Trump: 3000 people did not die in the 2 hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. thats a Dem lie. i love PR

Puerto Rican Power Utility PREPA Files For Bankruptcy

The Puerto Rico power utility PREPA, ladden with a $9 billion debt load, has filed for a form of bankruptcy, Puerto Rico’s primary fiscal agent said on Sunday.

PROMESA was created to help Puerto Rico emerge from a crisis marked by $72 billion in debt, a 45 percent poverty rate on the island and insolvent public pensions. Some public entities, including Puerto Rico’s central government itself, have already filed Title III cases.

The Only utility in Puerto Rico was BANKRUPT before the storm hit. The country was Bankrupt before the storm hit..........Hurricane Irma took out a third of the Islands electricity before Maria hit........

Since I understand how screwed up their methodology was, I am going with the Trump's tweets
Since I understand that you are talking out your ass and that Trump lies as easily as he lies...I'll go with the studies by three universities

They set out to make a statement and made up numbers to back the up.

Why can't there be a detailed list?
Because, case by case, you can’t be certain of the factor that led to their death
If they died from drinking contaminated water, you could claim people die from drinking contaminated water every year. But if you study averages from every year and see a massive spike after the hurricane, you can attribute that spike to the hurricane

There is a course called Statistics 101, you should look into it. Your students could be interested
Easy from the cheap seats come to mind..........Are you getting a nose bleed from the cheap seats complaining about every thing with your TDS.......

There is another aspect.........REALITY.......which you don't live in...........massive efforts happened there ......PERIOD........

But you are playing a political tool..........because you want outrage for an's not about the effort there........

Thread after thread libbies repeating lies............As you polarize this one situation you ignore the other relief efforts going on about Irma......the rest of the Islands and Key West that were hit............yet the Lion's share of the relief were in Puerto Rico which happens to be over a 1000 miles away.

Never let a tragedy go to waste............right bud............your TDS is a disgrace to those Americans down there doing a hard job under difficult circumstances from a Gov't down there doing interviews with stacks of supplies behind them...........Wearing T-shirts that were made after the storm........they can make T shirts saying we are dying but can't get off their asses load trucks and get the supplies inland..........


you sickos know that it's Donald who tried to cash in on a tragedy, right?

he failed vis a vis Puerto Rico. anyone with more than half a brain knows that. yet, when he started running his insane mouth and gave himself an A+ in Puerto Rico, he invited a response from normal people.

now be quiet and stop whining trumpflake..

pathetic little trumpkin losers .
Shut up.

Your lies are being called out.........the response was massive....yet your side complains about don't look at the Reality on the ground.

And now use it as a political football for the next election..........You also ignore the other relief efforts at the same time and the 90 Billion in relief.

What the HELL do you want...........a MIRACLE......huh.........your emotions DON'T GET THE JOB DONE.

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