Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

Seems like possession of stolen property and use of it for profit would be a crime.

4 decades ago the rich didn't like how much taxes they were paying. So they came up with a plan. Pay off the politicians to cut their taxes. But how can we pay for things if we cut their taxes? The answer for them was to raise our taxes. And that is what we have seen over the last 4 decades.

This is one of many reasons the gap between the rich and poor has widened.

Them hiring illegals has cost the middle class billions every year since Reagan

Out of control CEO compensation while the workers get no profit sharing.

Sending high paying jobs overseas and giving themselves bonus' for saving shareholders money.

All these things are how the rich and corporations waged class warfare on the rest of us. They are winning the class war you say we are the ones waging? Interesting.
His businesses lost and made money.

You don't get to be a Billionaire without losing some money, and you don't get to be a Billionaire without making Billions more than you lose.

It's really that simple.

Only a Socialist Moron who has never made a real living in his life and who is a leach and parasite does not understand what being a 'risk taker' means in a Capitalist Society.
The Great Recession was caused by people getting mortgage loans that they could not pay back.
They got those loans because of Democrat policies
We know how it happened what we want to know is who allowed it to happen? Republicans deregulated this industry so that it could do such things as bundle loans and sell them off. To give loans to people who shouldn't have loans. To give balloon loans that were predatory. I could go on and on. Fact is it happened on Bush's watch. Trump gets credit for this great economy then you must blame Bush after his first 7 years he caused the greatest recession since the great depression.
The Great Recession was caused by people getting mortgage loans that they could not pay back.
They got those loans because of Democrat policies
We know how it happened what we want to know is who allowed it to happen? Republicans deregulated this industry so that it could do such things as bundle loans and sell them off. To give loans to people who shouldn't have loans. To give balloon loans that were predatory. I could go on and on. Fact is it happened on Bush's watch. Trump gets credit for this great economy then you must blame Bush after his first 7 years he caused the greatest recession since the great depression.

OK, lets use your own logic.
The Space Shuttle crashed when Bill Clinton was president, therefore it's his fault.
Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The new information also suggests that Mr. Trump’s 1990 collapse might have struck several years earlier if not for his brief side career posing as a corporate raider.

"From 1986 through 1988, while his core businesses languished under increasingly unsupportable debt, Mr. Trump made millions of dollars in the stock market by suggesting that he was about to take over companies.

"But the figures show that he lost most, if not all, of those gains after investors stopped taking his takeover talk seriously."

Don the Con is the biggest fraud in US History.
You must really hate Warren Buffet.
You must really hate Warren Buffet.

Why do you worship stupidity?
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money

"The story of how Mr. Trump sidestepped a potentially ruinous tax bill emerged from documents recently discovered by The Times during a search of casino bankruptcy filings.

"Mr. Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad...."

"For each of his Atlantic City casinos, Mr. Trump formed a partnership between himself and a corporation that he wholly owned and created for this specific purpose.

"At the time, many businesses, particularly real estate ventures, were structured similarly, with the goal of protecting owners from losing personal money should their businesses go bust.

"But Mr. Trump was playing on a vastly different scale than most; his leverage was the stuff of legend.

"'There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money, because it takes the risk,' Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally in September."
Seems like possession of stolen property and use of it for profit would be a crime.

4 decades ago the rich didn't like how much taxes they were paying. So they came up with a plan. Pay off the politicians to cut their taxes. But how can we pay for things if we cut their taxes? The answer for them was to raise our taxes. And that is what we have seen over the last 4 decades.

This is one of many reasons the gap between the rich and poor has widened.

Them hiring illegals has cost the middle class billions every year since Reagan

Out of control CEO compensation while the workers get no profit sharing.

Sending high paying jobs overseas and giving themselves bonus' for saving shareholders money.

All these things are how the rich and corporations waged class warfare on the rest of us. They are winning the class war you say we are the ones waging? Interesting.

Ronny RayGun was a real ass hole; I'm glad he's playing golf with Hitler in Hell ..........
The CRA had nothing to do with the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.

So a law passed in 1977 sat silently in hiding & then leaped & pounced in 2006 - 2008 & created the worst recession in 80 years.

Great thinking.

Studies show the the percent of failed CRA loans among all mortgage loans during the collapse was no different from the percent of all mortgages that were CRA.

Seriously? LOL!!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!!

Yeah, seriously. It wasn’t the CRA as much as you desperately want to scapegoat low income people wanting a piece of the American dream. The fault is ALL with the banks that mixed good loans with bad. (1 ecoli lettuce among the good ones)

It wasn't just CRA, never said it was just CRA, there were many many issues and that played a part. Now, are you talking about the banks we bailed out? Those banks? The ones that were going to be held accountable and nothing happened to them? Those banks? Great plan, banks cause a recession and we bailed them out. Only politicians who were paid off by banks would think like that.

It wasn’t the CRA AT ALL. Had nothing to do with it.

