Trump: 3000 people did not die in the 2 hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. thats a Dem lie. i love PR

IMHO---if thousands of people died just because of a hurricaine-------there is something really wrong with how that place is run
Yeah natural disasters are sooooo easy to deal with. Christ.

Natural disasters? so far-------the recent hurricanes have been compared to several I survived in the 1950s------there were pockets of real disaster type situations---and also pockets of real slum and poverty etc etc-------big trees went down, houses were smashed----the streets were flooded here and there-----but
"deaths" ??? ----one or two

The irony in this "report" is that in hurricanes, most people drown. Puerto Rico has very little flat land and is very mountainous in the interior. One would not expect as many deaths in Puerto Rico as they would from a similar storm in lower areas like Louisiana or in the Carolinas.
"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000

This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!"

People are sick and tired of this nonsense, and Trump keeps exposing it!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

Here is the report:

What research did you did...

Simply put 3000 Americans are dead and the President thinks he did a tremendous job...

The report is a study that even itself admits more research needs to be done. It is not based on hard counts of deaths or causes of death.

Couldn't do a hard count... They had a hurricane you know, people kind of concentrate on saving the people they got not counting a cataloging the dead...

Strange how you ignore American deaths because they can't find the body... You know they didn't find all the dead Jews in the Holocaust either...

They can't do a hard count? What do you mean? They can't look at the actual hard figures and compile a list? How is it we can have a detailed list of every single person that died on 9/11 and all those who later died, but a hurricane is out of the question?

Did some of those people who died during the hurricane suddenly come back to life?
IMHO---if thousands of people died just because of a hurricaine-------there is something really wrong with how that place is run

There is a lot wrong with what happened in Puerto Rico. The federal response was totallly inadequate. All communications was destroyed in the hurricane so the local government response was hobbled by an inability to contact workers, and roads that were destroyed.

There was a prohibition against non-American ships landing in the port with supplies and assistance that the Federal government refused to waive.

There was no federal assistance in restoring power, fixing the roads, and getting clean water to rural areas.

Basically they dropped supplies on the dock and left them there to rot.

You are nothing more than a lying POS! Trump waived the Jones Act.

Trump Waives Jones Act for Puerto Rico, Easing Hurricane Aid Shipments

Which federal agency repairs power lines, repairs roads, and provides clean water? Oh, darn! There isn't one, dumbass!

I guess all of those helicopters flying supplies to the remote areas were just figments of our imagination.

I don't which is worse, you being a dumbass or a liar!
"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000

This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!"

People are sick and tired of this nonsense, and Trump keeps exposing it!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

Apparently Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis stands with the count of 3000 and going against the orange cheeto turd.

My grandmother's former roommate's cousin's niece said that nobody died in Puerto Rico for the past 20 years and it is all a farce, but I don't have a link that proves she said that.

Neither do you, dumbass!
"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000

This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!"

People are sick and tired of this nonsense, and Trump keeps exposing it!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

Here is the report:

What research did you did...

Simply put 3000 Americans are dead and the President thinks he did a tremendous job...

In other words, instead of making a list of all the people who died related to the hurricane, they just threw a bunch of numbers together, adding and subtracted based on their biased theories and came out with a number.

Shit smells and that report is a real stinker!
What SPECIFICALLY in the methodology do you object to?

If someone dies of cancer or in a car accident, you disregard the death
If someone dies from drinking contaminated water, you acknowledge that people do die from that every year. Then you look at past averages of deaths from contaminated water and compare to the increase after Maria
The additional deaths you attribute to Maria
So on the one hand we have

George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health.. And of course Penn State, Harvard, and the NY Times all came up with death tolls in the thousands as well.

And on the other hand we have Trump making twitter claims...based on...nothing

Which has more chance of being accurate?

Where is the list of names?

I'd say that has a much better chance at being accurate.
Where is the list of names?

I'd say that has a much better chance at being accurate.

I'd were just polishing Trump turds.

This was investigated the same way Katrina was.

If you have an issue...give George Washington University a call
Where is the list of names?

I'd say that has a much better chance at being accurate.

I'd were just polishing Trump turds.

This was investigated the same way Katrina was.

If you have an issue...give George Washington University a call

Nope. You believe them, so you have to ask yourself why a simple list could not be done?

Using the methods they chose, Hillary would be President right now if we based our elections off estimates.
Again, on the one hand we have a study by George Washington University....which is in line with other studies done by Penn State, Harvard, and the NY Times

and on the other we have

Trump tweets.

Which sounds more reasonable?
If Republicans don’t like being compared to Nazis, perhaps they should stop denying that the mass deaths of ethnic minorities ever happened.
Again, on the one hand we have a study by George Washington University....which is in line with other studies done by Penn State, Harvard, and the NY Times

and on the other we have

Trump tweets.

Which sounds more reasonable?

Since I understand how screwed up their methodology was, I am going with the Trump's tweets
Again, on the one hand we have a study by George Washington University....which is in line with other studies done by Penn State, Harvard, and the NY Times

and on the other we have

Trump tweets.

Which sounds more reasonable?

Since I understand how screwed up their methodology was, I am going with the Trump's tweets
Since I understand that you are talking out your ass and that Trump lies as easily as he lies...I'll go with the studies by three universities
The TDS and smear campaign of the leftist brigade continues...............

I've been posting facts on multiple threads on this issue.....too many to post to them all.......

The response by FEMA, Army Corp of Engineers, Navy, and Federal Funding was Massive.......but unless we have a Genie in a bottle............restoring an entire Island takes time.............a Fact that the left is Lying about for POLITICAL REASONS.........

The responders did a very good job under harsh circumstances.........and continue to do so...........

