Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

He's no regressive... in fact he's their worst nightmare, literally. They weep after hearing his name, even.
There will be no weeping Norman IF he brings good jobs back to america if the unemployment rate goes down and folks find more money in their paychecks if he keeps us out of conflicts with other nations reduces our debt gets our gdp up to 4% like he said
The floor is all yours Norman your's and chumps

The UE wont go down much more, but whats more important is get rid of obama care so the millions of partime jobs created under obozo care become full time.
Can't wait to see that 5% GDP and those millions lol part time jobs magically become full time....Don't hold your breath

And EVEN if those millions ,,of part time jobs became full time WHAT of the 92 million out of work now that repubs bitched and moaned about for so long??
------------------------------------------------ only the Trump knows what he is going to do but at least an American is back in charge , lets see what he does Eddie !!

Funny Republicans argued with us for years and now you guys are basically siding with a guy who agrees with us. Glad to see you've come back towards the center from the far far right.

Donald Trump Just Contradicted Everything Republicans Have Said About The Economy For 8 Years
I mean, they were wrong. But still.

Donald Trump said something... true?

“Well sometimes you have to prime the pump,”

The point is that with his talk of “priming the pump,” Trump appears to be embracing the version of Keynesian economic theory that has dominated American policymaking since World War II.

The idea is pretty simple: When the economy gets into a rut, the government can get it out by spending money. Hiring workers to fix bridges and paint schoolhouses puts money in their pockets, which they can, in turn, go out and spend on other goods. Retailers can thus afford to employ workers to sell those goods, who in turn can spend their pay on other things, and off we go. The economy grows.

Republicans have made a show of rejecting this idea since President Barack Obamatook office in 2009. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and others have insisted that government spending is economic poison, and that a responsible government can somehow cut its way to growth. This is what much of Europe has been trying to do since the financial crisis, with lousyeconomic (and political) results.

Trump has talked like a Keynesian before. During the campaign, he vowed to implement a $550 billion infrastructure project, and basically said he would borrow money to pay for it. That’s what Obama did with his 2009 stimulus package, but Republicans voted against it, denounced it and insisted the country was headed for a “debt crisis” that never actually materialized.

Conservatives condemn big budget deficits and government spending when Democrats are in power, but they tend to govern as militarist Keynesians, slashing taxes and spending big on defense. “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter,” Vice President Dick Cheney once said, while pursuing exactly those policies, which Ryan voted for.
TRADE WARS , when was the last Trade War in the USA . Only thing i remember was Harley Davidson taking the 'japs' to court over some clone motorcycles but i forget the details . And that was only a battle in 81 or thereabouts and i think that the 'japs' lost that battle . So when was the last trade war ??
1930's probably.
I don't think the term trade wars hardly even existed prior to that because protectionism was the rule and free trade was the exception. After WWII, the US as well as other nations began slowly dropping trade barriers which resulted in a 10 fold growth of the US economy. Protectionism preserves jobs in the protected industries but does not promote job growth. Today, 1 in every 5 jobs is dependent on imports and exports which has doubled in the last 20 years.
The problem is there's a loss of industrial jobs for less educated workers that pay middle class wages. Neither party really has a solution.

Obama provided less affordable HC than he could have, and even then these folks want jobs, not gummit handouts. But, that may be all there is ... beyond convenience stores and counter help.

The gop's pro growth policies probably will create jobs in urban areas - both high skilled and more service oriented - but if someone in Ohio wants one, they'll have to move to Pitt or Philly.
There is no place in American manufacturing for poorly educated unskilled workers anymore. However, many of these people can acquire the skills they need to hold down good jobs some in manufacturing and some in the service industry but they will have to get up off their butts and go where the jobs are.

Contrary to popular belief, American manufacturing is booming. Since the end of the recession, production has increased from 1.7 trillion dollars to 2.15 trillion and added 800,000 jobs. There are now 12.3 million manufacturing workers.

The vast majority of these plants are a far cry from the huge rust belt plants. They are large in number but have small work forces. Of the 250,000 plants in the manufacturing sector, all but 3700 have fewer than 500 employees. The presumption that these plants are just for very high skill college grads is not true. Most of the employees are high school graduates usually with some college or specialized training. Another difference between America's new manufacturing and the old rust belt plants is the willingness of the companies to train their employees, often working with local community colleges.

