Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

Why don’t Republicans care that Trump is a business failure?
Because he’s a huge success. Again an effort to have feelings, or wishes, trumping facts.
Actually, he’s not. He got almost a half $1 billion from his dad. And he was good at bankruptcy with like six.

Only Republicans define losing money and bankruptcies as success.

Oh my God! Is that what they’re doing? Trying to bankrupt this country because they see that as a success? That would explain so much!

You do realize that was 30 years ago, right? Does your wall calendar still show 1987?
Every gripe liberals have is rooted in 35 to 150 years ago and always evaluated as if it was done today. They are like Jews and Palestinians, never focusing on now and a better future but instead mired in gripes from ages ago. When you never work toward the future then you do not have one.
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It's been 14 years since President Trump used those loses in his introduction to the NBC TV show "The Apprentice". And now Democrats are just discovering? Oh, that's right, emotionally they're all 13 years old so can't be expected to have any memory........
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
Trump's long anticipated Constitutional crisis has finally arrived,

An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
Trump not only doesn't know how government works, he doesn't care. His only reason for being in office is to line his corrupt pockets and those of his equally criminal crime family.

Trump fired a FBI director investigating his ties to Russia.
He tried to quash that investigation, publicly and privately.
He dismissed a DoJ official who wouldn't carry out an order the courts later rejected.

He was corrupt con man before becoming POTUS, and he hasn't changed since taking office.


"The latest examples of constitutional stress caused by Trump include his decision to suffocate congressional oversight by refusing to cooperate -- like at all -- with its investigations following up on the Mueller report or into his tax returns.

"Attorney General William Barr could be held in contempt of Congress after a House vote Wednesday -- not unlike a similar move by Republicans against Eric Holder during the Obama administration."

How to know when it's a US constitutional crisis - CNNPolitics
read it slowly, did I say CRA?

Clinton rewrote the CRA and that in turn put pressure on lending institution to make the loans to unqualified buyers.
No he did not.

You are wrong about the CRA,. Are you stupid or lying.

The CRA said banks needed to use a percentage of their profits to help those in their neighborhood who could not meet the going standards for a mortgage. Banks could lower the interest rates or reduce the down payment, but the borrowers STILL HAD TO SHOW THEY COULD MAKE THESE REDUCED PAYMENTS.

They were then QUALIFIED under thse4 new terms.

Quit lying. Quit pretend to be an expert on economivcs. And please,-get a fucking education./

I am done showing you any respect. Here are a couple links to reputable sites explaining what happened under Clinton with the CRA. If you don't understand what it all means have a seven year old sit down with you and explain it to you. If you have trouble understanding that, we can have Tommy come and hit you over the head with a tack hammer.

Now, you get a fucking education, you asshole!

Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 | Federal Reserve History

In 1993, President Clinton directed regulators to review and revise the regulation to address concerns about the perceived costs of compliance and its emphasis on process over outcomes. The new CRA rule, adopted in 1995, streamlined the review process for small banks (assets under $250 million) and established new criteria to assess performance in lending, investments, and services in LMI communities. Other legislative and regulatory changes also have been enacted over the years.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods.
What a pity you don't understand your own links...

Following the financial crisis of 2007-08, some critics of the CRA argued it had contributed to the mortgage crisis by encouraging banks to make loans to riskier borrowers. There is some evidence that CRA lending standards were relaxed in the mid-1990s; however, the bulk of defaulted mortgages during the foreclosure crisis were originated between 2004 and 2007. In addition, many of those loans were issued by mortgage lenders not subject to the CRA. Overall, the available evidence suggests the CRA was not responsible for the subprime crisis (Haltom 2010).

I disagree, and the link wasn't used as evidence of the CRA creating the crisis as much as showing Clinton change the CRA and put pressure on banks to make the loans that could not be paid back.

Government Policies Caused The Financial Crisis And Made the Recession Worse

Who to blame for the Great Recession? So many big names are in the frame

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

Many economist believe CRA contributed, not the sole reason for the meltdown. I agree with them.

Who cares that you disagree with your own source? :lol:

Argue with it, not me. It's right.
Trump's long anticipated Constitutional crisis has finally arrived,

An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
Trump not only doesn't know how government works, he doesn't care. His only reason for being in office is to line his corrupt pockets and those of his equally criminal crime family.

Trump fired a FBI director investigating his ties to Russia.
He tried to quash that investigation, publicly and privately.
He dismissed a DoJ official who wouldn't carry out an order the courts later rejected.

He was corrupt con man before becoming POTUS, and he hasn't changed since taking office.


"The latest examples of constitutional stress caused by Trump include his decision to suffocate congressional oversight by refusing to cooperate -- like at all -- with its investigations following up on the Mueller report or into his tax returns.

"Attorney General William Barr could be held in contempt of Congress after a House vote Wednesday -- not unlike a similar move by Republicans against Eric Holder during the Obama administration."

How to know when it's a US constitutional crisis - CNNPolitics
Nice butthurt opinionated ramble about the President who just created one of the strongest economies and lowest unemployment eras in decades / us history...

