Trump accuses Clinton of starting ‘birther’ movement

You keep saying that over and over, post after post, but it is not true. You are distorting what the media has reported as rumor and there has never even been a link to Hillary or her campaign in the myth. Just an "anonymous supporter". Not even an original email.
I don;t think you know how to comprehend me stating that Hilary supporters where the ones that started the birther issue. Hell even the OP link states it was Hillary supporters that started it. : “[w]hile it’s true that some of her ardent supporters pushed the theory, What more do you need to accept the fact that it was indeed Hillary Supporters that initiated the theory? SMFH
You are deflecting. Trump didn't accuse the supporters. He accused Hillary directly. That means he is implying collusion between Hillary and a supporter. He can not back up that claim and neither can you. That is why it is a lie. Trump is a liar.
Trump can't even factually establish its a hillary supporter. As its anonymous email.

Let alone that Hillary had a thing to do with it.

But still LR believes. And applies a steaming pile of horseshit as his basis of reasoning: that any anonymous email by someone claiming to be a Hillary supporter defines the support or the candidate if they don't denounce it.

I've already found anonymous emails from people claiming to be Trump supporters that back everything from a Flat Earth to White Nationalism. And Trump hasn't denounced any of it.

Thus by LR's batshit logic.....Trump supports them all.
EVERY MEDIA OUTLET HAS ESTABLISHED IT WAS A HILLARY SUPPORTER. Trump doesn't need to establish anything about it. SMFH

Your comprehensive inability is more hilarious than anything, please keep showing just how inept you are, its rather amusing watching you make yourself look like the fool. SMFH
If you are an example of the defense team that will support Trump as his lies are pounced on one by one he is in big trouble.
WOW, what you claim to be a lie is nothing more than your own ideological ignorance, all the while dismissing Clintons failed attempt to push a lie, but hey it's just one liar against another, but yours isn't looked at as one by yourself. gofigure SMFH
And by 'word games', you mean citing the ACTUAL quotes rather than your hallucinatory paraphrases that don't include the words you're imagining?

Neither your quote of Hillary nor your quote of the OP said jack shit about 'started'.

You did. Now either you're so incompetent as to be incapable of understanding a single sentence. Or you're intentionally lying.

Pick one.

Then name the Hillary SUpporter. If the evidence is so clear and the case so rock solid, this will be trivial.

If you can't, nor factually establish that the anonymous email was written by a Hillary'll give us more snivelling excuses.

Because I can straight up quote Birther Trump backing that brain dead idiocy. And now the GOP is the Birther Party. They'll have to polish the turds that Trump shit out on the topic. Turds like this:

But the stupidity that plopped out of Trump's mouth is Hillary's fault? much for the party of 'personal responsibility'.
:YAWN: you're finding Trump's support of white nationalism to be boring? Or are you just wiping your ass with your own standard again?

Lets here what old Birther Trump has to say on the matter, shall we?

"He doesn't have a birth certificate. He may have one, but there's something on that, maybe religion, maybe it says he is a Muslim," Trump told Fox News in 2011. "I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want that."

And this is the man that is the GOP presidential nominee. The GOP is now officially the birther party.
Trump supports white nationalism? Hilarious.

I found an anonymous email by one of his 'supporters' who backs white nationalism. Trump has never condemned it. Thus, by your insane, batshit standards.......Trump supports white natioalism.

Laughing....what? You standards don't apply to Birther Trump?
Submit it to the media and become an investigative journalist, I'm sure you would become the greatest ever. :YAWN:

Then how can you possibly establish that the anonymous email came from a hillary supporter....if you have no idea who it came from?

Logic isn't your strong point, is it?

Oh, and lets apply your 'logic' yet again and laugh as you flee:

I found an anonymous email by one of his 'supporters' who backs white nationalism. Trump has never condemned it. Thus, by your insane, batshit standards.......Trump supports white nationalism.

