Trump accuses Crooked Hillary of money laundering over rigged primary,asks "where is Jeff Sessions?"

"The rigged Dem Primary, one of the biggest political stories in years, got ZERO coverage on Fake News Network TV last night. Disgraceful!" - Trump

Clinton got 55% of the primary vote and got the nomination. I guess Trump is too stupid to realize that 55% beats 44%.
Which system is rigged? The Democrat primary which was awards delegates proportionally or a Republican system that awards all delegates to the winner who gets 32% of the vote? It was the Republican primary which was rigged. Illinois holds a straw poll but does not award delegates according to the straw poll. Caucus states like Iowa hold a straw poll and were forced to award delegates based on that straw poll.

Both parties go to lengths to rig elections for the establishment's hand picked candidate who can be controlled once elected. They don't want the uppity American people choosing.

The Republicans are much worse. Democrats have required proportional representation for some time. It gives the people more say than they did in Republican primaries. In Mississippi, Sanders got only 19% of the vote and still got 19% of the delegates. Trump got less than 50% and got all the delegates.

I'm talking about House and Senate seats, and this rigging continues on down the line all through state government. I lived in NY for years and watched this.

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