To address the mortality rate increases after a Island is destroyed and blame ONE MAN is UTTER BS. But tis an election year and a Party with NO AGENDA other than ATTACK the other PLAYING STANDARD CARDS..............

Using a disaster for political DIRTY...........and nothing more.

To the relief workers...........and military who have stayed the course in a massive recovery in Puerto Rico.........

Again, on the one hand we have a study by George Washington University....which is in line with other studies done by Penn State, Harvard, and the NY Times

and on the other we have

Trump tweets.

Which sounds more reasonable?

Since I understand how screwed up their methodology was, I am going with the Trump's tweets
Since I understand that you are talking out your ass and that Trump lies as easily as he lies...I'll go with the studies by three universities

They set out to make a statement and made up numbers to back the up.

Why can't there be a detailed list?
They set out to make a statement and made up numbers to back the up.

Why can't there be a detailed list?

A. You're pulling the first part out of your ass.

B. Have you read the study?

Yes, I read the study. The fact that I have an education also means that I can detect that bullshit that you menta midgets prefer to gloss over.

You didn't answer the question. I work with detailed lists of personal information that often close in on 10,000 in number and those are in just the suburbs of major cities. It is not that difficult to compile an accurate list of everyone who died and why. We have them for the 9/11 victims, don't we?
Again, on the one hand we have a study by George Washington University....which is in line with other studies done by Penn State, Harvard, and the NY Times

and on the other we have

Trump tweets.

Which sounds more reasonable?

Since I understand how screwed up their methodology was, I am going with the Trump's tweets
Since I understand that you are talking out your ass and that Trump lies as easily as he lies...I'll go with the studies by three universities

They set out to make a statement and made up numbers to back the up.

Why can't there be a detailed list?
Because, case by case, you can’t be certain of the factor that led to their death
If they died from drinking contaminated water, you could claim people die from drinking contaminated water every year. But if you study averages from every year and see a massive spike after the hurricane, you can attribute that spike to the hurricane

There is a course called Statistics 101, you should look into it. Your students could be interested
Again, on the one hand we have a study by George Washington University....which is in line with other studies done by Penn State, Harvard, and the NY Times

and on the other we have

Trump tweets.

Which sounds more reasonable?

Since I understand how screwed up their methodology was, I am going with the Trump's tweets
Since I understand that you are talking out your ass and that Trump lies as easily as he lies...I'll go with the studies by three universities

They set out to make a statement and made up numbers to back the up.

Why can't there be a detailed list?
Because, case by case, you can’t be certain of the factor that led to their death
If they died from drinking contaminated water, you could claim people die from drinking contaminated water every year. But if you study averages from every year and see a massive spike after the hurricane, you can attribute that spike to the hurricane

There is a course called Statistics 101, you should look into it. Your students could be interested
Easy from the cheap seats come to mind..........Are you getting a nose bleed from the cheap seats complaining about every thing with your TDS.......

There is another aspect.........REALITY.......which you don't live in...........massive efforts happened there ......PERIOD........

But you are playing a political tool..........because you want outrage for an's not about the effort there........

Thread after thread libbies repeating lies............As you polarize this one situation you ignore the other relief efforts going on about Irma......the rest of the Islands and Key West that were hit............yet the Lion's share of the relief were in Puerto Rico which happens to be over a 1000 miles away.

Never let a tragedy go to waste............right bud............your TDS is a disgrace to those Americans down there doing a hard job under difficult circumstances from a Gov't down there doing interviews with stacks of supplies behind them...........Wearing T-shirts that were made after the storm........they can make T shirts saying we are dying but can't get off their asses load trucks and get the supplies inland..........

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000

This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!"

People are sick and tired of this nonsense, and Trump keeps exposing it!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

he's pretty sick and so is anyone who repeats his baseless BS
Again, on the one hand we have a study by George Washington University....which is in line with other studies done by Penn State, Harvard, and the NY Times

and on the other we have

Trump tweets.

Which sounds more reasonable?

Since I understand how screwed up their methodology was, I am going with the Trump's tweets
Since I understand that you are talking out your ass and that Trump lies as easily as he lies...I'll go with the studies by three universities

They set out to make a statement and made up numbers to back the up.

Why can't there be a detailed list?
Because, case by case, you can’t be certain of the factor that led to their death
If they died from drinking contaminated water, you could claim people die from drinking contaminated water every year. But if you study averages from every year and see a massive spike after the hurricane, you can attribute that spike to the hurricane

There is a course called Statistics 101, you should look into it. Your students could be interested
Easy from the cheap seats come to mind..........Are you getting a nose bleed from the cheap seats complaining about every thing with your TDS.......

There is another aspect.........REALITY.......which you don't live in...........massive efforts happened there ......PERIOD........

But you are playing a political tool..........because you want outrage for an's not about the effort there........

Thread after thread libbies repeating lies............As you polarize this one situation you ignore the other relief efforts going on about Irma......the rest of the Islands and Key West that were hit............yet the Lion's share of the relief were in Puerto Rico which happens to be over a 1000 miles away.

Never let a tragedy go to waste............right bud............your TDS is a disgrace to those Americans down there doing a hard job under difficult circumstances from a Gov't down there doing interviews with stacks of supplies behind them...........Wearing T-shirts that were made after the storm........they can make T shirts saying we are dying but can't get off their asses load trucks and get the supplies inland..........


you sickos know that it's Donald who tried to cash in on a tragedy, right?

he failed vis a vis Puerto Rico. anyone with more than half a brain knows that. yet, when he started running his insane mouth and gave himself an A+ in Puerto Rico, he invited a response from normal people.

now be quiet and stop whining trumpflake..

pathetic little trumpkin losers .

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