Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

For every black vote Trump earns from this, he'll lose 3 from his base for cozying up to the brown folk.

LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gain republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
We get crap either way. If, God forbid, Trump wins we'll get a huckster buffoon, a man who can't help swinging at every pitch, a shallow thinking egomaniac who has never worked in any cause except the promotion of himself.

If Sec. Clinton wins, we'll get four years of a scandal plagued administration largely primed by the hatred and disdain the Right Wing has for her personally. This will handcuff her administration and prevent any real progress this nation needs.
For every black vote Trump earns from this, he'll lose 3 from his base for cozying up to the brown folk.

LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gain republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
We get crap either way. If, God forbid, Trump wins we'll get a huckster buffoon, a man who can't help swinging at every pitch, a shallow thinking egomaniac who has never worked in any cause except the promotion of himself.

If Sec. Clinton wins, we'll get four years of a scandal plagued administration largely primed by the hatred and disdain the Right Wing has for her personally. This will handcuff her administration and prevent any real progress this nation needs.

Trump a shallow thinker?...LOL.... I think you're the shallow one
For every black vote Trump earns from this, he'll lose 3 from his base for cozying up to the brown folk.

LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gain republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
We get crap either way. If, God forbid, Trump wins we'll get a huckster buffoon, a man who can't help swinging at every pitch, a shallow thinking egomaniac who has never worked in any cause except the promotion of himself.

If Sec. Clinton wins, we'll get four years of a scandal plagued administration largely primed by the hatred and disdain the Right Wing has for her personally. This will handcuff her administration and prevent any real progress this nation needs.

Trump a shallow thinker?...LOL.... I think you're the shallow one
Trump's policies on immigration seem to reflect the attitudes of the last person he talked to. He does not seem to form and hold an opinion of his own. He flits around like a wind sock in a hurricane. And when he does speak, he rants like Castro on meth.
For every black vote Trump earns from this, he'll lose 3 from his base for cozying up to the brown folk.

LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gain republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
We get crap either way. If, God forbid, Trump wins we'll get a huckster buffoon, a man who can't help swinging at every pitch, a shallow thinking egomaniac who has never worked in any cause except the promotion of himself.

If Sec. Clinton wins, we'll get four years of a scandal plagued administration largely primed by the hatred and disdain the Right Wing has for her personally. This will handcuff her administration and prevent any real progress this nation needs.

Trump a shallow thinker?...LOL.... I think you're the shallow one
Trump's policies on immigration seem to reflect the attitudes of the last person he talked to. He does not seem to form and hold an opinion of his own. He flits around like a wind sock in a hurricane. And when he does speak, he rants like Castro on meth.

You're delusional son..How'd you like the speech? You care to comment on the topic?:dunno:
For every black vote Trump earns from this, he'll lose 3 from his base for cozying up to the brown folk.

LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gain republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
We get crap either way. If, God forbid, Trump wins we'll get a huckster buffoon, a man who can't help swinging at every pitch, a shallow thinking egomaniac who has never worked in any cause except the promotion of himself.

If Sec. Clinton wins, we'll get four years of a scandal plagued administration largely primed by the hatred and disdain the Right Wing has for her personally. This will handcuff her administration and prevent any real progress this nation needs.

Trump a shallow thinker?...LOL.... I think you're the shallow one
Trump's policies on immigration seem to reflect the attitudes of the last person he talked to. He does not seem to form and hold an opinion of his own. He flits around like a wind sock in a hurricane. And when he does speak, he rants like Castro on meth.

From one of the best articles I've read in a very long time:

On immigration, Beltway Republicans and liberal Democrats have formed an unholy alliance to swamp the United States with illegal aliens. They provide an endless supply of cheap labor while millions live on government assistance — bankrupting local hospitals, schools and city budgets.

We are under invasion. Whether the number is 11 million (which I don’t believe) or 20 million or even 30 million, illegal immigrants pose a clear and present danger. Our southern border is a bleeding sore. Illegals are stealing jobs, driving down wages and draining vital government resources. Countless murderers, rapists and drug smugglers are pouring across. Crime has exploded in inner cities; the Mexican drug cartels have effectively annexed parts of the border, enabling narcotics to flow unabated into our communities and schools. The result is an unprecedented heroin epidemic across large swathes of New England and the Midwest.

Islamic terrorists are virtually entering at will. ISIL is now in all 50 states; more radical Islamists — from Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Libya — keep coming in every day. Our ruling class’ obsession with open borders and multiculturalism is a recipe for national suicide.

This is why Trump’s call to secure the borders and build a massive wall along Mexico is perhaps his most important proposal. If we do not stop this invasion, then America — as we know it — will cease to exist. The United States will be transformed into a Third-World basket case: a lawless, impoverished and bankrupt nation overrun with criminals, drug lords, terrorists and parasites.

Borders define a country, just as a person’s home is defined by its property lines; strip away its borders and the nation — for all intents and purposes — disappears.

The dirty little secret about Trump can be summed up in one word: ‘Landslide’
For every black vote Trump earns from this, he'll lose 3 from his base for cozying up to the brown folk.

LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gain republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
We get crap either way. If, God forbid, Trump wins we'll get a huckster buffoon, a man who can't help swinging at every pitch, a shallow thinking egomaniac who has never worked in any cause except the promotion of himself.

If Sec. Clinton wins, we'll get four years of a scandal plagued administration largely primed by the hatred and disdain the Right Wing has for her personally. This will handcuff her administration and prevent any real progress this nation needs.

