Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

pretty much, but im thinking ACA wont be going anywhere. It will have some symbolic republican stamp on it but thats about all.
The House will repeal Obamacare and Democrats in the Senate will delay it. However, it will pass in 2017 with an implementation of the yet unknown replacement beyond the midterms, 2018 or 2019 so not much, if anything is going to change for some time.

Republicans in congress are well aware of how difficult it will be to replace Obamacare. 20 million uninsured people have gained coverage, and the law has become deeply embedded in the nation’s health care system. The president elect and Republicans in Congress have set a course of making sure no one loses their insurance, elimination of the mandatory requirement, preserving the ban against preexisting conditions, allowing young adults to remain on their parents insurance to age 26, and of course reducing cost. This is a tall order. It should be interesting to watch.

You know, those first 11 items on the bill were pretty reasonable. ACA was sold on lies though. Take preexisting conditions, I had and have one long before ACA and we went through two or three companies where I work. All insurance companies had a provision for preexisting conditions. Lies sold the kids needing to stay on until they were 26. All insurance companies have and have had provisions for kids to stay on insurance past the time they were under 18, it just required them to be in collage which my oldest found the program offered through CSU was way better then what my company could or would ever do.

What should have happened was our president should have been more concerned about doing something other then being a cool black dude, and fix shit. Obama did exactly what he accused the republicans did which was put millions of dollars into the pockets of lobbyist. ACA does not fix anything for anyone really. Those who are to poor to get insurance were only put on medicade. Issues were acesess to medical attention, this is still an issue and one thats getting worse for everyone except the political elite. Meds are expensive as hell and are getting harder for the poor to get, when most drug companies would just give the shit away. Not so now. You are right though, it is ingrained in the system and the GOP did that because they like ACA. The very least they could do is make it a law that those in government from the Bammer's on down the janitors in the capital building are subject to the same ACA those fucks inflicted on us.
No, all insurance companies did not allow young people to say on their parent's policy to 26. I had a Cigna policy through my employer that allowed children to remain on their parents policy to age 23 if they were enrolled full time in college, otherwise they could not be carried on the parents policy. Individual policies which accounted for 15% of the health insurance absolutely based policy issue on preexistence conditions. In my state you filled out a 23 page medical questionnaire followed by a physical exam. If you had cancer or a heart attack withing 5 years, there was no point applying. Even fairly minor chronic illness such as asthma and arthritis was enough to disqualify you. Once you were turned down, you could not get insurance through any other company in the state. Your option was a waiting list to get into a high risk pool, with premiums so high they made Obamacare cheap or hope you could qualify for Medicaid.

Now the ball is in the Republicans court. They will have the same problem the Democrats faced with Obamacare. The burden of paying for healthcare will be the same as with Obamacare. It's just a matter of who will pay, who will have coverage, and how good will that coverage be. I look forward to seeing what congress comes up with. It should be an interesting ride.

Why is the ball in the republicans court? We didnt screw up 200 million Americans health insurance to benefit a guys did.
Because that's the way the ball bounces. If Republicans kill Obamacare, as I'm sure they will, they will own the problem. They will have to decide how many of the 20 million people that got insurance under Obamacare will go without coverage. Who will pay the cost of no preexisting conditions and eliminating the mandatory requirement. Will they allow insurance companies to cancel policies for the very ill, establish yearly maximums, and revert back to old days when a policy holder's only option for denied benefits was to sue?

All he has to is cut out their ability to sue... Then they would become poor sick people who will die off quickly....

That is considered a success for some in the Trump Administration.
They will flip flop faster then you can say mississippi... Alot of compromise will be going on...

We wont have the same congress we had for the past 14 years.
Yeah, a 2000 mile wall will become 50 miles and 200 miles of fencing. Mass deportations will be convicted felons deported after serving their time. A trillion dollar infrastructure bill will become a hundred billion. Ryan will focus on a healthcare bill and a tax cuts. He's not going sign off on a Trump budget that creates a trillion dollar deficit.

pretty much, but im thinking ACA wont be going anywhere. It will have some symbolic republican stamp on it but thats about all.
The House will repeal Obamacare and Democrats in the Senate will delay it. However, it will pass in 2017 with an implementation of the yet unknown replacement beyond the midterms, 2018 or 2019 so not much, if anything is going to change for some time.

