Trump Ad Mocks ‘Feminist’ Hillary For Palling Around With Weiner, Cosby, and Her Husband

I'm talking about when Trump and the Clintons were good pals, and he was praising Hillary as early ago as 2012.

Hey, even Trump can have a lapse in judgment every now and then... :p

His lapse in judgement only lasted decades, and only ended three years ago. Sounds legit.
Bill Clinton's sexual predator behavior has lasted decades and still hasn't stopped...

Wait... Earlier you were criticizing liberals for the "what about someone else" deflections. :eek:
Wait... Earlier you were criticizing liberals for the "what about someone else" deflections. :eek:
Who did I just talk about? Ummm...Hillary and Bill Clinton.
WHO is this thread about? Ummmm, Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Keep up, son.
Bill isn't running. Keep up, son.
Bill, by default and the fact that he is married to Hillary, is relevant and part of the deal, son.

I know it scares the beejeezus out of Liberals, but Slick Willey - his past, his sexual deviancy, his LIES (I did not have sex with that woman), his Law Suit, His contempt of court and disbarment, his Impeachment - ALL OF IT is relevant in this election!
Anthony Weiner never broke any laws...
Nope, he was just another liberal pervert...before and after he left office...jjst like Slick Willey.

Trumps sexual shenanigans have been much worse than Weiners

Want to go over Marla Maples again?
Go for it.....however, it does not take away from Trump's point.

I find it funny how Liberals do not simply acknowledge the actions of their own candidates. There is always a 'but what about (someone else)' thrown in as if a justification / excuse for their own reps actions.

Trump is criticizing Anthony Weiner?

Trump has no problem palling around with convicted rapist Mike Tyson but criticizes Hillary for palling around with Bill Cosby?


Hell, if I were Trump I would be braggin' about that while showing a picture of Lewinski to remind people of Bill's 'Bimbo' (ie, Hillary referring to Bill's 'Bimbo Eruptions').


(Just kidding. Still funny how Liberals can't simply accept / acknowledge their own reps' actions instead of HAVING to respond by saying, "But what about 'X'' in an attempt to justify their actions.)
I agree with you that it's a little hypocritical, BUT It's absolutely KILLING you that Trump's ad is RIGHT ON TARGET, isn't it, RW?!

You are about to lose your mind posting, 'But what about...'s!
I agree with you that it's a little hypocritical, BUT It's absolutely KILLING you that Trump's ad is RIGHT ON TARGET, isn't it, RW?!

You are about to lose your mind posting, 'But what about...'s!
Not at all

People in glass houses should not throw stones.
Trumps personal life is the most vulnerable of any candidate
Trump Ad Mocks 'Feminist' Hillary For Palling Around With Weiner, Cosby, and Her Husband - Breitbart

"Using a clip from one of Hillary’s most famous speeches, one from 1995 where she equated women’s rights to human rights, this just-released Trump video puts Hillary’s words over images of the Clintons’ sick reality: photos of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary-supporter Bill Cosby, and serial-sexter Anthony Weiner, who is married to Huma Abedein, Hillary’s chief aide."

Too bad he couldn't get pictures of her foreign donors who oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation on the video...
I wonder if he makes fun of Melania for hanging out with HIM?
Trump Ad Mocks 'Feminist' Hillary For Palling Around With Weiner, Cosby, and Her Husband - Breitbart

"Using a clip from one of Hillary’s most famous speeches, one from 1995 where she equated women’s rights to human rights, this just-released Trump video puts Hillary’s words over images of the Clintons’ sick reality: photos of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary-supporter Bill Cosby, and serial-sexter Anthony Weiner, who is married to Huma Abedein, Hillary’s chief aide."

Too bad he couldn't get pictures of her foreign donors who oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation on the video...
I wonder if he makes fun of Melania for hanging out with HIM?

I wonder how much free time you have that you ended up in a thread from two and a half years ago before you found something to comment on.

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