According to economist, these manufacturing jobs are going to increase by 3.1 million over the next 10 years.
Top 20 Facts About Manufacturing | NAM

60 Minutes ran a good piece about this. It's worth watching if you're interested.

The Golden Triangle
Robots are not helping as well as new machinery far more effective than the old
He's no regressive... in fact he's their worst nightmare, literally. They weep after hearing his name, even.
There will be no weeping Norman IF he brings good jobs back to america if the unemployment rate goes down and folks find more money in their paychecks if he keeps us out of conflicts with other nations reduces our debt gets our gdp up to 4% like he said
The floor is all yours Norman your's and chumps

The UE wont go down much more, but whats more important is get rid of obama care so the millions of partime jobs created under obozo care become full time.
Can't wait to see that 5% GDP and those millions lol part time jobs magically become full time....Don't hold your breath

And EVEN if those millions ,,of part time jobs became full time WHAT of the 92 million out of work now that repubs bitched and moaned about for so long??
------------------------------------------------ only the Trump knows what he is going to do but at least an American is back in charge , lets see what he does Eddie !!
An American?? And you believed the BS that trump was spewing???The birther shit? I find it very difficult to get along with Republicans when they believe such idiocy
And what, pray tell, will the new sheriff do, since congress isn't gonna approve any tariff?
----------------------------------------------------------------- just so the TRUMP keeps fecking with you guys plus congress , china , iran , mexico and the EU and starts messing with the UN , france and other countries and entities . Then the TRUMP will be doing his job Ben !! ---------------------------------------- and just some unrelated breaking news . 'rom emanuel' Chicago Mayor just spotted leaving elevator at Trump Tower after he kissed some azz Ben !!
So, what is the new sheriff going to do? Specifically. Shall we put troops in Syria? Support Assad or the guys we half assedly supported before? Shall we cooperate with Iran in Iraq, or should we put boots on the ground.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thats up to the TRUMP . I say , let Assad have syria !! Iran needs to be messed with by voiding mrobamas nuke deal and sanctions reinstated and they need to be messed with by any means possible . The socalled rebels fighting Assad , let them be killed by Assad and the Russians with no more support from the USA !! If troops are needed the TRUMP and his team will make that decision Ben ,
If the US walked away from the Iranian Nuclear deal, they would be doing it alone. Neither Russia, China, or our European allies would be likely to reimpose sanctions. Without a coalition applying sanctions, US sanctions would have little impact except to create a climate that would strengthen Iranian determination to become a nuclear power.
You have more patience than I.

We are focking around in Syria because John McCain and the gop hawks demanded Obama do something. So, now, is Trump going to do something different? Pismo says we'll go back to letting Assad do what the wants. Wow, a new Sheriff. What a swinging big dick.

And, you are right. We can impose unilateral sanctions on Iran which will only punish ... American firms. Nobody want's to go there. In fact the reason there is an Iran deal was Russia China and the EU told us to cut a deal of they'd cut one without us.

Syria is a done deal. The Russians are going to clean out the rebels and run ISIS off to some other country. Assad will come back to power with the strong support of Russia and will continue to cause problems for the US. Trump will of course claim that he single highhandedly defeat of ISIS.
There will be no weeping Norman IF he brings good jobs back to america if the unemployment rate goes down and folks find more money in their paychecks if he keeps us out of conflicts with other nations reduces our debt gets our gdp up to 4% like he said
The floor is all yours Norman your's and chumps

The UE wont go down much more, but whats more important is get rid of obama care so the millions of partime jobs created under obozo care become full time.
Can't wait to see that 5% GDP and those millions lol part time jobs magically become full time....Don't hold your breath

