Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

Successful at what? Not completely fucking up the Obama Economy?


$1 Trillion Dollar Annual Deficits
1st President without 3% Growth
1st President Responsible For Credit Rating Downgrade
Record-Setting Business-Choking Regulations
Drove US Factories / Jobs Overseas
-- Declared they would NEVER come back, that he had given up on them, that this was the 'NEW NORM' (And your dumb ass is now trying to say BARRY brought them back. Bwuhahahahaha!)

Regarding Trump, his stolen / leaked taxes and how that should make me worried......

I am supposed to be upset about a successful multi-millionaire who lost $1 Billion of his own money yet has turned it all around to be the most business successful President who has created / helped shape the strongest economies and lowest unemployment periods in this country's history....

.....because the proven traitors who engaged and are still engaging in an attempted coup - the same CRIMINALS and THIEVES who have gambled, stolen, and pissed TRILLIONS of OUR tax dollars away say it's President Trump I should?!

Anyone else wondering if Trump overstated his losses in those years in order to reduce his tax liability?

Probably not. After all, President Trump's taxes have been fully audited by tax experts at the IRS.

Unless you somehow think the IRS staff is a bunch of ignoramuses.

After all, determining whether people are underpaying their taxes is their mission.

Why do you worship stupidity?
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money

"The story of how Mr. Trump sidestepped a potentially ruinous tax bill emerged from documents recently discovered by The Times during a search of casino bankruptcy filings.

"Mr. Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad...."

"For each of his Atlantic City casinos, Mr. Trump formed a partnership between himself and a corporation that he wholly owned and created for this specific purpose.

"At the time, many businesses, particularly real estate ventures, were structured similarly, with the goal of protecting owners from losing personal money should their businesses go bust.

"But Mr. Trump was playing on a vastly different scale than most; his leverage was the stuff of legend.

"'There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money, because it takes the risk,' Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally in September."

Congress needs to clean up the tax codes. I can't blame people for using the laws to their advantage. Of course, Congress has a bunch on millionaires that write tax codes for millionaires.
Congress needs to clean up the tax codes. I can't blame people for using the laws to their advantage. Of course, Congress has a bunch on millionaires that write tax codes for millionaires.
Congress corrupts. I'm old enough to remember when Nancy Pelosi first went to the House; she was regarded very similarly to how progressives view AOC today. Pelosi has earned million$ during her stint in public service, and it's impossible for me to imagine congress ever turning on their donor class (richest 10% of voters) Obama's election in 2008 might have produced a FDR moment, but it turned out much differently.

How the Obama economy stacks up, by the numbers
Why don’t Republicans care that Trump is a business failure?
Because he’s a huge success. Again an effort to have feelings, or wishes, trumping facts.
Trump is owned by crooked Oligarch's and overseas banks. That's not success. That's having your ass in a vice while they tell Trump what to do at our expense.
Makes a nice fairy tale and soothes your addled feelings.
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money

"The story of how Mr. Trump sidestepped a potentially ruinous tax bill emerged from documents recently discovered by The Times during a search of casino bankruptcy filings.

"Mr. Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad...."

"For each of his Atlantic City casinos, Mr. Trump formed a partnership between himself and a corporation that he wholly owned and created for this specific purpose.

"At the time, many businesses, particularly real estate ventures, were structured similarly, with the goal of protecting owners from losing personal money should their businesses go bust.

"But Mr. Trump was playing on a vastly different scale than most; his leverage was the stuff of legend.

"'There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money, because it takes the risk,' Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally in September."

Congress needs to clean up the tax codes. I can't blame people for using the laws to their advantage. Of course, Congress has a bunch on millionaires that write tax codes for millionaires.
Congress needs to clean up the tax codes. I can't blame people for using the laws to their advantage. Of course, Congress has a bunch on millionaires that write tax codes for millionaires.
Congress corrupts. I'm old enough to remember when Nancy Pelosi first went to the House; she was regarded very similarly to how progressives view AOC today. Pelosi has earned million$ during her stint in public service, and it's impossible for me to imagine congress ever turning on their donor class (richest 10% of voters) Obama's election in 2008 might have produced a FDR moment, but it turned out much differently.

How the Obama economy stacks up, by the numbers

Pretty much puts to rest the myth of "government of the people, by the people, for the people."
Successful at what? Not completely fucking up the Obama Economy?


$1 Trillion Dollar Annual Deficits
1st President without 3% Growth
1st President Responsible For Credit Rating Downgrade
Record-Setting Business-Choking Regulations
Drove US Factories / Jobs Overseas
-- Declared they would NEVER come back, that he had given up on them, that this was the 'NEW NORM' (And your dumb ass is now trying to say BARRY brought them back. Bwuhahahahaha!)

Regarding Trump, his stolen / leaked taxes and how that should make me worried......

