you really think this is some new power grab?
Lol. You are completely full of shit. Broad powers my ass.

We have the most expensive HC system in the world, yet our country has suffered more from this virus than any other. Third world nations have done better. Im certain this has never occurred to you. So much for the wonders of Big Pharma.

You’re stuck on stupid, because you’re a radical D partisan.

What we are now seeing out of Canaduh is a very vivid demonstration of why the Second Amendment is so important to us Americans.

Do you think those cowardly RCMP would have trampled an old lady to death along with other members of that crowd, if they knew that the crowd was well-armed, and prepared to respond appropriately?
Police kill people at large mass protests either accidentally or on purpose all the time. Is this news to you? Do you think this is a game? It's risky being an agent of chaos. Every leftist that ever protested knew they could end up with an official beatdown or worse. I don't think this fact was sufficiently explained to these novices.
Read between the lines here, because what occupied is alluding to is the past racism that existed in the country over the year's, so when he speaks of the one's he hates getting what they have coming, he's alluding to reverse discrimination and such action's being justified now as a result. He's looking at all this with a bucket of popcorn in his hands.
I dont care. I appreciate what you are saying. I simply dont care anymore.

I see them for what they are.
Police kill people at large mass protests either accidentally or on purpose all the time. Is this news to you? Do you think this is a game? It's risky being an agent of chaos. Every leftist that ever protested knew they could end up with an official beatdown or worse. I don't think this fact was sufficiently explained to these novices.
Aka They are amateurs because they dont use violence. Your side does and always have used it

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