Yeah, the banks that got bailed out caused the crisis. Not bailing them out would have created a worse crisis. Some politicians tried to fix the issues that led to the banks needing a bailout. It was called Dodd/Frank and Republicans hate it.

Frank and Dodd were part of the problem. Obama never went after corrupt bankers, no surprise there. We will have to agree to disagree about the CRA most of what I have read tells me that CRA was part of the problem, not the biggest however it was a part.
Seems like possession of stolen property and use of it for profit would be a crime.

4 decades ago the rich didn't like how much taxes they were paying. So they came up with a plan. Pay off the politicians to cut their taxes. But how can we pay for things if we cut their taxes? The answer for them was to raise our taxes. And that is what we have seen over the last 4 decades.

This is one of many reasons the gap between the rich and poor has widened.

Them hiring illegals has cost the middle class billions every year since Reagan

Out of control CEO compensation while the workers get no profit sharing.

Sending high paying jobs overseas and giving themselves bonus' for saving shareholders money.

All these things are how the rich and corporations waged class warfare on the rest of us. They are winning the class war you say we are the ones waging? Interesting.

Ronny RayGun was a real ass hole; I'm glad he's playing golf with Hitler in Hell ..........

I thought you libs loved Reagan as one of your own, with his son and daughter being leftwing whackadoos nowadays?
You must really hate Warren Buffet.
You must really hate Warren Buffet.

Why do you worship stupidity?
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money

"The story of how Mr. Trump sidestepped a potentially ruinous tax bill emerged from documents recently discovered by The Times during a search of casino bankruptcy filings.

"Mr. Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad...."

"For each of his Atlantic City casinos, Mr. Trump formed a partnership between himself and a corporation that he wholly owned and created for this specific purpose.

"At the time, many businesses, particularly real estate ventures, were structured similarly, with the goal of protecting owners from losing personal money should their businesses go bust.

"But Mr. Trump was playing on a vastly different scale than most; his leverage was the stuff of legend.

"'There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money, because it takes the risk,' Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally in September."

Congress needs to clean up the tax codes. I can't blame people for using the laws to their advantage. Of course, Congress has a bunch on millionaires that write tax codes for millionaires.
People who make above minimum wage are not doing fine with school tuition and orthodontics. That is a mathematical fact.

Depends on how far above. A little bit above, of course you are right. People making enough to be considered middle class are continuing to pay their bills under Trump. The success of companies like Align Technologies proves my point.
There is no depends. The top 1% gets almost all of it. These charts are mathematical facts. Any human being including myself who has gotten past third grade math has to understand the gigantic wage gap, and how the working class poor and the middle class are getting royally screwed. And all this started with the Reagan tax cuts; Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts
You must really hate Warren Buffet.
You must really hate Warren Buffet.

Why do you worship stupidity?
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money

"The story of how Mr. Trump sidestepped a potentially ruinous tax bill emerged from documents recently discovered by The Times during a search of casino bankruptcy filings.

"Mr. Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad...."

"For each of his Atlantic City casinos, Mr. Trump formed a partnership between himself and a corporation that he wholly owned and created for this specific purpose.

"At the time, many businesses, particularly real estate ventures, were structured similarly, with the goal of protecting owners from losing personal money should their businesses go bust.

"But Mr. Trump was playing on a vastly different scale than most; his leverage was the stuff of legend.

"'There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money, because it takes the risk,' Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally in September."
You didn’t answer the question.
Seems like possession of stolen property and use of it for profit would be a crime.

4 decades ago the rich didn't like how much taxes they were paying. So they came up with a plan. Pay off the politicians to cut their taxes. But how can we pay for things if we cut their taxes? The answer for them was to raise our taxes. And that is what we have seen over the last 4 decades.

This is one of many reasons the gap between the rich and poor has widened.

Them hiring illegals has cost the middle class billions every year since Reagan

Out of control CEO compensation while the workers get no profit sharing.

Sending high paying jobs overseas and giving themselves bonus' for saving shareholders money.

All these things are how the rich and corporations waged class warfare on the rest of us. They are winning the class war you say we are the ones waging? Interesting.

Ronny RayGun was a real ass hole; I'm glad he's playing golf with Hitler in Hell ..........

I thought you libs loved Reagan as one of your own, with his son and daughter being leftwing whackadoos nowadays?
Wrong! He got away with Iran Contra, compliments of Bill Barr. They're all thugs looking out for themselves.

Why do you worship stupidity?
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money

"The story of how Mr. Trump sidestepped a potentially ruinous tax bill emerged from documents recently discovered by The Times during a search of casino bankruptcy filings.

"Mr. Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad...."

"For each of his Atlantic City casinos, Mr. Trump formed a partnership between himself and a corporation that he wholly owned and created for this specific purpose.

"At the time, many businesses, particularly real estate ventures, were structured similarly, with the goal of protecting owners from losing personal money should their businesses go bust.

"But Mr. Trump was playing on a vastly different scale than most; his leverage was the stuff of legend.

"'There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money, because it takes the risk,' Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally in September."