Republicans in congress are well aware of how difficult it will be to replace Obamacare. 20 million uninsured people have gained coverage, and the law has become deeply embedded in the nation’s health care system. The president elect and Republicans in Congress have set a course of making sure no one loses their insurance, elimination of the mandatory requirement, preserving the ban against preexisting conditions, allowing young adults to remain on their parents insurance to age 26, and of course reducing cost. This is a tall order. It should be interesting to watch.

You know, those first 11 items on the bill were pretty reasonable. ACA was sold on lies though. Take preexisting conditions, I had and have one long before ACA and we went through two or three companies where I work. All insurance companies had a provision for preexisting conditions. Lies sold the kids needing to stay on until they were 26. All insurance companies have and have had provisions for kids to stay on insurance past the time they were under 18, it just required them to be in collage which my oldest found the program offered through CSU was way better then what my company could or would ever do.

What should have happened was our president should have been more concerned about doing something other then being a cool black dude, and fix shit. Obama did exactly what he accused the republicans did which was put millions of dollars into the pockets of lobbyist. ACA does not fix anything for anyone really. Those who are to poor to get insurance were only put on medicade. Issues were acesess to medical attention, this is still an issue and one thats getting worse for everyone except the political elite. Meds are expensive as hell and are getting harder for the poor to get, when most drug companies would just give the shit away. Not so now. You are right though, it is ingrained in the system and the GOP did that because they like ACA. The very least they could do is make it a law that those in government from the Bammer's on down the janitors in the capital building are subject to the same ACA those fucks inflicted on us.
No, all insurance companies did not allow young people to say on their parent's policy to 26. I had a Cigna policy through my employer that allowed children to remain on their parents policy to age 23 if they were enrolled full time in college, otherwise they could not be carried on the parents policy.

Individual policies which accounted for 15% of the health insurance absolutely based policy issue on preexistence conditions. In my state you filled out a 23 page medical questionnaire followed by a physical exam. If you had cancer or a heart attack withing 5 years, there was no point applying. Even fairly minor chronic illness such as asthma and arthritis was enough to disqualify you. Once you were turned down, you could not get insurance through any other company in the state. Your option was a waiting list to get into a high risk pool, with premiums so high they made Obamacare cheap or hope you could qualify for Medicaid.

Now the ball is in the Republicans court. They will have the same problem the Democrats faced with Obamacare. The burden of paying for healthcare will be the same as with Obamacare. It's just a matter of who will pay, who will have coverage, and how good will that coverage be. I look forward to seeing what congress comes up with. It should be an interesting ride.

I was the guy who wrote the group and individual contracts and also underwrote them, meaning that I made the judgement about who was insurable and who was not. The age limitation for dependent children varied by state, but also varied, within the state guidelines, by what the employer was going to pay for. About 85% of the employers opted for the age 23 limit. As for the underwriting, I would decline any pregnant woman. I even declined children with tubes in their ears. Any cancer or heart disease was out of the question, even if it had been resolved. In fact, any condition likely to cost us more than you were going to pay us was a declination. HBP? High Cholesterol? Prostrate problems? Ulcer? Even allergies. Forget it. I then had a system to follow up on new insureds who passed underwriting to find out if they had misrepresented their health on the app. Any major claim in the first 2 years automatically called for getting a copy of the prior medical records from the doc, to find out when it was first diagnosed. If you had lied, then I declined the claim, refunded your premium, and rescinded your coverage. This system, BTW, is what the republicans defended for so long before and after ACA made it all illegal.
pretty much, but im thinking ACA wont be going anywhere. It will have some symbolic republican stamp on it but thats about all.
The House will repeal Obamacare and Democrats in the Senate will delay it. However, it will pass in 2017 with an implementation of the yet unknown replacement beyond the midterms, 2018 or 2019 so not much, if anything is going to change for some time.