Trump a shallow thinker?...LOL.... I think you're the shallow one
Trump's policies on immigration seem to reflect the attitudes of the last person he talked to. He does not seem to form and hold an opinion of his own. He flits around like a wind sock in a hurricane. And when he does speak, he rants like Castro on meth.

You're delusional son..How'd you like the speech? You care to comment on the topic?:dunno:
oo little, too late. He won't sweep up many African American votes with that speech. Especially when he has already told African Americans are living in poverty, fear and betrayal.
For every black vote Trump earns from this, he'll lose 3 from his base for cozying up to the brown folk.

LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gain republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
We get crap either way. If, God forbid, Trump wins we'll get a huckster buffoon, a man who can't help swinging at every pitch, a shallow thinking egomaniac who has never worked in any cause except the promotion of himself.

If Sec. Clinton wins, we'll get four years of a scandal plagued administration largely primed by the hatred and disdain the Right Wing has for her personally. This will handcuff her administration and prevent any real progress this nation needs.

Trump a shallow thinker?...LOL.... I think you're the shallow one
Trump's policies on immigration seem to reflect the attitudes of the last person he talked to. He does not seem to form and hold an opinion of his own. He flits around like a wind sock in a hurricane. And when he does speak, he rants like Castro on meth.

From one of the best articles I've read in a very long time:

On immigration, Beltway Republicans and liberal Democrats have formed an unholy alliance to swamp the United States with illegal aliens. They provide an endless supply of cheap labor while millions live on government assistance — bankrupting local hospitals, schools and city budgets.

We are under invasion. Whether the number is 11 million (which I don’t believe) or 20 million or even 30 million, illegal immigrants pose a clear and present danger. Our southern border is a bleeding sore. Illegals are stealing jobs, driving down wages and draining vital government resources. Countless murderers, rapists and drug smugglers are pouring across. Crime has exploded in inner cities; the Mexican drug cartels have effectively annexed parts of the border, enabling narcotics to flow unabated into our communities and schools. The result is an unprecedented heroin epidemic across large swathes of New England and the Midwest.

Islamic terrorists are virtually entering at will. ISIL is now in all 50 states; more radical Islamists — from Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Libya — keep coming in every day. Our ruling class’ obsession with open borders and multiculturalism is a recipe for national suicide.

This is why Trump’s call to secure the borders and build a massive wall along Mexico is perhaps his most important proposal. If we do not stop this invasion, then America — as we know it — will cease to exist. The United States will be transformed into a Third-World basket case: a lawless, impoverished and bankrupt nation overrun with criminals, drug lords, terrorists and parasites.

Borders define a country, just as a person’s home is defined by its property lines; strip away its borders and the nation — for all intents and purposes — disappears.

The dirty little secret about Trump can be summed up in one word: ‘Landslide’
To sm up, be afraid, be very afraid. Red meat for the paranoid Right Wng and the White Nationalist AltRight.

I ain't buyin' the fear you're sellin'.
LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gain republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
We get crap either way. If, God forbid, Trump wins we'll get a huckster buffoon, a man who can't help swinging at every pitch, a shallow thinking egomaniac who has never worked in any cause except the promotion of himself.

If Sec. Clinton wins, we'll get four years of a scandal plagued administration largely primed by the hatred and disdain the Right Wing has for her personally. This will handcuff her administration and prevent any real progress this nation needs.

Trump a shallow thinker?...LOL.... I think you're the shallow one
Trump's policies on immigration seem to reflect the attitudes of the last person he talked to. He does not seem to form and hold an opinion of his own. He flits around like a wind sock in a hurricane. And when he does speak, he rants like Castro on meth.

You're delusional son..How'd you like the speech? You care to comment on the topic?:dunno:
oo little, too late. He won't sweep up many African American votes with that speech. Especially when he has already told African Americans are living in poverty, fear and betrayal.

They are living in POVERTY, FEAR and have been deeply betrayed. You limousine liberals have used and abused African Americans for over 50 yrs and the results are ABYSMAL.

Diamond and Silks Rebuttal to Hillary Speech. "She Is Not Our Slave Master"
LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gain republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
We get crap either way. If, God forbid, Trump wins we'll get a huckster buffoon, a man who can't help swinging at every pitch, a shallow thinking egomaniac who has never worked in any cause except the promotion of himself.

If Sec. Clinton wins, we'll get four years of a scandal plagued administration largely primed by the hatred and disdain the Right Wing has for her personally. This will handcuff her administration and prevent any real progress this nation needs.

Trump a shallow thinker?...LOL.... I think you're the shallow one
Trump's policies on immigration seem to reflect the attitudes of the last person he talked to. He does not seem to form and hold an opinion of his own. He flits around like a wind sock in a hurricane. And when he does speak, he rants like Castro on meth.

You're delusional son..How'd you like the speech? You care to comment on the topic?:dunno:
oo little, too late. He won't sweep up many African American votes with that speech. Especially when he has already told African Americans are living in poverty, fear and betrayal.

He can work with real pastors like that good man at his church:cool:
Crooked Hillary's profound corruption, ruthlessness even within her own party, assorted play for pay schemes in which she made herself and Slick Willie hundreds of millions of dollars at the expense of American citizens is because of the "vast right wing conspiracy?" :p Folks it is one thing to be low information, it is another to be brainwashed by Crooked Hillary herself. Why the fuck do democrats not think for themselves?
Leftwing hit piece. It will probably be debunked in a few hours and retracted.

The left is hysterical.

LAst week they were blathering all over themselves about how Trump did not ever address a black audience, and now that he is and will continue to do so, they blubber that "deees iss small groups and days don count no how"

Libtards - the sweat in Americas ass crack.

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