Laughing....what? You standards don't apply to Birther Trump?

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
The Clinton supporter didn't start the questioning of Obama's citizenship....the supporter found the conspiracy out there on the internet from the time of Obama's run for the Illinois Senate, put out there by his opponent.
Hell even the OP link states it was Hillary supporters that started it. : “[w]hile it’s true that some of her ardent supporters pushed the theory,

That doesn't say that Hillary Supporters started the birther movement. you know what 'started' means? How its spelled? Because you keep hallucinating that word into quotes where it simply doens't exist.

What more do you need to accept the fact that it was indeed Hillary Supporters that initiated the theory? SMFH

The name of the Hilary supporter that started the Birther Conspiracy.

You know, the same thing I asked you to provide us no less than 4 times already. How many times do I need to ask you for the same name....before you're capable of comprehending the question?

A dozen? A hundred? Does the number involve an exponent?
Do your own research, every article out there that talks about it, states it was Hillary Supporters that, started/initiated/or any other word you can think of, the theory of Obama not being a "natural-born citizen".

Translation: you've got jack shit.

Gee, how did I know that was coming. Since you failed utterly to back any of your rambling horseshit about Hillary starting the birther conspiracy, show us where Hillary said that Trump started the Birther conspiracy.

That's what you insisted she said. You weren't lying your ass off, were you? Then just show us the quote.

The rest of your inane ramblings are amusing though. :YAWN:

And by 'inane ramblings' you mean applying your own batshit logic?

Laughing....if even you're going to abandon your own ignorant jibbering and treat them like the garbage they are....surely you'll understand if we treat your claims the same way.
Since you've shown yourself to incapable of comprehending basic English, it was Hillary Supporters that started it, if you translate that to Hillary only, I'm afraid your more of a moron than I thought, but hey, don;t let me keep you from looking even dumber as you profess inane stupidity.

If it was Hillary supporters that started the birther them. WIth evidence. You can't as you have no idea what you're talking about. And there is no such evidence.

Oh, and speaking of us where Hillary said that Trump started the Birther conspiracy.

Laughing......or shall we just add that to the growing rhetorical pile of horseshit tha tyou've spewed and then desperately abandoned? You're not very good at this, are you?
What the fuck are you having an issue with? Every article and media piece about it states it was Hillary Supporters that sent out the email, your ability to accept reality is simply your own issue. If you don;t accept what is reality then call every article writer and media outlet and tell them you are right and they are all wrong. :YAWN:
I don;t think you know how to comprehend me stating that Hilary supporters where the ones that started the birther issue. Hell even the OP link states it was Hillary supporters that started it. : “[w]hile it’s true that some of her ardent supporters pushed the theory, What more do you need to accept the fact that it was indeed Hillary Supporters that initiated the theory? SMFH
You are deflecting. Trump didn't accuse the supporters. He accused Hillary directly. That means he is implying collusion between Hillary and a supporter. He can not back up that claim and neither can you. That is why it is a lie. Trump is a liar.
Trump can't even factually establish its a hillary supporter. As its anonymous email.

Let alone that Hillary had a thing to do with it.

But still LR believes. And applies a steaming pile of horseshit as his basis of reasoning: that any anonymous email by someone claiming to be a Hillary supporter defines the support or the candidate if they don't denounce it.

I've already found anonymous emails from people claiming to be Trump supporters that back everything from a Flat Earth to White Nationalism. And Trump hasn't denounced any of it.

Thus by LR's batshit logic.....Trump supports them all.
EVERY MEDIA OUTLET HAS ESTABLISHED IT WAS A HILLARY SUPPORTER. Trump doesn't need to establish anything about it. SMFH

Your comprehensive inability is more hilarious than anything, please keep showing just how inept you are, its rather amusing watching you make yourself look like the fool. SMFH
If you are an example of the defense team that will support Trump as his lies are pounced on one by one he is in big trouble.
WOW, what you claim to be a lie is nothing more than your own ideological ignorance, all the while dismissing Clintons failed attempt to push a lie, but hey it's just one liar against another, but yours isn't looked at as one by yourself. gofigure SMFH

Speaking of ideological ignorance.....when is Trump going to denounce the White nationalists that some of his 'supporters' back? Or to use your insane, batshit logic.....when is Trump going to stop supporting White Nationalism?