Snowflakes truly have no idea what they sound like when they say stupid shit....

Why don’t Republicans care that Trump is a business failure?

What? You mean that you would not hire a financial consultant to handle your money who lost over 1 billion dollars in ten years, and is a pathological liar? What's wrong with you?

I would if he subsequently made billions.

And, you know that he is worth billions, how? Because he told you so? In spite of the fact that he has not released any financials, or tax returns? In spite of the fact that it has already been disclosed that he artificially inflated his net worth to get a loan from a Netherlands bank?

Tell you what Hadit. I am going to let you in on the ground floor of my new company. I have found a way to turn water into gasoline. You can be a 50% partner, for only $1,000,000 dollars.
Great! I'll sell my rainbow farting unicorn. There are a lot of liberals lining up to bid on it.
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
View attachment 260002

View attachment 260004
Amateurs shouldn't try to meme.

It never ends well.

Trump's long anticipated Constitutional crisis has finally arrived,

An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
Trump not only doesn't know how government works, he doesn't care. His only reason for being in office is to line his corrupt pockets and those of his equally criminal crime family.

Trump fired a FBI director investigating his ties to Russia.
He tried to quash that investigation, publicly and privately.
He dismissed a DoJ official who wouldn't carry out an order the courts later rejected.

He was corrupt con man before becoming POTUS, and he hasn't changed since taking office.


"The latest examples of constitutional stress caused by Trump include his decision to suffocate congressional oversight by refusing to cooperate -- like at all -- with its investigations following up on the Mueller report or into his tax returns.

"Attorney General William Barr could be held in contempt of Congress after a House vote Wednesday -- not unlike a similar move by Republicans against Eric Holder during the Obama administration."

How to know when it's a US constitutional crisis - CNNPolitics
You just stated government doesn’t work and then you bitch that Trump doesn’t know how government works.
Funny how you morons don't mention that Obama was working this nation out of a republican caused depression.
That's because that is not the case, and you are stupid.

In the 1st 6 years under Bush, when the GOP controlled Congress - meaning they controlled the House, which means they controlled the Budget & spending - DURING 9/11/01 & 2 WARS & THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IMMEDIATELY AFTER 9/11/01 - Bush and the GOP added ONLY $2.5 Trillion in new debt.

The DEMOCRATS took over the House and Senate - a near super-majority control of Congress to include control of the House / Budget / Spending - the last 2 years of Bush's Presidency - the DEMOCRATS, who controlled the budget / spending, added $1.5 Trillion in new debt.


By taking over the House, the DEMOCRATS took over control of the Budget / Spending / Economy....WHICH MEANS IT BECAME THEIR ECONOMY, THEIR SPENDING, AND THEIR DEBT ADDITION, NOT BUSH'S!

The DEMOCRATS also held that near super-majority control of Congress - to include the House - which STILL means the economy / budget / spending - for Obama's 1st 2 years in office!


And now, after his successor delivers one of the strongest economies and lowest unemployment periods in US history you brain-dead indoctrinated traitor-defenders want to make up your own facts and system of economics to try to claim Barry inherited a failed economy from BUSH (which is a lie) and that his economic plan that failed for 8 years suddenly came alive after he left office and Trump made changes / wiped Obama's failed policies off the books.....

This has been explained numerous times ... and supported many, many times with links / facts / docs / etc, but just like with the 2016 election results, you clowns refuse to accept reality.

:lmao: Bwuhahahahaha

All this is bullshit.

Democrats took over congress in January of 2007. The crash happened in December 2007.
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Trump's long anticipated Constitutional crisis has finally arrived,

An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
Trump not only doesn't know how government works, he doesn't care. His only reason for being in office is to line his corrupt pockets and those of his equally criminal crime family.

Trump fired a FBI director investigating his ties to Russia.
He tried to quash that investigation, publicly and privately.
He dismissed a DoJ official who wouldn't carry out an order the courts later rejected.

He was corrupt con man before becoming POTUS, and he hasn't changed since taking office.


"The latest examples of constitutional stress caused by Trump include his decision to suffocate congressional oversight by refusing to cooperate -- like at all -- with its investigations following up on the Mueller report or into his tax returns.

"Attorney General William Barr could be held in contempt of Congress after a House vote Wednesday -- not unlike a similar move by Republicans against Eric Holder during the Obama administration."

How to know when it's a US constitutional crisis - CNNPolitics
Nice butthurt opinionated ramble about the President who just created one of the strongest economies and lowest unemployment eras in decades / us history...

Snowflakes truly have no idea what they sound like when they say stupid shit....

Nice butthurt opinionated ramble about the President who just created one of the strongest economies and lowest unemployment eras in decades / us history...
More Trump tripe doesn't change the reality that most gains from the Trump economy have gone to the richest one percent of Americans.

Trump's fake economy will be exposed soon enough

"This fall the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis reported that in the upper-Midwest, which includes Wisconsin, farm bankruptcies, are now on the rise at double the rate of failures over the same period between 2013 and 2014.

"The accelerating wealth concentration, which Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut only made worse, continues.