Republicans in congress are well aware of how difficult it will be to replace Obamacare. 20 million uninsured people have gained coverage, and the law has become deeply embedded in the nation’s health care system. The president elect and Republicans in Congress have set a course of making sure no one loses their insurance, elimination of the mandatory requirement, preserving the ban against preexisting conditions, allowing young adults to remain on their parents insurance to age 26, and of course reducing cost. This is a tall order. It should be interesting to watch.

You know, those first 11 items on the bill were pretty reasonable. ACA was sold on lies though. Take preexisting conditions, I had and have one long before ACA and we went through two or three companies where I work. All insurance companies had a provision for preexisting conditions. Lies sold the kids needing to stay on until they were 26. All insurance companies have and have had provisions for kids to stay on insurance past the time they were under 18, it just required them to be in collage which my oldest found the program offered through CSU was way better then what my company could or would ever do.

What should have happened was our president should have been more concerned about doing something other then being a cool black dude, and fix shit. Obama did exactly what he accused the republicans did which was put millions of dollars into the pockets of lobbyist. ACA does not fix anything for anyone really. Those who are to poor to get insurance were only put on medicade. Issues were acesess to medical attention, this is still an issue and one thats getting worse for everyone except the political elite. Meds are expensive as hell and are getting harder for the poor to get, when most drug companies would just give the shit away. Not so now. You are right though, it is ingrained in the system and the GOP did that because they like ACA. The very least they could do is make it a law that those in government from the Bammer's on down the janitors in the capital building are subject to the same ACA those fucks inflicted on us.
No, all insurance companies did not allow young people to say on their parent's policy to 26. I had a Cigna policy through my employer that allowed children to remain on their parents policy to age 23 if they were enrolled full time in college, otherwise they could not be carried on the parents policy. Individual policies which accounted for 15% of the health insurance absolutely based policy issue on preexistence conditions. In my state you filled out a 23 page medical questionnaire followed by a physical exam. If you had cancer or a heart attack withing 5 years, there was no point applying. Even fairly minor chronic illness such as asthma and arthritis was enough to disqualify you. Once you were turned down, you could not get insurance through any other company in the state. Your option was a waiting list to get into a high risk pool, with premiums so high they made Obamacare cheap or hope you could qualify for Medicaid.

Now the ball is in the Republicans court. They will have the same problem the Democrats faced with Obamacare. The burden of paying for healthcare will be the same as with Obamacare. It's just a matter of who will pay, who will have coverage, and how good will that coverage be. I look forward to seeing what congress comes up with. It should be an interesting ride.

Why is the ball in the republicans court? We didnt screw up 200 million Americans health insurance to benefit a guys did.
Because that's the way the ball bounces. If Republicans kill Obamacare, as I'm sure they will, they will own the problem. They will have to decide how many of the 20 million people that got insurance under Obamacare will go without coverage. Who will pay the cost of no preexisting conditions and eliminating the mandatory requirement. Will they allow insurance companies to cancel policies for the very ill, establish yearly maximums, and revert back to old days when a policy holder's only option for denied benefits was to sue?

Well like 6 million plus of them could go back to there old plan that obama care kicked them off of..

The rest? Fuck them they didnt vote for Trump anyways.


Buy I am not trump..I am sure they wont lose the entitlement...since when in the history of the U.S. did someone lose an entitlement?

Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!

I just don't think Americans understand how much they benefit from all of this. They think it's only them that are losing jobs and only they are losing out, they'll find out.
It's estimated that NAFTA is responsible for the loss of half a million jobs in the US. That's a big number but when compared to the 130 million full time jobs in the US, it's less than .4%. When you consider the jobs created due to NAFTA, net job loss is less than a tenth of a percent. However, the problem is not the magnitude of the job loss but the fact it is not shared evenly economically or geographic. It is concentrated primarily in the manufacturing sector with the greatest impact on low skilled older workers.