I am supposed to be upset about a successful multi-millionaire who lost $1 Billion of his own money yet has turned it all around to be the most business successful President who has created / helped shape the strongest economies and lowest unemployment periods in this country's history....

.....because the proven traitors who engaged and are still engaging in an attempted coup - the same CRIMINALS and THIEVES who have gambled, stolen, and pissed TRILLIONS of OUR tax dollars away say it's President Trump I should?!


Funny how you morons don't mention that Obama was working this nation out of a republican caused depression.
Funny how you morons don't mention that Obama was working this nation out of a republican caused depression.
That's because that is not the case, and you are stupid.

In the 1st 6 years under Bush, when the GOP controlled Congress - meaning they controlled the House, which means they controlled the Budget & spending - DURING 9/11/01 & 2 WARS & THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IMMEDIATELY AFTER 9/11/01 - Bush and the GOP added ONLY $2.5 Trillion in new debt.

The DEMOCRATS took over the House and Senate - a near super-majority control of Congress to include control of the House / Budget / Spending - the last 2 years of Bush's Presidency - the DEMOCRATS, who controlled the budget / spending, added $1.5 Trillion in new debt.


By taking over the House, the DEMOCRATS took over control of the Budget / Spending / Economy....WHICH MEANS IT BECAME THEIR ECONOMY, THEIR SPENDING, AND THEIR DEBT ADDITION, NOT BUSH'S!

The DEMOCRATS also held that near super-majority control of Congress - to include the House - which STILL means the economy / budget / spending - for Obama's 1st 2 years in office!


And now, after his successor delivers one of the strongest economies and lowest unemployment periods in US history you brain-dead indoctrinated traitor-defenders want to make up your own facts and system of economics to try to claim Barry inherited a failed economy from BUSH (which is a lie) and that his economic plan that failed for 8 years suddenly came alive after he left office and Trump made changes / wiped Obama's failed policies off the books.....

This has been explained numerous times ... and supported many, many times with links / facts / docs / etc, but just like with the 2016 election results, you clowns refuse to accept reality.

:lmao: Bwuhahahahaha
Everyone knows Trump had failed businesses. You probably don't know this but to be successful in just about anything, you will have failures.
Losing over a billion over ten years.

I can't believe you assfucks are defending that.

Soros lost a billion in a few weeks. Just part of the game that the rich play.
It is one thing to lose money
Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.

The CRA was passed under Carter you stupid fuck.

You don't know shit about economics.

In 1995 Clinton loosened up the housing rule and rewrote the CRA , which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods.

The CRA had nothing to do with the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.
The CRA had nothing to do with the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.

So a law passed in 1977 sat silently in hiding & then leaped & pounced in 2006 - 2008 & created the worst recession in 80 years.

Great thinking.

Studies show the the percent of failed CRA loans among all mortgage loans during the collapse was no different from the percent of all mortgages that were CRA.

So a law passed in 1977 sat silently in hiding & then leaped & pounced in 2006 - 2008 & created the worst recession in 80 years.

Nope. It was increased, stupidly, under Clinton.
Increased, again, stupidly, under GW Bush.
And don't get me started on HUD forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy crap mortgages.
Successful at what? Not completely fucking up the Obama Economy?


$1 Trillion Dollar Annual Deficits
1st President without 3% Growth
1st President Responsible For Credit Rating Downgrade
Record-Setting Business-Choking Regulations
Drove US Factories / Jobs Overseas
-- Declared they would NEVER come back, that he had given up on them, that this was the 'NEW NORM' (And your dumb ass is now trying to say BARRY brought them back. Bwuhahahahaha!)

Regarding Trump, his stolen / leaked taxes and how that should make me worried......

I am supposed to be upset about a successful multi-millionaire who lost $1 Billion of his own money yet has turned it all around to be the most business successful President who has created / helped shape the strongest economies and lowest unemployment periods in this country's history....

.....because the proven traitors who engaged and are still engaging in an attempted coup - the same CRIMINALS and THIEVES who have gambled, stolen, and pissed TRILLIONS of OUR tax dollars away say it's President Trump I should?!


Funny how you morons don't mention that Obama was working this nation out of a republican caused depression.

That is untrue by most experts on the economy. I see many mistakes and continued mistakes that led to the 2008 meltdown.
But again.....

Treasonous political self-serving elected politician assholes who have criminally fleeced the American people of TRILLIONS of dollars want to convince Americans that a multi-billionaire private citizen businessman who aggressively wheeled and dealed and lost $1.2 Billion of his own money in a free market economy while building up his Brand name back in the 1980s....before becoming the President of the United States and creating one of the most successful / strongest economies and lowest unemployment eras in decades / US a bigger threat / bigger loser than they are?!

Last edited:
No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.
This makes total sense...because donnie was such an amazing businessman.

