Trump accuses Crooked Hillary of money laundering over rigged primary,asks "where is Jeff Sessions?"

Which system is rigged? The Democrat primary which was awards delegates proportionally or a Republican system that awards all delegates to the winner who gets 32% of the vote? It was the Republican primary which was rigged. Illinois holds a straw poll but does not award delegates according to the straw poll. Caucus states like Iowa hold a straw poll and were forced to award delegates based on that straw poll.
Which system is rigged? The Democrat primary which was awards delegates proportionally or a Republican system that awards all delegates to the winner who gets 32% of the vote? It was the Republican primary which was rigged. Illinois holds a straw poll but does not award delegates according to the straw poll. Caucus states like Iowa hold a straw poll and were forced to award delegates based on that straw poll.

Both parties go to lengths to rig elections for the establishment's hand picked candidate who can be controlled once elected. They don't want the uppity American people choosing.
lock her up already, "Donald J. Trump"!


Sessions is laying low hoping the FBI doesn't come knocking over his lies about meetings.
Does anyone remember Trump accusing the GOP of rigging the primaries? lol, I do.

Why isn't he still crying about that?
Does anyone remember Trump accusing the GOP of rigging the primaries? lol, I do.

Why isn't he still crying about that?
Trump also whined non-stop that the general election was rigged.

Then he and the psuedocons went radio silent when it turned out it was rigged in his favor by Putin.

"No votes were changed by THAT rigging!"
It would be a shame if this latest Clinton scandal diminishes the possibility of a Chelsea presidency.
"The rigged Dem Primary, one of the biggest political stories in years, got ZERO coverage on Fake News Network TV last night. Disgraceful!" - Trump
I think it's pathetic that you hacks don't give a shit that parties pick your candidates. Then you fucks have the gall to bitch at people who vote third party as "wasting their votes"

Fuck both of your corrupt parties.
It would be a shame if this latest Clinton scandal diminishes the possibility of a Chelsea presidency.

See, given the last few "scandals", this doesn't even rise to the level of a scandal. There will be no investigations or any roadblocks thrown up over this. This is plain old, level one diversion tactics.
I think it's pathetic that you hacks don't give a shit that parties pick your candidates. Then you fucks have the gall to bitch at people who vote third party as "wasting their votes"

Fuck both of your corrupt parties.

What do you imagine the purpose of a party is if not to select and work to further their candidate?
I think it's pathetic that you hacks don't give a shit that parties pick your candidates. Then you fucks have the gall to bitch at people who vote third party as "wasting their votes"

Fuck both of your corrupt parties.

What do you imagine the purpose of a party is if not to select and work to further their candidate?

Ummm, you're supposed to wait til after the primary before selecting a candidate.
Was she wire tapping to? I think she learned how to do it from Obama.
I think it's pathetic that you hacks don't give a shit that parties pick your candidates. Then you fucks have the gall to bitch at people who vote third party as "wasting their votes"

Fuck both of your corrupt parties.

What do you imagine the purpose of a party is if not to select and work to further their candidate?

Ummm, you're supposed to wait til after the primary before selecting a candidate.

Really? It's a mutually beneficial relationship.
The party is only as powerful as their candidate. Even without the fact that Clinton has been a party loyalist for 40+ years, the latest revelations have shown the party needed Clinton just to survive. No one was in a position to save them but Clinton. No matter what you think of national political parties, their purpose is to select a candidate to further their agenda, support that candidate and create momentum to carry them to foreward to the next election. If you believe there was no strife in the RNC with a field of 17, you're high.

Donald Trump is right: The Republican nominating process is a scam

Trump blasts 'rigged' rules on picking Republican delegates

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