Blaming trade treaties for job loss is a scapegoat for a much more serious problem. The biggest cause of job loss among lower skilled workers is the growth of technology. Putting tariffs on imports to force American consumers and businesses to buy American is not the solution. Any decrease in imports due to tariffs would just force business to seek other low cost producers abroad or build highly automated plants, neither of which would help these workers.
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!

I just don't think Americans understand how much they benefit from all of this. They think it's only them that are losing jobs and only they are losing out, they'll find out.
It's estimated that NAFTA is responsible for the loss of half a million jobs in the US. That's a big number but when compared to the 130 million full time jobs in the US, it's less than .4%. When you consider the jobs created due to NAFTA, net job loss is less than a tenth of a percent. However, the problem is not the magnitude of the job loss but the fact it is not shared evenly economically or geographic. It is concentrated primarily in the manufacturing sector with the greatest impact on low skilled older workers.

Blaming trade treaties for job loss is a scapegoat for a much more serious problem. The biggest cause of job loss among lower skilled workers is the growth of technology. Putting tariffs on imports to force American consumers and businesses to buy American is not the solution. Any decrease in imports due to tariffs would just force business to seek other low cost producers abroad or build highly automated plants, neither of which would help these workers.

Yes, You're right about there being bigger problems. The biggest is the US seems to be aiming for low paid jobs, and aims education at this, and these low paid jobs are competing with China and the like. Soon China will be high tech and the US can have those low paid jobs, while the Chinese benefit from this.
I find it fascinating how the Trumpetts are on some kind of a crusade to keep low skilled jobs from moving out of the country, when they are destined to be replaced by robots anyway. The problem is motivation and education, not the loss of the guy's job who used to hold the "slow" sign at road construction sites.
The House will repeal Obamacare and Democrats in the Senate will delay it. However, it will pass in 2017 with an implementation of the yet unknown replacement beyond the midterms, 2018 or 2019 so not much, if anything is going to change for some time.

Republicans in congress are well aware of how difficult it will be to replace Obamacare. 20 million uninsured people have gained coverage, and the law has become deeply embedded in the nation’s health care system. The president elect and Republicans in Congress have set a course of making sure no one loses their insurance, elimination of the mandatory requirement, preserving the ban against preexisting conditions, allowing young adults to remain on their parents insurance to age 26, and of course reducing cost. This is a tall order. It should be interesting to watch.

You know, those first 11 items on the bill were pretty reasonable. ACA was sold on lies though. Take preexisting conditions, I had and have one long before ACA and we went through two or three companies where I work. All insurance companies had a provision for preexisting conditions. Lies sold the kids needing to stay on until they were 26. All insurance companies have and have had provisions for kids to stay on insurance past the time they were under 18, it just required them to be in collage which my oldest found the program offered through CSU was way better then what my company could or would ever do.

What should have happened was our president should have been more concerned about doing something other then being a cool black dude, and fix shit. Obama did exactly what he accused the republicans did which was put millions of dollars into the pockets of lobbyist. ACA does not fix anything for anyone really. Those who are to poor to get insurance were only put on medicade. Issues were acesess to medical attention, this is still an issue and one thats getting worse for everyone except the political elite. Meds are expensive as hell and are getting harder for the poor to get, when most drug companies would just give the shit away. Not so now. You are right though, it is ingrained in the system and the GOP did that because they like ACA. The very least they could do is make it a law that those in government from the Bammer's on down the janitors in the capital building are subject to the same ACA those fucks inflicted on us.
No, all insurance companies did not allow young people to say on their parent's policy to 26. I had a Cigna policy through my employer that allowed children to remain on their parents policy to age 23 if they were enrolled full time in college, otherwise they could not be carried on the parents policy. Individual policies which accounted for 15% of the health insurance absolutely based policy issue on preexistence conditions. In my state you filled out a 23 page medical questionnaire followed by a physical exam. If you had cancer or a heart attack withing 5 years, there was no point applying. Even fairly minor chronic illness such as asthma and arthritis was enough to disqualify you. Once you were turned down, you could not get insurance through any other company in the state. Your option was a waiting list to get into a high risk pool, with premiums so high they made Obamacare cheap or hope you could qualify for Medicaid.

