Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Source: PoliticusUSA

Donald Trump’s appearance at an African-American church in Detroit went wrong, as the congregation rejected Trump by not showing up to hear him speak.

Read more: Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Man, what a dumbass!!!! Trump is such a loon and fake that no one with a real brain wishes to be seen with him.

Wow, happened to Trump once. Hillary's been lying about attendance at her rallys for the whole primary. Clinton campaign falsifying rally attendance numbers (side by side comparison with Sanders)
Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Source: PoliticusUSA

Donald Trump’s appearance at an African-American church in Detroit went wrong, as the congregation rejected Trump by not showing up to hear him speak.

Read more: Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Man, what a dumbass!!!! Trump is such a loon and fake that no one with a real brain wishes to be seen with him.

Wow, happened to Trump once. Hillary's been lying about attendance at her rallys for the whole primary. Clinton campaign falsifying rally attendance numbers (side by side comparison with Sanders)
Exposed Hillary Clinton Rallies are Staged Fake Caught On Camera!

Clearly, that was what you were thinking. Obviously more than the first few rows were filled.

Wow, maybe 75 people, many of them his security team. I love the expression of the woman to his left. Maybe Trump had just farted.
It's killing you, isn't it. During August Hillary's support among women, Hispanics and liberals has fallen sharply, and now her last bastion of strong support, African Americans, is welcoming Trump.
You are fooling yourself, just like Correll and Vigilante did earlier, if you think she is collapsing. She is certainly not. She needs 36 EVs in todays polls, and Trump has not budged from the 116 he needs.
It is far from over, but she is clearly trending down, and it is hard to see how she can reverse this trend since her campaign has no substance and is entirely dependent of Trump making huge gaffes which he is clearly not making anymore. All the stories about Trump are affirmative and positive, his visit to Mexico, a strong clear speech on illegal immigration and now this visit to the Detroit church, and all the stories about Hillary lately are negative. If Hillary continues to depend on going negative on Trump, she will lose his election. She must begin to give voters affirmative reasons for voting for her if she hopes to win this election.
You are substituting your assertions ("campaign has no substance" and "dependent of Trump making huge gaffes" that he will not make anymore. That is your spin on Trump and Mexico, Trump and immigration, Trump and the black church.

You are hoping, but understand those are hopes, not facts.

I think (my assertion) is that the debates are becoming even more key.

But one of your implied assertions is one I agree with: the election is Hillary ~ to lose or win.

If she gets her act together better, Trump will be in hot water again.
I didn't just make these things up. If you look at the graph of national polls on RCP, you will see that Hillary's two big surges came when Trump made huge mistakes, attacking the Hispanic judge of his Trump University lawsuit and attacking Khan. The graph shows that when Trump is not making those kinds of mistakes, Hillary's support just flatlines. Also, Trump supporters will often tell you they support Trump because of one of his policies, but only rarely do you find a Clinton supporter who tells you he or she supports Hillary because of one of the policies she proposes in this election. Hence, Trump has given his supporters affirmative reasons to vote for him, but Hillary has failed to give her supporters affirmative reasons to vote for her. That's what I mean by her campaign having no substance.

As I see it, there are three factors working against Hillary. First, she has done such a terrible job of handling the controversy over her emails/server that instead of just fading away, it continues to grow until now there is hardly a day that goes by without something coming out that casts doubt on her honesty and judgement.

Second, since Clinton has largely failed to imbue in her supporters affirmative reasons for voting for her, if Trump continues to avoid making huge gaffes, the negative stories about her that are now pouring out will cause much of her support to wilt.

Third, Hillary has antagonized the press by refusing to hold press conferences for so long and now that the email/server controversy has grown to such a pitch, if she does have one, she is sure to be savaged by them if she continues to be evasive or dishonest. On the other hand, if she continues to avoid press conferences, she will look weak and guilty and that will cost her support.

The debates can be crucial if one or the other wins decisively, but if they split the debates, then the election will be decided by three groups of voters: those who vote for Trump, those who vote for Clinton and those who vote for a third party candidate or who decide just not to vote. So even if Trump does not pick up much more support, if Clinton continues to lose support, states like Virginia, for example, will fall into the Trump column.
He did a great job:cool:

The Left are freaking because black people are supporting The Donald.

They're supporting what he said..He reaffirmed, we are a Christian nation, and the black church is a big part of that.....this country is not secular like the leftist :cool:

We are a secular country, but a nation of Christians.

We have a secular government, we're not a secular nation..
The debates can be crucial if one or the other wins decisively, but if they split the debates, then the election will be decided by three groups of voters: those who vote for Trump, those who vote for Clinton and those who vote for a third party candidate or who decide just not to vote. So even if Trump does not pick up much more support, if Clinton continues to lose support, states like Virginia, for example, will fall into the Trump column.

This is what I've been saying all along. You can cite this poll or that poll, but what really matters is who inspirers their supporters to come out and vote.

While there is no crystal ball to accurately predict that, what we can note is the attendance of supporters of each candidate.

Hillary has problems selling out a high school basketball court. Trump is packing people into professional sports arenas with standing room only. It's clear where the enthusiasm is.

Nobody is tuning in to hear what Hil-Liar has to say. Trump gets ratings no matter what network he has interviews on.

Trump brings something new to the political stage. Hillary is just dragging the same old worn out promises that every politician gave us.
  • No Media is Reporting What Just Happened to Trump in Detroit So We Will…

    Conservative Post ^ | 9/3/2016 | AM
    Media doesn’t quite know what to do with the prayer shawl — and standing ovation — the GOP nominee received following his speech to an historically black church in Detroit. Donald Trump spoke at the Great Faith Ministries Church in Detroit on Saturday. The church was super happy to have him here… Everybody did really enjoy his speech. Donald Trump ended with a bible verse: I’d like to conclude with a passage from First John, Chapter 4: You know it! You see most groups I speak to don’t know that. But we know. If you want we can say it...
Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Source: PoliticusUSA

Donald Trump’s appearance at an African-American church in Detroit went wrong, as the congregation rejected Trump by not showing up to hear him speak.

Read more: Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Man, what a dumbass!!!! Trump is such a loon and fake that no one with a real brain wishes to be seen with him.

Trump is no Lincoln or Reagan--and it's pretty obvious to see that in his rhetoric.

Do whatever needs done to get elected. I doubt Trump believes all the religious hocus pocus crap. xtianity is the downfall of America.
For every black vote Trump earns from this, he'll lose 3 from his base for cozying up to the brown folk.
For every black vote Trump earns from this, he'll lose 3 from his base for cozying up to the brown folk.

LOL..He'll gain votes, the latest polls show he's gaining republican support..Poor boy, this is gonna hurt you bad when Trump wins:cool:
Trump was speaking from the heart...I don't think Hillary is capable of such a thing. She panders, shes a fraud
He did a great job:cool:

The Left are freaking because black people are supporting The Donald.

They're supporting what he said..He reaffirmed, we are a Christian nation, and the black church is a big part of that.....this country is not secular like the leftist :cool:

We are a secular country, but a nation of Christians.

We are a nation-state, a Judeo-Christian nation with a secular state.

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