Amazing in what sense, he appears to be an average business person. Lone Laugher appears to be clueless on being in business. When compared to LoneLaugher, he is an amazing businessman, of course most people would be.
"Average business man"? Lol! He lost more money than any business man in America, and paid no taxes because he lost more money than any business man. Explain to us all what's average about that?

And he still has a billion more than you.

A Japanese businessman owned a Japanese internet company and lost $70 billion and now only has $10 billion left. Seems this guy lost more than anyone in the world. People still call him a shrewd businessman. How Sprint's new boss lost $70 billion of his own cash (and still stayed rich)

The great Soros lost over a billion dollars in the weeks after the Trump election, I still consider him a good businessman. How George Soros Lost $1 Billion | Stock Investor

Losses happen all the time. You probably think a house is an asset.
The only difference between Trump and myself was that his father was well connected to the mob and foreign Oligarchs. Which lead to Trump himself being well connected using illegal laundered money from various venues. That has nothing to do with being a successful businessman. That's just being born into privilege through the Mafia. Trump never did an honest days work in his life.

Donald Trump is a mob guy? Really? That'll be the dumbest post anyone makes on this board today.

Reality check...Donald Trump was a real estate developer in New York City...a place where the mob controlled a lot of things especially back in the day. Did Trump have to deal with them? Of course. So did every other big developer working in the city! That DOESN'T make him a mafia guy!
Why don’t Republicans care that Trump is a business failure?
Because he’s a huge success. Again an effort to have feelings, or wishes, trumping facts.
Actually, he’s not. He got almost a half $1 billion from his dad. And he was good at bankruptcy with like six.

Only Republicans define losing money and bankruptcies as success.

Oh my God! Is that what they’re doing? Trying to bankrupt this country because they see that as a success? That would explain so much!

You do realize that was 30 years ago, right? Does your wall calendar still show 1987?
Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.

Good businessmen come back from down times. Trump lost a ton of money...then he made a ton of money. Why you think that is "damning" mystifies me! Anyone who knows Trump's history knows that there was a real rough patch in the 80's and early 90's. It is what it is.
Trump never made money. He lives off Oligarchy laundered money and the money from fraudulent money laundering banks.
He has always lived off of his name
Exactly! Fred Trump gave him $415 million dollars and he lost every penny. Some business man. :auiqs.jpg:And his duped base still keep drinking the sewer water he gives them at his rallies. What a joke.

Trump lost hundreds of millions on his casinos, airline, football team and golf courses

He reached the point where he only made money licensing the Trump name and being a reality TV host

And came back from that.
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money

"The story of how Mr. Trump sidestepped a potentially ruinous tax bill emerged from documents recently discovered by The Times during a search of casino bankruptcy filings.

"Mr. Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad...."

"For each of his Atlantic City casinos, Mr. Trump formed a partnership between himself and a corporation that he wholly owned and created for this specific purpose.

"At the time, many businesses, particularly real estate ventures, were structured similarly, with the goal of protecting owners from losing personal money should their businesses go bust.

"But Mr. Trump was playing on a vastly different scale than most; his leverage was the stuff of legend.

"'There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money, because it takes the risk,' Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally in September."

Congress needs to clean up the tax codes. I can't blame people for using the laws to their advantage. Of course, Congress has a bunch on millionaires that write tax codes for millionaires.
Congress needs to clean up the tax codes. I can't blame people for using the laws to their advantage. Of course, Congress has a bunch on millionaires that write tax codes for millionaires.
Congress corrupts. I'm old enough to remember when Nancy Pelosi first went to the House; she was regarded very similarly to how progressives view AOC today. Pelosi has earned million$ during her stint in public service, and it's impossible for me to imagine congress ever turning on their donor class (richest 10% of voters) Obama's election in 2008 might have produced a FDR moment, but it turned out much differently.

How the Obama economy stacks up, by the numbers

Pretty much puts to rest the myth of "government of the people, by the people, for the people."
Pretty much puts to rest the myth of "government of the people, by the people, for the people."
With the possible exception of "Indian savages", nothing troubled the US Founders more than the concept of democracy. Trump's long anticipated Constitutional crisis has finally arrived, and it won't be surprising if Rich White People win again.
Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenas Donald Trump Jr. over Russia matters
Why don’t Republicans care that Trump is a business failure?

What? You mean that you would not hire a financial consultant to handle your money who lost over 1 billion dollars in ten years, and is a pathological liar? What's wrong with you?

I would if he subsequently made billions.

And, you know that he is worth billions, how? Because he told you so? In spite of the fact that he has not released any financials, or tax returns? In spite of the fact that it has already been disclosed that he artificially inflated his net worth to get a loan from a Netherlands bank?

Tell you what Hadit. I am going to let you in on the ground floor of my new company. I have found a way to turn water into gasoline. You can be a 50% partner, for only $1,000,000 dollars.
So when are the people who stole documents and the people who used stolen documents for profit going to be held accountable?
Trump's long anticipated Constitutional crisis has finally arrived,

An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.

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