Now the ball is in the Republicans court. They will have the same problem the Democrats faced with Obamacare. The burden of paying for healthcare will be the same as with Obamacare. It's just a matter of who will pay, who will have coverage, and how good will that coverage be. I look forward to seeing what congress comes up with. It should be an interesting ride.

Why is the ball in the republicans court? We didnt screw up 200 million Americans health insurance to benefit a guys did.
Because that's the way the ball bounces. If Republicans kill Obamacare, as I'm sure they will, they will own the problem. They will have to decide how many of the 20 million people that got insurance under Obamacare will go without coverage. Who will pay the cost of no preexisting conditions and eliminating the mandatory requirement. Will they allow insurance companies to cancel policies for the very ill, establish yearly maximums, and revert back to old days when a policy holder's only option for denied benefits was to sue?

Well like 6 million plus of them could go back to there old plan that obama care kicked them off of..

If the ACA is terminated all health care insurance plans in America would end. No insurance company would continue to support or offer plans that conform to ACA regulations without those regulations being in place.

Ending the ACA would not bring back the laws from before the ACA. Those laws are long gone.

That would go for employee plans, too.
Simpletons gonna think in simple terms.

It's common sense. It feels so good! Let's do it!!!
Hey look its super capitalist lone.laughter! He loves our trade deals and is a libertarians free market capitalist in the extreme!
Simpletons gonna think in simple terms.

It's common sense. It feels so good! Let's do it!!!
Hey look its super capitalist lone.laughter! He loves our trade deals and is a libertarians free market capitalist in the extreme!

I understand the need for the trade deals. It isn't simple. It has to do with being the country who gets to.make the rules. Killing TPP gives that honor to China when it comes to the region. Brilliant.

And....I am a capitalist. You are correct.
You know, those first 11 items on the bill were pretty reasonable. ACA was sold on lies though. Take preexisting conditions, I had and have one long before ACA and we went through two or three companies where I work. All insurance companies had a provision for preexisting conditions. Lies sold the kids needing to stay on until they were 26. All insurance companies have and have had provisions for kids to stay on insurance past the time they were under 18, it just required them to be in collage which my oldest found the program offered through CSU was way better then what my company could or would ever do.

What should have happened was our president should have been more concerned about doing something other then being a cool black dude, and fix shit. Obama did exactly what he accused the republicans did which was put millions of dollars into the pockets of lobbyist. ACA does not fix anything for anyone really. Those who are to poor to get insurance were only put on medicade. Issues were acesess to medical attention, this is still an issue and one thats getting worse for everyone except the political elite. Meds are expensive as hell and are getting harder for the poor to get, when most drug companies would just give the shit away. Not so now. You are right though, it is ingrained in the system and the GOP did that because they like ACA. The very least they could do is make it a law that those in government from the Bammer's on down the janitors in the capital building are subject to the same ACA those fucks inflicted on us.
No, all insurance companies did not allow young people to say on their parent's policy to 26. I had a Cigna policy through my employer that allowed children to remain on their parents policy to age 23 if they were enrolled full time in college, otherwise they could not be carried on the parents policy. Individual policies which accounted for 15% of the health insurance absolutely based policy issue on preexistence conditions. In my state you filled out a 23 page medical questionnaire followed by a physical exam. If you had cancer or a heart attack withing 5 years, there was no point applying. Even fairly minor chronic illness such as asthma and arthritis was enough to disqualify you. Once you were turned down, you could not get insurance through any other company in the state. Your option was a waiting list to get into a high risk pool, with premiums so high they made Obamacare cheap or hope you could qualify for Medicaid.

Now the ball is in the Republicans court. They will have the same problem the Democrats faced with Obamacare. The burden of paying for healthcare will be the same as with Obamacare. It's just a matter of who will pay, who will have coverage, and how good will that coverage be. I look forward to seeing what congress comes up with. It should be an interesting ride.