Oh, and where did Hillary say that Trump started the birther conspiracy? You didn't lie to us *again* with that horseshit, did you LR? you're finding Trump's support of white nationalism to be boring? Or are you just wiping your ass with your own standard again?

Lets here what old Birther Trump has to say on the matter, shall we?

"He doesn't have a birth certificate. He may have one, but there's something on that, maybe religion, maybe it says he is a Muslim," Trump told Fox News in 2011. "I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want that."

And this is the man that is the GOP presidential nominee. The GOP is now officially the birther party.
Trump supports white nationalism? Hilarious.

I found an anonymous email by one of his 'supporters' who backs white nationalism. Trump has never condemned it. Thus, by your insane, batshit standards.......Trump supports white natioalism.

Laughing....what? You standards don't apply to Birther Trump?
Submit it to the media and become an investigative journalist, I'm sure you would become the greatest ever. :YAWN:

Then how can you possibly establish that the anonymous email came from a hillary supporter....if you have no idea who it came from?

Logic isn't your strong point, is it?

Oh, and lets apply your 'logic' yet again and laugh as you flee:

I found an anonymous email by one of his 'supporters' who backs white nationalism. Trump has never condemned it. Thus, by your insane, batshit standards.......Trump supports white nationalism.

Laughing....what? You standards don't apply to Birther Trump?

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
How you can deny what every article in regards to who started the birther claim being Hillary Supporters is hilarious. Why would I "run" from your inept stupidity? I find it hilarious you are so inept that you keep wanting something that is already known fact to be backed up when all you have to do is type in to google and find what is reality.
That doesn't say that Hillary Supporters started the birther movement. you know what 'started' means? How its spelled? Because you keep hallucinating that word into quotes where it simply doens't exist.

The name of the Hilary supporter that started the Birther Conspiracy.

You know, the same thing I asked you to provide us no less than 4 times already. How many times do I need to ask you for the same name....before you're capable of comprehending the question?

A dozen? A hundred? Does the number involve an exponent?
Do your own research, every article out there that talks about it, states it was Hillary Supporters that, started/initiated/or any other word you can think of, the theory of Obama not being a "natural-born citizen".

Translation: you've got jack shit.

Gee, how did I know that was coming. Since you failed utterly to back any of your rambling horseshit about Hillary starting the birther conspiracy, show us where Hillary said that Trump started the Birther conspiracy.

That's what you insisted she said. You weren't lying your ass off, were you? Then just show us the quote.

The rest of your inane ramblings are amusing though. :YAWN:

And by 'inane ramblings' you mean applying your own batshit logic?

Laughing....if even you're going to abandon your own ignorant jibbering and treat them like the garbage they are....surely you'll understand if we treat your claims the same way.
Since you've shown yourself to incapable of comprehending basic English, it was Hillary Supporters that started it, if you translate that to Hillary only, I'm afraid your more of a moron than I thought, but hey, don;t let me keep you from looking even dumber as you profess inane stupidity.

If it was Hillary supporters that started the birther them. WIth evidence. You can't as you have no idea what you're talking about. And there is no such evidence.

Oh, and speaking of us where Hillary said that Trump started the Birther conspiracy.

Laughing......or shall we just add that to the growing rhetorical pile of horseshit tha tyou've spewed and then desperately abandoned? You're not very good at this, are you?
What the fuck are you having an issue with? Every article and media piece about it states it was Hillary Supporters that sent out the email, your ability to accept reality is simply your own issue. If you don;t accept what is reality then call every article writer and media outlet and tell them you are right and they are all wrong. :YAWN:

Its a cartoon simple question: how can you factually establish that the anonymous email was written by a Hillary supporter...if you don't have a clue wrote it?

