Trump accuses Crooked Hillary of money laundering over rigged primary,asks "where is Jeff Sessions?"

It's your party so whatever, but are you saying that you don't feel that they "tricked" you by even bothering to run Sanders as a "viable" or "potential" candidate? Why didn't they just dispense with the games and say "you get Clinton" rather than piss off Sanders fans by rigging the system. I can tell you that a shit-ton of my buddies went nuts over Sanders getting railroaded, they've sworn off the D party and gone I because of that shit, a number of them even voted for Trump they were so mad at the DNC...
lock her up already, "Donald J. Trump"!

Donna Brazile was the 1st to suggest it by claiming Hillary 'bought' the DNC and used cash intended for other politicians to fund her losing campaign.
It's your party so whatever, but are you saying that you don't feel that they "tricked" you by even bothering to run Sanders as a "viable" or "potential" candidate? Why didn't they just dispense with the games and say "you get Clinton" rather than piss off Sanders fans by rigging the system. I can tell you that a shit-ton of my buddies went nuts over Sanders getting railroaded, they've sworn off the D party and gone I because of that shit, a number of them even voted for Trump they were so mad at the DNC...
What was "the fix"?
Clinton won the the primary vote among the key demographics by nearly 4 million votes!

What fix?
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lock her up already, "Donald J. Trump"!


I wish he’d stop thinking about that Hellary. Let other people do that bidding.
Now Buck, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown cannot forget about Hillary. She received nearly 3 million more votes than he did, and opened up the question as to how one can lose by that margin, and still end up in the White House. Russian strategy based on the archaic Electoral College, and the appeal to the bigotry of the lowest kind of people. Now, the question is, what did the old clown promise Russia in return? Something that may amount to Treason? We shall see.
How do you think small DEM states like Hawaii/Pen./RI etc would react if the EC was gone?
YA RIGHT!!!!!!..........asshole!
Every DEM insider I've seen on TV the last couple of days have stated that BONOBO left the DNC in debt and never lifted a fucking finger to help pay off the DNC debt.
Hilary basically bought what was left of the DNC so she could 100% control it. Which she did.
Another of BONOBO's great Presidential achievements. Just like his stellar work helping inner city negro shitholes.
It's your party so whatever, but are you saying that you don't feel that they "tricked" you by even bothering to run Sanders as a "viable" or "potential" candidate? Why didn't they just dispense with the games and say "you get Clinton" rather than piss off Sanders fans by rigging the system. I can tell you that a shit-ton of my buddies went nuts over Sanders getting railroaded, they've sworn off the D party and gone I because of that shit, a number of them even voted for Trump they were so mad at the DNC...
What was "the fix"?
Clinton won the the primary vote among the key demographics by nearly 4 million votes!

What fix?
The problem is the election was about who got the most EC votes asshole!
Someone should have told that to the fag Mook who refused to go to Wisconsin because "have you seen the way 'those people' dress!?"."Have you ever smelt the air near 'those people's' farms?".
If you don't like the EC then go to the small DEM states like R.I. and try to convince them to give up their EC votes.
Good luck making it out of the state alive!
If President Trump wants to win in 2020, he better get Jeff Sessions to start draining the swamp. Simple. We want results.

Session has started to look like the wrong man for the job, he has now recused himself from the Uranium one investigation. Drain him too

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It's your party so whatever, but are you saying that you don't feel that they "tricked" you by even bothering to run Sanders as a "viable" or "potential" candidate? Why didn't they just dispense with the games and say "you get Clinton" rather than piss off Sanders fans by rigging the system. I can tell you that a shit-ton of my buddies went nuts over Sanders getting railroaded, they've sworn off the D party and gone I because of that shit, a number of them even voted for Trump they were so mad at the DNC...
What was "the fix"?
Clinton won the the primary vote among the key demographics by nearly 4 million votes!

What fix?
The problem is the election was about who got the most EC votes asshole!
Someone should have told that to the fag Mook who refused to go to Wisconsin because "have you seen the way 'those people' dress!?"."Have you ever smelt the air near 'those people's' farms?".
If you don't like the EC then go to the small DEM states like R.I. and try to convince them to give up their EC votes.
Good luck making it out of the state alive!

The problem is the election was about who got the most EC votes asshole!
The topic isn't the EC, dope.

Trump accuses Crooked Hillary of money laundering over rigged primary,asks "where is Jeff Sessions?"
Could somebody tell CNN, ABC, NBC & CBS who Donna Brazile is?

"If you want to test a man’s character, give him power." ― Abraham Lincoln

"I'm the only one that matters." -- Donald Trump
the DNC gave Crazy Bernie a lesson is socialism. they took votes he earned and gave them to Crooked Hillary!
I'm beginning to think I died at some point after the 2016 election, and am stuck in some eternal hell, doomed to relive it over and over.
Which system is rigged? The Democrat primary which was awards delegates proportionally or a Republican system that awards all delegates to the winner who gets 32% of the vote? It was the Republican primary which was rigged. Illinois holds a straw poll but does not award delegates according to the straw poll. Caucus states like Iowa hold a straw poll and were forced to award delegates based on that straw poll.

Both parties go to lengths to rig elections for the establishment's hand picked candidate who can be controlled once elected. They don't want the uppity American people choosing.

The Republicans are much worse. Democrats have required proportional representation for some time. It gives the people more say than they did in Republican primaries. In Mississippi, Sanders got only 19% of the vote and still got 19% of the delegates. Trump got less than 50% and got all the delegates.
the DNC gave Crazy Bernie a lesson is socialism. they took votes he earned and gave them to Crooked Hillary!

How did they do that? If the DNC is so powerful then how did Obama beat Clinton? The primaries were not rigged. Sanders got about 44% of the primary vote and he lost.

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