"The latest numbers on opioid linked deaths and suicide indicate a worsening crisis that’s linked to a wide and deep national decline evidenced by the reality our average life expectancy has declined for three years in a row for the first time since WW I. At the same time the national birthrate has hit a 30-year low.

"In Minnesota, State Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm was quoted in the press identifying a 'lack of social connectedness and opportunity' as a key factor in the increases for suicides and opioid linked deaths in that state."

The Trump Economy Is a Gilded Mediocrity
  • Thanks
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Successful at what? Not completely fucking up the Obama Economy?


$1 Trillion Dollar Annual Deficits
1st President without 3% Growth
1st President Responsible For Credit Rating Downgrade
Record-Setting Business-Choking Regulations
Drove US Factories / Jobs Overseas
-- Declared they would NEVER come back, that he had given up on them, that this was the 'NEW NORM' (And your dumb ass is now trying to say BARRY brought them back. Bwuhahahahaha!)

Regarding Trump, his stolen / leaked taxes and how that should make me worried......

I am supposed to be upset about a successful multi-millionaire who lost $1 Billion of his own money yet has turned it all around to be the most business successful President who has created / helped shape the strongest economies and lowest unemployment periods in this country's history....

.....because the proven traitors who engaged and are still engaging in an attempted coup - the same CRIMINALS and THIEVES who have gambled, stolen, and pissed TRILLIONS of OUR tax dollars away say it's President Trump I should?!


Funny how you morons don't mention that Obama was working this nation out of a republican caused depression.

That is untrue by most experts on the economy. I see many mistakes and continued mistakes that led to the 2008 meltdown.

It is not untrue..
Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.

Good businessmen come back from down times. Trump lost a ton of money...then he made a ton of money. Why you think that is "damning" mystifies me! Anyone who knows Trump's history knows that there was a real rough patch in the 80's and early 90's. It is what it is.
Trump never made money. He lives off Oligarchy laundered money and the money from fraudulent money laundering banks.
He has always lived off of his name
Exactly! Fred Trump gave him $415 million dollars and he lost every penny. Some business man. :auiqs.jpg:And his duped base still keep drinking the sewer water he gives them at his rallies. What a joke.

Trump lost hundreds of millions on his casinos, airline, football team and golf courses

He reached the point where he only made money licensing the Trump name and being a reality TV host
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump, the reailty tv trendsetter. He was "the Biggest Loser" before the show was even created....
You must really hate Warren Buffet.
You must really hate Warren Buffet.

Why do you worship stupidity?
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
He blew $415 million dollars of his fathers money. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:"Businessman!" That's funny as hell. What a bunch of dupes these Trump cultists are.
He blew $415 million dollars of his fathers money. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:"Businessman!" That's funny as hell. What a bunch of dupes these Trump cultists are
For all his many faults and deficiencies, Trump has shaken up the status quo like no POTUS before him.

Clinton promised change.

Obama promised change.

But Trump delivered in ways that are likely to make the status quo much worse, depending on who follows Trump into the Oval Office.

Maybe we don't vote with our minds as much as we do with our hearts and guts?
Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country
Good businessmen come back from down times. Trump lost a ton of money...then he made a ton of money. Why you think that is "damning" mystifies me! Anyone who knows Trump's history knows that there was a real rough patch in the 80's and early 90's. It is what it is.
Trump never made money. He lives off Oligarchy laundered money and the money from fraudulent money laundering banks.
He has always lived off of his name
Exactly! Fred Trump gave him $415 million dollars and he lost every penny. Some business man. :auiqs.jpg:And his duped base still keep drinking the sewer water he gives them at his rallies. What a joke.

Trump lost hundreds of millions on his casinos, airline, football team and golf courses

He reached the point where he only made money licensing the Trump name and being a reality TV host
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...

He lost the popular vote. He's president because of a fluke.

Why do you worship stupidity?
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
He blew $415 million dollars of his fathers money. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:"Businessman!" That's funny as hell. What a bunch of dupes these Trump cultists are.
He blew $415 million dollars of his fathers money. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:"Businessman!" That's funny as hell. What a bunch of dupes these Trump cultists are
For all his many faults and deficiencies, Trump has shaken up the status quo like no POTUS before him.

Clinton promised change.

Obama promised change.

But Trump delivered in ways that are likely to make the status quo much worse, depending on who follows Trump into the Oval Office.

Maybe we don't vote with our minds as much as we do with our hearts and guts?
Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country

That's dumb.
Trump never made money. He lives off Oligarchy laundered money and the money from fraudulent money laundering banks.
He has always lived off of his name
Exactly! Fred Trump gave him $415 million dollars and he lost every penny. Some business man. :auiqs.jpg:And his duped base still keep drinking the sewer water he gives them at his rallies. What a joke.

Trump lost hundreds of millions on his casinos, airline, football team and golf courses

He reached the point where he only made money licensing the Trump name and being a reality TV host
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...

He lost the popular vote. He's president because of a fluke.
A pure popular vote is nothing more than mob rule, This is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy...

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