THINK. Its not that hard. We both know the answer. Its just fun to watch you desperately try and flee from it. you're finding Trump's support of white nationalism to be boring? Or are you just wiping your ass with your own standard again?

Lets here what old Birther Trump has to say on the matter, shall we?
And this is the man that is the GOP presidential nominee. The GOP is now officially the birther party.
Trump supports white nationalism? Hilarious.

I found an anonymous email by one of his 'supporters' who backs white nationalism. Trump has never condemned it. Thus, by your insane, batshit standards.......Trump supports white natioalism.

Laughing....what? You standards don't apply to Birther Trump?
Submit it to the media and become an investigative journalist, I'm sure you would become the greatest ever. :YAWN:

Then how can you possibly establish that the anonymous email came from a hillary supporter....if you have no idea who it came from?

Logic isn't your strong point, is it?

Oh, and lets apply your 'logic' yet again and laugh as you flee:

I found an anonymous email by one of his 'supporters' who backs white nationalism. Trump has never condemned it. Thus, by your insane, batshit standards.......Trump supports white nationalism.

Laughing....what? You standards don't apply to Birther Trump?

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
How you can deny what every article in regards to who started the birther claim being Hillary Supporters is hilarious. Why would I "run" from your inept stupidity? I find it hilarious you are so inept that you keep wanting something that is already known fact to be backed up when all you have to do is type in to google and find what is reality.

Then who was this Hillary supporter? Name them. If you can't tell us who they were.....then can you possibly claim that they were a hillary supporter?

This is a cartoon simple question. And it stumps you cold.

Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to show us where Hillary said that Trump started the birther conspiracy. This is the 6th.....or 7th time I've asked you to back your batshit nonsense?

And you've run every time.
New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

Weigel writes: “In December 2007, a Clinton campaign worker named Judy Rose sent an e-mail asking whether Obama was a secret Muslim who intended to destroy America from the inside. She was fired and denounced.”

Here’s what Weigel doesn’t tell his readers:

  1. The email wasn’t meant for public consumption. It was an internal email sent to just a handful of Democrats.
  2. Rose was only fired after the media discovered the email.
  3. Rose wasn’t merely a “Clinton campaign worker,” she was the volunteer chair of the Clinton campaign in Jones County, Iowa.
  4. A second Clinton staffer resigned just a few days later for the same offense.
  5. The emails were sent just a little more than a month before the crucial January of 2008 Iowa Caucus, which Hillary lost.
Once you do what the mainstream media refuses: put all the facts together as I did here, only those who don’t believe in science would let Hillary off the hook.

Here are the facts:

  1. More than a full year before anyone would hear of Orly Taitz, the Birther strategy was first laid out in the Penn memo.
  2. The “othering” foundation was built subliminally by the Clinton campaign itself.
  3. Democrats and Clinton campaign surrogates did the dirtiest of the dirty work: openly spread the Birther lies.
  4. Staffers in Hillary’s actual campaign used email to spread the lies among other Democrats (this was a Democrat primary after all — so that is the only well you needed to poison a month before a primary).
  5. The campaign released the turban photo.
  6. Hillary herself used 60 Minutes to further stoke these lies.
Of course Hillary Clinton is the grandmother of the Birther Movement. But now that she might be the only thing between a Republican and the White House, Dave Weigel’s reverting back to JournoList form, as is the rest of the media.
Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart
The Clinton supporter didn't start the questioning of Obama's citizenship....the supporter found the conspiracy out there on the internet from the time of Obama's run for the Illinois Senate, put out there by his opponent.
It wasn't put out by his opponent, there was an article that used Obama's own words from his book Dreams From My Father (1995) stating he was born in Kenya. One could argue that it was Obama's own book that was the original birther claim stated by non-other than Obama himself.
The Clinton supporter didn't start the questioning of Obama's citizenship....the supporter found the conspiracy out there on the internet from the time of Obama's run for the Illinois Senate, put out there by his opponent.
It wasn't put out by his opponent, there was an article that used Obama's own words from his book Dreams From My Father (1995) stating he was born in Kenya. One could argue that it was Obama's own book that was the original birther claim stated by non-other than Obama himself.
Actually Obama was the first birther way back in 1991.
Trump supports white nationalism? Hilarious.