Why is the ball in the republicans court? We didnt screw up 200 million Americans health insurance to benefit a guys did.
Because that's the way the ball bounces. If Republicans kill Obamacare, as I'm sure they will, they will own the problem. They will have to decide how many of the 20 million people that got insurance under Obamacare will go without coverage. Who will pay the cost of no preexisting conditions and eliminating the mandatory requirement. Will they allow insurance companies to cancel policies for the very ill, establish yearly maximums, and revert back to old days when a policy holder's only option for denied benefits was to sue?

Well like 6 million plus of them could go back to there old plan that obama care kicked them off of..

If the ACA is terminated all health care insurance plans in America would end. No insurance company would continue to support or offer plans that conform to ACA regulations without those regulations being in place.

Ending the ACA would not bring back the laws from before the ACA. Those laws are long gone.

That would go for employee plans, too.
And that is exactly why Republicans will have to come up with a replacement and not just a repeal. Considering the problems and the backlash Democrats suffered, I suspect that changes are not going to be near as great as most people believe.

Assuming insurance companies are not piling up huge profits from Obamacare, which they aren't, the methods to lower cost are limited. Basically, the coverage can be reduced, sick people can be denied coverage, or government subsidies can be increased. None of which is a very good option for Republicans.

Regional healthcare exchanges could increase completion, however that would require changes in state laws and regulations across the country. With profits only about 8.5% for best selling plans and 22% losses for the less successful plans, one has to question how much would increased competition reduce costs without significant reduction in benefits.

Limits on malpractice awards, once republicans solution to rising healthcare cost has been implemented in 28 states. The result have been cost reductions in the single digits.

The bottom line is that if America wants significant reductions in their insurance premiums on the order of 10%, it's going to cost them in terms of benefits and availability and that will be a political nightmare for Republicans.
The Impact of State Laws Limiting Malpractice Damage Awards on Health Care Expenditures
Only a third of these Obamacare insurers made money on their plans in 2014
Last edited:
No, all insurance companies did not allow young people to say on their parent's policy to 26. I had a Cigna policy through my employer that allowed children to remain on their parents policy to age 23 if they were enrolled full time in college, otherwise they could not be carried on the parents policy. Individual policies which accounted for 15% of the health insurance absolutely based policy issue on preexistence conditions. In my state you filled out a 23 page medical questionnaire followed by a physical exam. If you had cancer or a heart attack withing 5 years, there was no point applying. Even fairly minor chronic illness such as asthma and arthritis was enough to disqualify you. Once you were turned down, you could not get insurance through any other company in the state. Your option was a waiting list to get into a high risk pool, with premiums so high they made Obamacare cheap or hope you could qualify for Medicaid.

Now the ball is in the Republicans court. They will have the same problem the Democrats faced with Obamacare. The burden of paying for healthcare will be the same as with Obamacare. It's just a matter of who will pay, who will have coverage, and how good will that coverage be. I look forward to seeing what congress comes up with. It should be an interesting ride.

Why is the ball in the republicans court? We didnt screw up 200 million Americans health insurance to benefit a guys did.
Because that's the way the ball bounces. If Republicans kill Obamacare, as I'm sure they will, they will own the problem. They will have to decide how many of the 20 million people that got insurance under Obamacare will go without coverage. Who will pay the cost of no preexisting conditions and eliminating the mandatory requirement. Will they allow insurance companies to cancel policies for the very ill, establish yearly maximums, and revert back to old days when a policy holder's only option for denied benefits was to sue?

Well like 6 million plus of them could go back to there old plan that obama care kicked them off of..

If the ACA is terminated all health care insurance plans in America would end. No insurance company would continue to support or offer plans that conform to ACA regulations without those regulations being in place.

Ending the ACA would not bring back the laws from before the ACA. Those laws are long gone.

That would go for employee plans, too.
And that is exactly why Republicans will have to come up with a replacement and not just a repeal. Considering the problems and the backlash Democrats suffered, I suspect that changes are not going to be near as great as most people believe.