And EVEN if those millions ,,of part time jobs became full time WHAT of the 92 million out of work now that repubs bitched and moaned about for so long??
------------------------------------------------ only the Trump knows what he is going to do but at least an American is back in charge , lets see what he does Eddie !!
An American?? And you believed the BS that trump was spewing???The birther shit? I find it very difficult to get along with Republicans when they believe such idiocy
--------------------------------------------------- birther , i didn't pay much attention to that but no matter where mrobama was born he is not an American Eddie . And I'm not a repub rino , more of a free lancer though i'd never vote for a democrat , especially nowadays Eddie .
Last edited:
i mean any American should have known that someone named ' b hussein o' shouild never be voted for for anything simply because of his name . And then his church [cult] and long time minister [wright] and then the fact that he is / was a doper Eddie .
i mean any American should have known that someone named ' b hussein o' shouild never be voted for for anything simply because of his name . And then his church [cult] and long time minister [wright] and then the fact that he is / was a doper Eddie .
I give up You and the pussy grabber win And maybe he'll win those 75 open lawsuits against him
There will be no weeping Norman IF he brings good jobs back to america if the unemployment rate goes down and folks find more money in their paychecks if he keeps us out of conflicts with other nations reduces our debt gets our gdp up to 4% like he said
The floor is all yours Norman your's and chumps

The UE wont go down much more, but whats more important is get rid of obama care so the millions of partime jobs created under obozo care become full time.
Can't wait to see that 5% GDP and those millions lol part time jobs magically become full time....Don't hold your breath

And EVEN if those millions ,,of part time jobs became full time WHAT of the 92 million out of work now that repubs bitched and moaned about for so long??
------------------------------------------------ only the Trump knows what he is going to do but at least an American is back in charge , lets see what he does Eddie !!

Funny Republicans argued with us for years and now you guys are basically siding with a guy who agrees with us. Glad to see you've come back towards the center from the far far right.

Donald Trump Just Contradicted Everything Republicans Have Said About The Economy For 8 Years
I mean, they were wrong. But still.

Donald Trump said something... true?

“Well sometimes you have to prime the pump,”

The point is that with his talk of “priming the pump,” Trump appears to be embracing the version of Keynesian economic theory that has dominated American policymaking since World War II.

The idea is pretty simple: When the economy gets into a rut, the government can get it out by spending money. Hiring workers to fix bridges and paint schoolhouses puts money in their pockets, which they can, in turn, go out and spend on other goods. Retailers can thus afford to employ workers to sell those goods, who in turn can spend their pay on other things, and off we go. The economy grows.

Republicans have made a show of rejecting this idea since President Barack Obamatook office in 2009. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and others have insisted that government spending is economic poison, and that a responsible government can somehow cut its way to growth. This is what much of Europe has been trying to do since the financial crisis, with lousyeconomic (and political) results.

Trump has talked like a Keynesian before. During the campaign, he vowed to implement a $550 billion infrastructure project, and basically said he would borrow money to pay for it. That’s what Obama did with his 2009 stimulus package, but Republicans voted against it, denounced it and insisted the country was headed for a “debt crisis” that never actually materialized.

Conservatives condemn big budget deficits and government spending when Democrats are in power, but they tend to govern as militarist Keynesians, slashing taxes and spending big on defense. “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter,” Vice President Dick Cheney once said, while pursuing exactly those policies, which Ryan voted for.
Congress will give Trump about 10% of what he wants and Trump will claim a huge victory.
i mean any American should have known that someone named ' b hussein o' shouild never be voted for for anything simply because of his name . And then his church [cult] and long time minister [wright] and then the fact that he is / was a doper Eddie .
So name, church, and minster are your criteria. Never would have guessed. :cuckoo:
-------------------------------------------------- probably not going to be a trade war , i think the TRUMP is just warning people and business in the USA and around the world . Just scaring those that need to be scared Crixus . imo !!

Exactly he is sending a message to the world that there is a new sheriff in town and his name is not Barney "Obama" fife

And what, pray tell, will the new sheriff do, since congress isn't gonna approve any tariff?

Yea we know liberals like you dont have a clue about leadership or threats.
I'm a republican and I see you have no specific answer. LOL
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just a comment , you are probably one of those RINO repub gop'ers or simply whats known as a 'moderate' . Heck , moderate 'rinos' are worse than lefty democrats Ben . [if you didn't know] -------------------- just a comment Ben !!