I found an anonymous email by one of his 'supporters' who backs white nationalism. Trump has never condemned it. Thus, by your insane, batshit standards.......Trump supports white natioalism.

Laughing....what? You standards don't apply to Birther Trump?
Submit it to the media and become an investigative journalist, I'm sure you would become the greatest ever. :YAWN:

Then how can you possibly establish that the anonymous email came from a hillary supporter....if you have no idea who it came from?

Logic isn't your strong point, is it?

Oh, and lets apply your 'logic' yet again and laugh as you flee:

I found an anonymous email by one of his 'supporters' who backs white nationalism. Trump has never condemned it. Thus, by your insane, batshit standards.......Trump supports white nationalism.

Laughing....what? You standards don't apply to Birther Trump?

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
How you can deny what every article in regards to who started the birther claim being Hillary Supporters is hilarious. Why would I "run" from your inept stupidity? I find it hilarious you are so inept that you keep wanting something that is already known fact to be backed up when all you have to do is type in to google and find what is reality.

Then who was this Hillary supporter? Name them. If you can't tell us who they were.....then can you possibly claim that they were a hillary supporter?

This is a cartoon simple question. And it stumps you cold.

Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to show us where Hillary said that Trump started the birther conspiracy. This is the 6th.....or 7th time I've asked you to back your batshit nonsense?

And you've run every time.
I've run every time? LMFAO :YAWN:
Oh yee of memory's of a gnat....

If you watched your own video, you'd so that it doesn't show Clinton making any birther statements. :slap:

If you had half a brain you would see that it was a CLINTON SUPPORTER who first started the claims. Thus, it wasn't Trump which is what you morons have been claiming.
This is American patriot Steve McGarrett. I'm back after a week in the hospital. I see my fellow patriots need help. I am here to serve. Here we go. The big Hillary supporter who got the birther ball rolling was attorney Phil Berg, a Democrat former deputy attorney general out of Philadelphia.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!
Berg brought it up in 2007, which is why the Hillary Supporters circulated the email in 2008 based on his theory as a last ditch effort to discredit Obama. Politics as usual. Had Skylar done basic research..... wouldn't look so much the fool. imjusayn
This is American patriot Steve McGarrett. I'm back after a week in the hospital. I see my fellow patriots need help. I am here to serve. Here we go. The big Hillary supporter who got the birther ball rolling was attorney Phil Berg, a Democrat former deputy attorney general out of Philadelphia.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!

Just couldn't resist, could you? :lol:

I was just about to post a memorial service thread for you, man.
The Clinton supporter didn't start the questioning of Obama's citizenship....the supporter found the conspiracy out there on the internet from the time of Obama's run for the Illinois Senate, put out there by his opponent.
It wasn't put out by his opponent, there was an article that used Obama's own words from his book Dreams From My Father (1995) stating he was born in Kenya. One could argue that it was Obama's own book that was the original birther claim stated by non-other than Obama himself.
Actually Obama was the first birther way back in 1991.
Nice to see you back. Folks have been speculating you were dead or getting a new monkey heart.
If you had half a brain you would see that it was a CLINTON SUPPORTER who first started the claims. Thus, it wasn't Trump which is what you morons have been claiming.

Read the OP's link and every article out there about it, they all accept it was a Hillary Supporter that sent out an email claiming Obama wasn't eligible for office based on Phillip Bergs (D) theory.

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