Assuming insurance companies are not piling up huge profits from Obamacare, which they aren't, the methods to lower cost are limited. Basically, the coverage can be reduced, sick people can be denied coverage, or government subsidies can be increased. None of which is a very good option for Republicans.

Regional healthcare exchanges could increase completion, however that would require changes in state laws and regulations across the country. With profits only about 8.5% for best selling plans and 22% losses for the less successful plans, one has to question how much would completion will reduce costs without significant reduction in benefits.

Limits on malpractice awards, once republicans solution to rising healthcare cost has been implemented in 28 states. The result have been cost reductions in the single digits.

The bottom line is that if America wants significant reductions in their insurance premiums on the order of 10% to 15%, it's going to cost them in terms of benefits and availability and that will be a political nightmare for Republicans.
The Impact of State Laws Limiting Malpractice Damage Awards on Health Care Expenditures
Only a third of these Obamacare insurers made money on their plans in 2014

I agree with you there, these malpractice awards are way out of hand.
In my dreams ? Ryan himself as well as the McCarthy guy from California, John McCain,Mitch McConnell and many, many more have already said Trumps agenda is going nowhere. News guys diddnt say they said iy, they flat out said it on the news.

They will flip flop faster then you can say mississippi... Alot of compromise will be going on...

We wont have the same congress we had for the past 14 years.
Yeah, a 2000 mile wall will become 50 miles and 200 miles of fencing. Mass deportations will be convicted felons deported after serving their time. A trillion dollar infrastructure bill will become a hundred billion. Ryan will focus on a healthcare bill and a tax cuts. He's not going sign off on a Trump budget that creates a trillion dollar deficit.

pretty much, but im thinking ACA wont be going anywhere. It will have some symbolic republican stamp on it but thats about all.
The House will repeal Obamacare and Democrats in the Senate will delay it. However, it will pass in 2017 with an implementation of the yet unknown replacement beyond the midterms, 2018 or 2019 so not much, if anything is going to change for some time.

Republicans in congress are well aware of how difficult it will be to replace Obamacare. 20 million uninsured people have gained coverage, and the law has become deeply embedded in the nation’s health care system. The president elect and Republicans in Congress have set a course of making sure no one loses their insurance, elimination of the mandatory requirement, preserving the ban against preexisting conditions, allowing young adults to remain on their parents insurance to age 26, and of course reducing cost. This is a tall order. It should be interesting to watch.

You know, those first 11 items on the bill were pretty reasonable. ACA was sold on lies though. Take preexisting conditions, I had and have one long before ACA and we went through two or three companies where I work. All insurance companies had a provision for preexisting conditions. Lies sold the kids needing to stay on until they were 26. All insurance companies have and have had provisions for kids to stay on insurance past the time they were under 18, it just required them to be in collage which my oldest found the program offered through CSU was way better then what my company could or would ever do.

What should have happened was our president should have been more concerned about doing something other then being a cool black dude, and fix shit. Obama did exactly what he accused the republicans did which was put millions of dollars into the pockets of lobbyist. ACA does not fix anything for anyone really. Those who are to poor to get insurance were only put on medicade. Issues were acesess to medical attention, this is still an issue and one thats getting worse for everyone except the political elite. Meds are expensive as hell and are getting harder for the poor to get, when most drug companies would just give the shit away. Not so now. You are right though, it is ingrained in the system and the GOP did that because they like ACA. The very least they could do is make it a law that those in government from the Bammer's on down the janitors in the capital building are subject to the same ACA those fucks inflicted on us.
You were in a better position because of your employer.

Requiring that the kids be in college is NOT a general solution.

As an individual, I couldn't buy insurance at all, because of a preexisting condition.

Congress has specifically blocked the idea of shopping for lower priced meds. So, Canada has far lower prices!

I'm all in favor of there being one system. The idea of congress giving us one system and then setting themselves up with something else is not acceptable.

Frankly, having Medicare, Medicaid, VA and ACA is ridiculous. One system should be enough. The VA could become a unit that focuses on the problems that are so pronounced with those who have been in war zones.

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