Ya, maybe buy it beats being trump trailer trash who while they beat their old ladys they collect their government hand outs from the mail box thats sits under an upside down american flag with FTW spray painted on it. It will be awesome to see you whine and cry when trump screws the pooch and dont keep his campaign promises. You will likely say you were always being Jeb or Kasich.
-------------------------------------------------- probably not going to be a trade war , i think the TRUMP is just warning people and business in the USA and around the world . Just scaring those that need to be scared Crixus . imo !!

Exactly he is sending a message to the world that there is a new sheriff in town and his name is not Barney "Obama" fife

And what, pray tell, will the new sheriff do, since congress isn't gonna approve any tariff?
----------------------------------------------------------------- just so the TRUMP keeps fecking with you guys plus congress , china , iran , mexico and the EU and starts messing with the UN , france and other countries and entities . Then the TRUMP will be doing his job Ben !! ---------------------------------------- and just some unrelated breaking news . 'rom emanuel' Chicago Mayor just spotted leaving elevator at Trump Tower after he kissed some azz Ben !!
So, what is the new sheriff going to do? Specifically. Shall we put troops in Syria? Support Assad or the guys we half assedly supported before? Shall we cooperate with Iran in Iraq, or should we put boots on the ground.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thats up to the TRUMP . I say , let Assad have syria !! Iran needs to be messed with by voiding mrobamas nuke deal and sanctions reinstated and they need to be messed with by any means possible . The socalled rebels fighting Assad , let them be killed by Assad and the Russians with no more support from the USA !! If troops are needed the TRUMP and his team will make that decision Ben ,

Not really moron. Congress already said they aint working with Trump on every single issue you mouth breathers voted for him over.
Exactly he is sending a message to the world that there is a new sheriff in town and his name is not Barney "Obama" fife

And what, pray tell, will the new sheriff do, since congress isn't gonna approve any tariff?
----------------------------------------------------------------- just so the TRUMP keeps fecking with you guys plus congress , china , iran , mexico and the EU and starts messing with the UN , france and other countries and entities . Then the TRUMP will be doing his job Ben !! ---------------------------------------- and just some unrelated breaking news . 'rom emanuel' Chicago Mayor just spotted leaving elevator at Trump Tower after he kissed some azz Ben !!
So, what is the new sheriff going to do? Specifically. Shall we put troops in Syria? Support Assad or the guys we half assedly supported before? Shall we cooperate with Iran in Iraq, or should we put boots on the ground.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thats up to the TRUMP . I say , let Assad have syria !! Iran needs to be messed with by voiding mrobamas nuke deal and sanctions reinstated and they need to be messed with by any means possible . The socalled rebels fighting Assad , let them be killed by Assad and the Russians with no more support from the USA !! If troops are needed the TRUMP and his team will make that decision Ben ,

Not really moron. Congress already said they aint working with Trump on every single issue you mouth breathers voted for him over.

In your

You mad bro?
Exactly he is sending a message to the world that there is a new sheriff in town and his name is not Barney "Obama" fife

And what, pray tell, will the new sheriff do, since congress isn't gonna approve any tariff?

Yea we know liberals like you dont have a clue about leadership or threats.
I'm a republican and I see you have no specific answer. LOL
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just a comment , you are probably one of those RINO repub gop'ers or simply whats known as a 'moderate' . Heck , moderate 'rinos' are worse than lefty democrats Ben . [if you didn't know] -------------------- just a comment Ben !!

Ya, maybe buy it beats being trump trailer trash who while they beat their old ladys they collect their government hand outs from the mail box thats sits under an upside down american flag with FTW spray painted on it. It will be awesome to see you whine and cry when trump screws the pooch and dont keep his campaign promises. You will likely say you were always being Jeb or Kasich.


And what, pray tell, will the new sheriff do, since congress isn't gonna approve any tariff?
----------------------------------------------------------------- just so the TRUMP keeps fecking with you guys plus congress , china , iran , mexico and the EU and starts messing with the UN , france and other countries and entities . Then the TRUMP will be doing his job Ben !! ---------------------------------------- and just some unrelated breaking news . 'rom emanuel' Chicago Mayor just spotted leaving elevator at Trump Tower after he kissed some azz Ben !!
So, what is the new sheriff going to do? Specifically. Shall we put troops in Syria? Support Assad or the guys we half assedly supported before? Shall we cooperate with Iran in Iraq, or should we put boots on the ground.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thats up to the TRUMP . I say , let Assad have syria !! Iran needs to be messed with by voiding mrobamas nuke deal and sanctions reinstated and they need to be messed with by any means possible . The socalled rebels fighting Assad , let them be killed by Assad and the Russians with no more support from the USA !! If troops are needed the TRUMP and his team will make that decision Ben ,

Not really moron. Congress already said they aint working with Trump on every single issue you mouth breathers voted for him over.