Congress needs to clean up the tax codes. I can't blame people for using the laws to their advantage. Of course, Congress has a bunch on millionaires that write tax codes for millionaires.
And who wrote those codes this time that gives them the advantage? Take a wild guess? Having trouble? The thugs you voted for
No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.

Good businessmen come back from down times. Trump lost a ton of money...then he made a ton of money. Why you think that is "damning" mystifies me! Anyone who knows Trump's history knows that there was a real rough patch in the 80's and early 90's. It is what it is.
Trump never made money. He lives off Oligarchy laundered money and the money from fraudulent money laundering banks.
He has always lived off of his name
Exactly! Fred Trump gave him $415 million dollars and he lost every penny. Some business man. :auiqs.jpg:And his duped base still keep drinking the sewer water he gives them at his rallies. What a joke.

Trump lost hundreds of millions on his casinos, airline, football team and golf courses

He reached the point where he only made money licensing the Trump name and being a reality TV host
The Democrats who run Fannie Ma and Freddie Mac made $MILLIONS$
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the 2008 Credit Crisis
So that was like what more than 10 years ago?
Why does your kind always do that? Instead of defending your president you try to attack Democrats from some imaginary situation a decade or more ago.
Is that because the president is indefensible?

The point is that Trump was also screwed-over like the middle class was by the Democrat Great Recession
That's a lie and you know it. Back it up with facts hot shot.
Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.

Good businessmen come back from down times. Trump lost a ton of money...then he made a ton of money. Why you think that is "damning" mystifies me! Anyone who knows Trump's history knows that there was a real rough patch in the 80's and early 90's. It is what it is.
Trump never made money. He lives off Oligarchy laundered money and the money from fraudulent money laundering banks.
He has always lived off of his name
Exactly! Fred Trump gave him $415 million dollars and he lost every penny. Some business man. :auiqs.jpg:And his duped base still keep drinking the sewer water he gives them at his rallies. What a joke.

Trump lost hundreds of millions on his casinos, airline, football team and golf courses

He reached the point where he only made money licensing the Trump name and being a reality TV host
And it all came from overseas. They own his criminal ass. And we are paying the big price for his criminality. Impeach this bastard now.
Why don’t Republicans care that Trump is a business failure?
Because he’s a huge success. Again an effort to have feelings, or wishes, trumping facts.
Trump is owned by crooked Oligarch's and overseas banks. That's not success. That's having your ass in a vice while they tell Trump what to do at our expense.
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
Cool...why didn’t they ask for it?
How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money

"The story of how Mr. Trump sidestepped a potentially ruinous tax bill emerged from documents recently discovered by The Times during a search of casino bankruptcy filings.

"Mr. Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad...."

"For each of his Atlantic City casinos, Mr. Trump formed a partnership between himself and a corporation that he wholly owned and created for this specific purpose.

"At the time, many businesses, particularly real estate ventures, were structured similarly, with the goal of protecting owners from losing personal money should their businesses go bust.

"But Mr. Trump was playing on a vastly different scale than most; his leverage was the stuff of legend.

"'There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money, because it takes the risk,' Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally in September."

Congress needs to clean up the tax codes. I can't blame people for using the laws to their advantage. Of course, Congress has a bunch on millionaires that write tax codes for millionaires.
And who wrote those codes this time that gives them the advantage? Take a wild guess? Having trouble? The thugs you voted for

Democrats held the House from 1955 to 1995, they held the Senate 1955 to 1981 and then again in 1987- 1995. Seems to me that both parties have taken care of their rich buddies by writing the tax codes.
Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The new information also suggests that Mr. Trump’s 1990 collapse might have struck several years earlier if not for his brief side career posing as a corporate raider.

"From 1986 through 1988, while his core businesses languished under increasingly unsupportable debt, Mr. Trump made millions of dollars in the stock market by suggesting that he was about to take over companies.

"But the figures show that he lost most, if not all, of those gains after investors stopped taking his takeover talk seriously."

Don the Con is the biggest fraud in US History.
You must really hate Warren Buffet.
You must really hate Warren Buffet.

Why do you worship stupidity?
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Trump is still the King of Losers

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

"The 10-year total: $1.17 billion in losses.

"Mr. Trump was able to lose all that money without facing the usual consequences — such as a steep drop in his standard of living — in part because most of it belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.

"And as The Times’s earlier investigation showed, Mr. Trump secretly leaned on his father’s wealth to continue living like a winner and to stage a comeback."
He blew $415 million dollars of his fathers money. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:"Businessman!" That's funny as hell. What a bunch of dupes these Trump cultists are.
He blew $415 million dollars of his fathers money. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:"Businessman!" That's funny as hell. What a bunch of dupes these Trump cultists are
For all his many faults and deficiencies, Trump has shaken up the status quo like no POTUS before him.

Clinton promised change.

Obama promised change.

But Trump delivered in ways that are likely to make the status quo much worse, depending on who follows Trump into the Oval Office.

Maybe we don't vote with our minds as much as we do with our hearts and guts?

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