In your

You mad bro?

In my dreams ? Ryan himself as well as the McCarthy guy from California, John McCain,Mitch McConnell and many, many more have already said Trumps agenda is going nowhere. News guys diddnt say they said iy, they flat out said it on the news.
----------------------------------------------------------------- just so the TRUMP keeps fecking with you guys plus congress , china , iran , mexico and the EU and starts messing with the UN , france and other countries and entities . Then the TRUMP will be doing his job Ben !! ---------------------------------------- and just some unrelated breaking news . 'rom emanuel' Chicago Mayor just spotted leaving elevator at Trump Tower after he kissed some azz Ben !!
So, what is the new sheriff going to do? Specifically. Shall we put troops in Syria? Support Assad or the guys we half assedly supported before? Shall we cooperate with Iran in Iraq, or should we put boots on the ground.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thats up to the TRUMP . I say , let Assad have syria !! Iran needs to be messed with by voiding mrobamas nuke deal and sanctions reinstated and they need to be messed with by any means possible . The socalled rebels fighting Assad , let them be killed by Assad and the Russians with no more support from the USA !! If troops are needed the TRUMP and his team will make that decision Ben ,

Not really moron. Congress already said they aint working with Trump on every single issue you mouth breathers voted for him over.

In your

You mad bro?

In my dreams ? Ryan himself as well as the McCarthy guy from California, John McCain,Mitch McConnell and many, many more have already said Trumps agenda is going nowhere. News guys diddnt say they said iy, they flat out said it on the news.

They will flip flop faster then you can say mississippi... Alot of compromise will be going on...

We wont have the same congress we had for the past 14 years.
not a great situation

Considering trump is a liberal


He's no regressive... in fact he's their worst nightmare, literally. They weep after hearing his name, even.
There will be no weeping Norman IF he brings good jobs back to america if the unemployment rate goes down and folks find more money in their paychecks if he keeps us out of conflicts with other nations reduces our debt gets our gdp up to 4% like he said
The floor is all yours Norman your's and chumps

The UE wont go down much more, but whats more important is get rid of obama care so the millions of partime jobs created under obozo care become full time.
Great. :eusa_doh:

More rightarded nonsense from the moronic right.

Such part time jobs are down since ObamaCare went into effect...

So, what is the new sheriff going to do? Specifically. Shall we put troops in Syria? Support Assad or the guys we half assedly supported before? Shall we cooperate with Iran in Iraq, or should we put boots on the ground.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thats up to the TRUMP . I say , let Assad have syria !! Iran needs to be messed with by voiding mrobamas nuke deal and sanctions reinstated and they need to be messed with by any means possible . The socalled rebels fighting Assad , let them be killed by Assad and the Russians with no more support from the USA !! If troops are needed the TRUMP and his team will make that decision Ben ,

Not really moron. Congress already said they aint working with Trump on every single issue you mouth breathers voted for him over.

In your

You mad bro?

In my dreams ? Ryan himself as well as the McCarthy guy from California, John McCain,Mitch McConnell and many, many more have already said Trumps agenda is going nowhere. News guys diddnt say they said iy, they flat out said it on the news.

They will flip flop faster then you can say mississippi... Alot of compromise will be going on...

We wont have the same congress we had for the past 14 years.
Yeah, a 2000 mile wall will become 50 miles and 200 miles of fencing. Mass deportations will be convicted felons deported after serving their time. A trillion dollar infrastructure bill will become a hundred billion. Ryan will focus on a healthcare bill and a tax cuts. He's not going sign off on a Trump budget that creates a trillion dollar deficit.
I'm sure that if Congress doesn't do what Trump wants, he will just fire them....or maybe tweet them to death.

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